The Town Talk from Alexandria, Louisiana (2024)

or 7:15 blinds. 'most any or siX 01 on bus car. m. V5 Phone ALEXANDRIA DAILY TOWN TALK, ALEXANDRIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1945 TWO TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST -Eight ration books, C. R.

Rowden. Phone 2-1245 or 6358. Reward. 7-23-3tdtl HEART CEDAR WOOD awnings made to order. Slats-0- wood Awning Company, Postoffice Box 743, Jennings Louisiana.

7-7-21tdtl BE PATRIOTIC Fly the U.S. flag. Size 3x5, $1.19. Town Talk office. 5-22-tfdtl ROOM AND SALARY to soldier's wife in exchange for care of baby.

Phone 6142. 7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE- International half-ton pickup truck: runs good; first class tires; at OPA ceiling of $248. L. H. Butter.

Forest Hill. Phone 15X. 7-23-3tdtl SIGNS, BULLETINS, SHOW CARDS Complete Neon Service PHILLIPS NEON AND SIGN SERVICE 1803 RAPIDES DIAL 6698 7-19-10tdtl FOR RENT- Furnished room. kitchen privilege. 1224 Rapides.

Phone 2-1765. 7-20-6tdtl REFRIGERATION SERVICE Commercial, residential. Washing machines repaired. Stevenson Refrigeration Service, 1208 Washington. Phone 3006.

Night 3056. 5-3-tfdtl WANTED- To buy nice five or six-room home in good residential section. Will pay cash. Answer Box 20, care Town Talk. 7-24-2tdtl FOR RENT -Light housekeeping room.

1031 Thirteenth street. 7-25-2tdtl WANTED Ride daily from Paradise to Alexandria; arrive 9 a. m. and leave at 6. Call 6502 after 7:30.

Mrs. Klose. 7-25-2tdtl WANTED Salesman not over 30 years old. Must graduate of agricultural college. Louisiana territory.

Straight salary and expenses, Give full particulars first letter. Write Box 171, care Town Talk. 7-21-12tdtl WANTED -Unfurnished house in Alexandria; will take good care; no drinking; good references; must have soon. Call 4478 between 8-12. 1-6.

Ask for Mr. Hopson, Jameson Motor Company. 7-21-6tdtl FOR RENT- One-room apartment, Horseshoe Drive. Phone 2-1291. 7-25-ltd MOTORCYCLE-1939 Indian Chief for sale, H.

French, Tioga, La. 7-25-3tdtl FOR SALE- Two lots. 50x130, on MaryA avenue, Kent Addition; $600. Phone 3879. Mrs.

Head. 7-25-21dtl FOR RENT -Large housekeeping room: everything furnished. Pineville. Phone 5146. 7-25-2tdtl WANTED -Congenial enlisted couple to share five-room house.

Mrs. Shaffer, 408 Twenty-third street. 7-25-2tdtl FOR SALE -Five-room house, two porches, three and a quarter acres land. Good well; on mail and bus route: two good milch cows and calves. Wardville, La.

J. H. Price. 7-25-3tdtl FOR RENT--Private bedroom, close in. 1315 Murray.

7-25-2tdtl ROOM FOR RENT. 1018 Chester street; attic ventilation. Phone 5928 after 5 p. m. 7-25-3tdtl FOR SALE Attic fan, 42-inch: new, price $150.

Phone 5588 after 6:30. 7-25-11d FOR RENT- Large bedroom; private entrance, connecting bath. 412 Eighth street. 7-25-ltd ELECTRIC FAN wanted at once. Pay top price.

Phone 2-1006. 7-25-3tdtl LOST -Lady's brown leather billfold. Reward. Call 6480. Mrs.

R. E. Putnam. 7-25-2tdtl NICE ROOM adjoining bath: private entrance. 2300 Hill.

Phone '3168. 7-25-1td PERMANENT WAVES given by experienced operators at the Band Box Beauty Salon. Special attention for those with difficult hair. Have your hair styled in cool comfort today. Phone 4962.

7-23-8tdtl WANTED--Experienced beauty operator with following, Good proposition to right party, Your application held in confidence. Apply in person at the Band Box Beauty Salon, Haas building, Fourth and Johnston streets. 7-23-3tdtl THREE SPECIAL Wednesday Thursday Friday Free brake inspection; adjusting brakes, fill master cylin, der, repack front wheels, Mobiloil change, wash and grease, $4.25. Front end work, reline brakes, motor tune-up. E.

L. Hazleton, Mechanic Red Hall Service Station Seventh and Murray 7-24-3tdtl Funeral Rites Set for Fernand Mouton LAFAYETTE, July 25- (P)- Funeral services for Fernand Mouton, who served as lieutenant governor of Louisiana from 1916 to 1920 during the administration of Ruppin Pleasant, will be held today at 5:00 p. m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist with interment in St.

John's Cemetery. Ill for several years, he died at the age of 67 at his residence here Tuesday morning. Survivors include his widow, nee Sadie Louise Mouton: four sons, Welton P. Mouton and Maurice Mouton of Lafayette Cpl. Louis F.

Mouton of Camp Beale, and Corporal James Gilman Mouton, U. S. Army Air Forces in France; two daughters, Misses Sadie Louise and Eloise Mouton, both of Lafayette; two sisters, Mrs. Arthur Martin of Lafayette and Mrs. Sidney J.

Martin of Lafayette parish, and one half brother, Sully Broussard of Lafayette. Realty Sales Filed Here Total $18,029 Five real estate sales valued at $18,029.70 were placed in the records of Clerk of Court J. F. Beaman yesterday. The largest transfer was by James M.

McLemore et al to Wallace P. DeNux, frontage on Hill street, near Hickory street, $11,500. Mrs. Katherine D. Fogleman sold to Walter J.

Morgan lot 13, block 9, fronting 50 feet on Vance avenue, Hill Addition, $5,974.70. Other sales were Jessie Cole to Lewis B. Bailey, three acres in John L. Head tract in section 27. 5 north.

1 east. $500. William E. Ward to Edwin Miller. half acre in lot 22.

McMain subdivision, section 52, 4 north, 1 east, $30. Joseph L. Burlem to Church of God, Big Island, land in section 3, 4 north, 3 east, $25. All American types of turrets used in aircraft, with one or two exceptions, are equipped with Browning machine guns. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY NEAR TIOGA Five-room home, lights, gas and local water; on highway 71; with three and a half acres: price with small cash down payment.

New three-room home: lights and local water; price with two acres of land, small cash down payment; fronts gravel near Tioga school. S. R. Cummins or T. S.

Howell Phone: Office 3763, Home 8961 7-23-25-27 FLOOR waxing and general housecleaning. 928 Wheelock. Jeff Toliver. 7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE- -Galvanized cistern. 60-barrel, slightly used, $55.

Postoffice Box 266. Cheneyville, La. 7-16-tfdtl-mo-we-fr REGISTER NOW FOR YOUR POST-WAR SINGER FULL DETAILS AT OUR STORE Singer Sewing Machine Co. 1022 Fourth Street, Alexandria 7-11-tfdtl FOR RENT- -Nice large room, close in. 1130 Ninth street or 1128 Eighth street.

7-20-tfdtl WANTED- Three-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished: civilian couple with 8-year-old girl. Permanent. Phone 4186. 7-23-3tdtl-eod IRONS AND FANS cleaned and repaired; work called for and delivered. City Furniture Company, 1340 Rapides avenue.

Dial 6143. 6-7-tfdtl EXPERT RADIO REPAIR SERVICE. Phone 4595. 7-25-2tdtl FOR SALE-1936 Chevrolet two-door sedan, Under OPA ceiling. after 6 p.

m. 7-25-ltd WANTED- Good cook. Mrs. Robert Bolton, 2039 Thornton Court. Phone 5432.

7-25-2tdtl FOR RENT- E. Efficiency apartment, cVerything furnished. including utilities. $2.50 per day. Phone 2-2806.

7-25-1td WANTED- Maid for general housework, $12 week. Apply 119 Park Place Drive. Mrs. Coco. 7-25-2tdtl FOR RENT TO two couples, house, completely furnished: eleven miles from Alexandria; also eleven miles from Camp Claiborne: on good road.

Phone 2-2806. 7-25-1td WANTED -To buy lawn mower. Phone 9419. 7-25-2tdtl LOST- -Scarf pin. with initials KEJ.

Please phone Katherine Jacobs, 7598. 7-25-3tdtl SPOT CASH for YOUR CAR No Delay CANTRELL'S Parking Lot Fifth and Washington 7-25-2tdtl FURNISHED apartment, close to Esler Field and Livingston. Phone 7124. 7-25-ltd FURNISHED APARTMENT two couples; over office building. Phone 8219, 10 to 12.

7-25-21dtl FOR SALE--Baby bed and mattress, practically new. Phone 5525. SHINERS Third and Madison Streets 7-25-41dtl FOR SALE Automobile cooler. Fits all cars. Phone 4652.

7-25-ltd FOR SALE--Large sorrel horse. good saddle gaits; coming 8 years; make excellent plantation horse for $85. Louis S. Gray, on Magnolia Park road. 7-25-3tdtl PRICE IGNITION SERVICE New Location 1001 MONROE at Railroad Open for servicing brakes, motor repair; also have used parts.

7-25-1td MALE WORERS SUBJECT TO PRIORITY REFERRAL MUST BE REFERRED BY THE UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OR OTHER NATED REFERRAL CHANNELS AND MAY BE HIRED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION REGULATIONS GOVERNING AAILABILITY. 8-1-tfdtl BAYWOOD DRIVE One of the nicest houses in Baywood Addition. Immediate possession. $5,400. NEIL DASPIT Realtor PHONE 2-1291 Horseshoe Drive 7-25-1td FOR SALE- Four acres with six-room home: bath, pantry, large front porch; city, lights and water: barn, garage, chicken houses; all under fence.

Half mile from city limits of Pineville on Wardville bus line. $4,000. Phone 2-1117. E. D.

Leete, opposite Ward's Store, Wardville road, Pineville. 7-24-2tdtl PEACHES Last Week to Get Canning Peaches SPECIAL AT $2.50 BUSHEL Pineville Fruit Stand 7-25-1td LA SALLE COURTS AND CAFE, curb service. 3200 Lee street. Under new management. Modern cabins.

rates $10 and $12.50 week. We take children but no dogs. 24-hour bus service. Phone 9176 or 2-2038. Dan Welch, manager.

FOR SALE IN CRAWFORD ADDITION Jam-up five-room house, completely furnished with best of everything, including new seven-foot General Electric refrigerator, Magic Chef range, ready to move in tonight. Even the dishes, tableware and linens go in deal. House is neat and clean. Recently redeco- rated. Hurry! CHARLES N.

WHITE REALTOR Phone Office 7031, or 7154 Office Opposite Postoffice FOR SALE- International power plant; heavy duty four -cylinder tractor type engine. Suitable for power plant. Apply 1744 Elliott street after m. befor: a. m.

6 p. 7-24-31dtl FOR SALE- -House trailer, $200 Phone 2-1291. FOR SALE Five-deck oil or light bulb brooder, $40. 250 capacity; pre-war; slightly Also feeder troughs and water fountains. Phone 2 -1117.

E. D. Leete, opposite Store, Wardville road, Ward's" Pineville. 7-24-2tdtl FOR RENT--Room, kitchen privileges; near bus station. 213 Eighth street.

7-25-ltd WANTED- Porch Phone 6471. 544 Park Place. 7-25-3tdtl TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST -Saturday, three mosquito bars on Meeker Chicot road. Reward. G.

C. Wells, Meeker, La. 7-21-3tdtl ROOMS--By day or week, special washhouse maid service: ceiling fans. Joanna Tourist Home. Phone 9115.

8 Broad street. 4-21-tfdtl CONSTRUCTION Workers Needed Indiana Ordnance Works Charlestown, Indiana E. I. DuPont de Nemours and Company, Inc. Construction Division Urgently Needed LABORERS CARPENTERS Brush Painters For Riggs Distler Sub-Contractor Linemen (Electrical) Sheet Metal Workers Work Week Fifty -four Hours Time and One-Half for All Hours in Excess of Forty Company Representative Will Interview and Hire at WAR MANPOWER COMMISSION UNITED STATES EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 601 WASHINGTON STREET ALEXANDRIA, LA.

July 17th Through July 28th 7-21-7tdtl FOR SALE- House, No. 99 Fourteenth street. Easy torins. Dial Alva Brasher, after 4 p. in.

7-4-tfdtl. LeBLANC'S REFRIGERATION SERVICE -Commercial and domestic refrigeratota. Attic fans? Phone 5343 day and night. Gordon avenue. 5-25-30tdtl HOUSE WIRING a specialty.

Attic fans and fluorescent fixtures installed and serviced. Electric appliances, irons, fans, toasters, hot plates, coffee urns, repaired. New elements installed. Call BRUNO ELECTRIC CO. PHONE 6301 1035 LEE STREET 5-7-tfdtl-mo-we-fr WANTED- AU kinds used clothes: highest pri Lee Street Clothing change, Lee at Bolton.

6-8-tfdtl-eod FOR BEST SELECTION monuments and markers see Pineville M. and Granite Works. F. M. Smith, owner, Main street, Pineville.

7-15-fdtl-mo-we-fr WANTED Reliable unattached white lady to care for baby. Room, board and good salary. Phone 2-1219. 7-23-tfdtl MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY 20-foot house trailer; bargain price. 1305 Donahue Ferry road, Pineville.

7-21-4tdtl WILL SWAP new .38 Smith Wesson snub nose, nickle plated, never fired, for .45 Colt automatic in first class condition. Dial 8886. 7-23-3tdtl USED FURNITURE WANTED SPRINGS. OIL RANGES AND ICE BOXES. PHONE 4747 4-4-tidt! FOR RENT- Two rooms, unfurnished: lights, gas, water and bath, Willow Glen.

Phone 5474. 7-24-2tdtl FOR -Small private room; also room to share: everything individual. Close in. Men only, 530 St. Ann.

7-24-3tdtl ROOMS Air cooled. Weekly rates. 728 Murray street. 7-23-3tdtl LOST--Child's pet, screwtail bulldog: answers to name "'Yankee Reward. Phone 2-1096.

611 Twentieth. 7-24-3tdtl FOR SALE New four-room house with several outbuildings on Rigolette road: $1,500. John Neal, Route 2, Pineville. 7-24-5tdtl FISH BAIT GOLDFISH AND SHINERS LI -CUT California worms, earthworms. 725 Sanders, Pineville.

Dial 3648. Clyde Creed. 7-24-2tdtl FOR RENT bedroom in privata home; adjoins bath; private entrance. Phone 8839. 7-24-2tdtl FURNITURE REFINISHING Frank Pacholik.

Phone office 3261 or 8498. 1802 Fenner, cear Pearson niture Company. 5-31-tfdtl WE Buy Used Furniture boxes, electric boxes, stoves, sewing machines Plumbing fixtures. Old Bargain Barn. Phone 5068.

6-10-tfdtl PRESERVING pears for sale, $1 bushel. L. H. Meeker, Boyce. Phone 2430.

7-24-3tdtl FOR SALE- Girl's pre-war bicycle, unused; Can plus be two extra 2930 tires and Park tubes; seen at City Boulevard or phone 8948. 7-24-2tdtl PUCKETT MATTRESS CO. Renovating Sterilizing Uuholstering NEW MATTRESSES DIAL 5056 5-3-tfdtl 1936 BUICK convertible coupe; good rubber; $450; below OPA ceiling, 900 Thirteenth street, apartment D. 7-23-3tdtl SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Genuine Singer Parts Guaranteed Work SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY Phone 3606 1022 Fourth Street 2-20-tfdtl NICE, clean, front bedroom; convenient bath, continuous hot water; quiet home, close in, desirable residential location. Apply 1404 Jackson.

7-24-tfdtl ICE BOXES Riverside Lumber Warehouse, 722 Monroe street. 7-23-3tdtl-eod FOR RENT--Attractive room, private bath, working or officer couple. No kitchen privilege. Phone 4378. 7-24-3tdtl USED FURNITURE All kinds, including occasional rocker.

$9.95. Riverside Lumber Warehouse, 722 Monroe street. 7-23-3tdtl-eod DRIVING TO Los Angeles; leaving not later than Saturday. Can take couple. share expenses.

Sergt. Baker. Phone 9979 after 6. 7-24-3tdtl FULLER BRUSH DEALER DIAL 3030 1-7-tfdtl-we-sa VOLIN LESSONS for beginners or advanced students; experienced teacher. Graduate of Oberlin Conservatory of Music Phone Mrs.

R. E. Wear. 3175. 7-24-31dtl SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS Phone 7125-Firman 7-23-3tdtl NEW MIRRORS MADE TO ORDER, old ones resilvered.

Glass for furdesk and niture tops. Smith and Mirror Company. Phone 4343. Lee street. Glass, 7-20-6tdtl "REALTORS" are pledged to a code of ethics.

WANTED- To buy male fox terrier puppy. 3 or 4 months old. Phone 2-1433. 7-25-3tdtl WANTED--Someone to operate news stand. Salary and commission.

Phone 5939. 7-25-1td REFINED, responsible officer, wife, two children need five, seven-room furnished house apartment. Call Mrs. Schaye, 3371, room 366. 7-25-61dtl TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY R.

J. JONES SONS PLUMBING AND HEATING (Department) In stock: Second-hand prelavatories, complete, $13.50. New 20-gallon automatic hot water heater, metal covered, $58. Prompt Repair Service PHONE 7301 130 WHEELOCK 6-27-tfdtl WILL DO HOME laundry at Dora Parker. 3148 Wise.

7-24-3tdtl FOR RENT- Room, hot and cold water. Reasonable. Between and Cheneyville. Mrs. Kate 7-24-3tdtl Wetonkle WANTED- -By permanent, reliable mother and 15-year-old son, one or two-bedroom house or apartment, unfurnished.

Phone 7771, City Drug Store. 7-24-6tdtl FOR RENT -Large attractive room. 1330 Jackson. Dial 2-1951. 7-24-2tdtl FOR RENT--Nice large front room adjoining bath.

1850 Polk. Dial 2-1933. 7-24-3tdtl FOR SALE- Washed air cooling system, A-1 condition, including new water pump and housing. Complete with all water and electrical connections. $225.

For particulars apply 400 Main street, Pineville. 7-25-3tdtl IF YOU HAVE a gas stove for, sale dial 6143. 3-7-tfdtl WANTED- -Colored truck drivers. Alexandria Waste Paper and Rag. 2004 Third.

6-18-tfdtl REBUILT Generators Starters Radiators Sold Outright or Exchanged Also Installed Mike's Oil and Wrecking Co. 2008 Lee Street Dial 7936 5-9-tfdtl-we FOR -Room. private bath, near City Park. Phone 8160. 1710 Bryn Mawr street.

7-24-3tdtl CHECKERS WANTED Settled local white girls Apply in person. BADEN CLEANERS 2101 Lee Street 7-24-3tdtl FOR RENT and living room. $12 week. Phone 7888. 7-24-21dtl J.

W. McKENZIE, SELLS HOMES FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS See or Call E. M. ELLINGTON REALTOR Phone 9400 or 6566 6-8-tfdt: -Mo FOR SALE-Heavy duty delivery bicycle; practically new. $35.

C. L. Horn, 1916 Madeline street. 7-24-3tdtl Did You Know That All Real Estate Dealers Are Not "REALTORS" "REALTORS" are members of a national real estate ssociation bound to a CODE OF ETHICS Be Sure--Call a "Realtor" 5-28-tfdti-mo-we-fr LADY'S diamond ring, three stones, $90. Mrs.

C. 0. Young, Tioga. 7-24-3tdtl LOST -Identification bracelet. George Bertrand engraved on it.

Reward. 1528 Rapides avenue. 7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE--Two five-room houses near school; nice neighborhood. Call owner. Phone 4822 or 4223.

7-23-5tdtl-eod FOR RENT- Room, kitchen privileges; on bus line. No children. Mrs. C. E.

Nugent, Paradise. 7-23-3tdtl FOR SALE-1932 P. B. four-cylinder Plymouth sedan: five good 6.50x16 tires. $295: within OPA ceiling.

Call 1403 Kelly street after 6 p. 7-24-2tdtl EDDIE'S REPAIR SHOP 1706 Shirland Avenue OPEN FOR BUSINESS Repair motorcycles, service cycles, power mowers, automobiles. Have motorcycle oil and parts. 7-24-6tdtl FOR SALE Trucks. horses, mules.

Mrs. Wave Whitaker, Georgetown, La. 7-20-5tdtl ATTIC FANS, window fans, ball-bearing type. self-adjusting belt. Made to order.

Lee Manufacturing Company 2804 Masonic Drive. Paone 5779. 6-3-tfdt! FOR SALE Five-room house on Vance avenue; near Bolton high school; price $6,000. Shown by Appointment SHAPIRO REAL ESTATE AGENCY REALTORS PHONE 3471 7-25-1td FOR SALE- Two-piece living room suite with slip covers. 2333 Hill street.

Call between 6 and 7 p. m. 7-23-3tdtl DOGS BOARDED We Board Dogs--Any Breed Take Monroe Highway KINGSVILLE STABLES 7-24-2tdtl FIVE ROOM HOUSE converted into two apartments; one now vacant. Cash sale price $4,500. Phone 4803.

7-24-tfdtl FOR SALE 26-foot 1941 Howard house trailer; completely equipped: must be seen to be appreciated. Phone 4803. 7-24-tfdtl $200 REWARD for any commercial refrigeration or air conditionin. equipment can's fix. GIVENS REFRIGERATION SERVICE 308 MONROE STREET PHONE 5448 7-14-tfdtl RENT Room.

private FOR entrance, next to bath; Beautyrest mattress, Phone 7315. 7-24-3tdtl PERMANENT WAVING Cold wave. machine waves. Mrs. Zappa.

Phone 7366. 97 Mary street. 4-4-tfdtl WANTED Two neat appearing colored colored girls for car hops. Good pay. Apply in person.

LA SALLE COURTS AND CAFE 3200 Lee Street WILL TRADE 1941 Pontiac two-door for coach cheaper 2046 Kelly street. WANTED Lady's diamond ring at once. Will pay up to $250 cash. Please state size of stone and grade, also whether perfect or small flaw, kind of mounting. (White gold preferred Write Ring, care Town Talk.

7-25-ltd FOR RENT--Nice bedroom: attic venti'lation; line. 98.50 week. 3319. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Christmas Gifts Overseas Must Be Mailed Early Parcels to Pacific Islands Should Be Sent by Oct. 1 Christmas gifts for army personnel overseas must be mailed between September 15 and October 15, Postmaster J.

L. Treadway said today. Parcels destined China. Burma, India, the Middle East and islands in the Pacific should be mailed not than October 1, for Christmas delivery, the postlater. master pointed out.

During this period requests from the addressees are not required. providing the gift packages are endorsed "Christmas Parcel." Christmas cards be mailed at any time, but prior to November 15, for delivery by Christmas, he said. The parcels should not exceed five pounds sin weight or fifteen inches in length or 36 inches in length and girth combined. The War and Navy Departments have pointed out, according to Mr. Treadway, that members of the armed forces are amply provided with food and clothing and the public is urged not to include such matters in parcels.

One Package Weekly Not more than one package will be accepted for any one person each week. Christmas parcels for army personnel en route overseas around October 15, will be accepted up to December 10, upon presentation by the sender of a change of address notification subsequent to September 30. Perishable matter will not be accepted and the sending of fragile articles is discouraged, according to the postmaster, who pointed out intoxicants, inflammable materials, poisons or compositions which may damage the mails are prohibited. Mr. Treadway emphasized that the adrresses must be legible, in typewriting or ink.

'It is preferable that the address so printed on the itself rather than on labels wrapper, frequently fall off when subject to moisture. "In addition to the name and address of the sender, such as 'Merry 'Please do not open until New 'With best may be placed on the covering in such a way as not to interfere with the address or on a card the postmaster said. Postal Money Orders "No matter addressed to members of the army or other persons receiving mail through APO's overseas will be accepted as insured or C. 0. d.

packages," he added. "Letters or packages containing money or other articles of value will be refused except valuable papers and small articles of intrinsic value." Mr. Treadway recommended that the use of postal money orders to transmit gifts of money, be. used. A.

P. Firment, 53, Dies at Marksville MARKSVILLE, July (Special) -Alaric P. Firment, 53, prominent business and civic leader of Marksville succumbed early this morning to a heart malady. Mr. Firment died at his home at 1:20 a.

m. The funeral will be held Thursday morning from his home with services at 9:30 a. m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church.

At a Mass of requiem. Rt. Rev. Monsignor H. Van Der Putten will officiate.

Interment will take place in the family plot in St. Joseph cemetery. Mr. Firment was a member of the Board of Aldermen of Marksville and a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Lions club. He was a native of this town.

His late parents were Jules and Stella Gremillion Firment. For the past 35 years Mr. Firment had conducted a drug business here and had taken an active interest in business civic and fraternal circles. His wife is former Miss Mercedes Spotorno of Bay St. Louis, Miss.

Also surviving is an only niece Miss Marie Julia Moreau of Marksville. Mr. Firment was a graduate of Springhill College and the New Orleans College of Pharmacy, He was a member of the Louisiana Pharmaceutical. City Officials to Go to Baton Rouge Mayor J. A.

Blackman said today he will be in Baton Rouge Thursday, and Friday attending Louisiana Municipal association meeting. City Attorney Frank Peterman and Commissioner R. W. Bringhurst will accompany the mayor. KOBE, KURE (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE) attack at dawn today.

There are no reports yet on results of last night's or this morning's strikes, but yesterday's were more than satisfactory to many high ranking officers. Yank fliers damaged six warships--two battleships converted into carriers; a large aircraft carrier, and cruisers, and the British damaged an escort carrier. Americans also destroyed or damaged 39 Japanese airplanes; the British 25. The sweeps were the most extensive carrier attacks yet made on the Japanese home islands, extending 325 miles. More than 1.200 American and British aircraft participated.

Jap Fliers Active The Japanese were stung from their apathy, or whatever has been keeping their pilots grounded while Americans repeatedly gave their war plants and airfields merciless poundings the past 15 days. Fliers reported skilled Japanese pilots flying efficient planes met them over some targets. American planes were shot down but no figures on losses have been announced yet. planes also are striking at of which there are reairfields. ported to be 50 to 60 in the target areas.

Twenty-five per cent of them are listed as "important." The whole area is highly developed; Kobe has a population of more 1,000,000, and Kure more than 300,000. Today's first two strikes got off in favorable weather, and pilots said they did not anticipate much trouble in finding their targets. As the third strike got under way, however, the weather closed in, limiting visibility. As a result, this strike was instructed to hit "targets of opportunity." DEATHS McKASKLE-George W. McKaskle, aged 67 years, Olla, died Tuesday, July 24, 1945.

Besides his wife, Mrs. Nannie Davis McKaskle, he i is survived by one son, Rupert McKaskle, Many; one daughter, Mrs. Claude Luno, Luno Courts, Alexandria; two grandchildren, Patsy Sue McKasgle and Lt. George D. Webb; and one great grandchild.

Funeral services will be held at the Adams Cemetery near Kelly, La. at 3 p. m. Thursday, July 26. DUNN-Mrs.

Nettie Dunn, aged 59 years, wife of the late H. A. Dunn died at the family residence at 2129 Monroe street, Alexandria, at 3:20 a. m. today, July 25, 1945.

She is survived by two sons, Earl. and James (Trig) both of Alexandria; her mother, Mrs. Thomas Sessions, Lecompte; one brother, A. J. Sessions, Urania; three sisters, Mrs.

T. O. Cruse, Alexandria: Mrs. D. W.

Dunn, Lecompte; and Mrs. Murphy Henderson, Texas City, and four grandchildren: Margie, Jimmie, Charles Martin and Earlyne Dunn, all of Alexandria. Funeral services will be held at Hixson's Chapel at 10 a. m. Thursday, July 26, with interment following in Greenwood Memorial Park, Pineville, La.

FUNERAL OF MRS. MARIE PORTO Funeral services for Mrs. Marie Porto were held at 9:15 this morning, July 25, 1945, at the St. Francis Xavier Cathedral by the Rev. Joseph Gremillion.

Interment followed in Greenwood Memorial Park, Pineville, under the direction of the Kramer funeral home. Graveside services were conducted by Msgr. F. J. Plutz.

Pallbearers were Tony Chicola, George Chicola, Sam Matassa, Joe Medica, Philip Scalfano, and Sam Farace. Phone 7894. Harry Jordan, for better cleaning and tailoring. 11-17-ttd-eod-wed NOTICE TO OUR DEALERS The acute sugar shortage has put us in a position where we are unable to serve you as we would like. Under the prevailing conditions we assure you that we are serving you in the best possible manner.

We thank you for your co-operation. RAPIDES BOTTLERS DISTRIBUTORS Bottlers of DR. NUT and MY PIC Beverages FOUND- -Billfold in postoffice. Owner can have by identifying and paying for ad. Phone 2-2850.

7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE -Handmade black suede shoes (pumps): new. size Cost $22.95. Will sell for $12.50. Apartment 5, 29 Bolton avenue. 7-24-3tdtl WANTED Two colored bus boys; must be 17 or older.

Apply in person. LE LAFAYETTE RESTAURANT 912 Fourth Street 7-24-3tdtl FOR SALE -Electric Frigidaire. Phone 7905. 7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE -House trailer, 18-foot, good shape. $350.

Across from Luno Courts, highway 20. Phone 7750. 7-24-3tdtl WANTED MANAGER for cafe. Settled woman preferred. J.

B. WOLF'S Sixth and Jackson 7-24-3tdtl TWO BEDROOMS for rent. 1517 Magnolia. Phone 7482. 7-23-3tdtl WANTED Colored maid for general housework; good wages.

1129 Madison street. 7-29-tfdtl PLUMBING Repair Work and Free Estimates--Expert You'll Like Us--Everybody Does NORMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING 1826 HARVAR PHONE 7826 8-16-tfdtl-we FOR RENT- -Room to gentleman. Phone 8729. 1904 Albert street. 7-23-3tdtl SALE -1937 Graham: good tires: 30,000 miles on car: $495; below ceiling.

Lot 62. Colonial Courts. 7-25-2tdtl NEW WHEELS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS SEE US Mike's Oil and Wrecking Co. 2008 Lee Street Dial 7936 5-J-tfdtl-we MOWERS, FANS, IRONS REPAIRED. Bordelon, 1424 Shirland.

7-21-5tdtl FOR SALE- -Unrationed tires: we also do vulcanizing. Alexandria Tire Shop, 1907 Lee street. Phone 4712. 7-4-tfdtl GRAZING LAND Three hundred (300) acres. all cleared and in hay, about ten miles from Pineville.

$7,500. Five hundred twenty (520) acres, all woodland high and well drained; located on good highway six miles out. $25 per acre. S. R.

Cummins or T. S. Howell Phones: Office 3763, or Home 8961 7-23-25-27-tI CASH FOR LATE model car. Phone 9602. 7-16-14tdtl WANTED -Furnished or unfurnished two or three-bedroom apartment or house: will lease, Phone 5191.

7-23-3tdtl WANTED Local girl for window trimmnig. No previous experience required. Good hours and pay. W. T.

GRANT STORE 7-20-ffdtl WANTED--Used ice or electric box in an, condition. Phone 6143. 4-7-tfdtl FOR RENT- -Front bedroom, adjoining bath, close in. Fan. Phone 8784.

7-23-31dtl NEON Signs, Displays, Repairs COMPLETE NEON SERVICE COVER CENTRAL LOUISIANA" PHILLIPS SIGN SERVICE PHONE 6698 1803 RAPIDES 7-19-10tdtl WANTED- To buy kitchen cabinet and breakfast set. Dial 6143. 3-7-tidtl FOR RENT -One-room furnished for light housekeeping. Phone 8942. 7-25-2tdtl DEAD ANIMALS AND WASTE FATS THE ALEXANDRIA RENDERING PLANT Picks up Dead Cows, Horses, Mules and Waste Fats PHONE 2-1020 4-9-tidtl furnished apartment.

Couple only, Apply 74 Mary. 7-25-1td WANTED--C must be good condition. kitchenette chairs. Phone 3559 or 5967. 7-17-tfdtl IF YOU PLAN TO SELL Now Is the Time FOR CALL NEIL DASPIT, Realtor Phone 2-1291 6-1-tfdtl-eod FOR SALE motor and trailer.

Phone 3642. 7-23-31dtl J. W. McKENZIE, SELLS FARMS HAVE YOU TRIED RUNDEL'S CHICKEN LOAF? Place Your Order Early Phone 6142 7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE -Baby carriage, bed and high chair. 228 Sixteenth street.

7-24-2tdtl WANTED- Maid full or part time, for light general housework. Apply 116-B Rainbow Drive, Forest Glen. 7-23-3tdtl FOR SALE--Liquor store in colored section, doing nice I Good stock. Illness reason for selling. Write "Liquor care Town Talk.

7-21-6tdtl FOR SALE- At once, baby crib and mattress. $15. 1519 Foisy avenue. 7-24-2tdtl FOR SALE -Baby carriage and pad, practically new $20. Dial 9396.

Mrs. Karol. 7-24-21dtl Electrical Repairs Prompt, efficien: repairs In commercial and residential wiring. motors. household appliances.

Electric Contracting Company LEE STREET PHONE 9516 12-27-tfdtl-mo-we-fr BEDROOM for rent. Private bath and entrance. Phone 7848. 7-23-3tdtl BUTANE GAS 8 Cents per Gallor. BUTANE GAS AND PLUMBING co.

COTTONPORT, LA. 4-25-tfdtl-mo-we FOR RENT- Two-room furnished apartment adjoining bath. to only. a couple Phone 5408. 314 Pine street.

Pineville. 7-25-31dtl TOO LATE TO CLASSIC Four rienced ladies; WANTED typist, one expel experienced in general other 194, care work. Town Write Ba FOR RENT- 1929 -One-room 1-25 Talk ment. street. furnished WANTED man for -Experienced appointment write position man," experience care Town and gone references.

WANTED geant ment, desires -Permanently furnished stationed Call Mrs. room Dalven, with 1395, kitchen room pries 11. For AVON in Pineville PRODUCTS Call 6579-Mrs. Barren FOR SALE -Collapsible 1-89 practically Phone 4922. WANTED Local girl for our lunch bar.

as waitress hours and Goa pay. W. T. GRANT STONE WANTED -Model A or any old WANTEDwright; months' anticipate -Construction steady work. Roy O.

Martin Lumber pany, GARAGE Inc. FOR 1-25-260 Service Station, Main RENT -Miller street, WANTED AT ONCE Shoe repair man, white ored. or PINEVILLE SHOE SHOP 708 Main Street ROOM FOR RENT. 15 1-0-98 Louisiana 1-50 WANTED- -Experienced nographer familiar with de phone; permanent position) Alexandria. Good salary.

Ag in handwriting. Box 424. Town Talk. FOR condition. SALE bicycle, size Call 8462.

WANTED- BUS BOY ALSO WAITRESS Apply in Person PELICAN DRIVE INN Bolton and Kelly DESIRE PERSON to care for 21-m old child; good pay; permanent 1 Phone 2-1301, extension 298. WANTED Several Carrier Bor Circulation Department TOWN TALK RADIO and ten -record automati bination. Value $90. Will good 35-millimeter camera, Contax preferred. Write of Town Talk.

1-20 WANTED Men laborers. pay. PRATHER'S CAFE MacArthur Drive Catch Willow Glen SERGEANT AND WIFE desire ment within two weeks; no drat children or pets. Excellent care teed. Can furnish local reference.

7839. 4-6-tidti 7-24-3tdtI 1940 CHEVROLET Master de luxe coupe; heater; priced within OPA3 ing at $675. Cash or Trade, CANTRELL'S1 Parking Lot Fifth and Washington, FOR SALE -HOUSE TRAILER. factory make, metal covered: large and porch. $400 cash.

Locales opy mile north of highway 71, quarter Hospital at Hurlock's Cottages. Thomas, JUST ARRIVED New Stock Window, Attic Fans 16 Inches to 48 Inches Installation at Expert Reasonable Cost WALTER NEGELE 322 Johnston Phone if you PLEASE CONTACT two or me three unfurl small house Huey P. rooms, Hospital convenient in to Pineville. Charity Postoffice Box 327, Pineville, La. FOR SALE -Practically cypress boat, guaranteed no leak.

2203 Madeline street WANTED--Modern bedrooms; unfurnished rent Alexandria or vicinity: permanent. occupancy, or later: a. m. to 131, 8:30 civilian, extension WANTED willing to work. WAITRESS who are to salary.

Apply in person MANAGER 709 European Tenth Street Coffee Shop RCA floor FOR SALE -Ten-tube without record radio. with or or club. Phone Suitable for hall FOR ness, SALE- grocery and market, mornings. -Established For more ing quarters. phone 7256 or 6489 mation Buick Roadmase SALE -1941 within OPA vertible street $1,540, or phone Forest FOR SALE--In lot 56 WOW hall and 10 a.

m. Were 180 feet, at 1, 1945. day, August and highest H. bidder. Butter, cash.

sale, Hill. Forest 15X, 7-25-ltd 7-25-11d.

The Town Talk from Alexandria, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.