The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)

Accessories, Paris Bepaiu it Painting Accessories, Paris Repairs Painting Accessories, Paris Repairs Painting Accessories, Paris Repairs Painting Accessories, Paris Repairs Painting Accessories, Parts Repairs Painting PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS Alterations The Philadelphia Inquirer A direct line te Ad-Taker 1 SUNDAY, JUNE 17, 1962 lOcust 3-5000 Oil ORDERS PLACED THIS WEEK! lilR Vfitt Wilt nun fur utr ri Ml TOO FIND BEST BiAL J0ffi SAVE INHtHUISHIWWO KM 100 SUAfiAKTEE. Ml Makn All Mils, till EXCLUSIVE TIAHS HATtC mmm "tin tests- nm- MISSIONS TO VE TOO BEST KlfOSMANCE, ion TtlWS. FREE TOWINE. iMMEBIATE IKIUIIilOH! FWTOIt TUMil MECHANICS. 2- hm mum.

essw mm He AWJ'Al Tested SPECIAL OVERHAUL WEEKLY PARTS AND LABOR Pistil lisp tried Vifrat Wrist Flu list til Sill Ml timers Casket Sit Irilk ll Oil 1608 MILE QUARANTEE Shattered prices astound industry and car owners altkel Cash in this amaxini offer to da your repoirgjunbel'tvablo low I cost! No we are net aaing ant yw)iir -wwes-y of business just getting Into EZ TERMS FREE TOWING high gearl Free check-upl 100 IMMEDIATE INSTALLATIONS Ne iHtAWMi i nnoAeo guarantee! Automatic Open daily 8:30 AM to 7 PM Transmissions NEW SPACIOUS INEXPENSIVE "INSIDE-OUT" ROOM 1-Day Service? free Towing OPEN SUM. 11-3 DASLY 8-9 (1 Mile West of Oxford Ave.) MM jr i- i ft SPECIALIZING IN ALL TYPE OF MOTOR REPAIRS Valve Job Ring Jobs Oil Leaks Bearing Knock FREE ESTIMATE OVER 20 YEARS MOTOR FttPAttt EXPEDIENCE iff THE. FINEST OFFEUN PHILA. 0 Transmissions NOW IN GLENSIDE OPP. FOOD FAIR While you hop, get tranimiision check up.

Take- only minutes to do. No obligation. TOWING -TERMS OPEN SUNDAY 11-S OPEN DAILY TIL 1 1 mini I ill I limn WitJWBlBTn ijrillTntW mnririTir TliillllllleirM I MVIJ.VWtlWTTUilTi Ii I NO MONEY DOWN EZ CREDIT FREE ESTIMATES 1 DAY SERVICE TffifSL oeiN sunpats to to 4 FOR KEW ROOM OR PORCH ENCLOSURES 1 KJ Fire, Rust, Rot Insect Resistant Absolutely Maintenance-Free Fully Honeycomb 3" Insulated Stucco Embossed Roof or Walls Custom Built To Your Home Jalousie or Awning Windows Add to Front, Back or Side of House Rooms or Panels Can Be Relocated Purchase Direct From Distributor FHA Approved Selection of Colors Finishes Prompt Delivery Installation bMeMil W'" DON'T SPEND until you have your transmission chirked by our experts (on our eiclutive Lab Tech dynamometer). Complete results given frn mother or not do vour work! 110 MONEY DOWN sr9) All units repaired, reseated, and exchanged. DAILY a DIME mm WW lllliMl TDAiicuiccinii CALL or WRITE NOW FOR FREE HOME SURVEr DAY or NITE GR 3-1100 N.J.

WO 4-8100 UP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY PROMPT INSTALLATION 5000 MILE GUARANTEE FREE COURTESY CAR FREE TOWINQ 1-DAY SERVICE I'm io-4 y- I l1 FREE TOWING I I iLeui. FREE ESTIMATES Aleo Standard Transmission Mlco LUMBER SUPPLY CO. 6001 LANCASTER AVE. 0PEN suNDAV CtTDwirr tJ I B.ES8 I tv in naoi i AUTOMATIC I 1 TRANSMISSION 1 Commercial Cars, Trucks 7.r MOTOR Specialized Service USE OF CAR TOWING GUARANTEE Phono 110 8-1 600 Cementing Plastering SAVE SAVE DEAL DIRECT We Do All Types of Cement Work Potios-Driveways-Sidewalks Cinder Block-Walls-Brick Work Free Estimate -Satisfaction Guaranteed For Quality A Workmanship CALL NOW HO 4-3641 SAVE SAVE Contractors Builders CINDER Block, Brick Addition, Alterations A remodeling. 20 yrs eitp.

Low prjcesJerms. Call ROCCO, RJ9-A767 TUCCI BROTHERS Pi 4-01 11 CU 8-5439 Electric Wiring and Repairing ELECTRIC Wirlno Our Specialty. New or old. House or commercial, tree est. low rates, cash or terms.


GA 6-6125. fencing CHAIN LINK FENCE as low as Si .25 per tf. Installation optnt. tree est. rm arranged.

Mat'l sold whsle WA 5-3137 flooring HARDWOOD and Painted Floors, Stain sanded finished. New installed. Guar terms. GO ANYWHERE. Est 1925, Rosner Keller, MA 4 0238, li 9-3900 DEMBOWSKI BROS.

Hardwood floors sanded A retimshed, new floors instid free estim. Fi 21724 or HO 4-4187. $17, Sands 3 rms, hardwood steps, $17 Pure shellac guaran. OR 3 3603 $15 SANDS A Refin 2 rms A stair like nevV. Wor, mo'eria! guar.

DE 2-65' 5 furniture Reiinishing VACATION prices on quality refinish ing, repairs upholstery NF 4-0463 Garbage Disposal Garages GARAGES, $790 vp. Concrete floor, atrh home, tms Opdyke, TU 7-1458 Garage Doors 4 Sect. Overhead Gar. Dn.lnslld $84 50 Lifetime Guar.Trms.CROWN.CH 8-0640 OVERH'D Gar Drs. 4 sect frames.

$110 inst. Guar, Pi 3-0107; RA 5-1742. GARAGE DOORS Replaced or Reooired And Up Guar. Wqrk.CA9J.lJ 6 OVERHEAD DOORS, low Prices. Free f-stuno'es Nor'hwond CU 8-39'J9 Heating Plumbing NEED WORK.

Fixt at cost. RMP. 1976 CALL JHARRY GRJ7I23 COAl Oil Gas HMnstalled. Special low pr. lerms.

Coll U'JCCO. Hi 4 '6-' WATER Heater, Glass-lined, 30-gal, 10- yr installed 574 LEWIS, DA 9-9706 Kitchens KI1CHENS complete iob, reasonable fall Walt, JA 8-5050. Fl 2-1B45. Paper, Painting and Scraping PAPERHANGING OF OUALITY High-giade Wallpaper Hung nt Reduc-d Rotes City Suburbs A. KERNIS TR 8-3753 PAPERING "INT PAiNTING.

'CuainnlMd' cut aKtui. Ktti oubukbo I S4 IP I ft k.e 17 $5TUP Papers hv rm, din rm A open u-i'-'iy imn, jru up. wo Fr.d Miliar ll Ct.5"i40 oadeou Aur.iKirt 'iiAur rt.iifli',.11,1., pvv.ui jfiiv. Go Fred M.ller DA 9.ri.id9 rMrcis, pointing, steam watt scraping plciste-mg. Reas.

Vi 8-0126. j. tvini, iu.i.i Mi, brick wrk. tiling. Water proof.

FL 2667 PAINTING, PAPERING A SANITA5 Call Mort, JA 8-5051 FL 2-1846 Paper, Painting and Scraping WEST PHILA DECORATING CO Paperhanging, Painting Our 48th Yr. Home renovating monthly payments. JA B-5050, 6443 Market St, PL 2-1845 Paving SMALL CONTRACTOR NEEDS WORK. BLACKIOP DRIVEWAYS. ALL TYPES OF CEMENT WK, CALL MARIO, GL 7-2900 Radiator Covers AU-STEEl RADIATOR ENCIS.

Bornmonn Mfg Co, 1324 Buttonwood, WA 2-5876 Rooiing GUARAN-TEASE OR GUARANTEED? YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WHEN YOU HAVt A RELIABLE ROOh DEAL WITH THE LEADER Serving entire city since 1907, lowest price in city tor auality work, because you deal direct with the roofer. Roofi recoated with hot asphalt low ai $25. Your roof will be inspected free by a member of the National Phila Roof er's Assoc. Prompt repair work, recoaf- ing. Insulation.

Pay mo. No extra charge RELIABLE ROOFING CO FREE ESTIMATE OS ADVICE RE 9-9920 TtXON ROOFING ASPHALT OR SLAG IOW AS $85 7-YR GUAR ROOF REPAIRS $10 SHINGLING, SIDING, INSULATION I to 3 yrs to pay, 1st poymt in mmmer DliM Pi 3-0500 HOT ASPHALT ROOFS, Cold surface roofing, aium siding, Insul brick A all types of shingling. 20 yri exp. low prices. Terms CaU ROCCO.

RE 9-4767 ROOFING-Repair-renew A re-coat. Guh ter Spouts also repaired A renewed, All kinds of siding. Ail work guaron. teed. Call ES 9-8683.

KINDS INSUIATION Rank Terms MICHAEL'S RF 9-8910 Siding SAVE SAVE Reliable Aluminum Siding Co. Siding Our Speciolty THIS WEEK ONLY Front or Back Bay. Approximate 9x12' Complete With Installation $190 DON'T WAIT CAU NOW AND SAVE HQ 4-364 1 ALL Siding for Dormori, lays, Free Est. Northwood, CU 8-3939 AIUM Siding and Stone Facing. Early Sale! Co.

LU 3-6500. HO 7-0961 Storm Doors and Windows Tile Work PLASTIC Ceramic Wall Tile, Asphalt Vinyl fir, low price, guar. JA 8-5219. Wall Scraping REASONABLE RATES Clean wopk. GO ANYWHERE CALL Pi 2 602 WAIL Scraping, steam.

Clean, prompt, efficient service anywhere CH -4h4 Window Washing WINDOW WASHING-specialiiing in es'dence P'wn' A reas pO Whitewashing WHITEWASH, cellar cleaning, i-oH pamtg dA 7-U4VS att 6 Miscellaneous ROXY WINDOW CLEANING CO. Comp'ete service, cellar to attic. Wind ows, firs, wall washing, etc. IV 3-3496 Call Johnny for Less Money. Having A Rubbish Removed.

BA 3-1911 8 8 SUNDAY 12-4 MOTOR SERVICE hematic Transmissions LET US REPAIR YOUR PRESENT TRANSMISSION IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION 100 FACTORY GUARANTEED WEEK Auto Repairs PUTOiJ W.Erie Ave. BA 5 5303 Pnn't Compare 1'rlcfi Alone See I'l end Iheu llrclde SPECIAL OVERHAULING Pint Grade Material! fie it Clean carbon, grind valves. Perfect Circle rings, pins, Victor gaskets. Federal Mogul bearings cut to size of your crankshaft. At Our Usual Low Prlcee gkm VVKS.

TOPAV Ii "1 SKK VOUR JOB UV BEING UO.NK REBUILT MOTORS In itock Brakes, Clutches, Transmissions, Above all, the price quoted when you leave your car with us Is the price yon pay when you drive away. OFFICIAL INSPECTION 31 Yearn of halMyfn Service Open 8 AM to ft PM. fat, till 4 foreign Automobiles VOLKSWAGEN 1962 AUTOMOBILES ON DISPLAY. IMMED DELIVERY NEWEST MODELS "1500" We Grvt Full Value for Your Trade $195 DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY 6-MO GUAR. 1 FREE SERVICES SELECTION OF USED VOLKSWAGENS DREXEL MOTORS, INC.

GAPRfTT P.O. AT IANSDOWNE AVE 5H 9-2911 Drexel Hrii MA 7 Q400 VOLKSWAGEN 1959 2-DOOR REPOSSESSED You'll be proud to own this low nv.e-aae suburban area Excel cnd. TAKE OVER BALANCE OF $992 PAY $8.90 WEEKLY MIKE PLATT AUTOS 3950 FRANKFORD AVE. CREDIT DEPT. JE 3-6767 VOIK5WAGEN '61 Sunroof, ww tires, like newl 1-owner, mult be seen.

ONLY $1595. Terms to suit. PHILA. SPORT CAR CENTER 6235 BROAD ST. HA 4 6500 VW '58, '60 sta wag 9-pass, fr $1195 UNCONDI1IONAI If GUARANTEED WILKE MOTORS, INC.

AM5 FRANKFORD AVE DE 2-5500 VOLKSWAGEN Microbus, excel cond. 23,000 mi. 3-seater. $1600 firm. No (tillers.

HO 4-8458 a't 6 M. VOLKSWAGEN '55, Convertible, excel ond. New brakes, front end cv new WW, Gomq into service. SA 7-5590, VOLKSWAGEN '59, excel cond, owne- must sell, $995.. Pvt.

OR VOLKSWAGEN '59. Excellent condition. fall Ml 6 J'26 VW '59 to '60 $995 BURDUMY, 4000 BROAD. BA 6-22 VOLKSWAGEN '56 sedan, brown with tan interior, clean, i5jo. fcl VOLKSWAGEN '59 Convertible Socrifice PE 5-8845 VOLKSWAGEN, 1962.

Anthracite pray w.w's, Owner Vi VW '59 2-dr, fuel gauqe, beautyf 'i0'A" IClnSI Mrrs, 4121 Chestnut VOLKSWAGEN Sdnfiow miT lusgoge'i rncrs. reason, DA 4-61, VOLKSWAGEN '58 Sunroof, Excel mRh rand, $350, Call 4 8my VOLKSWAGEN led '61. Many extras. S)9i. Pvt.

VA 2-9335, VW '59 2-dr, fuel gauge, beautyl $1095, $5 dn. Kmg Mtrs, 4121 Chst. VOLKSWAGEN, '58. Sunroof, new -es, excel cond, 850, MU.a-.vtJJ, VOLKSWAGEN '61 Sunroof, 1 owner $1450, Jerry s. IV4V rrcnt, VOLVO.

ALL MODELS Immediate Delivery Good Deals VOLVO. ALL MODELS Immediate DeliveryGood Deals VOLVO 3933 N. BROAD BA 8-5430 VOIVO '60, 544. Red wleather Inter. 4 so RAH.

WW s. 822d. VOLVO '62 544 sport, like new, perfect cond. Call li 7-04-1, N. J.

VOLVO '62, 4-speed trans. Perf cond. Call af'er 6 PM, Ki 5-65VU FIFTH ANNIVERSARY SALE ECONOMY IMPQR1ED CAR CO ROUTE 67 UNIOMVILLE, PA, FOPMFkLY AT PAOLI Authorijed B. M. W.

N.S. Prin? Die 54 HILLMAN Sdn. leather uohol $195 59 600 sed, one owner SS 55 V.W. Sed. new paint iota $595 61 N.S.

U. Ptini Sed, left over $195 '61 0 K.W. Jr. 750 sed. Clean $1095 60 Mercedes Diesel led 190Db $2995 Fi reside 7-2464 Gi Ibert 4-5043 NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA DEALER For Austin-Healey, Jaguar, MG, Midget Sprite.

1 7 MO WAPPAN1Y. GEO. ROTH CO. 5115 FRANKFORD AVE. CJ 9-1250 -f I 1 f-r -rsar rim If factory BACKED GUARANTEE If-1 7 uj.


1600. Pvt. CH 8-1556. WHITE, 1955 Till cob tractor, 10x22 tires, 5 sp trans, sge rear, new paint. xc co nd 1 9 1 hi A I eg heny A6J)904 WHITE, 1953 wilh Roto-Pok trash body, $750.

Call Tilden 5-5400 WILLYS 4 ton pickup, heavy duty rear, ru FORD '60 ton ulll RH. Perfoct. CHFV '59 ton pickup, Like new. CHEV 59 (21 ton pickups A-l cond FORD '59 (21 nickuos, heavy duty. FORD '59 7, -ton pickups real sharp.

INT. '59 ton. Produce body ready INT. '59 Metromite waik-in. Exc cond JFEP '58 P.ckuo 4 wheel drive wplow CHEV '57 '58 (5 pickups.

Choice CHEV '57 Chris 8, cab short wheel base. FORD '57 4 '58 161 ton pickups. Nice FORD 56 I Vt ton stake heavy duty FORD '55 ton util. Sliding top. FORD '55 'A ton Pickup.

Tool boxes FORD '55 ton panel inside tool bins FORD '55 1 ton produce body. FORD '56 1-ton pickup, 4 speed trans FORD '53 V8 tonk truck. Pert cond. FORD 53 12 stake, lilt gate. FORD '52 3 ton pickup, low price DODGE '51 tow truck, Pwr ready to go FORD '50.

heavy duty tow truck 2 spa DODGE '52 dump looking tor work, CHEV '52 1 ton utility electric truck. 30 OTHER GOOD TRUCKS REAS PRICE ROSNEY'S TRUCKS 543 Bristol Pike Andalusia, Pa NEW A USED (USES I. H. C. '53.


H. C. '55. 58 PASSE NGF 9 I. C.

'5o, 49 PASSENGER FORD '57, 64 PASSENGER FORD '57. 58 PASSENGE? FORD '56, 58 PASSENGER CHFV 58. 40 PASSENGER School bus GMC '58, 58 School bus C. 131 '56. 58 PASSENGER I C.

'56. 58 PASSENGER FCRD '57 MODEL 700, 58 PASS FORD '57, MODEL 750. 49. PASS I. C.

'52, 54 PAS5FNGER, FORD '51, 29 ADULTS NEW BUSES '62, 58 PASSFNGE9 FOPD 700, '62. 49 PASSENGER CHEV '62. 58 PASSENGER GMC '62. 53 PASSENGER GMC '62. 49 H.

WILLS EQUIPMENT CO. MT. HOLLY, N. AM 7 0200 USED TRUCK HDQTRS 60 Intl. V-725A, gas tractor 58 Mack.

B-60, gus tractor 55-6-7, Mack (61 B42 s. gas trodor 51 Mack, LF. tandem flat. 16 ft. 55 Intl.

RF-21 1 tandem chassis 2I0WB DIESELS 56 Mack 13) B6I T'l, Tractor 673 56 Mack 131 H63 s. Tractor 673 59 Mack 17) B73 220 Cummins 59 Brock H257, Trac, NH1S0 Cummins 58 White 3000 tractor. JI 6 WiLL FINANCE MACK TRUCKS, INC. FACTORY BRANCH 2647 York St, RE 9-2777 BUY YOUR TRUCK FROM A TRUCK SPE CIALIST. WE HAVE DUMP TRUCKS LIFT GATE TRUCKS, STAKE, DUMP RUCKS MANY OTHER TRUCKS WITH SPECIAL BODIES, IF YOU HAVE A TRUCK PROBLEM, WE CAN HE1P YOU FDWAPDS TRUCK SAIPS ROUTE 41.

ALMONESSON. CA 7-7639 Phila WA 5-0773 12 DUMP TRUCKS, B-42X. spec heavy duty Mack clump trucks, axles wheel base, 158'', Hell 8 gauae steel dump boay, model HHH, 10 ft long, 7 wide ins de, j4 sides, o4 taiign'e Oak fioor with wear piafe. heater A defroster. Heil model 26A win cylinders, 6 hydraulic hoists, 17 on lifting cap.

Model EN-401 engine, Jires.5A SUMMER CLEARANCE' 51 FORD panel $245 58 VOLKSWAGEN panel $795 61 VOLKSWAGEN pnel WILKE MOTORS, INC. 6635 FRANKFORD AVE. DE 2-5500 BUSES Hearses and Ambulances. New A used. Wolfington Body SBth A Lansdowne Ave.

GR 7-6725. USED SCHOOL BUSES FOR SALE Also new buses, Gross Eauioment Boyetown. FO 7-7685 BUSES for all uses. School, adult, in dustry. New used, Wivne Bus Saies Glenolden.

Pa, LU MOVING Vans, 2 Int'l Harvesters with torn built bod es, Ki 5-071 1 670 Homes wrocker, GMC 10 spd winch truck w16 stale body, EL 6-lo67 1-TON Pickup Apache 30, 1961. Good condition. Can 5A 6-57' 3. BUSES, new A used. School Bus Sales, Pnulsboro.

J. HA 3 1114. I960. 1 FORD Van. A-l cond.

Oris- nal owner. Coll fV 6-1 tip. BUS '47 Intl, 32 seat cap, $325. Call DA 4-9647. sol Hunting fork avt.

PRODUCE Van. 35' Hi-Cube. Good run ning condition. Call DE COMPLETE lino of good used trucks. Eerman Sales, KennsBurg.

UK 1 1 YcAK. i 1 MOTORS Repaired Volvo jobs Rir.g Jobs Soarings Oil Looks TERMS OPEN MON. TO SAT. 8:30 AM-7 PM Accessories, Paris Repairs Painting FOREIGN cor used parts (or Mercedes nenz, Taunus, Opel, Metropolitan VW, Peugeot, Austin Heoley, Hillman Mmx. Enalish Ford.

Volvo. Triumph Renault, also used parts for some Amer ican Compact cars. Ridge Auto Parts, 29h A BA 5 7300. AUTO accessories, duntov cam A lifters, $35. Haliorand quick chonge rear, $100.

760-15 race master slicks, $65. 870-15 bruce slicks, $55. 1 set 4" 327" engine pistons. 11.25 to 1. $30.

Rt 9 Pine Bearh New Jersey PACKARD PARTS AND SERVICE We have a large stock of new S. used parts, tow prices. WEIGLE BROS, ie N. 55th ST. OR 2-3J97 SELL McCuliough Super charger.

'40 Ford Bumper, body moldings, tail lights A steering wheel. Complete Cros-ley. front Suspension. Call GA 5-4115, STUDE 'S3 Hdtp Cpe No motor Ready tor engine swap or scil tor parts. 585 79 Middle Rd.

Levittown, Pa. Wi 5-7984 TRANSMISSIONS A REAR ASSEMBLIES. Sam 461 7Jorresdale.CU 8-2500 AUTO Transmission rebuilt A repaired. T.oga, 331 7N Broad. BA 59337.

AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REPAIRS low price, 2700 Diamond. CE 02, AUTO parts, used, for foreign cars only Many mokes. 130 10 8-1435 AUTOMATIC Transmission Repaired, Re- built. AamcoJ4460 From. DA 9-6609 AUTOMATIC Transmission Exclusively.

Nortrr- J4SN Brood. LI 9-8485, AUTO Springs Installed while you wail Open Saturday. Call NE 4-9734, SALE Automobile wheel balancers, cheap Call JE 5-l99. Wanted 1937 A 1938 Packard floor shift trans. Too cover.

Any '55 to '56 Packa'd shift fnve-sion par's, GA 5-4H5 Commercial Cars, Trucks FORD '55. Cab over. 2-speed trans. Best offer HU 6-6093 or HU 5-2022. FORD '57," Vi-ton panei, $445.

Fosi- Htiahw Frd. 2ltt A Mkt, LP 3-6473. FORD '62. New" Icenoline Van from $1790. Chestnut ford.

4600 Cnesinut. FORD '56 Pickups T. $495, T. $595 GOLDNFR62J4GtnAve Gfc 8-99 '56 GMC-451 traclor, air brakes, 2 tp rear, 5 so trans, saddle tanks, 5th Wheel. $1150.

Good condition. SCATTOUNI MOTORS, INC. 1400 W. 9th St. Chester.

Pa. TR 4-6276 CMC '56 '550' wilh 9.00x20 tires, airbrakes, will take 14-ft body, excellent Condition. Ready to work. Sacrifice. SWENSON FORD 3950 KENSINGTON AVE.

CU 9-77Q0 GMC-59-1 ton pickup-Excel GMC DEALER 4060 Powelton Ave BA 2.8100 CMC '56, '55, '54 i 12' vans, $5 dn 36 mo. KING Mtrs, 4121 Chestnut t. CMC '58-1500 gal tank. Hydromoiic Good BiJSldWJtt3J9J-CMC TlorlsMrucit. 1 ton panel like new.

6201Bait more Ay. YendonPq. INT'L '57rchassisi cab, 134'' wb, tags Gd cond lrial for wcrlei NORTON CHEVROLET A8O0 RISING SUN AVE. PI 5-0600, INTERNATlbNAL Sleeper Recon- ditioned thruout. Lease purchase Dlan avail.

Pvt. Call MU 8 4483 or Mil 8-3015, INT'L '60. VCOJ2J tractor, 549-VB en gine, 8 so fiR trans. 10x20 tires. I CE A HO LM AN WA 2-5848 INT'L '59 MeTromlte ponel, excel cond, $695.

Foss-Hughes Ford, 2ist 4 Market 10 3-6490. INTERNATIONAL 1956 Truck with Pok- Mor trash body. condi ion 1995. CoMTiidn J. Good cond.

WM SCHf EB. GA 3-704 INTERNAtTONAI 1953 Tractor, 190, $995. Call Tilden 5-5400. INT'L '58 AC 160 16' van. Perf.

$1495 $5 dn, 36 mo. KING MUsl 2lChest. INTERNATIONAL "towing truck, A-l -i ndition 5 qHiQii-CalLW-i. INT'L LI 80, fine moving van, 22'. little mi.

Excel. BA 5-1702. GM David, INT'L bump '58, yd bodyT duals, extras. Fine condition. Call RA 8-6981.

JEEP '57, 4 wheel drive, pwr take-off, Ige pumopttochd.Call RA tu'Vord! Wido rear door, -refuse body, complete. CAMDEN TRUCK PARTS Descent vd. Iff 130, GL. 6 4010 MACK-B30-14 ft cie-duplex MACK B42 2 sp rear troclon-iooo INT L-RF192 tan dem dump laige ttioction stoles, vans A othe'l GETZ 5958 Broaa1. Open eve WA 4 000 MACK, 10 wheel A40S, 16 ft van, side doors 121 full rear doors, al cond.

10 tires hie new SK7JJ0iJ MACK, TANDEM Diesel Traclor B-613- ST, 1022 s. Excel cond, Pt. 130 Penn- nukenN, J. Ph WO 5300, MACK' AioS" Tandem Cement ready to work priced to sell.S.K 7-21 01 rm i i -RJBTXTl Q'jgj-tgv! Vfefto3 1 nd Clutch Assemblies I 1 eeafclJiiiilAJifcii iiIiiTmi i 3-PI) Custom Made INSTALLED FREE WHY PAY M0RE1 Commercial Cars, Trucks Wanted WANTED IATE MODEL PICK-UP TRUCK NO DEALERS. Pi 3-8S75.

foreign Antomobiles ALFA ROMEO '62'9 Imed delivery on convertible road sters. See and Drive for ONLY $7995 AUTHORIZED FACTORY DEAltR MAIN LINE OLDSMOBILE 197 Lancaster ov, Wayne. MU 8-5161 ALFA-Romeo '60 I-lltre Superleggera, 5-sDeea trans, low miieaae. A ciistmc lively different show piece. Cost new SQ00.

SALE PRICE $7995 -PHILA SPORT CAR CENTER 6235 N. BROAD ST. HA 4-6500 ALFA "FIAT LANCIA TRIUMPH W. PORSCHE Factories Authorised PLACHTER IMPORTED CARS 500 Broad St LO 7-5930 Also Used Car Selection ALFA '61 Romeo Spyder convertible, 6000 original miles, like new conaition SALE PRICE $1895 PHILA SPORT CAR CENTER 6735 N. BROAD ST.

4 6500 AlFA Romeo '61 roodstet, red wblk uoholst, AM-FM Radio, I owner, pvt sale. Call OS 5-5605. ALFA Romeo '52, 2500 grand pnx coupe, ww s. Best offer or trade ca or boat, 609 TR 7 61 32 (levittown, NJl '60 AlFA Romeo Sprint Cpe. White with 4 seats, iiood cq.nd.JU ALPINE Sunbeam-! 961 eonv, ww tires, RAH, tonneau cover.

CU 8-J874. AUSTIN-HEALEY '62 3000 MK II' De luxe 4-seat roadster, only 3900 miles Special hi-lift cam, modif.ed carburc tors, coiripenrion eAnausr, os ntwi ONLY $2995 NORTON CHEVROLET 6800 RISING SUN AVF. Pi 5-0600 AUSTIN-HEALY '56, 1004, mint condition. Ail new paint, batte-y, nulon top, eaurpped seat bel's, 5 Micheiin tires, wire wheels, supu'b cond. VICT OS SPOf'S CASS 1512 BELFiELD AVE i'l h'k Vv'est of Biood at Wvom-ng Avel DA 9.Q603 Open -ill 9 PM, Sot Ml5 A I NH A A SPRITES Immed Delivery, Good Trade-Ail Colors Maginmss tor bports Lars Eoston Rood No'th of Willow Grove Tumoike Exit OS 7-1 300 Open Daily 9-9 AL'TIN-rtealey '61, overdrive, chrome wire wheels, tump seats, red or wnrte, 2 to choose from, 12,000 mile guatan, SALE PRICE $7495 PHILA SPORT CAR CENTER JT, HA 4-6500 AUSTIN-HEALEY, MO, SPRITtSAA SUNBEAM.

Also many used imports. ED ROTH SON De'sea Or, Glassboro, NJ. TU 1-3111 AUSTIN Healy '60 4-pass rdstr, 30O0-I wire wheeis, low mi, Jltsvo. Wassem, Inc, 100 BethlehemPike, excel "cond. AUSTIN Heoley '60 3000, 9000 mi.

reas, pvt. party. Call Mi 6 0J9, AUSTIN-Healey 3000, '60. Jump seats, 73,000 mi. Price $1995.

Mt i-iyi. BORGWORD '61 Coupe SI 197 LOU BLOCK, 49th Chestnut DAIMLER '60 convertible cpe. Off white with beiae too fawn lenthei interior, V8. 4-speed tmnsmission, $2195 ABT SHARP, CAMDEN, N. J.

WA 5-3337 PHONE EM 5-4646 DKW 1959. Gray, 2 dr hordtop, 24,000 15 5 I 9 1 069; FORD English '58, Consul conv coupe. Will be so at public auction tor an rtstate at noon Wednesday June 70 rn saies rooms of Samuel T. Freeman Co 1P09 Chestnut St, ENGLISH FORD '5 Anglia, UH, $495 WILKE MOTORS, INC. o635F3ANHFQl VE.

DE 7-5500 ENGLISH FORD '59 Con-ul, RAH, $695 WILKE MOTORS, INC. 635 FPANKPORD AVE. ENGLISH Ford '59 Conv, 6 cyl, extras. Exc cond. Pvt.

$795. HA 9-6 '59 (NJ). ENGLISH FORDS. NEW A USED KEYWOSTH. 6235 Have-fo'd.

7-6949 ENGLISH FORDS CARSON-PETTIT 535'ej oveBe wyrvJVi 4-JJiOO FIAT 1300 Spyder. New lop, Pinin Fa rina body, swiv seats, lug rack, ww iips, 1 owner, 18 000 mi, exrel cond. 1 1 700 or best offer. CA 4-1014, FIAT Franchised Dealers. Terrific deals.

Superb services ail parts. Oo eves. Oveseas Car, 560 Cottmon. PI 2j929i FIAT SALES, SERVICE. COUNTY CARS 294 BALTIMORE, MEDIA.

GR 4-5146 FIAT Auth. Sales-Serv. Bob Yotos. Rt 13 rk? Cornwelis Hts. OR FIAT '59 2-saater roodster, 19 000 mi.

block, excel. Pvt HO 7-7747. GHIA, '5V COUPE, RAH, 'AS NEW'" FULLY GUARANTEED $1395 WILKE MOTORS, INC. 6635 FRANKFORD AVE. DF 2-55O0 HILIMAN '59 4-dr Minx, green A white, std t-ons, I owner, very beautiful, $650 WM I JUNES, MJ0 BKOAU SI.

HILLMAN Minx '60, 4 dr, KIH, like new thruout, sac, pvtt J695.L1 8 0'41 59 HILIMAN Minx led, owner? fir shift, gd cond. TU 4-5215 HILIMAN '53 Sedan. RAH, 1 own. Clean $495 GOLDNERj 621 4 tn, 8 -9J 9 7 JAGUAR '63 sedan, fully equipped ORIGINAL LIST PRICE $5436.50 OUR PPtCE LIST t4-'4i WALLER IMPORTS AUSTIN-HFALEY, MORRIS MG. SPRITE A JAGUAR JFNKINTOWN TU 7-7270 JAGUAR '60, XK ISO Convi Cpe.

Stick, Overdr. Pvt ewner. $2095. it w- 1 0. 1 We Do Small or Large Jobs $10 MO.

FHA TERMS $10 DN. CARPENTRY BRICK WORK ROOFING rVf INSTALL Modern Kitchens Tile bathrooms Gas Heat Finished Basem'ts Painting Cement's Electrio Work Old Homes Made Into Apartments For Free Estimate Call SH 7-2626 WEINERMAN SONS CONTRACTORS SINCE 192 Showroom. 51st Walnut Sts. Air Conditioning AIR-CONDITIONING A Refigerators, Saiei Servrco. Call GR 2-9365 ony- f'me.

AIR Conditioner! installed reasonably Coll SA 9-8757. ROOM Alr-Conditionine Installed and service. 24-hr se-vire. PO Alterations CALL Ralph Ferragino, Reg Plumber A Gen'l Contractor for all types of home renovattna repairs. No job too small or Ige Fiee est, cash or terms.

We work anywhere. Call anytime. LP B-ulHU, LOOK DOES IT AGAIN PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED Genera I Atlerationt Wanted. Terms. J.CAMPANLl.A SA 7 -5 "4b SMALL general contractor.

Jobi done for abor material plus I '0 7o prolit. No iohs too small or large. Call Jerry, CE g-3131 wicjht. DA 4-6532. TILE BATHS, kit, apt conver, rec rms.

heat, roofing, siding cement, pen etwloi. TERMS, CAIL NICK. fiA 5 5185 A CO. Papering A painting, exterior A interior, f-ree estimates. DE 6-UBs.

HOME REMODELING. Get our estimate today. LIT BROTHERS, WA 2-6300. "NEED WQRK. 20 YRS EXP.

GUAR. FREDREILLY GR4-7i23 ALTERATIONS. Recreo Rms, Additions. Call AARON JA 8-505! FL 2-1846 Awnings ALUMINUM or Fiberglas. Buy direct.

I AMBERI AWNING CO. DE Easem*nt Waterproofing PROVEN HYDRA SEA- f'ROCESS A'ATFPMASTFR Fnginrng Co FV 61 1 10 Bathrooms 3 PC BATHROOMS, $186. Instolled. 24 hr service on repairs. Registered plum ber.

CF 6-6'OQ, niybt DA 4 65 32. 1 PIECE bath wilh shower A tile work Call Ron JA 8 5050 FL 2-1845 MODERN 3 PC. BATHS INSTALLED easonob'e Free estima'e, Li 8-2150 Brick Pointing BRICK or Stone, Pointing, Stucco Work, 1 st doss wl free estimates, DA 9-8 6 POINTING. Brick or stone, 1st cl work. t-ee t-s'imatps rnr'nwooa, cu Brick Stone Work BRICK A Cinder Block Laid.

Also poinl- ng, stucco cement work, low prices Terms Call ROCCO RE 9 4767 MASONRY WORK, Brick. Block, Stone. fs' Northwnad Bid's CU 8 J9 i'J Carpentry CARPENTRY Cinder block, brick ce ment work, pointing, plastering, rough casting, windows, doors, garages addr'-ons, Peas. guar. Vi 8 3439.

SMALL general contractor. Jobs done for labor material plus 10 profit. No jobs too small or large. Call Jerry CE 7 313', night DA 4-6532. CARPENTRY, Alterations, Remodeling.

20 yrs exo. Low prices. Terms. CALL POCCO. PE 9 4767 CARPENTRY, pointing A alterations ea son a 1 en-j Call DE 7 -8 60 CARPENTRY WORK, ALTERATIONS Repays Ekc.

Free Es'ima's. DA 9-31 16 ALTERATIONS, Additions, Repairs. Est. N-i-rh-A-oH Bld-s. CU 8-TO9 Carpet Rug Cleaning and Repairing FIRST WE REMOVE THE GRIT A DIRT then we shampoo drugs, bung out orig beauty.

9x12 Dom $4,95. Peerless Rug on'i. Howard A Oxtmd. Nt 4-4l)iJ(i Cementing Plastering MASONRY WORK EXPERTLY done. Cin der biock and stone wails, painting rough casting, stone front, porches, patios, cellars cemented waterproofed,

Additions oil types. Free estimates, Go anywhere. Reas. Work guar, CEMENTING A Rough casting. Porches, patios basem*nts.

6nck cinner V. -liLli1 SptlJ? 72 EARL Lathams Masonry Contractor. Block, brick, plastering cement work Call bet 6 30 PM to 1 1 MBA CEMENT Work, plastering, rough cast ing, basem*nts tinishea. 20 yrs eo Low p-tces. Te-rns, ROCCO, tV'.


All types, wolks, steps- Pat'os. F-ee Fs'imgtes. DA 9 3i 10 EED CEME A PlASTERiNG. GUAR. CALL NICK GR4-J23 CEMENT WORK, all types, walks, steps.

Patios. Fiee Estimates. CU 8-3939, No Gimmicks. "We Fix Only "What's Needed! "Watch Us Do Your Job! LOW MICH A-l WORttl TERMS LOW AS $2 WK. OPEN SUN.

A DAILY S. i i Foreign Automobiles JAGUAR '54 XK120, '58 engine. Sharp yenow car with red interior Runs excellent, SALE PRICE $1095. PHILA SPORT CAR CENTER 6235 N. BROAD ST.

HA 4-6500 JAGUAR '53 MK VII, sterling gray with matching interior, fully equipped, 4 speed trans. Priced to sell at J5V5 ART SHARP, CAMDEN. N. J. WA 5-3337 PHONE EM 5-4646 JAGUAR '54, maroon, blk loath upholst, gd cond, CaJ.I 3bet 6-U) PM.

JAGUAR '52 sdn. ww's, fender skirts, weided head. Clean. $350. MA 4-7946 KARMANN-Ghla '62 coupe red with blacx top, ww tires.

This car has 900 ong miles. Priced to sell at $2195, ART SHARP, CAMDEN, N. J. WA 5 3337 PHONE EM 5-4646 KARMINN Ohio block. A-Wondi- tion, $1395, H.Ph 265-1427.

''S4t '56 300" sedans, standard transmission au-fomntjCj AM-FM prime leather interior, exceptionally clean, ail chauffeur driven. Traded on now Rolls-Royce. Favorably priced. KEENAN MOTORS 3900 BROAD ST. BA 3 4600 MERCEDES BENZ 1962 SAVE $1000 1962 '90 Sdn It qray.

SAVE 1961 "270" Sunroof Eapd. Spec $3490 I960 '220S' Blnck Sdn.Veiy clean $2950 DREXfcl MOTOR5 INC. Garrett Rd ab lansaowne Ave MA 2-0400 Drexel Hill SH 8-791 1 MERCEDES '60 "190SL" convertible block wi'h red leather in-erior, low mileage. Main line car, A fine car in superb condit on. Cost new $5900.

SALE PRICE $2995 PHILA SPORT CAR CENTER 6235 BROADEST. HA4-6500 '60 "3205" sedan, blue leother interior, AM-FM radio 1-owner, top condit. Fuily guar $3100 KEENAN MOTORS 3900 BROAD ST. BA JJ-4600 MERCEDES-Bonx 'AO "190SL" rdstr. white wblack top, red leather Intoiior AM-FM radio, immocuiatel $3000 APT SHARP, CAMDEN, WA PHONE EM 5-4646 MERCEDES Bens '60 ebony blk with red leather upholstery.

AM-FM rodio. This car is superb! $2895. ART SHARP, CAMDEN, WA 5 3337 PHONE EM 5-4646 MERCEDES '60 '320SE" convertible cpe, baron blue with beiae leother inter Mexico-Becker radio Supe-b cor. $5000 ART SHARP, CAMDEN, WA 5-3337 PHONE, EMJ5-4646 MERCEDES '53, "300" sedan. Mint Call Mi 6-2726.

MERCEDES '61 220SE Cpe. Few miles. $5995. GETZ, 4200 N. BROAD MGA '60.

Twin Com. Knock off disk whit. Ong, road speed tires, 18,000 mi, Nee' raced. Tan wred leather inter, $1595. Alfa Romeo '62 rdstr.

Whi'e w'ed in'er. Like brand new, $2595. PORCHE 61. 1600 super conve't White wblck top blue inter. AmFM radio.

Abarth exhst, 9000 ong mi 5jJ9; FACEL Veaa 60. 4 dr. sdn. Brack natu al tan leather interior. Over 3C0 P.S.

B. W. Auto, tronsm. Mi cheiin tires. Less than 20.000 ong miies.

Car cost $12,000 new, Asking $5200. WEE PRIX MOTOPS 2623 RIDGE PIKE NORjlSTOWN, PA BR 2 3660 MG; 1600 MARK II MIDGETS SPECIAL SALE SPEEDCRAFT "The OriQinol Foreign Car Deale-" Exton, Pa, Rte 30 Foxcro't 3-6300 Open Tuesday Friday Evenings U.C. O. '53, new red point, new moro-, clutch trasmission. New top mats 8F4UTIFUL! $v95, VICTOR SPORTS CARS 1512 BELFiELD AVE fl blk West of 8road at Wyoming Ave! 04 9 0171 Open til! 9 PM, Si 5 Foreign Automobiles MGA '61 1-owner Suburban car, clean, Sharp! Exreiient cond'tion.

Guaran-eed SALE PRICE $1195 PHILA SPOPT CAR CENTER 6733 BSOAD ST, HA 4-6500 MG TD '53, red roadster. RAH. WW tires Pert cond. peas, can be seen Sun morn, Kingham St at Mctrin ev. MG 1600 1960.

white, perf cond. 15,000 ong miles. Many extras. Pvt owner. Very reas.

BA 7-4vl. MG '55, TF 1500. Blk, excel cond. Make offer. Call Vi 4-3013, MG TD '53, block Roadster, excol cond.

wh-te too. Wi 9-3iT8- MGA '61 Red, wire wheels, Cood con dition, $1500, Call CH 2-0V45, 1500 '55, concourse cond, pvt. Must t-e sr'r-n to 0 arprec, MO 4-5777 MG '60. New inipt, priced at $1300 to sell Immed Call Vi 4-6092. METRO '60 Convt.

GreenWhite. Clean littie beauty $595. 7037 BROAD. METRO '60, 13,000 miles. Dual 90 tires, tmmoc.

CH 7-81 89. MORGAN '60, red sports car. Excel cond. Best oiler. CH 7-0m.

Jfc 5-0 '95 MORRIS '59 2-dr sdn, beautiful condition, OMIY J5 DOWN 18 WEEK PH'LA SPORT CPA CENTER ST. HA 4-6500 OPEl '59 Station wagon, pvt. Must ii. Visa. Call RA 5.

anvtime. PEUGUOT '61. Excellent condition. Private. LO 8-7717.

PEUGEOT '59's A '60's FROM $795 f'tUGtUtS, 4UUU N. B-oad. PEUGEOTS CARSON-PETTIT bLanc.s'er ove, Berwyn. Ni 4-1 500 PORSCHE SALES SERVICE JOHN STEIN EUROPEAN CARS, INC. 01 6-2255 804 Lincoln St Wilmington, Del.

U-WU" Iff i AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SPECIALISTS FIXING TRANSMISSIONS SrVC 1939 "Wt kntw what u)t art doing" Oiil'ily Wnrkminship Horiisl Frlcis ALL WORK GUARANTEED EASY TERMS TOWING IU 3 9667 FRANK'S SERVICE CENTER 311 N. Chester Pike (Rt. 13) Glenolden, Delaware Co. Foreign Automobiles PORSCHE In South Jersey AVIS GARAGE, INC. Route 40.

Monroeville, N. J. Phone 609-358-8103 Authdnzed Volkswagen Porsche Sales A Services New '62 Porsche coupes- A roadsters in stork. PORSCHE '59 "1600" cpe, black, red leather interior, AM-FM radio, excel lent condition. Real sharpl $2300.

KEENAN MOTORS 3900 BROAD ST. BA 3-4600 PORSCHE 1959-1600 Cabriolet, excol cond. Coll LA 5-2805 PORSCHE, Alfa A londa. County Cars. 294 BALTIMORE, MEDIA, GR PORSCHE '55, uper speedster.

Excellent condition. Call EV 6-9574, RENAULT PEUGEOT AUTHORIZED SALES SERVICE ROV-R LAND ROVER SPEEOCRAFT-BALA 345 Montgome'v nve, B-tla MO4-3550 RENAULT '61 Caravelle Conv, 4 speed. Beautiful condition, DELPHiNE '58, black car, 4 dr. SPAETH-WOLFINGTON AUTHOPIZEO CHEVROLET DEALER 6759 RIDGE AVE. IV 3-690T RENAULT, $37,67 a month, $245 down KENAULTS PtUGtUI HENRY FAULKNER, INC.

1645 Cottmnn St. Open evei, Fi RENAULT '60 Dauph sed. W-W. All red beauty. 1 own.

low mi. $795 BURDUMY LINCOLN-MtRCUPY 69th locust. Up Darby. FL 2-2979. RENAULT-Dauphne, '60, Sunroof MECHANIC SPECIAL $325 PHILA SPORT CAR CENTER 6235 BROAD ST HA 4-6500' RENAULT '59, leatherette, 13,000 Dr 2nd car, sacrdrce, $499, HA 8 4548 IN.

J.I. RENAULT '58 4-dr, 1 own. new $26 month, GO I DNER GJ 8 9797, RENAULT Dauphine, '57, 4 dr, aooa cond tinn. Must sell. GA 5-209 RENAULT '62 s.

Save S. Authorized Dir. B-oad, ROLLS ROYCF-'60 SILVER CLOUD II D-iven 8000 miles, immaculate, cos $18,500, sac-i' ce for $9905. SHORE BROS. 4701 JJ Bread DA4J600 SAAB I960, white, loaded, new cond.

RE 9-4552. 9-4 or JE 5-8069, eves. SAAB '59. 17.000 mi, good cond. 36 MFG.

GR 2-494. Cii after Sun. SIMCA '61 Grande large 2-dr hardtop, pene't cond ti on, ONlr 39a, $2j dn, PHi LA SPOPT CAR CENTER 6735 BPQAD ST, HA 4-650C SIMCA '59 sedan, VS. Vsdette, France's fmesr at a lowest price! Clniy 569j, BOTT PLYMOUTHJ43.17 N. BROAD ST.

SIMCA '61 4-dr sed, almoil'new. B0O0 Must se I Pvt. 1 174 Voilev Rd, Pyd-il. TU 7-9637. TRIUMPH TR-3-TR-4 Immed Delivery Maginniss tor Sports Cars Erston Rd North of Willow Grove Turnpike Fx.t.

OS 7-1300. Open TRIUMPH '5B-TR 3 Rdster conv't. red wblk leather int. 4 ipeed trans. 30 ni.

p. a. new w.w's Inspection, 30,000 orlg. ml. gar kept.

tUns perfect pvt, sac. WA 7-5351 TRIUMPH TRIUMPH USA'i 1 Selling Sports Car Laraest Triumph Dealer. Immed Deliv GLENSIDE TRIUMPH ,758 Easton Rd. TR-3 '60 black convertible, white top tonneau cover, runs pert! Only 129a PHILA Sf*ckI LAK LtNltR 6235 BROAD ST. HA 4-6500 TRIUMPH '61 station wagon, 4-speed trans, radio htr, ww tt-es, $1395.

ART SHARP, CAMDEN, WA 5 333' PHONE FM 5-4646! TRIUMPH TR3 'S9. ONLY 28.000 les. Racing green. Orig owner. Beaut maintained, $1400.

LO 7-4019, PE 5-6395. VOLKSWAGEN YBH SALES SERVICE DEL COUNTY OLDEST AND MOST EXPERIENCED AUTHORIZED VW DEALER Ft I je moot. Pa. OPEN EVES VOLKSWAGEN FACTORY AUTHORIZED1 DEALER OVERSEAS DELIVERY ARRANOFO WILKE MOTORS, INC. 6635 FRANKFORD AVE DE 2-5500 Ready to diist off your CobWeb MoeY? An Inquirer Classified Want-Ad will do it! Your "cobweb money" is covering something you no longer need or want but which someone else does need and want.

It can be an appliance, a piece of furniture just about anything. To find ypur "cobweb run your own Inquirer Classified Want-Ad. To place your ad, DIAL LOcust 3-5000, A Cirsct Una ts an Inquirer Ad-TJctre Private 'parties can use Inquirer Thrifty Want-Ads, two lines-two days-two dollars, to find their "cobweb money.".

The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.