Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Performed as Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, State of Illinois
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Year Ended June 30, 2016 Table of Contents Page 1
System Officials Management Assertion Letter
Compliance Report: Summary Independent Accountant’s Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance, and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards Schedule of Findings Current Finding - State compliance Prior Finding Not Repeated
8 10 12
Financial Statement Report: The System’s financial statement report for the year ended June 30, 2016, which includes the independent auditor’s report, management’s discussion and analysis, basic financial statements and notes, required supplementary information other than management’s discussion and analysis, supplementary information, and the independent auditor’s report on internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters based on an audit of financial statements performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards has been issued separately. Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes: Schedule
Page 13
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 29
11 12 13 14 15 16
30 31 31 32 33 34
Summary Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Revenues and Expenses Analysis of Revenues and Expenses Schedule of Administrative Expenses Analysis of Administrative Expenses Schedule of Changes in Property and Equipment Schedule of Investment Portfolio Schedule of Investment Manager Fees Analysis of Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Schedule of Cash Receipts to Deposits Remitted to the State Comptroller Benefit Payments Member Contributions Analysis of Significant Account Balances Schedule of Changes in Statutory Reserve Accounts Analysis of Changes in Statutory Reserve Accounts
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Year Ended June 30, 2016 Table of Contents Schedule
Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes (Continued) Analysis of Operations (Unaudited): System’s Functions and Planning Program (Unaudited) Progress in Funding the System (Unaudited) Budget Impasse Disclosures (Unaudited) Alternative Financing in Lieu of Appropriations and Programs to Address Untimely Payments to Vendors (Unaudited) Interest Costs on Fiscal Year 2016 Invoices (Unaudited) Locally Held Fund (Unaudited) Rates of Return (Unaudited) Schedule of Investment Commissions (Unaudited) Schedule of Contributions/Deductions and Effect on Investments (Unaudited) Average Number of Employees (Unaudited) Selected Activity Measures and Service Efforts and Accomplishments as Reported by System Officials (Unaudited)
Investment Listing
35 38 39 39 40 40 40 42 44 44
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination June 30, 2016
System Officials Executive Director
Richard W. Ingram
Chief Investment Officer
Stan Rupnik, CFA
Chief Financial Officer
Jana Bergschneider, CPA
Chief Legal Counsel
Marcy Dutton, effective as of 3/1/2016 Thomas Gray, retired as of 2/29/2016
Director of Internal Audit
Stacy Smith, CPA, CIDA
Office Locations Springfield Office 2815 West Washington Street Springfield, Illinois 62702
Lisle Office 4200 Commerce Court, Suite 100 Lisle, Illinois 60532-3611
TEACHERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS 2815 West Washington Street I P.O. Box 19253 I Springfield, Illinois 62794·9253
Richard W. Ingram, Executive Director [emailprotected] I http://trs.illinois.gov (800) 877-7896 I for the hearing impaired: (866) 326-0087
April 20, 2017 RSM US LLP 20 North Martingale Road, Suite 500 Schaumburg, IL 60173 Ladies and Gentlemen: We are responsible for the identification of, and compliance with, all aspects of laws, regulations, contracts, or grant agreements that could have a material effect on the operations of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois (System). We are responsible for and we have established and maintained an effective system of, internal controls over compliance requirements. We have performed an evaluation of the System's compliance with the following assertions during the year ended June 30, 2016. Based on this evaluation, we assert that during the year ended June 30, 2016, the System has materially complied with the assertions below. A. The System has obligated, expended, received and used public funds of the State in accordance with the purpose for which such funds have been appropriated or otherwise authorized by law. 8. The System has obligated, expended, received and used public funds of the State in accordance with any limitations, restrictions, conditions or mandatory directions imposed by law upon such obligation, expenditure, receipt or use. C. The System has complied, in all material respects, with applicable laws and regulations, including the State uniform accounting system, in its financial and fiscal operations. D. State revenues and receipts collected by the System are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the accounting and recordkeeping of such revenues and receipts is fair, accurate and in accordance with law. E. Money or negotiable securities or similar assets handled by the System on behalf of the State or held in trust by the System have been properly and legally administered, and the accounting and recordkeeping relating thereto is proper, accurate and in accordance with law. Yours very truly, Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois
Richard W. Ingram, Executive Director
Marcy Dutton, Chief Legal Counsel
Jana Bergschneider, Chief Financial Officer
TRS is an EEO employer.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Year Ended June 30, 2016 Compliance Report Summary The compliance testing performed during this examination was conducted in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and in accordance with the Illinois State Auditing Act. Accountant’s Report The Independent Accountant’s Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance, and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes does not contain scope limitations, disclaimers or other significant non-standard language. Summary of Findings Number of Findings Repeated findings Prior recommendations implemented or not repeated
Current Report
Prior Report
1 0 1
1 1 0
Schedule of Findings Item No.
Finding Type
Noncompliance with Certain Disclosures Required By the Illinois Pension Code
Prior Findings Not Repeated A
Controls over Census Data
Exit Conference The findings and recommendations appearing in this report were discussed with System personnel at an exit conference on March 9, 2017. Attending were: System: Richard W. Ingram Marcilene Dutton Deron Bertolo Jana Bergschneider Stan Rupnik
Executive Director Chief Legal Counsel Director Investment Accounting Chief Financial Officer Chief Investment Officer
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Year Ended June 30, 2016 Exit Conference (Continued) OAG: Jon Fox
Audit Manager
RSM US LLP: Joseph Evans Bill Sarb
Partner Senior Manager
The response to the recommendation was provided by Jana Bergschneider, Chief Financial Officer, in correspondence dated March 17, 2017.
Independent Accountant’s Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance, and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes
Honorable Frank J. Mautino Auditor General State of Illinois Board of Trustees Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance As Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, we have examined the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois’ (System) compliance with the requirements listed below, as more fully described in the Audit Guide for Financial Audits and Compliance Attestation Engagements of Illinois State Agencies (Audit Guide) as adopted by the Auditor General, during the year ended June 30, 2016. The management of the System is responsible for compliance with these requirements. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the System’s compliance based on our examination. A. The System has obligated, expended, received, and used public funds of the State in accordance with the purpose for which such funds have been appropriated or otherwise authorized by law. B. The System has obligated, expended, received, and used public funds of the State in accordance with any limitations, restrictions, conditions or mandatory directions imposed by law upon such obligation, expenditure, receipt or use. C. The System has complied, in all material respects, with applicable laws and regulations, including the State uniform accounting system, in its financial and fiscal operations. D. State revenues and receipts collected by the System are in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and the accounting and recordkeeping of such revenues and receipts is fair, accurate and in accordance with law. E. Money or negotiable securities or similar assets handled by the System on behalf of the State or held in trust by the System have been properly and legally administered and the accounting and recordkeeping relating thereto is proper, accurate, and in accordance with law. Our examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants; the standards applicable to attestation engagements contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States; the Illinois State Auditing Act (Act); and the Audit Guide as adopted by the Auditor General pursuant to the Act; and, accordingly, included examining, on a test basis, evidence about the System’s compliance with those requirements listed in the first paragraph of this report and performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circ*mstances. We believe that our examination provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Our examination does not provide a legal determination on the System’s compliance with specified requirements.
In our opinion, the System complied, in all material respects, with the compliance requirements listed in the first paragraph of this report during the year ended June 30, 2016. However, the results of our procedures disclosed an instance of noncompliance with the requirements, which is required to be reported in accordance with criteria established by the Audit Guide, issued by the Illinois Office of the Auditor General and which is described in the accompanying schedule of findings as item 2016-001. Internal Control Management of the System is responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over compliance with the requirements listed in the first paragraph of this report to determine the examination procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion. In planning and performing our examination, we considered the System’s internal control over compliance with the requirements listed in the first paragraph of this report to determine the examination procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on compliance and to test and report on internal control over compliance in accordance with the Audit Guide, issued by the Illinois Office of the Auditor General, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the System’s internal control over compliance. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the System’s internal control over compliance. A deficiency in internal control over compliance exists when the design or operation of a control over compliance does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, noncompliance with the requirements listed in the first paragraph of this report on a timely basis. A material weakness in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance, such that there is a reasonable possibility that material noncompliance with a requirement listed in the first paragraph of this report will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis. A significant deficiency in internal control over compliance is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control over compliance that is less severe than a material weakness in internal control over compliance, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control over compliance was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control over compliance that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. We did not identify any deficiencies in internal control over compliance that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. There were no immaterial findings that have been excluded from this report. The System’s response to the finding identified in our examination is described in the accompanying schedule of findings. We did not examine the System’s response and, accordingly, we express no opinion on the response. Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes As Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, we have audited and issued under separate cover the Statement of Fiduciary Net Position of the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (System), a component unit of the State of Illinois, as of and for the year ended June 30, 2016, and the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the financial statements of the System, and have issued our report thereon dated December 14, 2016, which contained an unmodified opinion on those financial statements. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the financial statements that collectively comprise the System’s basic financial statements. We have not performed any procedures with respect to the audited financial statements subsequent to December 16, 2016. The accompanying supplementary information for State compliance purposes, consisting of the Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Section (Schedules 1 through 16) and the Investment Listing (Schedule 17), for the year ended June 30, 2016 is presented for the purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements of the System. 6
Such information is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements. The accompanying supplementary information for state compliance purposes, consisting of the Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Section (Schedules 1 through 16) and Investment Listing (Schedule 17) for the year ended June 30, 2016 has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and certain additional procedures, including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the accompanying supplementary information for state compliance purposes, consisting of the Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Section (Schedules 1 through 16) and the Investment Listing (Schedule 17) for the year ended June 30, 2016 is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole for the year ended June 30, 2016. We have also previously audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America, the Statement of Fiduciary Net Position of the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (System), a component unit of the State of Illinois, as of and for the years ended June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014, and the Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the financial systems of the System (not presented herein), and have issued our report thereon dated December 17, 2015 and January 6, 2015, which contained unmodified opinions on those financial statements. The accompanying supplementary information for State compliance purposes for the years ended June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014, consisting of the Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Section (Schedules 2 through 16) is the responsibility of management and was derived from and relates directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare the June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014 financial statements. The accompanying supplementary information for State compliance purposes consisting of the Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Section (Schedules 2 through 16) for the years ended June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014 has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014 basic financial statements and certain additional procedures including comparing and reconciling such information directly to the underlying accounting and other records used to prepare those basic financial statements or to the basic financial statements themselves, and other additional procedures in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. In our opinion, the accompanying supplementary information for State compliance purposes consisting of the Fiscal Schedules and Analysis Section (Schedules 2 through 16) for the years ended June 30, 2015 and June 30, 2014 is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole from which it has been derived. The accompanying supplementary information in the Analysis of Operations Section is presented for the purposes of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, we do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. This report is intended solely for the information and use of the Auditor General, the General Assembly, the Legislative Audit Commission, the Governor, the Board of Trustees of the System and System management, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties.
Schaumburg, Illinois April 20, 2017 except for the supplementary information for State compliance purposes, as to which the date is December 14, 2016
Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and on Compliance and Other Matters Based on an Audit of Financial Statements Performed in Accordance with Government Auditing Standards Honorable Frank J. Mautino Auditor General State of Illinois Board of Trustees Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois As Special Assistant Auditors for the Auditor General, we have audited, in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, the financial statements of the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (System), as of and for the year ended June 30, 2016, and the related notes to the financial statements as listed in the table of contents, and have issued our report thereon dated December 14, 2016. Internal Control Over Financial Reporting In planning and performing our audit of the financial statements, we considered the System’s internal control over financial reporting (internal control) to determine the audit procedures that are appropriate in the circ*mstances for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the financial statements, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the System’s internal control. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the effectiveness of the System’s internal control. A deficiency in internal control exists when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions, to prevent, or detect and correct, misstatements on a timely basis. A material weakness is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity’s financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis. A significant deficiency is a deficiency, or a combination of deficiencies, in internal control that is less severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit attention by those charged with governance. Our consideration of internal control was for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph of this section and was not designed to identify all deficiencies in internal control that might be material weaknesses or significant deficiencies. Given these limitations, during our audit we did not identify any deficiencies in internal control that we consider to be material weaknesses. However, material weaknesses may exist that have not been identified. Compliance and Other Matters As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the System’s financial statements are free from material misstatement, we performed tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a direct and material effect on the determination of financial statement amounts. However, providing an opinion on compliance with those provisions was not an objective of our audit, and accordingly, we do not express such an opinion. The results of our tests disclosed no instances of noncompliance or other matters that are required to be reported under Government Auditing Standards.
Purpose of this Report The purpose of this report is solely to describe the scope of our testing of internal control and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the effectiveness of the System’s internal control or on compliance. This report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards in considering the System’s internal control and compliance. Accordingly, this communication is not suitable for any other purpose.
Schaumburg, Illinois December 14, 2016
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Schedule of Findings – State Compliance Year Ended June 30, 2016 Finding No. 2016-001 Noncompliance with Certain Disclosures Required by the Illinois Pension Code The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (TRS or System) did not always obtain fully completed disclosures from investment managers as required in the Illinois Pension Code. During testing, the auditors noted two of six (33%) investment manager disclosures returned to the System where the investment manager did not properly disclose the number of contracts with businesses owned by a minority, a female and or a person with a disability and the number of contracts with other than those businesses owned by a minority, a female or a person with a disability. The Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS 5/1-113.21 (a)) states, “No contract, oral or written, for investment services, consulting services, or commitment to a private market fund shall be awarded by a retirement system, pension fund, or investment board established under this Code unless the investment advisor, consultant, or private market fund first discloses: (1) the number of its investment and senior staff and the percentage of its investment and senior staff who are (i) a minority person, (ii) a female, and (iii) a person with a disability; and (2) the number of contracts, oral or written, for investment services, consulting services, and professional and artistic services that the investment advisor, consultant, or private market fund has with (i) a minority owned business, (ii) a female owned business, or (iii) a business owned by a person with a disability; and (3) the number of contracts, oral or written, for investment services, consulting services, and professional and artistic services the investment advisor, consultant, or private market fund has with a business other than (i) a minority owned business, (ii) a female owned business or (iii) a business owned by a person with a disability, if more than 50% of services performed pursuant to the contract are performed by (i) a minority person, (ii) a female, and (iii) a person with a disability.” The Illinois Pension Code section 40 ILCS 5/1-113.21 (b) states “The disclosures required by this Section shall be considered, within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence, prior to the awarding of a contract, oral or written, for investment services, consulting services, or commitment to a private market fund.” System officials stated the compliance department verifies that all required disclosures are received during the due diligence process, however, some investment managers do not currently track or cannot legally provide all of the required disclosures in accordance with the current language within the Illinois Pension Code. Failure to obtain the necessary disclosures from the investment managers prior to awarding the contract results in noncompliance with the Illinois Pension Code. (Finding Code No. 2016-001)
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Schedule of Findings – State Compliance Year Ended June 30, 2016 Finding No. 2016-001 Noncompliance with Certain Disclosures Required by the Illinois Pension Code (Continued) Recommendation: We recommend the System work with their money managers to comply with the disclosure requirements of the Illinois Pension Code or seek legislative remedy. System Response: TRS respectfully but strongly rejects the finding of noncompliance with the Illinois Pension Code (Finding No. 2016-01). The System is committed to all efforts focused on greater diversity within its investment program and has worked diligently to ensure professional implementation of the law and its intent. Specifically the audit cites two instances of non-compliance: •
The audit notes incomplete information from a Stockholm, Sweden-based private equity general partner. The manager cited Swedish law which prohibits collection of the requested information (reference to the applicable Swedish statute was included in the disclosure). TRS is not able to compel foreign entities to violate their home country laws. As such, the disclosure was deemed to be responsive to the law and acceptable to TRS compliance staff.
The audit notes that an existing TRS investment manager was not able to accurately answer all fields in the disclosure document. For the data points in question, the manager disclosed in a footnote that their current systems are not able to track the requested data. However, the manager diligently and completely responded to all items in the disclosure document. Further, the manager took the additional step of providing commentary related to the firm’s beliefs and policies describing their commitment to diversity. TRS investment staff and TRS compliance staff believe the disclosure to be a truthful and accurate response.
We appreciate having had the opportunity to discuss this with you and remain committed to full and professional implementation of the law in question. TRS executive, investment and compliance staff firmly believe that all of the disclosures received to date are in compliance with existing law and allow us to make the determinations necessary to carry out the full intent of the law.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Prior Finding Not Repeated Year Ended June 30, 2016
Finding - Controls over Census Data
In the prior fiscal year, the Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (System) had weaknesses in controls over member census data reporting by its participating employers (Finding Code No. 2015001, 2014-001). During the current fiscal year, the System continued their implementation of the action plan developed during previous fiscal years by fully implementing new processes and controls over census data.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Year Ended June 30, 2016 Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes Summary Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes presented in this section of the report includes the following: •
Fiscal Schedules and Analysis: Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Comparative Schedule of Revenues and Expenses Analysis of Revenues and Expenses Schedule of Administrative Expenses Analysis of Administrative Expenses Schedule of Changes in Property and Equipment Schedule of Investment Portfolio Schedule of Investment Manager Fees Analysis of Accounts Receivable Reconciliation Schedule of Cash Receipts to Deposits Remitted to the State Comptroller Benefit Payments Member Contributions Analysis of Significant Account Balances Schedule of Changes in Statutory Reserve Accounts Analysis of Changes in Statutory Reserve Accounts
Analysis of Operations (Unaudited): System’s Functions and Planning Program (Unaudited) Progress in Funding the System (Unaudited) Budget Impasse Disclosures (Unaudited) Alternative Financing in Lieu of Appropriations and Programs to Address Untimely Payments to Vendors (Unaudited) Interest Costs on Fiscal Year 2016 Invoices (Unaudited) Locally Held Fund (Unaudited) Rates of Return (Unaudited) Schedule of Investment Commissions (Unaudited) Schedule of Contributions/Deductions and Effect on Investments (Unaudited) Average Number of Employees (Unaudited) Selected Activity Measures and Service Efforts and Accomplishments as Reported by System Officials (Unaudited)
Investment Listing
The Independent Accountant’s Report on State Compliance, on Internal Control Over Compliance, and on Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes covers the Supplementary Information for State Compliance Purposes presented in the Compliance Report Section and states that it has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in the auditor’s opinion, it is fairly stated in all material respects, in relation to the basic financial statements as a whole from which it has been derived. The accountant’s report also states the Analysis of Operations Section has not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements, and accordingly, they do not express an opinion or provide any assurance on it. 13
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 1
Schedule of Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances Expenditure Authority for Fiscal Year 2016 Fourteen Months Ended August 31, 2016
Public Act 99-0005 FISCAL YEAR 2016 Appropriated Funds Common School Fund - 0412 State Contributions Employer Contributions - Excess Salary Employer Contributions - .58% Total, Fund 0412
Expenditure Authority (Net of Transfers)
Expenditures Through June 30
3,741,802,194 200,000 120,000 3,742,122,194
$ 3,741,702,194 200,000 120,000 $ 3,742,022,194
Education Assistance Fund - 0007 For Teachers Health Insurance Minimum Retirement Allowance Total, Fund 0007
108,258,261 900,000 109,158,261
Total appropriated funds
Nonappropriated Funds Teachers' Retirement System Fund - 0473 Ordinary and contingent expenses Benefits paid to retirees Refunds, not elsewhere classified Total, Fund 0473 Teachers' Retirement System Excess Benefit Fund - 0789 Benefit Payments Total, Fund 0789 Teachers' Health Insurance Security Fund Fund - 0203 Ordinary and contingent expenses Refunds, not elsewhere classified Total, Fund 0203 Total nonappropriated funds Grand Total, All Funds
108,258,261 767,051 109,025,312
Lapse Period Expenditures July 1 to August 31
Total Expenditures 14 Months Ended August 31
27,730,754 5,815,256,718 73,285,591 5,916,273,063
$ 3,851,047,506
26,979,104 5,815,026,147 71,710,601 $ 5,913,715,852
751,650 230,571 1,574,990 2,557,211
$ $
49,427,589 49,427,589
$ $
$ $
49,427,589 49,427,589
239,415 767,482 1,006,897
22,671 22,671
262,086 767,482 1,029,568
$ 5,964,150,338
$ 9,815,197,844
Note 1: Expenditure authority, appropriations, expenditures, and lapsed balances were obtained from the State Comptroller records as of September 30, 2016 and have been reconciled to System records. Note 2: Expenditure amounts are vouchers approved for payment by the System and submitted to the State Comptroller for payment to the vendor. Note 3: TRS acts as the custodian of the Teachers' Health Insurance Security Fund (0203), however the Fund is administered by the Department of Central Management Services (CMS).
100,000 100,000
132,949 132,949
108,258,261 767,051 109,025,312
3,741,702,194 200,000 120,000 3,742,022,194
Balances Lapsed August 31
Schedule 2
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Comparative Schedules of Net Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances For the Years Ended June 30, 2016, 2015 and 2014
Appropriated Funds Common School Fund - 0412 Appropriations Expenditures State Contributions Employer Contributions - Excess Salary Employer Contributions - .58% Total expenditures Lapsed balances Fund -0412
General Revenue Fund - 0001 Appropriations Expenditures Emloyer Contribution - Excess Salary Continuing Appropriation for Teachers Health Insurance Total expenditures Lapsed balances 0001 Grand Total - Appropriated Funds Appropriations (Net of transfers) Total expenditures Lapsed balances
Fiscal Year 2015
P.A. 99-0005
P.A. 98-0680, P.A. 99-0001
3,741,702,194 200,000 120,000 3,742,022,194
Education Assistance Fund - 0007 Appropriations Expenditures For Teachers Health Insurance Minimum Retirement Allowance Total expenditures Lapsed balances Fund - 0007
$ $
2014 P.A. 98-0017, P.A. 98-0064, Continuing Appropriations
3,376,878,000 120,000 3,376,998,000 $
3,437,598,000 3,437,478,000 120,000 3,437,598,000
108,258,261 767,051 109,025,312
100,983,000 786,945 101,769,945
62,622,000 904,892 63,526,892
3,851,280,455 3,851,047,506 232,949
$ $
3,514,376,700 3,479,163,645 35,213,055
27,808,000 27,808,000 $
3,529,128,000 3,528,932,892 195,108
Schedule 2
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Comparative Schedules of Net Appropriations, Expenditures and Lapsed Balances (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016, 2015 and 2014
Nonappropriated Funds Teachers' Retirement System Fund - 0473 Expenditures Ordinary and contingent expenses Benefits paid to retirees Refunds, not elsewhere classified
Total expenditures - Fund 0473 Teachers' Retirement System Excess Benefit Fund - 0789 Expenditures Benefit Payments Teachers' Health Insurance Security Fund - 0203 Expenditures Ordinary and contingent expenses Refunds, not elsewhere classified Total expenditures - Fund 0203
Total nonappropriated expenditures Grand total expenditures, all Funds
Fiscal Year 2015
P.A. 99-0005
P.A. 98-0680, P.A. 99-0001
27,730,754 5,815,256,718 73,285,591
26,298,355 5,508,134,080 77,990,627
2014 P.A. 98-0017, P.A 98-0064, Continuing Appropriations
25,464,684 5,199,615,545 78,719,522
262,086 767,482
251,434 771,892
358,759 1,004,881
Note 1: Expenditure authority, appropriations, expenditures, and lapsed balances were obtained from the State Comptroller records as of September 30, 2016 and have been reconciled to System records. Note 2: Expenditure amounts are vouchers approved for payment by the System and submitted to the State Comptroller for payment to the vendor. Note 3: TRS acts as the custodian of the Teachers' Health Insurance Security Fund (0203), however the Fund is administered by the Department of Central Management Services (CMS).
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 3
Comparative Schedule of Revenues and Expenses For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
2016 Revenues Contributions Members State of Illinois: Common School Fund 1 Education Assistance Fund Employers: Early retirement option 2.2 benefit formula Federal funds Excess salary/sick leave Total contributions
951,809,398 $
935,451,049 $
Increase (Decrease) Dollars Percent
1.7 %
3,741,802,194 667,051
3,376,878,000 786,945
364,924,194 (119,894)
10.8 (15.2)
13,554,467 55,785,482 74,497,870 4,202,948 4,842,319,410
13,930,699 56,610,761 69,764,609 5,285,516 4,458,707,579
(376,232) (825,279) 4,733,261 (1,082,568) 383,611,831
(2.7) (1.5) 6.8 (20.5) 8.6
(843,377,824) 240,569,604 435,697,251 808,469,675 47,074,975 17,651,392
753,800,289 241,478,494 472,773,697 756,671,998 227,659,217 10,166,086
(1,597,178,113) (908,890) (37,076,446) 51,797,677 (180,584,242) 7,485,306
(211.9) (0.4) (7.8) 6.8 (79.3) 73.6
(749,609,143) (1,089,734) 510,626 (44,103,178)
(696,589,128) (941,907) 5,530,787 1,770,549,533
(53,020,015) (147,827) (5,020,161) (1,814,652,711)
7.6 15.7 (90.8) (102.5)
Total revenues
Expenses Retirement benefits Survivor benefits Disability benefits Refunds Administrative Total expenses
5,575,129,529 242,578,458 30,472,221 83,026,969 22,967,917 5,954,175,094
5,281,221,313 224,779,380 30,398,754 88,637,726 21,686,860 5,646,724,033
293,908,216 17,799,078 73,467 (5,610,757) 1,281,057 307,451,061
5.6 7.9 0.2 (6.3) 5.9 5.4
Investment (loss) income Net increase (decrease) in fair value of investments Interest Dividends Alternative income ² Other investment income Securities lending income Less investment expenses: Direct investment expense Securities lending management fees Securities lending borrower rebates Net investment (loss) income
Excess of revenues over expenses
$ (1,155,958,862) $
582,533,079 $ (1,738,491,941)
(298.4) %
Common School certified for $3,741,802,194; amount appropriated was $3,741,702,194 (PA99-0005 Article 3, Section 5) and Minimum Retirement certified for $900,000; amount appropriated was $1,000,000 (PA99-0005 Article 3, Section 10) The amount represents employer contributions required by the state as an employer of teachers described under 40 ILCS 5/16-158(e). ² Starting FY2016 Real Estate income and Private Equity income are now classified as Alternative Income. All real estate expenses are now included in the direct investment expense total. The 2015 totals above have been adjusted to reflect this change. Note: the $395,700 shown on page 12 is included as part of the employer excess salary amount on this schedule. The amount represents employer contributions required by the state as an employer of teachers described under 40 ILCS 5/16-158(f).
See analysis on page 18.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Fiscal Schedules and Analysis For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Analysis of Revenues and Expenses
Schedule 4
The System is financed by employee member contributions, employer contributions, State appropriations, and investment earnings. A schedule of receipts of the System, which were deposited with the Comptroller of the State of Illinois, is shown on page 30 of this report. Approximately 99 percent of total expenses (excluding investment expenses) for fiscal years 2016 and 2015 are related to benefits and refunds to members. Benefits include retirement, disability and survivor benefits. Details of benefit recipients, benefit expenses and summaries of new benefit payments and of average benefit payments can be found in the System’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the year ended June 30, 2016. The System’s revenues and expenses have been analyzed for fluctuations greater than $1 million and 20 percent from the previous year as follows: Excess Salary and Sick Leave Contributions Excess salary and sick leave contributions decreased $1,082,568 or 20.5 percent in fiscal year 2016. The decrease can be attributed to a reduction of members that exceeded the 6 percent salary cap limitation or exceeded sick leave thresholds during fiscal year 2016. Investment Income The System’s investment strategy has been to maintain the investment allocation as stated by the Board of Trustees. At June 30, 2016, the assets assigned to the respective asset classes consist of 17.7 percent domestic equity, 18.8 percent international equity, 18.8 percent fixed income, 7.8 percent real return, 15.5 percent real estate, 12.3 percent private equity, 7.3 percent absolute return and 1.8 percent short-term investments. A more detailed explanation of the System’s investment portfolio can be obtained from the System’s CAFR. Total investment (loss) income was ($44,103,178) and $1,770,549,533 for fiscal years ending June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively, a decrease of $1,814,652,711. The primary factor contributing to the overall decrease was a significant decrease in fair value of investments, which decreased $1,597,178,113. The fair value of investments is directly related to the financial markets experiencing increased volatility in FY16, after a relatively stable investment environment in FY15. During the year, continued accommodative monetary policy was offset by mixed economic data, slowing worldwide growth, and political uncertainty (e.g. the U.S. election cycle and the United Kingdom’s vote to exit the European Union). Within this market environment, TRS’ net of fee return was essentially flat led by losses in the public equity portfolios of 1.5 percent and 9.5 percent for U.S. and international equities, respectively. The system’s real estate assets continued to perform very well, again providing double digit returns to the portfolio, while global fixed income and private equity also contributed positive returns. Overall, the TRS investment portfolio posted a flat result, returning 0.01 percent, net of fees, for fiscal year 2016.
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 5
Schedule of Administrative Expenses For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
2016 Personal services Salaries Retirement contributions Insurance and payroll taxes Professional services Actuarial services External auditors Legal services Legislative consulting Information systems consulting Operations consulting Other Communications Postage Printing and copying Telephone Other expenses Administrative services Building operations and maintenance EDP supplies and equipment Equipment repairs, rental and maintenance Insurance Memberships and subscriptions Office equipment and furniture Office supplies Software licenses and maintenance Travel, conferences, education Depreciation expense Depreciation Total administrative expenses
11,044,974 2,521,446 4,018,866
Increase (Decrease) Dollars Percent
2015 $
10,585,536 2,361,769 3,519,449
459,438 159,677 499,417
4.3 % 6.8 14.2
205,441 248,171 184,641 84,000 114,125 215,063 9,653
272,755 256,961 283,973 84,000 52,883 240,070 6,705
(67,314) (8,790) (99,332) 61,242 (25,007) 2,948
(24.7) (3.4) (35.0) 0.0 115.8 (10.4) 44.0
187,630 211,940 163,318
144,639 199,298 215,442
42,991 12,642 (52,124)
29.7 6.3 (24.2)
244,403 558,848 144,869 271,196 370,635 40,287 43,679 24,947 770,930 188,379
176,684 509,740 103,562 294,509 385,240 67,672 15,628 26,775 554,341 167,951
67,719 49,108 41,307 (23,313) (14,605) (27,385) 28,051 (1,828) 216,589 20,428
38.3 9.6 39.9 (7.9) (3.8) (40.5) 179.5 (6.8) 39.1 12.2
See analysis on page 20.
5.9 %
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Fiscal Schedules and Analysis For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 Analysis of Administrative Expenses
Schedule 6
Administrative expenses reflect all costs incurred to manage the day-to-day operations of the System. Detail costs relating to benefits and refunds paid to recipients and administrative costs relating to investment expenses have been separated from the Schedule of Administrative Expenses. The total administrative expenses of $22.9 million are approximately 0.4 percent of the total expenses of $5.95 billion for fiscal year 2016. Fluctuations greater than $50,000 and 20 percent were analyzed as follows: Actuarial services Expenses for actuarial services decreased $67,314 or 24.7 percent in fiscal year 2016. The decrease was due to a change in actuarial firm that provides services to TRS. Legal services Expenses for legal services decreased $99,332 or 35.0 percent in fiscal year 2016. The decrease is primarily attributable to a reduction in general legal expenses. Due to a change in the law, the state Attorney General’s office is now representing TRS in matters previously handled by external counsel. Information systems consulting Expenses for information systems consulting increased $61,242 or 115.8 percent for fiscal year 2016. Part of the increase $37,500 is attributed to a Database study and $18,000 for consultation to install a new database change and service tracking system. Telephone The $52,124 or 24.2 percent decrease in telephone expenses for fiscal year 2016 is due to a decrease in monthly rental and equipment services compared to fiscal year 2015, and there were no new equipment purchases in fiscal year 2016. Administrative services The $67,719 or 38.3 percent increase in administrative services for fiscal year 2016 is primarily due to a $4,934 increase in costs for advertisem*nt of executive and investment-related positions and an increase of $45,806 for the moving expenses associated with hiring new executive and investment department employees. There was also an $8,124 increase in the loss of equipment disposal in fiscal year 2016 compared to $0 in fiscal year 2015. Software licenses and maintenance Expenses for software licenses and maintenance increased $216,589 or 39.1 percent in fiscal year 2016. The primary reason for the increase was increased costs of $137,387 associated with a Microsoft Enterprise 6.6 agreement, and a larger approved budget to purchase new software and the upgrades and maintenance of current software.
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 7
Schedule of Changes in Property and Equipment For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Balance at June 30, 2014 Capital Assets Land Mineral lease rights Office building Site improvements Equipment and furniture Software Total Accumulated depreciation Net capital assets
235,534 2,643 7,451,064 1,088,635 2,453,455 1,482,172
Additions $
214,367 540,759 239,844
Deletions $
335,615 -
Balance at June 30, 2015 $
235,534 2,643 7,665,431 1,088,635 2,658,599 1,722,016
Additions $
338,530 158,353 269,980
Deletions $
129,052 -
Balance at June 30, 2016 $
235,534 2,643 8,003,961 1,088,635 2,687,900 1,991,996
$ 3,605,993
$ 4,114,038
$ 3,947,730
Note: Property balances were obtained from System records and have been reconciled to property reports submitted to the Office of the Comptroller. Property and equipment are capitalized and depreciated based on policy set forth by the Office of the Comptroller for financial reporting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Balances at June 30 agree to amounts reported in the System's year end financial statements.
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 8
Schedule of Investment Portfolio June 30, 2016 and 2015
U.S. treasuries & agencies U.S. government-backed mortgages Municipals Asset-backed securities Commercial & collateralized mortgages Commingled funds (U.S. & international) Domestic corporate obligations Foreign debt/corporate obligations Total bonds, corporate notes and government obligations
U.S. equities International equities Total Equities
7,468,799,664 8,614,726,202 16,083,525,866 3,196,766,195 5,465,171,512 6,943,206,220 2,889,159,873 (62,716,360) 1,127,440,142 103,219,472
Absolute return Private equity Real estate Real return strategies Derivatives - options, futures and swaps Cash and cash equivalents Foreign currency Total Investment Portfolio
Market Value 1,745,944,602 811,200,590 56,526,249 223,987,181 232,622,701 2,261,484,652 1,979,512,228 2,575,875,233 9,887,153,436
2015 % of Total 3.8 % $ 1.8 0.1 0.5 0.5 5.0 4.3 5.7 21.7
Market Value 1,347,259,720 294,760,391 23,131,615 341,421,950 246,802,683 1,737,067,407 2,063,159,964 2,643,561,328 8,697,165,058
% of Total 2.9 % 0.6 0.1 0.7 0.5 3.8 4.5 5.7 18.8
16.3 18.9 35.2
8,659,732,256 9,815,934,063 18,475,666,319
18.8 21.3 40.1
7.0 12.0 15.2 6.3 (0.1) 2.5 0.2
3,471,868,205 5,281,073,621 6,255,857,685 2,994,366,309 936,964 848,587,909 74,142,815
7.5 11.5 13.6 6.5 0.0 1.8 0.2
100.0 % $
100.0 %
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 9
Schedule of Investment Manager Fees For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Investment Manager/Account
Aberdeen Asset Management, Inc. Acadian Asset Management, L.L.C. Advent International GPE VI Limited Partnership Advent International GPE VII-C Limited Partnership Affinity Investment Advisors, L.L.C. Alphadyne Global Rates Fund II, Ltd. AlphaTerra Fund, L.P. American Century Global Investment Management, Inc. Apex Capital Management, Inc. Apollo Investment Fund VII, L.P. Apollo Investment Fund VIII, L.P. Apollo Lincoln Fixed Income Fund, L.P. Apollo Lincoln Private Credit Fund, L.P. AQR Capital Management, L.L.C. AQR Real Return Offshore Fund, L.P. AQR Risk Balanced Reinsurance Fund Ltd. Ativo Capital Management, L.L.C. Axiom International Investors, L.L.C. Banc Fund VI, L.P. Banc Fund VII, L.P. The Baring Asia Private Equity Fund V, L.P. The Baring Asia Private Equity Fund VI, L.P.1 Battery Ventures XI-A Side Fund, L.P. Battery Ventures XI-A, L.P. Beacon Capital Strategic Partners V, L.P. Black River Agriculture Fund 2, L.P. Black River Capital Partners Fund (Food), L.P. Black River Food Fund 2, L.P. BlackRock Asia Property Fund III, L.P. Blackstone Capital Partners VI, L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners Asia, L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners VI, L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners VII, L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners VIII.TE.2, L.P. Blackstone/GSO Capital Solutions Fund, L.P. BlueMountain Capital Management, L.L.C. Boston Company Asset Management, L.L.C. Brevan Howard Systematic Trading Fund, L.P. Bridgewater All Weather Portfolio Offshore Limited Bridgewater Optimal Portfolio, L.L.C. Bridgewater Pure Alpha Funds Ltd. Capri Capital Advisors Apartment Fund III, L.P. Capri/Capital Advisors, L.L.C. Capri Select Income II, L.L.C. Carlson Capital, L.P. Carlyle Europe Real Estate Partners III, L.P. Carlyle Japan International Partners III, L.P.
1,499,000 758,577 317,017 1,274,897 135,496 14,373,968 262,414 580,670 400,205 1,479,086 948,337 235,891 10,568,470 1,698,396 167,648 2,175,252 450,600 1,339,609 1,620,000 343 31,556 137,778 1,237,500 789,736 1,312,500 328,610 1,427,440 1,500,000 241,665 2,230,057 3,333,333 737,838 3,028,600 460,139 1,512,733 2,246,157 1,199,718 9,624,044 3,607,901 6,718,164 197,215 471,969
2015 $
5,639,926 539,118 1,232,302 90,548 11,347,579 320,779 211,479 2,540,886 659,537 67,838 9,122,268 2,079,695 224,086 142,714 235,720 125,000 901,200 1,403,058 810,000 209,987 1,237,500 711,651 1,312,500 411,194 1,018,819 1,500,000 398,036 2,817,619 1,008,733 5,307,638 1,148,747 45,141 2,826,629 9,841,529 522,387 4,313,956 23,898 11,896,327 587,963 1,044,023 (Continued)
Schedule 9
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Schedule of Investment Manager Fees (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Investment Manager/Account
Carlyle Partners IV, L.P. Carlyle Partners V, L.P. Carlyle Partners VI, L.P. Carlyle Realty Partners IV, L.P. Carlyle Realty Partners VII, L.P. Carlyle U.S. Growth Fund III, L.P. Carlyle/Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund II, L.P. Carlyle/Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund III, L.P. CB Richard Ellis Strategic Partners Europe Fund III, L.P. CB Richard Ellis Strategic Partners UK Fund III, L.P. Channing Capital Management, L.L.C. Claren Road Credit Partners, L.P. Clearlake Capital Partners II, L.P. Clearlake Capital Partners III, L.P. Clearlake Capital Partners IV, L.P. Clearlake Opportunities Partners (P), L.P. Cornerstone Hotel Income & Equity Fund II, L.P. Cornerstone Real Estate Advisors, L.L.C. Cortina Asset Management, L.L.C. Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, L.L.C. Dimensional Fund Advisors, L.P. Dolan McEniry Capital Management, L.L.C. Edgewater Growth Capital Partners, L.P. Edgewater Growth Capital Partners II, L.P. Edgewater Growth Capital Partners III, L.P. EIF United States Power Fund IV, L.P. Emerald Advisers, Inc. Energy Capital Partners Fund II-A, L.P. Energy Capital Partners I, L.P. Energy Capital Partners II Annex A Enervest Energy Institutional Fund XII-A, L.P. EQT VI, L.P. EQT VII, L.P. Fortress Japan Opportunity Fund III (Dollar A), L.P. Franklin Advisers, Inc. Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited Gamma, L.P. Garcia Hamilton & Associates, L.P. Gateway Real Estate Fund IV, L.P. GI Partners Fund III, L.P. GI Partners Fund IV, L.P. Glencoe Capital Partners III, L.P. Grain Communications Opportunity Fund , L.P. Granite Ventures II, L.P. Great Point Partners II, L.P. Green Equity Investors VI, L.P. Grosvenor Monarch Fund, L.L.C.
26,552 485,797 2,829,429 643,293 904,638 381,942 362,418 83,858 7,651 684,158 2,020,147 211,433 476,668 1,151,763 496,827 90,763 2,258,480 922,487 4,289,641 655,478 126,534 115,205 1,195,752 1,525,340 190,877 208,238 41,593 251,278 872,038 1,283,722 869,596 2,683,899 1,835,205 10,591 732,236 761,554 387,703 559,025 153,667 179,144 700,000 1,326,113 2,756,945
77,605 436,342 2,204,286 877,376 999,999 447,080 206,813 464,152 199,997 67,780 637,235 4,141,968 197,742 409,566 202,260 1,579,458 217,947 1,637,865 4,365,730 617,734 31,114 207,304 259,297 1,138,577 1,709,659 319,256 274,794 41,470 562,796 1,290,911 585,169 2,419,735 1,860,537 5,299 475,788 875,000 425,991 663,292 36,165 235,386 415,157 538,076 3,145,234 (Continued)
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 9
Schedule of Investment Manager Fees (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Investment Manager/Account
GTCR Fund VIII, L.P. Hartford Investment Management Company HealthpointCapital Partners, L.P. Heitman Capital Management, L.L.C. Herndon Capital Management, L.L.C. Hines U.S. Core Office Fund, L.P. Hopewell Ventures, L.P. IC Hospitality Fund II, L.P. ICV Partners III, L.P. IL Asia Investors, L.P. Invesco Institutional (N.A.), Inc. ISAM Systematic Trend, L.L.C. J.C. Flowers II, L.P. Jarislowsky, Fraser Limited JER Real Estate Qualified Partners III, L.P. JMI Equity Fund VII, L.P. JMI Equity Fund VIII-A, L.P. JP Morgan Investment Management, Inc. JP Morgan Management Associates, L.L.C. LaSalle Asia Opportunity Fund III, L.P. LaSalle Asia Opportunity Fund IV, L.P. Levin Capital Strategies, L.P. Lightspeed Venture Partners IX, L.P. Lightspeed Venture Partners Select, L.P. Lightspeed Venture Partners X, L.P. Lion Industrial Trust Littlejohn Fund IV, L.P. LiveOak Venture Partners I, L.P. Lombardia Capital Partners, L.L.C. Lone Star Real Estate Fund III (U.S.), L.P. Lone Star Real Estate Fund IV (U.S.), L.P. Longitude Ventures Partners II, L.P. Longitude Ventures Partners, L.P. Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. LPC Realty Advisors I, Ltd. LSV Asset Management MacKay Shields, L.L.C. Madison Dearborn Capital Partners V, L.P. Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VII, L.P. Madison International Real Estate Liquidity Fund VI (TE), L.P. Magnetar Constellation Fund IV, L.L.C. Manulife Asset Management, L.L.C. Maranon Credit Fund II-B, L.P. MBK Partners Fund II, L.P. MBK Partners Fund III Annex B MBK Partners Fund III, L.P. McKinley Capital Management, Inc.
95,781 58,641 6,310,438 152,210 449,323 137,985 141,429 141,796 800,000 3,284,000 5,387,481 502,377 951,294 418,453 328,500 2,051,984 4,067,683 174,089 641,525 1,017,659 743,334 119,840 259,120 2,695,060 576,230 450,000 1,491,809 201,972 1,513,117 439,212 271,682 1,072,685 6,620,705 5,722,405 1,539,378 76,234 1,553,527 1,674,497 1,521,916 1,190,600 365,923 12,228 1,043 1,871,811 1,786,802
2015 $
89,799 122,506 469,241 5,286,973 646,503 669,223 142,739 38,069 138,910 511,781 3,365,909 295,459 1,106,704 8,580 451,232 52,295 5,641,655 298,544 339,428 1,042,829 796,267 41,564 233,160 2,418,793 640,376 450,000 1,507,607 441,512 526,325 543,604 309,838 2,045,392 4,239,940 5,590,279 1,705,746 411,971 1,308,906 1,314,624 290,759 81,498 2,367,574 2,948,026 (Continued)
Schedule 9
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Schedule of Investment Manager Fees (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Investment Manager/Account
Mesirow Financial Investment Management, Inc. MFS Institutional Advisors, Inc. Mondrian Investment Partners Limited Morgan Creek Partners Asia, L.P. Morgan Creek Partners Venture Access Fund, L.P. New Century Advisors, L.L.C. New Enterprise Associates 15, L.P. New Mountain Partners III, L.P. New Mountain Partners IV, L.P. NGP Natural Resources X, L.P. NGP Natural Resources XI, L.P. Niam Nordic V, L.P. Northern Shipping Fund III, L.P. Northern Trust Investments, Inc. NXT Capital Senior Loan Fund II, L.P. NXT Capital Senior Loan Fund IV, L.P. Oak Street Real Estate Capital Fund III, L.P. OakBrook Investments, L.L.C. Oaktree Enhanced Income Fund II, L.P. Oaktree Enhanced Income Fund III, L.P. Oaktree Enhanced Income Fund, L.P. Oaktree European Principal Fund III, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIIIb, L.P. Oaktree Real Estate Debt Fund, L.P. Oaktree Real Estate Opportunities Fund VI, L.P. OCM European Principal Opportunities Fund II, L.P. OCM Opportunities Fund V, L.P. OCM Opportunities Fund VIIb, L.P. Onex Partners III, L.P. Pacific Investment Management Company, L.L.C. PAI Europe V, L.P. Palladium Equity Partners IV, L.P. Parthenon Investors IV, L.P. PDT Partners, L.L.C. Penso Advisors, L.L.C. PGIM Fixed Income Global Liquidity Relative Value Fund I, Ltd. PGIM Fixed Income U.S. Liquidity Relative Value Fund I, Ltd. PGIM, Inc. PIMCO BRAVO Fund II, L.P. PIMCO BRAVO Fund, L.P. PIMCO Distressed Senior Credit Opportunities Fund II, L.P. Pine Brook Capital Partners, L.P. Pine River Capital Management, L.P. Principal Real Estate Investors, L.L.C. Prism Mezzanine Fund, L.P.
1,155,768 1,166,835 5,510,322 959,514 603,862 634,481 334,459 461,968 1,252,510 1,156,648 759,458 251,082 375,000 543,503 696,255 281,566 116,744 347,397 1,898,748 18,169 1,909,807 868,921 1,590,810 661,104 614,833 184,889 1,102,098 598,471 202,878 146,871 7,743,718 241,209 199,089 360,041 8,977,750 593,620 259,877 3,241,135 466,250 1,460,948 337,768 412,309 1,659,544 1,353,691 156,301
961,305 1,121,956 5,593,540 1,014,080 733,483 616,106 88,618 562,196 3,019,460 1,257,024 10,113 289,459 682,255 617,955 428,816 1,012,475 2,025,306 823,324 1,600,000 775,087 695,512 32,103 1,123,531 613,902 33,637 245,154 294,074 6,627,226 375,002 106,125 611,430 2,439,076 542,545 800,159 742,558 1,612,866 427,042 3,982,348 347,273 151,828 (Continued)
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 9
Schedule of Investment Manager Fees (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Investment Manager/Account
Providence Equity Partners VI, L.P. Providence Equity Partners VII, L.P. Quadratic Capital Management L.L.C. Rhone Partners IV, L.P. Rhone Partners V, L.P. RhumbLine Advisers, L.P. Riverstone Credit Partners, L.P. Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund V, L.P. Riverstone/Carlyle Global Energy and Power Fund IV, L.P. Robeco Boston Partners Asset Management, L.P. Robeco Transtrend Diversified Fund, L.L.C. Rockpoint Real Estate Fund V, L.P. Scale Venture Partners V, L.P. SCP Private Equity Partners II, L.P. Shasta Ventures, L.P. Shasta Ventures IV, L.P. Sheridan Production Partners III-B, L.P. Silver Lake Partners III, L.P. Silver Lake Partners VI, L.P. Siris Partners II, L.P. Siris Partners III, L.P. Sky Investment Council Sofinnova Ventures Partners IX, L.P. Sofinnova Ventures Partners VIII, L.P. Southwest Multifamily Partners, L.P. Standard Life Investment Global Absolute Return Strategies Master Fund Ltd. StarVest Partners II, L.P. Starwood Distressed Opportunity Fund IX Global, L.P. Starwood IX Annex A Starwood Opportunity Fund X Global, L.P. Starwood X Annex A Starwood X Annex B State Street Bank and Trust Company (Custody) Stone Point Capital Trident V, L.P. Stone Point Capital Trident VI, L.P. Strategic Global Advisors, L.L.C. Sunstone Partners I, L.P. T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. Taplin, Canida & Habacht, L.L.C. Taurus Mining Finance Fund L.L.C. TCW Asset Management Company Thayer Hotel Investors IV, L.P. Tourbillon Global Equities, L.L.C. Trilantic Capital Partners III, L.P. Trilantic Capital Partners IV, L.P. Trustbridge Partners IV, L.P. Union Grove Partners Direct Venture Fund, L.P.
270,349 2,063,526 500,735 1,082,805 170,512 114,948 1,440,839 337,474 1,191,546 2,168,224 1,317,756 346,157 337,268 198,641 1,121,909 159,725 1,679,605 983,268 942,589 697,187 310,415 5,595,537 118,206 1,822,968 281,663 1,703,880 61,319 73,878 1,900,000 938,844 1,481,403 1,491,987 242,876 1,863,455 411,260 1,689,878 2,300,736 34,941 9,184,585 559,687 120,165
2015 $
521,979 1,981,033 62,779 126,934 225,237 193,828 2,203,882 288,136 1,341,133 187,500 218,493 355,020 93,333 145,556 794,299 321,639 1,937,595 129,699 446,661 12,456 654,148 773,470 312,500 5,588,773 177,179 2,160,887 277,985 1,671,781 25,818 1,900,000 886,274 1,494,942 1,081,614 3,193,167 400,506 357,677 1,842,335 115,155 1,831,561 20,236 137,365 600,000 120,000 (Continued)
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 9
Schedule of Investment Manager Fees (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Investment Manager/Account
Union Grove Partners Venture Access Fund II, L.P. Union Grove Partners Venture Access Fund, L.P. Varadero International, Ltd. Veritas Capital Fund IV, L.P. Veritas Capital Fund V, L.P. Vicente Capital Partners Growth Equity Fund, L.P. Vista Credit Opportunities Fund I-B, L.P. Vista Equity Partners Fund IV, L.P. Vista Equity Partners Fund V, L.P. Vista Foundation Fund III, L.P. VSS Communications Partners IV, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund IV, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund VI, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund VII, L.P. Warburg Pincus Private Equity X, L.P. Wasatch Advisors, Inc. West Street Global Infrastructure Partners III, L.P. Westwood Management Corp. WPG Corporate Development Associates V, L.P. Total Fees paid by the System
126,027 680,937 4,504,483 698,402 103,498 700,875 1,465,395 2,246,733 118,132 57,994 132,175 734,008 1,365,917 552,373 2,293,893 809,075 581,204 $ 301,646,073
2015 $
680,000 3,183,235 236,063 93,544 180,659 497,036 1,506,918 2,419,133 194,786 294,872 1,011,047 967,226 1,098,799 747,568 707,273 2,352 $ 270,382,117
Note: This schedule captures investment manager fees applicable to the fiscal year(s) reported and differs from investment fees reported in the separately issued financial statements.
Schedule 10
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Accounts Receivable For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 2016 Member receivables (1) Salary deductions (2) Employer federal funds and .58% contributions (3) Employer ERO, excess salary, and excess sick leave contributions (4) State of Illinois (5)
$ 541,684,823
Note: The System considers all receivables to be fully collectible. (1)
Member receivables consist of benefit overpayments.
Salary deductions consist of member contributions due from employers at the end of the fiscal year. The increase is due to the timing of employer payments at the end of the fiscal year.
The increase in federal funds and 0.58% contributions in 2016 is due to a contribution rate increase from 33.0% for fiscal year 2015 to 36.06% in fiscal year 2016 for federal funds.
The decrease in employer ERO and excess contributions in 2016 is the result of a reduction in the number of members utilizing the ERO option and fewer employer excess salary increase costs. As of June 30, 2016 the ERO program was not exteneded by legislation and was discontinued. Employer ERO costs calculated for retirements on or before June 30, 2016 are still due to the System.
The increase in contributions due from State of Ilinois is the result of the increase in the actuarially determined contribution for fiscal year 2016.
1,491,799 51,754,517 10,518,734 4,386,074 473,533,699
2015 $
1,258,509 51,177,929 8,925,738 4,695,097 344,042,033
$ 410,099,306
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 11
Reconciliation Schedule of Cash Receipts to Deposits Remitted to the State Comptroller For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
2016 Cash transfers from State Street Interest received from the State Treasurer Total
$5,913,849,200 751,312
$ 5,612,022,000 655,326
$ 5,914,600,512
$ 5,612,677,326
The majority of receipts are deposited directly with the System's master trustee. On a weekly basis, the System anticipates its cash needs and directs the master trustee to transfer sufficient funds to the State Treasurer. Note: The above information was taken from the System's records which have been reconciled to State Comptroller Reports SB05 and SB04 (Cash Report and Monthly Revenue Status).
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Fiscal Schedules and Analysis For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Benefit Payments
Schedule 12
The System’s costs for benefits paid to recipients include retirement, disability, survivor and death benefits. The following is the weighted average benefit cost per recipient for the years ended June 30, 2016 and 2015: Weighted Average Monthly Benefit Cost per Recipient Average Monthly Benefit
Number Retirement 2015 2016
103,501 105,937
Survivors 2015 2016 Disabilities 2015 2016
4,396 4,521
Annual Amount Paid (in Millions)
5,281 5,575
10,363 10,662
1,849 1,944
225 243
1,058 1,051
2,257 2,308
30 30
Member Contributions
Schedule 13
Employee contributions are established by the Illinois Pension Code at 9.4 percent of earnings. Employee contributions are either collected through payroll deduction or paid by the employer as part of an employment agreement. The employee contributions are submitted by the participating employers directly to the System for credit to each participant’s accumulated contributions account. The number of members having contributions credited to their accounts at June 30, 2016 and 2015 are as follows:
Current Members - Defined Benefit Plan Active (members currently contributing) Inactive (members not currently contributing)
159,735 129,470 289,205
159,707 125,969 285,676
Member payrolls totaled $9,811,614,000 and $9,641,171,000 for the fiscal years ended June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Fiscal Schedules and Analysis For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Analysis of Significant Account Balances
Schedule 14
Selected Statement of Fiduciary Net Position accounts as of June 30, 2016 and 2015, is as follows: 2016 Assets Cash Receivables Accrued investment income receivable Investments Pending investment sales Collateral from securities lending Prepaid expenses Property and equipment Total assets Liabilities Net position restricted for pensions
40,637,848 541,684,823 110,892,567 45,632,926,356 4,622,648,071 3,134,036,175 4,338,705 3,605,993 54,090,770,538
45,709,535 410,099,306 113,824,855 46,099,664,885 5,219,465,652 2,943,517,231 4,020,623 3,947,730 54,840,249,817
$ 45,250,956,731
$ 46,406,915,593
$ Change
(5,071,687) 131,585,517 (2,932,288) (466,738,529) (596,817,581) 190,518,944 318,082 (341,737) (749,479,279) 406,479,583
$ (1,155,958,862)
% Percent
-11.1% 32.1% -2.6% -1.0% -11.4% 6.5% 7.9% -8.7% -1.4% 4.8% -2.5%
The System’s significant account balances have been analyzed for fluctuations greater than $1 million and 20 percent from the previous year as follows: The System’s receivables increased by $131.6 million in fiscal year 2016 compared to fiscal year 2015. The changes in the receivable balances are explained in Schedule 10, see for details.
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 15
Schedule of Changes in Statutory Reserve Accounts For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015
Fully Funded Reserve Balance (Actuarial Accrued Liability) Balance at July 1, 2014
Statutory Reserve Accounts Minimum Retirement Annuity Benefit Trust
Total Net Position Held in Trust for Pension Benefits
$ 103,740,377,267
Allocation of revenues in excess of expenses Statutory transfers in (out)
582,533,079 -
1,162 434,987
582,531,917 (434,987)
Net increase
Balance at June 30, 2015 Allocation of revenues in excess of expenses Statutory transfers in (out)
(1,155,958,862) -
56 461,123
(1,155,958,918) (461,123)
Net increase
Balance at June 30, 2016
$ 118,629,890,305
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination
Schedule 16
Analysis of Changes in Statutory Reserve Accounts For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Statutory reserve accounts are maintained in accordance with the provisions of 40 ILCS 5/16-101 et.seq. A brief discussion of the statutory reserve accounts follows: Benefit Trust This reserve serves as a clearing account for System income and expenses. The reserve is credited with contributions from the State of Illinois that are not specifically allocated to the Minimum Retirement Annuity Reserve, member and employer contributions, income from System invested assets, and contributions from annuitants who qualify for automatic annual increases in annuity. The reserve accumulates, with 6 percent interest, the contributions by members prior to retirement. Contributions have been 7.5 percent of salary since July 1, 1998. Contributions are fully refundable upon withdrawal from the System, excluding interest credited thereon. The interest accrued is refundable only in the event of death. Interest is credited as of the date of retirement or death of those retiring or dying during the year and as of the end of the fiscal year for all other members. Interest is computed annually based upon the individual member’s balance in the reserve at the beginning of the fiscal year. This reserve is charged for transfers to the Minimum Retirement Annuity Reserve and all refunds to withdrawing members, retirement annuity payments (except as provided by the Minimum Retirement Annuity Reserve), benefits that are paid to temporarily or accidentally disabled members, death benefits paid, and refunds to annuitants for survivor benefit contributions. The expected benefit payments do not equal the present value of the reserve. The additional amount needed as calculated by the actuary is $71,407,792,496 in 2016 and $62,686,632,000 in 2015. Minimum Retirement Annuity The minimum annuity is set by law at $25 per month for each year of creditable service to a maximum of $750 per month after 30 or more years of creditable service. To qualify, annuitants are required to make a one-time contribution that is credited to the reserve. Interest at 6 percent is credited to the reserve annually, based upon the average reserve balance. The State of Illinois also appropriates funds necessary to pay the minimum benefits provided in the legislation. All benefits paid under this program are charged to the reserve. This reserve is fully funded.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) For the Year Ended June 30, 2016 System’s Functions and Planning Program Functions The Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois (the System) was established on July 1, 1939, for the purpose of providing retirement allowances and other benefits for teachers, annuitants and beneficiaries. The System is governed by 40 ILCS 5/16-101 et.seq. As of June 30, 2016, the System had 289,205 current active members and inactive members entitled to but not yet receiving benefits and 117,650 retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits. The System is funded through contributions from members, State of Illinois appropriations from the Common School, Education Assistance and General Revenue Funds, investment income and, to a limited extent, through contributions from school districts. Members’ contributions are refundable, without interest, after a four-month waiting period from the date members officially resign from qualified employment. The refund consists of all retirement contributions made by the member, except for the 1 percent survivor benefit contributions, which are refundable only upon retirement of a member with no dependent beneficiaries. Management Organization Management of the System is vested in a Board of Trustees consisting of 13 persons, as follows: The State Superintendent of Education, ex-officio, who is the president of the Board; 6 persons, not members, appointed by the Governor; 4 members from the contributing membership of the System elected by the contributing members and 2 annuitants elected by the annuitant members. Program planning activities of the System are under the direct supervision of the Executive Director and involve coordination between the governing board and other administrative staff of the System. The System has adopted the following mission statement: “TRS will continually deliver the retirement security promised to our members by maintaining the highest and most efficient level of service and by living our values.” The following are goals and objectives outlined in the System’s Strategic Plan that covers fiscal years 2015 through 2016. This strategic plan was approved by the Board of Trustees in May 2015. Goal 1 Perform consistent updates to TRS information technology (IT) systems. •
Develop and implement changes to IT systems for legislation affecting the TRS pension code for ERO sunset provision and the reestablishment of refunded Survivor Benefits.
Dedicate staff resources to derive and implement required IT system modifications.
Restructure IT tech support, document imaging, and testing staff and functions.
Research and prepare new TRS website page for easier navigation by users.
Continue use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to communicate to diverse or targeted TRS audiences.
Develop strategic plan for future upgrades to STAR system. 35
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 System’s Functions and Planning Program (Continued) •
Provide information to members and assist employers regarding pension code changes by the legislature.
Continue conversion of member records to electronic filing system.
Goal 2 Continue reviews of staff performance evaluation process and strive for other administrative improvements. •
Commit to providing and encouraging staff training and expanding training curriculum.
Update and implement personnel policies.
Prepare for succession of key senior staff members.
Develop team building opportunities across the organization.
Goal 3 Adopt new financial standards and excel in the investment arena. •
Explore alternatives for new internal expenditure management system (EMS).
Provide actuarial based analysis to legislators for proposed pension code changes.
Continue evaluation of the management of FOIA requests and responses, and implement efficient changes.
Pursue top quarter investment returns for long-term.
Improve risk management and monitoring process and procedures.
Continue to improve and expand successful diversity initiatives.
Participate in annual CEM benchmark survey for Administration and Investments.
Major Initiatives During review of the overall planning functions, the auditors noted the System is monitoring progress in achieving the stated goals and is implementing programs pursuant to the plan. The Executive Director provides the Board of Trustees a periodic status report on progress being made toward accomplishing established goals and objectives. In FY16, the System initiated and continued several programs and projects designed to benefit its members, enhance system operation and increase effectiveness and efficiency: •
On July 1, 2016, the Early Retirement Option (ERO) automatically expired due to legislative inaction, ending a 36-year-old program that enabled thousands of Illinois teachers to accelerate their retirement plans without incurring a reduction in pension benefits. Due to the end of the ERO, the System is required by state law to process active and inactive member refunds for the 0.4 percent payroll contributions members paid between 2005 and 2016 to help fund the program. Approximately 197,000 TRS members are eligible for a refund and TRS estimates that it will pay out as much as $300 million in ERO refunds. 36
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 •
The System continued to strengthen its long-standing commitment to diversity within the management of its $45.6 billion investment portfolio, improving access to the investment program for qualified firms owned by minorities, women and those with disabilities (WMBE).The System has strengthened its relationship with the activities and programs of The Toigo Foundation of Oakland, California. The goal of the foundation is to increase diversity within the investment world. For the second consecutive year, the System welcomed an intern sponsored by the Toigo Foundation to work within the Investment Department. In addition, the System annually increases its diversity goals and continues to host an annual Opportunity Forum that serves as an introductory platform to TRS investment activities for minority and women-owned firms. The System also seeks to increase diversity among vendors providing administrative services to the System.
The System endorsed a new reporting template after months of research and discussion that standardizes the way private equity fund managers detail the fees they charge TRS and other public pension systems. The new template, developed in 2016 by the Institutional Limited Partners Association, or ILPA, is the first major attempt to establish industry standards for reporting fees and expenses used by private equity investment managers to their investment partners. TRS, its legal counsel at Jackson Walker of Austin, Texas, and its consultant on private equity investments, TorreyCove Capital Partners of LaJolla, California, have been part of the nationwide effort to develop the template. The System is among the pension systems at the forefront of the growing effort to standardize the reporting of fees.
The System conducted a year-long review of its communications strategies during FY16 with a special emphasis on evaluating how to better engage younger members early in their teaching careers. The System hired Jasculca-Terman Strategic Communications of Chicago, Illinois, to help develop a new vision for its communications and to assist with implementing programs that will make sure that the System’s various constituencies receive the information they desire from TRS. These efforts will begin in earnest during FY17.
An Enterprise Risk Committee was established by the System and is comprised of representatives from all areas of the organization. Its purpose is to identify potential problems, respond to incidents quickly, and develop strategies to mitigate risk. A new series of risk matrices are being developed in conjunction with the strategic plan.
The System worked diligently with several other state agencies to support the changes necessary for a September 2016 transfer of the enrollment and management of state-subsidized health insurance programs for retired members and active state employees from state government to a third party vendor, Morneau Shepell.
Since July 2013, the System has imaged and processed 225,000 documents through the Member Services document imaging workflows. Nearly 230,000 member records have been imaged and the back-file conversion is expected to be 80 percent complete by the end of June 2017. Of the estimated 11 million images to be scanned from nearly 400,000 records, 7.2 million images are already in the repository. The Investment Department’s electronic repository is now in use, and back-file scanning for the department began in June 2016. Importing day-forward documents into the repository is scheduled to begin in 2017.
The System experienced a significant transition in management during FY16. Member elections and new gubernatorial appointments resulted this past year in seven new board members on the 13member TRS Board of Trustees. Gov. Bruce Rauner appointed five new trustees. The executive director formed a new Executive Cabinet to act as his closest advisors. The new cabinet is composed of the Chief Benefits Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Human Resources Officer, Chief Investment Officer, Chief Technology Officer, Chief Legal Counsel and Director of Communications. 37
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Progress in Funding the System The actuarial accrued liability of the System at June 30, 2016, amounted to approximately $118.6 billion. The actuarial value of plan assets (at smoothed value) at June 30, 2016 amounted to approximately $47.2 billion. The difference between the actuarial accrued liability and the actuarial value of plan assets reflects the $71.4 billion unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the System at June 30, 2016. The System had a funded ratio (at smoothed value) of 39.8 percent at June 30, 2016. On June 30, 2016, the market/fair value of plan assets was $45.3 billion. The difference between the System’s 2016 actuarial accrued liability and the market/fair value of plan assets was $73.4 billion and the funded ratio using market/fair value of plan assets was 38.1 percent. On June 30, 2015, the market/fair value of plan assets used by the actuaries in the 2015 valuation was $46.4 billion. The difference between the System’s 2015 actuarial accrued liability of $108.1 billion, and the market/fair value of plan assets was $61.7 billion, and the funded ratio using market/fair value of plan assets was 42.9 percent. The market/fair value of the plan assets of the fund that was available for benefits decreased from $46.4 billion as of June 30, 2015 to $45.3 billion as of June 30, 2016. The actuarial value of the plan assets of $47.2 billion at June 30, 2016, is $1.9 billion greater than the market/fair value of the plan assets. Prior to the valuation as of June 30, 2009, it was agreed that market/fair value, without adjustment, would be used for all actuarial purposes. Under Public Act 96-0043, effective in the June 30, 2009 valuation, the contribution projections would be set based on the actuarial value of assets. Funding status determinations and the certified state contribution under Illinois Pension Code were calculated based on the actuarial value of assets. The estimated State required contributions to the System (including reimbursem*nts for minimum benefits) for the next five fiscal years are noted in the table below.
Year Ended June 30, 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Required State Contribution (in millions) $
3,986.6 4,565.0 4,701.1 4,848.2 5,043.7
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Progress in Funding the System (Continued) The Schedule of Funding Progress (in millions) for fiscal years ending June 30, 2016 and 2015 are noted in the table below.
Actuarial Valuation Date 6/30/15 6/30/16
Accrued Liability (AALProjected Unit Credit)
Actuarial Value of Assets $ $
45,435 47,222
$ $
108,122 118,630
Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability (UAAL)
Funded Ratio 42.0 % 39.8 %
$ $
62,687 71,408
Covered Payroll $ $
Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability as a percentage of Covered Payroll
9,641 9,812
650.2 % 727.8 %
The Contributions from Employers and Other Contributing Entities (in millions) for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2015 and 2016 are noted in the table below. Year Ended June 30 2015 2016
State Contributions1
Federal and Employer Contributions1
$ $
$ $
3,377 3,742
145 147
Total $ 3,522 $ 3,889
Actuarially Determined Contribution (ADC) $ $
4,120 4,583
Percentage Contributed 85.5 84.9
Required Contribution per State Statute $ $
3,497 3,884
Percentage Contributed 100.7 % 100.1 %
Excludes minimum retirement contributions. Employer ERO contributions are included because the costs of the ERO are now included in the actuarial accrued liability. Actual contributions varied slightly from contributions that are required by statute mainly because of differences between estimated and actual federal contributions. Lump-sum payments for ERO are included as employer contributions, further increasing the difference. ADC is a target or recommended contribution determined in conformity with Actuarial Standards of Practice, based on the System’s actuarial assumptions for the period reported. Amounts shown as the ADCs for each year are different from the contributions required by State statute. Budget Impasse Disclosures All of the System’s Fiscal Year 2016 costs were paid pursuant to appropriations. The System did not have any outstanding invoices from Fiscal Year 2016 unpaid after the closure of the Fiscal Year 2016 Lapse Period on August 31, 2016. Alternative Financing in Lieu of Appropriations and Programs to Address Untimely Payments to Vendors The System and its vendors did not participate in alternative financing in lieu of enacted appropriations involving the Illinois Finance Authority during Fiscal Year 2016. None of the System’s vendors participated in the Vendor Payment Program (VPP) or the Vendor Support Initiative Program (VSI) during fiscal year 2016. 39
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Interest Costs on Fiscal Year 2016 Invoices The System did not incur any prompt payment interest due to vendors under the State Prompt Payment Act (Act) (30 ILCS 540). The System’s vendors were (paid within 90 days) AND/OR (paid from funds and accounts that are ineligible for prompt payment interest due to vendors under the Act). Locally Held Fund The System uses a locally held fund “TRS Master Trustee Account” (pension trust fund No. 1307) held at State Street Bank and Trust Company in Boston, Massachusetts to invest contributions received by the System and to transfer funds to the State Treasurer as needed to cover System expenditures. The Illinois State Treasurer is the ex-officio custodian of the funds of the System. Rates of Return The System operates under a long-range investment plan to maintain a diversified portfolio to manage risk. The objectives of the System’s investment portfolio are as follows: • At least equal to the assumed actuarial interest rate currently 7.5 percent per year as of fiscal year end, decreased to 7.0 percent subsequent to fiscal year end. • At least equal to the return of the weighted policy index which represents a weighted average of each asset class benchmark, based on the total fund’s target asset allocation. The weighted policy index at June 30, 2016 was 2.4 percent. • Achieve a total return of at least 4.5 percent per annum in excess of the actuarial assumed inflation rate; the current actuarial assumed rate of inflation is 3.0 percent per annum. The investment return for FY15 and FY16, net of fees, was 4.0 percent and 0.01 percent, respectively. The investment return lagged the 7.5 percent actuarial return assumption that was in effect during the year ended June 30, 2016, as well as, lagged the policy index by 2.4 percent for the year ended June 30, 2016. Total fund performance also lagged the assumed real rate of return (4.5 percent) plus actual inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index (1.0 percent). All System returns are net of fees.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 The following summarizes the performance (market basis) of the total investment portfolio for fiscal years 2016 and 2015: 2016 Total time weighted return (net of fees): TRS Total Fund TRS Weighted Policy Index CPI (Inflation) U.S. Equity: TRS Russell 3000 Index International Equity: TRS Non-U.S. Equity Index Global Fixed Income: TRS Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Index Real Estate: TRS NCREIF Property Index Private Equity: TRS Russell 3000 Index + 3.0%* Real Return: TRS CPI (inflation) + 5.0%* Absolute Return: TRS 90 Day Treasury Bill + 4.0%*
0.0 % 2.4 % 1.0 %
4.0 % 4.6 % 0.1 %
(1.5%) 2.1 %
8.8 % 7.3 %
(9.5%) (9.6%)
(4.7%) (5.0%)
3.0 % 6.0 %
3.2 % 1.9 %
13.2 % 10.6 %
14.5 % 13.0 %
1.0 % 5.2 %
8.0 % 10.5 %
(1.4%) 6.1 %
(2.6%) 5.1 %
(2.6%) 4.2 %
3.9 % 4.0 %
*Index compounded monthly Note: Performance calculations provided by State Street Bank and Trust use net-of-fee time-weighted rates of return
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Schedule of Investment Commissions For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Top 50 Investment Brokerage Firms Based on Commissions Paid: Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. and all Subsidiaries (Worldwide) Citigroup, Inc. and all Subsidiaries (Worldwide) ConvergEx Group, L.L.C. Credit Suisse (Worldwide) J.P. Morgan Securities, Inc. (Worldwide) UBS AG Goldman Sachs & Co. (Worldwide) Instinet, L.L.C. (Worldwide) Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc. and Subsidiaries (Worldwide) Loop Capital Markets, L.L.C. Williams Capital Group, L.P. Barclays (Worldwide) Deutsche Bank & Securities (Worldwide) Macquarie Bank & Securities, Ltd. (Worldwide) Jefferies & Company, Inc. Investment Technology Group, Inc. (Worldwide) Baird, Robert W., & Company, Incorporated Sanford Bernstein (Worldwide) Credit Lyonnais Securities Topeka Capital Markets, Inc. Stifel Nicolaus & Company, Inc. Bloomberg Tradebook, L.L.C. CL King & Associates, Inc. RBC Dain Rauscher (Worldwide) HSBC Bank PLC Cheevers & Co., Inc. Telsey Advisory Group State Street Brokerage Services (Worldwide) Capital Institutional Services, Inc. M. Ramsey King Securities, Inc. BNP Paribas Securities Services S.C.A. Liquidnet, Inc. Cabrera Capital Markets, Inc.
2016 $1,959,859 1,173,711 633,972 596,214 518,109 478,585 427,498 402,171 381,833 325,820 263,799 247,760 231,127 228,149 170,198 158,656 131,337 129,149 124,108 101,393 99,361 97,890 96,509 93,491 90,287 89,375 79,426 77,550 76,993 75,992 75,339 73,412 72,852
2015 $1,404,805 824,457 570,996 451,997 508,554 253,777 375,082 440,834 309,250 312,478 113,949 212,737 155,255 288,658 88,124 165,452 97,094 69,995 59,137 13,229 78,873 110,046 80,102 88,740 57,184 101,330 115,368 176,288 5,852 81,586 24,078 72,802 178,213 (Continued)
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Schedule of Investment Commissions (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Top 50 Investment Brokerage Firms Based on Commissions Paid: Samsung Securities Co., Ltd
2016 $
2015 $
Guzman & Company
CLSA Securities
SJ Levinson & Sons, L.L.C. Nomura Securities Co., LTD Mischler Financial Group Jonestrading Institutional Services, L.L.C.
59,763 59,450 59,150 57,913
15,238 13,074 46,512 39,246
Raymond James and Associates, Inc. (Worldwide)
Exane, Inc.
Joh, Berenberg, Gossler & Co.
Kim Eng Securities (Hong Kong) Limited
Daiwa Securities Group, Inc.
48,801 47,189 46,281 45,859 43,974 1,310,956
94,103 6,098 22,142 8,905 42,818 2,554,446
$ 12,020,265
$ 11,060,483
CastleOak Securities, L.P. Citation Financial Group, L.P. KCG Americas L.L.C Penserra Securities, L.L.C. Greentree Brokerage Services, Inc. All Others (170 Brokers in FY16, 181 Brokers in FY15) TOTAL
Commissions relate to amounts paid to investment brokerage firms for the purchase and sale of investments. Due to name changes and/or mergers of brokerage houses, some firms listed in the FY15 report are not applicable to the FY16 top 50 brokers/dealers.
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Schedule of Contributions/Deductions and Effect on Investments 2016 Contributions Members/participants Employers State of Illinois
951,809,398 148,040,767 3,742,469,245
2015 $
935,451,049 145,591,585 3,377,664,945
Total contributions
Deductions Retirement benefits Survivor benefits Disability benefits Refunds Administrative expenses
5,575,129,529 242,578,458 30,472,221 83,026,969 22,967,917
5,281,221,313 224,779,380 30,398,754 88,637,726 21,686,860
Total deductions Investments used to pay benefits and expenses
$ (1,111,855,684)
Average Number of Employees Administration - Internal Executives Investments Lisle Office Member Services Support Services & Information Systems
2016 30 81 15 31 23 8 188
2015 31 81 14 32 24 8 190
$ (1,188,016,454)
Teachers’ Retirement System of the State of Illinois Compliance Examination Analysis of Operations (Unaudited) (Continued) For the Years Ended June 30, 2016 and 2015 Selected Activity Measures and Service Efforts and Accomplishments as Reported by System Officials Fiscal Year 2016 Office visits Field meetings Field meeting attendance Large meetings Large meeting attendance Correspondence Telephone calls Optional service affidavits reviewed Retirement estimates completed Claims Processed 100% refunds Single sum retirements 1% survivor benefit refunds Contribution refunds due to retirement Lump sum survivor benefits New age retirements New disability retirement annuitants New temporary disability New survivor annuitants Employer field audits
Fiscal Year 2015
4,961 4 148 78 5,920 263,456 161,557 2,086 41,206
6,218 7 556 76 5,796 302,969 145,396 1,941 40,509
2,161 355 862 6,712 2,176 5,053 59 252 899
2,485 550 846 7,212 2,738 4,966 62 257 891
Schedule 17 Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois INVESTMENT LISTING AS OF JUNE 30, 2016
U.S. Treasuries U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Bond U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Rate 4.38 4.63 4.38 4.38 3.75 3.13 3.00 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.88 2.88 3.13 3.13 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 2.88 2.88 2.88 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.75 1.00 0.88 1.00 1.63 2.13 2.13 1.38 1.38 2.00 1.75 1.13 1.13 1.88 2.00 2.00 1.75 1.88 2.13 2.00 1.50 1.50 1.38 1.38 1.38 2.75 2.75 2.50 2.38 2.25 2.00 2.13
Maturity Date 11/15/2039 2/15/2040 5/15/2040 5/15/2041 8/15/2041 11/15/2041 5/15/2042 8/15/2042 8/15/2042 11/15/2042 11/15/2042 5/15/2043 5/15/2043 8/15/2044 8/15/2044 11/15/2044 11/15/2044 11/15/2044 2/15/2045 2/15/2045 5/15/2045 5/15/2045 5/15/2045 8/15/2045 8/15/2045 11/15/2045 11/15/2045 2/15/2046 2/15/2046 2/15/2046 2/15/2046 5/15/2046 5/15/2046 10/15/2016 2/15/2017 8/31/2017 10/31/2017 2/15/2018 10/15/2018 3/15/2019 4/30/2019 8/31/2020 8/31/2020 9/30/2020 10/31/2020 11/30/2020 12/31/2020 2/28/2021 6/30/2021 11/30/2021 7/31/2022 7/31/2022 8/31/2022 10/31/2022 12/31/2022 2/15/2023 2/28/2023 3/31/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 2/15/2024 2/15/2024 5/15/2024 8/15/2024 11/15/2024 2/15/2025 5/15/2025
Par Value 300,000 $ 11,900,000 1,200,000 500,000 20,240,000 825,000 2,700,000 900,000 51,005,000 900,000 3,015,000 900,000 8,575,000 18,200,000 3,785,000 1,600,000 2,610,000 950,000 1,300,000 17,550,000 4,800,000 5,650,000 100,000 6,900,000 1,360,000 130,000 7,315,000 4,500,000 15,670,000 25,000 13,680,000 2,190,000 1,500,000 17,700,000 9,750,000 25,000,000 5,000 30,000,000 35,000,000 20,000,000 700,000 30,400,000 8,400,000 26,000,000 19,600,000 4,400,000 28,500,000 17,700,000 320,000 3,400,000 5,000,000 13,000,000 7,200,000 7,500,000 1,125,000 16,300,000 27,500,000 23,600,000 1,225,000 1,050,000 (1,110,000) 1,900,000 650,000 1,100,000 10,805,000 27,500,000 1,400,000 5,500,000
Base Market Value 426,423 17,493,476 1,707,276 713,945 26,401,258 974,243 3,118,716 991,620 56,197,309 990,072 3,316,741 1,012,041 9,642,502 21,423,402 4,455,361 1,839,632 3,000,900 1,092,278 1,353,469 18,271,884 5,517,168 6,494,167 114,941 7,747,941 1,527,130 149,479 8,411,080 4,685,805 16,317,014 26,032 14,244,834 2,282,133 1,563,105 17,713,806 9,760,530 25,022,500 5,012 30,196,800 35,187,250 20,169,600 717,883 31,884,432 8,810,155 26,472,264 19,954,486 4,597,828 29,480,799 17,824,431 321,587 3,540,522 5,235,150 13,611,390 7,483,248 7,793,265 1,186,133 17,072,979 27,899,575 23,940,170 1,231,321 1,055,414 (1,115,723) 2,097,353 717,514 1,194,743 11,630,610 29,334,800 1,464,750 5,809,595
U.S. Treasuries U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Note U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips U.S. Treasury Strips Total U.S. Treasuries
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Rate 2.13 2.00 2.25 1.63 1.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
Maturity Date 5/15/2025 8/15/2025 11/15/2025 2/15/2026 5/15/2026 2/15/2028 2/15/2029 5/15/2029 8/15/2030 8/15/2032 11/15/2034 2/15/2037 5/15/2043 5/15/2044 2/15/2045 5/15/2045
Par Value 7,495,000 3,600,000 1,400,000 2,160,000 (2,120,000) 890,000 445,000 920,000 1,330,000 8,000,000 6,500,000 1,585,000 475,000 635,000 410,000 545,000
U.S. Index Linked Government Bonds U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Bond U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Rate 2.38 2.38 2.00 2.38 1.75 3.63 3.63 2.50 2.50 3.88 2.13 2.13 2.13 0.75 0.75 0.63 1.38 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.38 0.13 1.63 1.63 0.13 0.13 1.38 0.13 0.13 0.13 1.88 1.88 1.38 0.13 0.13 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.13 0.13 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.63 0.63 0.13
Maturity Date 1/15/2025 1/15/2025 1/15/2026 1/15/2027 1/15/2028 4/15/2028 4/15/2028 1/15/2029 1/15/2029 4/15/2029 2/15/2040 2/15/2040 2/15/2041 2/15/2042 2/15/2042 2/15/2043 2/15/2044 2/15/2045 2/15/2045 2/15/2046 2/15/2046 2/15/2046 1/15/2017 4/15/2017 1/15/2018 1/15/2018 4/15/2018 4/15/2018 7/15/2018 4/15/2019 4/15/2019 4/15/2019 7/15/2019 7/15/2019 1/15/2020 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 1/15/2021 4/15/2021 7/15/2021 7/15/2021 7/15/2021 1/15/2022 1/15/2023 1/15/2023 7/15/2023 7/15/2023 7/15/2023 1/15/2024 1/15/2024 7/15/2024
Par Value 3,426,597 29,705,613 3,133,754 8,311,984 9,820,340 1,479,060 990,967 5,459,678 10,405,696 8,984,343 221,360 2,977,285 10,835,393 317,607 10,015,207 738,763 33,905,490 1,727,013 1,219,068 1,615,392 535,099 388,704 7,508,899 34,577,869 27,616,852 228,380 21,851,491 106,707,369 11,587,265 46,533,989 510,465 9,166,271 12,335,494 672,219 3,645,127 3,738,800 10,419,606 13,047,982 219,386 30,012,760 109,358 731,779 2,717,184 212,280 477,630 4,233,045 103,640 16,688,120 5,139,750 514,295 (514,465) 4,818,722 29,637,764 16,321,338
Base Market Value 7,916,894 3,763,548 1,493,625 2,184,300 (2,145,921) 723,784 353,650 725,825 1,016,599 5,798,320 4,403,685 1,009,740 249,062 324,580 203,700 268,772 711,095,711 Base Market Value 4,091,357 35,468,502 3,686,611 10,197,474 11,480,763 2,046,339 1,371,043 6,917,576 13,184,329 12,940,239 289,391 3,892,294 14,293,508 318,233 10,059,935 719,053 39,194,746 1,734,370 1,224,261 1,743,945 577,682 419,637 7,648,490 34,792,944 28,661,597 237,020 22,175,767 108,290,906 12,152,608 47,517,253 521,251 9,359,955 13,346,758 727,328 3,891,902 3,824,568 10,658,632 14,020,840 235,743 32,250,512 116,965 749,788 2,859,673 223,412 502,677 4,314,192 105,014 16,909,405 5,314,245 531,755 (531,931) 5,044,768 31,028,072 16,485,367
U.S. Index Linked Government Bonds U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note U.S. Treasury Inflation Linked Note Total U.S. Index Linked Government Bonds
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
U.S. Federal Agencies Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Farm Credit Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Federal Home Loan Bank Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac RFCSP Strip Principal RFCSP Strip Principal Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority Total U.S. Federal Agencies U.S. Government Backed Mortgages Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
Maturity Date 7/15/2024 1/15/2025 1/15/2025 7/15/2025 1/15/2026
Par Value 20,754,294 24,281,234 22,725,000 706,139 7,450,172
Moody's Quality Rating Aa1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 0.47 1/26/2017 1.13 4/27/2017 0.47 10/5/2017 0.47 10/5/2017 0.45 4/4/2017 0.46 11/27/2017 0.46 11/27/2017 0.47 1/8/2018 0.61 3/26/2018 0.49 4/9/2018 0.49 4/9/2018 0.49 4/16/2018 0.54 5/25/2018 0.54 5/25/2018 5.38 9/9/2016 0.59 8/9/2017 0.59 8/9/2017 0.59 8/9/2017 0.64 8/25/2017 0.64 8/25/2017 0.64 8/25/2017 0.50 9/5/2017 0.54 12/5/2017 0.54 12/5/2017 0.54 12/7/2017 0.54 12/7/2017 0.54 12/7/2017 0.59 5/4/2018 0.45 4/20/2017 1.00 7/28/2017 0.49 11/13/2017 1.25 10/2/2019 2.38 1/13/2022 0.00 1/15/2030 0.00 4/15/2030 7.13 5/1/2030 5.25 9/15/2039
Par Value 16,500,000 2,600,000 10,450,000 17,000,000 24,625,000 6,785,000 23,770,000 11,900,000 10,140,000 13,740,000 1,215,000 24,612,000 6,445,000 19,500,000 8,535,000 10,600,000 2,450,000 38,420,000 6,360,000 1,950,000 22,000,000 7,380,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,505,000 3,800,000 12,100,000 9,400,000 2,700,000 2,400,000 6,500,000 1,500,000 2,600,000 370,000 130,000 450,000 85,000
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 8.50 5/1/2017 6.50 3/1/2018 5.50 4/1/2018 5.00 8/1/2018 4.50 9/1/2018 4.50 9/1/2018 5.00 12/1/2018 5.00 12/1/2018 5.00 6/1/2019 5.00 8/1/2019 11.50 6/1/2020 5.00 1/1/2021 5.50 2/1/2024 2.76 4/1/2024 4.50 7/1/2024 6.00 9/1/2024 4.50 10/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 12/1/2024 8.50 1/1/2025 8.50 2/1/2025 8.50 3/1/2025
Par Value 318 18,658 56,714 161,189 4,339 3,295 8,655 77,490 463,334 1,569 17,589 71,524 125,732 22,192 28,256 3,558,189 20,263 34,073 77,884 11,689 38,084 34,599 3,933 843 4,638
Rate 0.13 0.25 0.25 0.38 0.63
Base Market Value 20,986,555 24,651,037 23,071,102 727,104 7,845,255 687,099,813
Base Market Value 16,499,769 2,611,518 10,436,938 16,978,699 24,613,796 6,776,383 23,739,717 11,881,948 10,143,549 13,716,642 1,212,935 24,572,129 6,440,102 19,485,258 8,615,118 10,605,512 2,451,274 38,440,094 6,364,388 1,951,346 22,015,224 7,376,605 5,996,220 5,996,232 6,500,902 3,797,606 12,092,401 9,394,736 2,699,244 2,410,272 6,495,489 1,517,820 2,753,790 266,163 93,683 689,090 116,488 347,749,078 Base Market Value 320 18,929 58,364 165,459 4,440 3,370 8,946 80,089 481,863 1,626 17,679 73,540 139,981 22,503 30,149 3,833,985 21,044 36,555 80,745 11,981 40,964 37,121 4,438 871 5,234
U.S. Government Backed Mortgages Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp.
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 8.50 3/1/2025 8.50 3/1/2025 8.50 3/1/2025 8.50 4/1/2025 5.00 5/1/2025 7.65 5/1/2025 8.50 5/1/2025 8.50 5/1/2025 8.50 5/1/2025 8.50 6/1/2025 8.50 6/1/2025 8.50 7/1/2025 8.50 7/1/2025 8.50 7/1/2025 8.50 8/1/2025 8.50 9/1/2025 8.50 9/1/2025 8.50 9/1/2025 8.50 9/1/2025 8.50 10/1/2025 8.50 10/1/2025 8.50 11/1/2025 8.50 11/1/2025 4.00 4/1/2026 5.00 6/1/2026 2.61 10/1/2026 8.50 1/1/2027 8.50 5/1/2027 8.50 5/1/2027 8.50 11/1/2027 8.00 9/1/2028 6.00 3/1/2029 3.00 6/1/2029 6.50 7/1/2029 7.00 9/1/2029 7.00 10/1/2029 8.00 11/1/2029 8.50 12/1/2029 7.50 1/1/2030 8.50 2/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 4/1/2030 8.00 5/1/2030 8.00 5/1/2030 8.00 5/1/2030 8.00 5/1/2030 8.00 5/1/2030 8.00 6/1/2030 8.00 6/1/2030 8.00 7/1/2030 8.00 7/1/2030 8.00 7/1/2030 8.00 7/1/2030 7.50 8/1/2030 8.00 8/1/2030 8.00 8/1/2030 8.00 8/1/2030 8.00 8/1/2030 8.00 9/1/2030 8.00 9/1/2030 8.00 10/1/2030 8.50 10/1/2030 8.00 11/1/2030 8.00 12/1/2030 8.00 1/1/2031 8.00 3/1/2031
Par Value 2,992 7,675 4,448 1,371 6,501,039 1,418,058 14,534 1,686 10,001 115,880 16,891 1,470 2,979 1,507 3,197 5,389 28,837 1,287 13,028 3,080 18,299 13,242 17,188 3,088,434 7,842,606 128,099 21,225 1,584 76,379 24,450 2,851 111,038 754,569 52 20,023 11,903 1,968 27,579 359 3,974 18,041 329 3,354 5,017 694 466 3,881 453 289 6,441 9,048 153 5,353 1,851 9,478 12,570 5,151 14,648 383 35 5,233 3,176 9,510 2,389 235 745 296 15,605 1,320 916 10,979 2,393 2,244
Base Market Value 3,122 7,709 4,504 1,377 6,815,169 1,509,919 16,667 1,876 11,202 135,275 19,133 1,649 3,396 1,726 3,211 5,388 32,921 1,334 14,963 3,080 20,872 14,996 19,548 3,289,862 8,384,530 134,541 24,517 1,758 91,781 28,514 2,902 127,965 797,052 62 23,983 13,658 2,360 33,951 427 4,650 22,812 331 3,627 5,871 757 485 4,536 526 338 7,615 9,401 153 5,495 1,880 10,949 12,620 6,568 15,096 416 35 5,688 3,675 10,328 2,582 244 753 307 18,440 1,569 951 11,541 2,519 2,253
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Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 8.00 4/1/2031 5.00 6/1/2031 8.00 6/1/2031 8.00 6/1/2031 8.00 7/1/2031 7.50 9/1/2031 8.00 9/1/2031 8.00 9/1/2031 8.00 10/1/2031 8.00 10/1/2031 5.00 11/1/2031 8.00 11/1/2031 8.00 11/1/2031 8.00 12/1/2031 4.50 1/1/2032 7.00 4/1/2032 5.00 7/1/2033 5.50 12/1/2033 2.51 8/1/2035 5.00 9/1/2035 5.00 12/1/2035 5.50 1/1/2036 5.50 1/1/2036 5.50 2/1/2036 4.50 6/1/2036 6.00 4/1/2037 6.00 7/1/2037 6.00 7/1/2037 6.00 8/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 9/1/2037 6.00 10/1/2037 5.50 2/1/2038 6.00 2/1/2038 6.00 2/1/2038 6.00 2/1/2038 6.00 3/1/2038 5.50 4/1/2038 6.00 7/1/2038 6.00 7/1/2038 6.00 8/1/2038 6.00 8/1/2038 5.50 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 5.50 12/1/2038 6.00 12/1/2038 6.00 1/1/2039 6.00 1/1/2039 6.00 1/1/2039 6.00 1/1/2039 6.00 1/1/2039 6.00 1/1/2039 5.50 2/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039
Par Value 52,862 4,874,221 1,599 1,439 20,290 6,116 5,284 3,717 8,426 31,478 4,017,170 32,975 8,966 1,175 10,434,738 83,633 406,854 7,303 26,875 180,512 26,299 92,644 9,276 118 3,944,802 23,962 1,727 2,962 618,730 11,539 24,623 10,198 24,009 18,265 23,291 20,974 18,653 19,946 19,709 10,997 32,003 28,213 35,903 22,238 19,811 68,556 41,997 276,631 20,509 41,103 102,946 15,827 48,283 26,259 104,830 165,242 7,491 17,765 25,078 20,369 10,403 11,679 18,267 110,586 94,193 408,022 122,822 30,195 51,717 47,527 22,423 22,620 89,514
Base Market Value 61,011 5,379,336 1,666 1,806 23,705 6,623 6,198 3,737 9,125 32,522 4,461,107 39,073 9,274 1,236 11,449,933 98,868 456,567 8,427 28,475 199,663 29,522 104,974 10,359 134 4,314,312 28,040 2,004 3,480 704,408 13,099 28,795 11,654 27,269 20,746 27,202 24,288 21,512 23,313 22,734 12,567 36,005 32,954 42,148 25,916 23,092 77,055 49,154 324,638 23,904 47,482 115,858 17,970 56,513 30,716 118,100 193,817 8,520 20,398 28,478 23,770 11,976 13,446 20,518 123,392 105,100 456,723 137,508 33,688 57,887 53,014 24,698 24,656 99,869
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Interest Rate Maturity Date 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.00 11/1/2039 4.50 12/1/2039 5.50 1/1/2040 6.00 5/1/2040 4.00 8/1/2040 5.00 8/1/2040 4.00 9/1/2040 4.50 9/1/2040 4.00 10/1/2040 4.00 11/1/2040 4.00 11/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.00 12/1/2040 4.50 12/1/2040 4.50 12/1/2040 4.00 10/1/2041 4.00 1/1/2042 4.00 1/1/2042 4.00 6/1/2042 3.50 9/1/2042 3.50 10/1/2042 3.50 5/1/2043 3.00 11/1/2045 4.00 2/1/2046 3.50 5/1/2046 3.00 7/14/2016 4.00 7/14/2016 2.50 7/19/2016 3.00 8/11/2016 3.50 8/11/2016 3.50 8/11/2016 4.00 8/11/2016 2.50 8/17/2016 6.50 5/1/2017 6.50 6/1/2017 5.00 4/1/2018 4.50 5/1/2018 5.00 5/1/2018 5.00 5/1/2018 5.00 5/1/2018 5.00 6/1/2018 4.50 8/1/2018 4.00 9/1/2018 4.50 10/1/2018 4.50 11/1/2018 5.00 11/1/2018 5.00 3/1/2019 5.00 3/1/2019 4.00 4/1/2019 5.00 4/1/2019 5.00 4/1/2019 5.00 4/1/2019 4.64 6/1/2019 11.00 9/1/2019 4.66 10/1/2019 4.38 11/1/2019 4.50 1/1/2020 4.50 2/1/2020 4.00 9/1/2020 4.00 10/1/2020 4.50 10/1/2020
Par Value 1,554,331 368,273 630,830 604,255 224,778 375,348 52,820 27,391 475,121 71,682 1,504,367 15,224 102,460 30,803 62,406 56,644 49,043 150,037 1,195,124 35,587 232,747 2,444,832 1,108,937 75,774 803,671 275,027 903,394 184,736 1,369,969 2,682,037 2,001,592 2,292,683 1,581,414 1,488,624 5,260,856 2,921,293 3,744,415 9,320,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 3,500,000 4,000,000 2,250,000 1,000,000 500,000 10,477 37,712 1,020 15,531 2,137,835 3,756 3,857 1,211 38,652 113,480 57,209 31,294 1,033 80,658 1,433 101,033 1,897 2,993 1,689 1,158,099 2 1,053,342 1,328,393 26,561 47,080 239,544 7,201 21,989
Base Market Value 1,740,244 412,322 706,283 649,629 248,823 421,358 60,251 29,970 526,092 78,440 1,652,291 16,583 112,120 33,747 68,293 62,060 53,670 164,193 1,294,642 38,941 254,709 2,675,501 1,201,278 82,923 864,059 307,917 1,000,843 201,382 1,501,308 2,939,137 2,167,604 2,420,912 1,669,325 1,583,509 5,459,033 3,128,529 3,957,173 9,661,578 2,140,620 1,551,165 3,621,730 4,211,880 2,369,183 1,069,380 516,115 10,618 38,256 1,047 15,928 2,196,391 3,860 3,965 1,243 39,660 117,525 58,726 32,160 1,064 82,897 1,472 104,635 1,949 3,097 1,736 1,261,899 2 1,154,368 1,459,174 27,592 48,373 248,666 7,462 22,573
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Interest Rate Maturity Date 4.50 1/1/2021 6.00 2/1/2021 6.00 4/1/2021 6.00 4/1/2021 6.00 6/1/2021 6.00 7/1/2021 6.00 1/1/2022 3.16 5/1/2022 5.50 8/1/2022 5.00 12/1/2022 5.50 2/1/2023 4.50 3/1/2023 4.00 4/1/2023 5.00 7/1/2023 5.00 8/1/2023 5.50 10/1/2023 7.00 11/1/2023 5.50 12/1/2023 4.00 4/1/2024 4.50 7/1/2024 4.50 10/1/2024 5.00 10/1/2024 6.50 10/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 4.50 11/1/2024 10.00 11/1/2024 4.50 12/1/2024 4.50 12/1/2024 4.00 2/1/2025 4.00 4/1/2025 4.00 4/1/2025 4.50 4/1/2025 4.00 5/1/2025 5.50 5/1/2025 4.00 6/1/2025 4.50 6/1/2025 4.00 7/1/2025 4.00 8/1/2025 4.00 10/1/2025 4.50 10/1/2025 7.00 10/1/2025 3.00 11/1/2025 5.50 11/1/2025 4.00 12/1/2025 4.00 3/1/2026 4.50 4/1/2026 4.00 5/1/2026 4.00 6/1/2026 4.50 6/1/2026 5.00 6/1/2026 5.00 7/1/2026 5.00 9/1/2026 5.50 2/1/2027 3.00 5/1/2027 3.50 7/1/2027 7.00 11/1/2027 5.50 12/1/2027 4.52 1/1/2028 2.50 7/1/2028 5.00 7/1/2028 4.50 2/1/2029 3.00 4/1/2029 3.00 5/1/2029 3.00 7/1/2029 8.00 11/1/2029 8.00 12/1/2029 8.00 2/1/2030 8.00 2/1/2030 7.50 4/1/2030
Par Value 246,430 37,895 2,727,647 30,883 33,994 29,433 10,759 286,151 99,336 4,992,529 2,501,376 434 11,470 43,458 29,178 132,663 3,730 507,598 769,928 23,212 12,359 2,650,560 82,712 111,589 62,155 74,319 66,985 39,818 82,864 6,312 60,674 121,408 199,178 1,500,948 17,434 3,636 1,321,112 119,369 160,114 8,067 1,303,012 375,510 170,270 8,842 2,978 143,013 4,869,068 1,507,039 201,601 337,244 26,203 184,543 20,777 7,269,330 3,732,316 4,765,895 78,286 789,013 771,070 25,733 68,909 2,878 535,150 69,075 24,746 238,306 553,504 2,328,235 6,101 3,746 9,529 1,269 456
Base Market Value 253,209 39,888 2,860,865 32,602 36,085 30,879 12,286 307,881 106,486 5,357,233 2,703,613 465 12,211 46,285 31,257 144,066 3,771 550,201 820,410 24,155 12,703 2,773,572 95,184 120,192 67,207 80,046 72,438 42,423 89,623 6,931 65,607 131,260 212,331 1,600,053 18,572 3,966 1,408,353 124,124 169,373 8,563 1,389,110 400,297 181,772 9,645 3,169 151,026 5,252,605 1,605,657 215,249 359,081 27,979 196,778 22,361 7,772,150 3,905,719 5,077,489 87,880 832,425 818,544 30,799 77,365 3,042 555,314 76,641 26,993 249,969 580,610 2,442,994 7,169 4,431 11,126 1,557 567
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Interest Rate Maturity Date 8.00 4/1/2030 8.50 4/1/2030 8.50 4/1/2030 8.50 5/1/2030 8.50 6/1/2030 8.50 6/1/2030 8.50 6/1/2030 8.50 6/1/2030 8.50 6/1/2030 8.00 7/1/2030 8.50 7/1/2030 8.50 7/1/2030 8.50 8/1/2030 8.50 8/1/2030 8.50 8/1/2030 8.50 8/1/2030 8.50 8/1/2030 8.00 9/1/2030 8.00 9/1/2030 8.50 9/1/2030 8.00 10/1/2030 8.00 10/1/2030 8.00 10/1/2030 8.50 10/1/2030 5.00 11/1/2030 8.00 12/1/2030 8.00 12/1/2030 8.50 12/1/2030 4.50 1/1/2031 8.00 1/1/2031 8.00 1/1/2031 8.50 1/1/2031 3.00 2/1/2031 5.00 2/1/2031 7.00 2/1/2031 8.00 2/1/2031 8.00 4/1/2031 8.00 4/1/2031 8.00 5/1/2031 8.00 5/1/2031 8.50 5/1/2031 8.00 8/1/2031 8.00 8/1/2031 8.00 8/1/2031 8.00 9/1/2031 8.00 10/1/2031 8.00 11/1/2031 8.00 12/1/2031 5.00 2/1/2032 5.50 4/1/2033 2.77 5/1/2033 5.00 5/1/2033 5.50 5/1/2033 6.00 5/1/2033 5.50 6/1/2033 5.00 7/1/2033 5.50 7/1/2033 5.50 7/1/2033 5.00 8/1/2033 5.00 8/1/2033 5.00 8/1/2033 5.00 9/1/2033 5.50 9/1/2033 4.50 11/1/2033 5.50 12/1/2033 6.00 12/1/2033 5.50 2/1/2034 5.50 4/1/2034 5.50 5/1/2034 5.50 6/1/2034 5.50 8/1/2034 5.50 10/1/2034 5.50 12/1/2034
Par Value 31,659 1,368 4,337 1,437 5,887 365 1,543 5,402 14,660 2,931 659 30,936 3,909 772 15,645 749 8,339 6,246 29,763 4,977 23,416 528 6,395 648 773,771 17,503 9,555 4,015 4,447,203 1,983 25,065 16,848 501,924 5,707,461 230,475 10,975 8,565 16,206 4,080 6,153 218 4,357 1,165 2,273 15,164 1,794 2,485 42,769 4,006,414 206,752 116,045 64,214 261 2,395 206,341 130,774 218,056 3,709 146,162 18,021 7,275 262,059 8,350 87,845 3,386 2,126 10,239 1,973 23,279 52 6,558 293 670,658
Base Market Value 40,249 1,373 5,625 1,747 7,041 380 1,549 6,207 16,335 3,371 813 36,075 4,606 999 15,797 760 8,373 6,269 30,975 6,013 28,331 530 6,779 703 858,530 17,920 9,948 4,216 4,851,098 2,535 29,730 20,259 526,488 6,332,657 272,422 11,015 8,928 17,108 4,865 6,297 255 5,429 1,193 2,282 18,172 1,852 2,534 44,325 4,447,600 239,417 117,873 72,816 299 2,735 233,997 147,245 247,321 4,210 164,193 20,174 8,174 292,552 9,475 96,261 3,842 2,428 11,562 2,263 26,422 58 7,544 336 761,720
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Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.50 12/1/2034 4.50 2/1/2035 4.50 4/1/2035 5.50 4/1/2035 6.00 4/1/2035 4.50 5/1/2035 4.50 5/1/2035 4.50 6/1/2035 5.00 6/1/2035 5.00 7/1/2035 5.00 7/1/2035 5.50 7/1/2035 5.50 7/1/2035 5.50 8/1/2035 6.00 8/1/2035 5.50 9/1/2035 6.00 11/1/2035 6.00 11/1/2035 5.50 12/1/2035 6.00 12/1/2035 5.50 2/1/2036 6.00 3/1/2036 6.00 3/1/2036 6.00 4/1/2036 6.00 4/1/2036 2.61 5/1/2036 2.76 5/1/2036 6.00 5/1/2036 2.82 8/1/2036 2.70 9/1/2036 6.00 11/1/2036 6.00 11/1/2036 6.00 1/1/2037 6.00 1/1/2037 5.50 2/1/2037 5.50 4/1/2037 5.50 4/1/2037 5.50 4/1/2037 6.00 4/1/2037 5.50 5/1/2037 5.50 5/1/2037 4.10 6/1/2037 5.50 6/1/2037 5.50 6/1/2037 6.00 10/1/2037 6.00 11/1/2037 5.50 12/1/2037 6.00 12/1/2037 5.50 2/1/2038 5.50 3/1/2038 5.50 3/1/2038 5.50 3/1/2038 5.50 4/1/2038 5.50 4/1/2038 5.50 5/1/2038 5.50 5/1/2038 5.50 5/1/2038 6.00 5/1/2038 5.50 6/1/2038 5.50 6/1/2038 6.00 6/1/2038 6.00 6/1/2038 5.50 7/1/2038 5.50 7/1/2038 5.50 7/1/2038 6.00 7/1/2038 5.50 8/1/2038 5.50 8/1/2038 6.00 8/1/2038 6.00 8/1/2038 5.50 9/1/2038 5.50 9/1/2038 6.00 9/1/2038
Par Value 75,583 37,920 2,384 23,829 296,108 204,747 54,828 9,405 530,153 175,414 4,844 19,653 366 689 214 13,442 24,510 49,309 3,046 4,067 184 13,035 142 3,967 15,270 216,000 203,701 996 184,809 179,207 6,592 8,171 9,710 3,962 851 1,869 160 14,523 7,606 2,350 622 2,581,743 4,326 758 9,753 9,152 355 104,800 992 5,001 2,326 2,073 20,369 2,298 5,519 628 284 54,019 315 2,220 56,378 15,491 145 2,241 340 133,879 593 1,469 47,006 15,457 2,466 100 11,413
Base Market Value 85,902 42,255 2,600 27,040 343,819 224,517 59,808 10,259 591,110 195,645 5,374 22,377 412 792 244 15,364 28,406 57,214 3,509 4,708 207 15,058 162 4,585 17,619 226,355 217,465 1,142 195,793 189,802 7,546 9,333 11,111 4,550 963 2,117 181 16,593 8,688 2,654 698 2,833,618 4,921 861 11,408 10,472 403 123,182 1,125 5,676 2,639 2,353 23,332 2,580 6,257 705 322 63,005 353 2,505 65,864 17,845 163 2,548 382 156,724 666 1,664 54,152 17,825 2,768 112 13,084
U.S. Government Backed Mortgages Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 10/1/2038 6.00 11/1/2038 6.00 11/1/2038 6.00 11/1/2038 6.00 11/1/2038 5.50 12/1/2038 5.50 2/1/2039 4.50 3/1/2039 4.50 4/1/2039 4.50 4/1/2039 5.50 4/1/2039 5.50 4/1/2039 4.50 5/1/2039 4.50 5/1/2039 4.50 5/1/2039 3.50 6/1/2039 4.50 6/1/2039 4.50 6/1/2039 4.50 6/1/2039 4.50 6/1/2039 4.50 6/1/2039 4.50 6/1/2039 5.00 6/1/2039 6.00 6/1/2039 2.65 7/1/2039 4.50 7/1/2039 4.50 7/1/2039 4.50 7/1/2039 4.50 7/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 4.50 8/1/2039 5.50 8/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 9/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.50 10/1/2039 4.50 11/1/2039 4.50 11/1/2039 4.50 11/1/2039 4.50 12/1/2039 4.50 12/1/2039 4.50 12/1/2039 4.50 1/1/2040 5.00 2/1/2040 4.50 6/1/2040 5.00 6/1/2040 4.00 7/1/2040 4.50 7/1/2040 5.00 8/1/2040 3.50 9/1/2040 4.50 9/1/2040 4.00 10/1/2040 4.00 10/1/2040 6.00 10/1/2040 4.50 11/1/2040 3.50 1/1/2041
Par Value 7,438 9,621 18,422 6,505 20,934 15,616 7,786 38,051 8,490 10,686 649 5,373 303,438 36,674 35,137 7,310 3,440 10,881 38,239 63,956 819,574 342,841 288,549 12,746 28,597 16,538 13,981 309,524 400,600 190,551 216,227 306,595 76,475 15,489 315,366 5,444,373 654,973 59,397 27,301 62,886 149,434 54,147 37,698 63,220 311,609 22,577 46,488 180,616 145,596 43,252 292,259 208,275 10,643 72,740 93,324 184,785 78,227 11,882 238,950 114,932 364,911 12,532 21,765 151,254 94,164 323,771 554,633 199,157 334,081 519,321 587,639 490,929 689,026
Base Market Value 8,496 11,224 21,237 7,586 24,110 18,101 8,891 44,366 9,695 12,250 736 6,032 335,465 40,855 38,795 8,289 3,867 12,111 42,601 71,291 865,798 377,574 319,250 13,919 31,763 18,237 15,316 346,109 451,689 200,568 240,801 339,150 85,435 17,316 345,947 6,062,745 726,411 66,336 30,429 70,238 166,886 60,309 41,952 71,471 345,572 25,213 51,907 197,630 162,903 48,296 326,296 232,580 11,876 81,006 104,169 206,326 87,320 13,086 267,000 128,367 408,072 13,932 24,212 162,269 104,123 360,014 586,386 219,212 358,890 558,753 672,212 542,850 727,192
U.S. Government Backed Mortgages Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Federal National Mortgage Association - TBA Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 4.00 1/1/2041 4.00 1/1/2041 4.00 1/1/2041 3.50 2/1/2041 3.50 2/1/2041 4.00 2/1/2041 3.50 3/1/2041 3.50 3/1/2041 4.50 3/1/2041 4.00 4/1/2041 5.00 4/1/2041 5.50 7/1/2041 5.00 8/1/2041 4.00 10/1/2041 4.50 10/1/2041 3.50 11/1/2041 3.50 11/1/2041 4.00 11/1/2041 3.50 12/1/2041 4.00 12/1/2041 4.00 1/1/2042 3.50 3/1/2042 4.00 3/1/2042 4.00 3/1/2042 3.50 9/1/2042 4.00 9/1/2042 3.50 10/1/2042 3.50 10/1/2042 2.79 11/1/2042 3.50 11/1/2042 3.00 12/1/2042 3.50 12/1/2042 4.00 12/1/2042 3.50 1/1/2043 3.00 4/1/2043 3.00 4/1/2043 3.00 5/1/2043 3.50 5/1/2043 4.00 9/1/2043 5.00 9/1/2043 5.00 10/1/2043 5.00 1/1/2044 3.50 2/1/2046 3.00 7/14/2016 3.50 7/14/2016 3.50 7/14/2016 3.50 7/14/2016 3.50 7/14/2016 4.00 7/14/2016 4.00 7/14/2016 4.00 7/14/2016 4.50 7/14/2016 4.50 7/14/2016 5.50 7/14/2016 2.50 7/19/2016 3.00 7/19/2016 3.00 8/11/2016 3.00 8/11/2016 3.00 8/11/2016 3.00 8/11/2016 3.50 8/11/2016 3.50 8/11/2016 3.50 8/11/2016 3.50 8/11/2016 4.00 8/11/2016 4.00 8/11/2016 4.50 8/11/2016 3.50 8/16/2016 9.50 11/15/2016 9.50 5/15/2018 9.50 7/15/2018 10.00 8/15/2018 9.50 10/15/2018
Par Value 825,714 237,761 128,576 5,378,514 3,712,247 1,471,966 5,636,577 248,282 1,077,282 5,929,394 316,910 5,328,921 255,905 907,362 292,369 462,925 86,459 200,412 904,804 3,654,459 887,520 6,872,823 1,258,958 343,130 738,818 1,409,666 2,941,119 2,656,333 1,031,961 1,548,345 2,314,145 2,403,194 5,014,077 2,075,908 1,105,175 884,210 3,771,025 4,247,369 5,247,713 90,495 568,117 206,816 485,937 9,000,000 8,000,000 3,000,000 (2,100,000) 5,400,000 5,000,000 (10,100,000) 10,350,000 3,000,000 5,200,000 1,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 11,000,000 20,000,000 3,500,000 12,700,000 91,800,000 64,000,000 2,000,000 138,200,000 30,000,000 1,000,000 15,000,000 1,000,000 351 5,203 3,020 7,824 4,504
Base Market Value 905,989 255,355 137,806 5,688,370 3,927,632 1,621,930 5,963,780 262,586 1,192,723 6,377,063 352,914 6,011,715 283,937 999,813 319,056 495,895 91,935 217,451 965,597 3,935,122 957,989 7,253,508 1,355,318 372,375 793,254 1,528,134 3,111,086 2,830,934 1,075,582 1,637,684 2,406,942 2,569,856 5,438,870 2,194,754 1,149,416 919,498 3,921,753 4,514,274 5,627,595 100,565 630,717 229,545 513,076 9,339,959 8,441,280 3,165,480 (2,215,992) 5,697,864 5,360,800 (10,828,804) 11,096,856 3,274,680 5,676,112 1,124,060 2,586,475 2,096,720 11,394,900 20,718,000 3,625,650 13,155,907 96,748,938 67,450,240 2,107,820 145,649,837 32,136,600 1,071,220 16,363,950 1,058,380 350 5,360 3,127 8,212 4,735
U.S. Government Backed Mortgages Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association I - TBA Government National Mortgage Association I - TBA Government National Mortgage Association I - TBA Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 10.00 12/15/2020 10.00 2/15/2021 10.00 7/15/2022 7.50 5/15/2023 8.00 1/15/2024 8.00 6/15/2024 8.00 7/15/2024 8.00 7/15/2024 9.00 11/15/2024 10.00 2/15/2025 3.95 7/15/2025 7.50 2/15/2027 7.50 9/15/2027 7.50 12/15/2027 7.00 7/15/2029 7.00 8/15/2029 7.50 12/15/2029 7.50 3/15/2030 7.50 11/15/2030 7.00 7/15/2031 7.00 9/15/2031 7.00 11/15/2031 7.00 5/15/2032 7.00 5/15/2032 7.00 6/15/2032 7.00 6/15/2032 5.00 1/15/2034 5.00 8/15/2035 7.00 2/15/2036 5.00 2/15/2038 5.00 5/15/2038 5.00 7/15/2038 5.00 7/15/2038 6.00 11/15/2038 5.50 4/15/2039 5.00 5/15/2039 4.50 6/15/2039 5.00 7/15/2039 5.00 9/15/2039 4.50 10/15/2039 3.50 1/15/2041 3.50 1/15/2041 3.50 1/15/2041 3.50 1/15/2041 3.50 7/15/2042 3.50 5/15/2043 3.50 5/15/2043 3.50 9/15/2043 3.50 11/15/2043 3.50 4/15/2045 3.00 8/18/2016 3.50 8/18/2016 4.00 8/18/2016 1.75 4/20/2025 3.00 4/20/2025 1.75 5/20/2025 2.00 10/20/2025 2.00 2/20/2027 1.88 7/20/2027 2.00 10/20/2027 2.00 11/20/2027 2.00 12/20/2027 2.00 1/20/2028 2.00 11/20/2029 2.00 12/20/2029 6.00 12/20/2033 5.00 7/20/2040 4.00 1/20/2041 4.50 1/20/2041 4.00 2/20/2041 4.00 3/20/2041 4.50 3/20/2041 4.00 4/20/2041
Par Value 10,890 8,285 7,681 4,195 30,717 34,678 10,313 21,237 13,130 64,091 537,550 1,506 237 239 2,813 294 441 1,784 73 31,782 50,992 82,242 3,343 13,707 8,179 2,861 15,839 15,290 29,014 3,653 195,404 486,797 18,291 15,606 59,884 430,616 79,773 43,369 327,727 113,205 38,103 87,567 200,315 46,557 714,964 48,311 733,617 2,610,575 50,421 32,160 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,000,000 4,858 33,581 4,183 12,226 6,101 8,549 4,918 7,022 2,878 5,637 154,306 126,438 235,480 271,444 202,713 686,228 575,006 46,878 368,935 350,448
Base Market Value 11,808 8,724 8,300 4,310 33,502 38,540 11,511 23,827 14,872 69,623 585,026 1,573 241 243 2,855 301 467 1,838 75 39,192 64,065 93,809 3,355 14,466 10,272 3,594 17,630 17,270 30,236 4,108 219,130 546,703 20,389 18,523 67,397 484,245 90,096 49,309 368,119 127,894 40,475 93,342 212,784 49,628 761,630 51,468 778,950 2,794,856 53,536 34,186 3,128,850 3,181,170 1,073,440 5,015 35,156 4,321 12,639 6,349 8,863 5,106 7,292 2,974 5,879 160,102 131,478 256,219 301,951 218,436 749,203 619,603 50,514 402,792 377,576
U.S. Government Backed Mortgages Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II Government National Mortgage Association II - TBA Government National Mortgage Association II - TBA Government National Mortgage Association II - TBA Government National Mortgage Association II - TBA Government National Mortgage Association II - TBA Total U.S. Government Backed Mortgages
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.00 4/20/2041 4.50 6/20/2041 3.50 5/20/2043 3.00 7/20/2016 3.50 7/20/2016 3.00 8/18/2016 3.50 8/18/2016 3.50 8/18/2016
Par Value 342,197 587,900 271,079 6,500,000 4,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000
U.S. Municipals Moody's Quality Rating Bay Area Toll Authority (California) Toll Bridge Revenue Aa3 California, State of, Taxable Aa3 California, State of, Taxable Aa3 California, State of, Taxable - Various Purpose 4 Aa3 California, State of, Taxable - Various Purpose 4 Aa3 Chicago, IL - Metropolitan Water Reclamation Aa2 Chicago, Illinois Taxable Series B Baa1 Clark County Nevada Airport Revenue Aa3 Connecticut State Taxable Series D Build America Bond Aa3 Curators of the University of Missouri Aa1 Denver Colorado Public Schools Certificates Refunding Taxable Series B Aa3 District of Columbia Water & Sewer Authority Aa2 Energy Northwest Washington Electric Revenue Refunding Taxable Colu Aa1 Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Series A Aa3 Florida State Board of Administration Finance Corporation Series A Aa3 Georgia State Taxable Series B Aaa Georgia State Taxable Series H Build America Bond Aaa Houston Texas Refunding Taxable Pension Obligation A Aa3 Irvine Ranch California Water District Aa1 Kansas, State of, Development Finance Authority Revenue Aa3 Kansas, State of, Development Finance Authority Revenue Aa3 Maryland, State of Aaa Massachusetts Educational Finance Aaa Metropolitan Transportation Authority of New York - Revenue A1 Missouri State Health & Educational Facilities Taxable Washington Unive Aaa New Jersey Turnpike Authority A3 New Jersey Turnpike Authority A3 New York City Municipal Water Finance Aa1 Ohio State University General Receipts Aa1 Oregon State Taxable State Board of Higher Education Series A Aa1 Pennsylvania State Economic Development Financing A2 Port of Morrow, Oregon Transmission Taxable bond Aa1 Public Power Generation Agency - Nebraska A2 Seattle Washington Municipal Light & Power Revenue Taxable Series A Aa2 Texas State Taxable Build America Bond A Aaa Texas State Taxable Refunding Public Finance Authority Series C Aaa Texas Transportation Commission State Highway Fund Taxable First Tier Aaa Texas, State of, Municipal bond Aaa Texas, State of, Municipal bond Aaa University of Houston Texas Aa2 University of Houston Texas Aa2 University of Texas Revenues Taxable Financing System Series A Aaa Utah State Taxable B Build America Bonds Aaa Utah State Taxable Series D Build America Aaa Virginia State Housing Development Authority Taxable Pass Through Se Aaa Washington, State of, Municipal bond Aa1 Wilkes County Georgia Hospital Authority Revenue Aa1 Total U.S. Municipals
Interest Rate Maturity Date 6.26 4/1/2049 7.60 11/1/2040 7.60 11/1/2040 7.50 4/1/2034 7.50 4/1/2034 5.72 12/1/2038 7.38 1/1/2033 6.82 7/1/2045 5.09 10/1/2030 5.79 11/1/2041 3.10 12/15/2024 5.52 10/1/2044 2.81 7/1/2024 3.00 7/1/2020 2.64 7/1/2021 4.25 2/1/2030 4.50 11/1/2025 6.29 3/1/2032 6.62 5/1/2040 3.49 4/15/2023 3.64 4/15/2024 4.40 3/1/2023 1.59 4/25/2038 7.13 11/15/2030 3.65 1/15/2046 7.41 1/1/2040 7.41 1/1/2040 5.79 6/15/2041 4.91 6/1/2040 5.74 8/1/2024 6.53 6/15/2039 3.10 9/1/2023 7.24 1/1/2041 4.05 1/1/2041 5.52 4/1/2039 2.83 10/1/2025 5.03 4/1/2026 3.01 10/1/2026 3.31 10/1/2028 2.86 2/15/2026 3.06 2/15/2027 3.85 8/15/2046 3.54 7/1/2025 4.55 7/1/2024 3.25 6/25/2042 1.43 8/1/2019 7.20 2/20/2037
Par Value 530,000 300,000 80,000 100,000 645,000 530,000 200,000 300,000 610,000 195,000 1,300,000 310,000 1,475,000 2,845,000 1,615,000 725,000 1,350,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 830,000 960,000 595,000 537,413 4,000,000 2,500,000 1,000,000 300,000 3,000,000 165,000 755,000 1,000,000 1,740,000 2,500,000 1,250,000 1,350,000 155,000 1,250,000 210,000 435,000 435,000 210,000 865,000 1,890,000 680,000 735,318 730,000 1,600,000
U.S. Credit Obligations Bank Loans Avago Technologies Cayman Ltd. Avago Technologies Cayman Ltd. Charter Communications Operating LLC FCA US LLC (formerly Chrysler) FCA US LLC (formerly Chrysler) KIK Custom Products, Inc. Match Group, Inc. Mohegan Tribal Gaming Authority Navistar, Inc. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc.
Interest Rate Maturity Date
Par Value
Base Market Value
1,496,250 498,750 498,750 451,857 3,287,622 4,218,125 1,462,500 2,179,043 3,482,500 193,961
1,499,878 498,984 498,750 452,187 3,290,022 4,167,655 1,472,862 2,160,658 3,302,577 188,082
Moody's Quality Rating Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Baa3 Baa3 B2 Ba2 B3 Ba3 Ba2
4.25 4.25 3.50 3.50 3.50 6.00 5.50 5.50 6.50 4.75
2/1/2023 2/1/2023 1/24/2023 5/24/2017 5/24/2017 8/26/2022 11/16/2022 11/15/2019 8/7/2020 8/5/2020
Base Market Value 380,619 641,851 288,878 6,796,205 4,245,480 1,565,310 1,059,960 3,179,880 811,200,590
Base Market Value 825,825 483,027 128,807 151,511 977,246 685,931 211,042 463,653 727,553 281,325 1,404,234 414,163 1,567,040 2,978,573 1,684,413 803,278 1,558,440 2,565,400 1,417,490 898,052 1,026,854 702,433 530,674 4,877,560 2,738,100 1,569,050 470,715 3,353,520 211,815 925,419 1,227,890 1,880,366 3,280,500 1,320,500 1,913,288 164,874 1,539,600 224,278 459,469 457,755 220,389 987,337 2,120,202 798,021 735,598 743,250 1,819,792 56,526,249
U.S. Credit Obligations Valeant Pharmaceuticals International, Inc. Total Bank Loans Financial Actuant Corp. Allstate Life Global Funding Trust Ally Financial, Inc. Ally Financial, Inc. Ally Financial, Inc. Ally Financial, Inc. Ally Financial, Inc. Ally Financial, Inc. Ally Financial, Inc. Alterra Finance, L.L.C. American Express Bank FSB American Express Co. American Express Co. American Express Credit American Express Credit American Express Credit American International Group American International Group American International Group American Tower Corp. American Tower Corp. American Tower Corp. American Tower Trust I AXIS Specialty Finance BAC Capital Trust XIV Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. (MXN) Bank of America N.A.
Moody's Quality Rating Ba2
Ba3 A1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa2 A2 A3 Baa2 A2 A2 A2 Baa1 Baa1 Baa2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Aaa Baa1 Ba2 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 A2 A1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.00 4/1/2022
5.63 1.28 3.31 3.50 2.75 2.75 5.50 6.25 8.00 6.25 0.75 1.24 4.90 0.95 1.41 1.71 3.30 4.50 8.18 4.70 3.50 3.38 1.55 5.88 4.00 3.75 6.50 0.96 1.28 1.28 2.60 1.19 5.70 6.40 5.75 5.75 1.00 6.88 6.88 5.65 5.65 3.35 5.63 5.63 5.88 2.05 2.05 5.00 5.70 3.30 3.30 3.30 4.10 4.13 4.13 4.00 8.57 3.95 3.88 4.45 1.32 5.88 5.00 4.88 6.50 5.13 6.30 4.06 1.10
6/15/2022 11/25/2016 7/18/2016 7/18/2016 1/30/2017 1/30/2017 2/15/2017 12/1/2017 11/1/2031 9/30/2020 6/12/2017 5/22/2018 12/29/2049 6/5/2017 11/5/2018 9/14/2020 3/1/2021 7/16/2044 5/15/2068 3/15/2022 1/31/2023 10/15/2026 3/15/2043 6/1/2020 9/29/2049 7/12/2016 8/1/2016 8/15/2016 11/3/2016 11/17/2016 4/13/2017 5/2/2017 5/2/2017 8/28/2017 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 3/22/2018 4/25/2018 4/25/2018 5/1/2018 5/1/2018 3/19/2020 7/1/2020 7/1/2020 1/5/2021 4/19/2021 4/19/2021 5/13/2021 1/24/2022 1/11/2023 1/11/2023 1/11/2023 7/24/2023 1/22/2024 1/22/2024 4/1/2024 11/15/2024 4/21/2025 8/1/2025 3/3/2026 12/1/2026 2/7/2042 1/21/2044 4/1/2044 10/29/2049 12/29/2049 12/29/2049 10/21/2025 11/14/2016
Par Value 670,334
300,000 2,506,000 1,400,000 4,300,000 1,000,000 1,120,000 5,100,000 1,000,000 2,760,000 2,800,000 5,752,000 3,565,000 400,000 5,000,000 1,200,000 1,300,000 2,040,000 800,000 2,651,000 350,000 3,421,000 2,725,000 1,575,000 615,000 2,055,000 180,000 1,400,000 1,000,000 1,533,000 299,000 770,000 3,900,000 312,000 535,000 125,000 2,200,000 6,500,000 1,300,000 2,800,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 977,000 400,000 5,005,000 1,340,000 10,000,000 1,260,000 100,000 830,000 800,000 500,000 1,450,000 550,000 2,000,000 900,000 1,300,000 725,000 1,180,000 200,000 455,000 475,000 360,000 985,000 370,000 3,500,000 2,115,000 1,500,000 24,000,000 2,200,000
Base Market Value 651,712 18,183,367
306,000 2,495,976 1,400,000 4,300,000 1,004,670 1,125,230 5,176,500 1,047,500 3,194,700 3,209,640 5,739,927 3,557,193 382,500 4,993,300 1,201,404 1,303,978 2,107,544 773,952 3,332,121 386,236 3,539,914 2,739,170 1,578,336 687,441 1,537,243 180,086 1,405,376 999,890 1,524,109 296,907 771,532 3,887,832 322,976 564,511 132,305 2,328,568 6,533,995 1,419,275 3,056,900 1,071,650 1,178,815 942,805 450,016 5,630,825 1,537,208 10,132,600 1,276,708 111,968 960,991 823,320 514,575 1,492,268 589,237 2,151,160 968,022 1,387,477 939,448 1,201,653 212,162 475,903 405,446 454,414 1,139,320 421,652 3,727,500 1,993,388 1,593,750 1,411,439 2,201,936
U.S. Credit Obligations Bank of America N.A. Bank of America N.A. Bank of America N.A. Bank of America N.A. Bank of America N.A. Bank of New York Mellon Corp. Bank of the Ozarks Bank One Capital III BankUnited, Inc. Baylor Scott & White Holdings BB&T Corp. Bear Stearns Cos., L.L.C. Bear Stearns Cos., L.L.C. Belvoir Land, L.L.C. Belvoir Land, L.L.C. Berkshire Hathaway Finance Berkshire Hathaway Finance Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. Block Financial, L.L.C. Branch Banking & Trust Brixmor Operating Partnership, L.P. Capital One Bank USA, N.A. Capital One Financial Co. Capital One Financial Co. Capital One N.A. CDW L.L.C./CDW Finance CDW L.L.C./CDW Finance CDW L.L.C./CDW Finance CDW L.L.C./CDW Finance Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. Cigna Corp. Cigna Corp. Cigna Corp. CIT Group, Inc. CIT Group, Inc. CIT Group, Inc. CIT Group, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. (AUD) Citigroup, Inc. (NZD) Citigroup, Inc. (NZD) Citizens Bank N.A./R.I. Citizens Bank N.A./R.I. Citizens Financial Group Credit Suisse New York Crown Castle International Corp. Deluxe Corp. Depository Trust & Clearing Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp.
Moody's Quality Rating A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 Baa1 Ba2 Baa2 Ba1 Aa3 A2 A3 A3 A1 A1 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Baa3 A2 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa1 B1 B1 B1 B1 A3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa2 A2 Baa3 Ba2 A2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.30 3/15/2017 1.05 5/8/2017 1.05 5/8/2017 1.05 5/8/2017 2.05 12/7/2018 4.95 12/29/2049 5.50 7/1/2026 8.75 9/1/2030 4.88 11/17/2025 2.65 11/15/2026 1.30 2/1/2019 1.04 11/21/2016 7.25 2/1/2018 5.40 12/15/2047 5.40 12/15/2047 0.78 1/10/2017 1.34 3/15/2019 3.13 3/15/2026 4.13 10/1/2020 0.98 9/13/2016 4.13 6/15/2026 3.38 2/15/2023 4.75 7/15/2021 5.55 12/29/2049 1.65 2/5/2018 5.00 9/1/2023 5.00 9/1/2023 5.50 12/1/2024 5.50 12/1/2024 3.35 5/3/2026 4.38 12/15/2020 4.50 3/15/2021 5.88 3/15/2041 4.25 8/15/2017 4.25 8/15/2017 5.50 2/15/2019 3.88 2/19/2019 1.60 7/25/2016 1.60 7/25/2016 1.16 5/1/2017 1.16 5/1/2017 2.05 12/7/2018 1.59 6/7/2019 2.65 10/26/2020 2.01 3/30/2021 2.70 3/30/2021 4.50 1/14/2022 4.40 6/10/2025 3.70 1/12/2026 4.60 3/9/2026 4.45 9/29/2027 6.63 6/15/2032 4.65 7/30/2045 5.95 7/29/2049 5.90 12/29/2049 5.90 12/29/2049 6.13 12/29/2049 6.25 12/29/2049 3.60 5/4/2021 6.25 6/29/2017 6.25 6/29/2017 2.30 12/3/2018 2.55 5/13/2021 4.30 12/3/2025 1.16 5/26/2017 4.88 4/15/2022 6.00 11/15/2020 4.88 12/29/2049 3.48 6/1/2019 3.48 6/1/2019 3.48 6/1/2019 4.42 6/15/2021 4.42 6/15/2021
Par Value 400,000 400,000 5,700,000 11,000,000 940,000 1,000,000 685,000 50,000 1,305,000 2,115,000 3,955,000 5,670,000 2,485,000 2,025,000 500,000 2,525,000 1,850,000 3,100,000 9,083,000 5,000,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 870,000 3,645,000 5,000,000 5,475,000 968,000 300,000 6,156,000 915,000 35,000 100,000 425,000 1,100,000 600,000 774,000 515,000 2,500,000 4,900,000 1,000,000 2,300,000 950,000 19,100,000 600,000 3,700,000 1,000,000 1,075,000 3,445,000 330,000 325,000 240,000 2,060,000 1,350,000 1,560,000 2,965,000 800,000 900,000 1,800,000 1,600,000 980,000 825,000 870,000 1,100,000 2,550,000 1,000,000 1,400,000 6,015,000 1,000,000 255,000 450,000 5,000,000 1,100,000 215,000
Base Market Value 410,788 400,296 5,704,218 11,008,118 953,780 1,003,750 700,413 73,122 1,355,021 2,151,315 3,964,255 5,671,588 2,708,899 2,116,328 522,550 2,524,697 1,867,187 3,250,474 9,356,126 5,001,950 1,128,545 1,225,680 968,432 3,599,438 5,004,200 5,513,270 974,766 309,750 6,356,070 975,299 38,014 109,779 521,496 1,120,350 611,100 809,798 517,575 2,501,175 4,902,303 1,000,130 2,300,299 957,553 19,131,324 610,574 3,724,087 1,017,790 1,188,241 3,602,126 347,388 344,559 247,226 2,522,614 1,483,556 1,541,483 2,920,525 788,000 913,500 1,849,500 1,197,853 718,371 604,522 881,388 1,110,626 2,684,003 999,390 1,537,480 6,225,525 1,001,250 261,225 460,985 5,122,050 1,132,197 221,293
U.S. Credit Obligations Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Diamond 1 Finance Corp. / Diamond 2 Finance Corp. Discover Bank Discover Financial Services Discover Financial Services Emera US Finance, L.P. Emera US Finance, L.P. Emera US Finance, L.P. ERAC USA Finance L.L.C. ERAC USA Finance L.L.C. ERAC USA Finance L.L.C. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. Fifth Third Bancorp Fifth Third Bancorp Fifth Third Bank Flagstar Bancorp, Inc. Ford Motor Credit Co., L.L.C. Ford Motor Credit Co., L.L.C. Ford Motor Credit Co., L.L.C. Ford Motor Credit Co., L.L.C. Ford Motor Credit Co., L.L.C. Ford Motor Credit Co., L.L.C. General Electric Capital Corp. (MXN) General Electric Capital Corp. (NZD) General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. General Motors Financial Co., Inc. Genworth Holdings, Inc. Genworth Holdings, Inc. Glencore Funding, L.L.C. GLP Capital, L.P. / Financing II GLP Capital, L.P. / Financing II Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Harley Davidson Financial Services Harley Davidson Financial Services Hartford Financial Services Group HCA Holdings, Inc. Hospitality Properties Trust
Moody's Quality Rating Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa3 A3 Ba2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 A1 A1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba3 Ba3 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 A3 A3 Baa2 B1 Baa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 4.42 6/15/2021 5.45 6/15/2023 6.02 6/15/2026 2.60 11/13/2018 5.20 4/27/2022 3.85 11/21/2022 2.70 6/15/2021 3.55 6/15/2026 3.55 6/15/2026 3.30 12/1/2026 6.70 6/1/2034 7.00 10/15/2037 2.85 10/15/2018 3.63 10/15/2020 3.63 10/15/2020 5.00 3/15/2022 4.50 10/15/2022 3.88 6/5/2024 1.07 12/20/2016 5.10 12/29/2049 2.30 3/15/2019 6.13 7/15/2021 1.41 1/17/2017 4.25 2/3/2017 1.18 9/8/2017 2.94 1/8/2019 3.20 1/15/2021 4.39 1/8/2026 8.50 4/6/2018 4.25 1/17/2018 2.63 7/10/2017 4.75 8/15/2017 2.40 5/9/2019 3.20 7/13/2020 3.70 11/24/2020 3.20 7/6/2021 4.38 9/25/2021 3.70 5/9/2023 3.70 5/9/2023 7.20 2/15/2021 4.90 8/15/2023 2.13 4/16/2018 4.38 11/1/2018 4.88 11/1/2020 1.32 5/22/2017 1.32 5/22/2017 1.31 6/4/2017 1.84 4/30/2018 1.73 11/15/2018 1.85 9/15/2020 1.85 9/15/2020 1.85 9/15/2020 1.85 9/15/2020 5.25 7/27/2021 5.75 1/24/2022 3.85 7/8/2024 3.85 7/8/2024 3.50 1/23/2025 3.75 5/22/2025 3.75 5/22/2025 3.75 2/25/2026 6.45 5/1/2036 6.75 10/1/2037 6.75 10/1/2037 6.25 2/1/2041 4.80 7/8/2044 4.80 7/8/2044 5.15 5/22/2045 2.70 3/15/2017 2.85 1/15/2021 6.63 3/30/2040 6.25 2/15/2021 4.25 2/15/2021
Par Value 450,000 800,000 300,000 4,850,000 390,000 420,000 1,400,000 215,000 2,112,000 380,000 30,000 385,000 195,000 4,739,000 810,000 3,501,000 2,230,000 605,000 3,306,000 1,705,000 2,700,000 720,000 5,000,000 200,000 7,000,000 1,000,000 800,000 445,000 91,000,000 580,000 1,100,000 300,000 5,000,000 1,200,000 1,160,000 1,300,000 1,770,000 235,000 4,000,000 1,415,000 3,315,000 3,000,000 175,000 250,000 2,000,000 12,215,000 200,000 13,000,000 5,350,000 200,000 6,000,000 2,100,000 5,000,000 1,500,000 675,000 2,615,000 1,300,000 2,100,000 800,000 600,000 210,000 10,000 440,000 4,675,000 10,000 55,000 725,000 325,000 2,000,000 1,225,000 3,225,000 1,750,000 700,000
Base Market Value 463,172 830,056 312,746 4,922,944 427,818 426,552 1,426,656 219,997 2,161,083 388,531 39,747 524,512 200,127 5,009,692 856,267 3,647,797 2,469,792 639,654 3,304,049 1,585,650 2,753,109 719,928 5,006,900 203,196 6,978,440 1,029,150 824,064 485,784 5,195,596 419,706 1,110,168 309,551 5,013,950 1,215,684 1,191,796 1,302,067 1,867,793 236,222 4,020,800 1,192,138 2,494,538 2,925,000 179,594 259,063 2,001,560 12,224,467 200,152 13,067,470 5,363,054 199,608 5,988,240 2,095,886 4,990,200 1,692,720 783,648 2,772,711 1,378,403 2,157,771 835,496 626,622 221,025 11,811 542,753 5,766,753 12,941 60,884 802,568 339,060 2,020,080 1,279,770 4,162,959 1,868,125 729,463
U.S. Credit Obligations HSBC USA, Inc. HSBC USA, Inc. Huntington Bancshares Icahn Enterprises/Finance Independent Bank Group, Inc. Inter-American Development Bank International Lease Finance Corp. International Lease Finance Corp. International Lease Finance Corp. International Lease Finance Corp. International Lease Finance Corp. International Lease Finance Corp. International Lease Finance Corp. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. Jefferies Group, L.L.C. Jefferies Group, L.L.C. Jefferies Group, L.L.C. Jefferies Group, L.L.C. Jefferies Group, L.L.C. Jefferies Group, L.L.C. John Deere Capital Corp. Key Bank N.A. Key Bank N.A. KeyCorp LegacyTexas Financial Group, Inc. Level 3 Financing, Inc. Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Lincoln National Corp. Markel Corp. Markel Corp. MetLife, Inc. MetLife, Inc. MetLife, Inc. MetLife, Inc. MetLife, Inc. Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley
Moody's Quality Rating A2 NR Baa1 Ba3 Ba3 Aaa Baa3 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa1 A3 A3 Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Aa3 A1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 A2 A3 A3 Baa1 Baa2 B1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa1 Baa2 Baa2 A3 A3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 NR A3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 0.94 6/23/2017 2.63 5/4/2018 2.60 8/2/2018 6.00 8/1/2020 5.88 8/1/2024 0.45 10/15/2017 6.75 9/1/2016 6.75 9/1/2016 8.75 3/15/2017 8.88 9/1/2017 7.13 9/1/2018 5.88 4/1/2019 8.25 12/15/2020 1.54 1/25/2018 1.19 4/25/2018 1.49 3/22/2019 6.30 4/23/2019 2.25 1/23/2020 2.25 1/23/2020 2.75 6/23/2020 2.75 6/23/2020 1.84 10/29/2020 2.15 3/1/2021 2.15 3/1/2021 1.78 6/7/2021 1.78 6/7/2021 4.50 1/24/2022 3.88 2/1/2024 3.20 6/15/2026 4.25 10/1/2027 6.40 5/15/2038 5.60 7/15/2041 4.95 6/1/2045 5.30 12/29/2049 6.13 12/29/2049 7.90 12/29/2049 7.90 12/29/2049 1.11 6/2/2017 6.00 10/1/2017 5.13 4/13/2018 6.88 4/15/2021 6.45 6/8/2027 6.25 1/15/2036 6.50 1/20/2043 6.50 1/20/2043 0.92 1/16/2018 1.15 11/25/2016 1.15 11/25/2016 5.10 3/24/2021 5.50 12/1/2025 5.25 3/15/2026 4.25 6/15/2023 6.50 3/15/2035 6.50 5/1/2042 6.30 10/9/2037 5.00 3/30/2043 5.00 4/5/2046 4.75 2/8/2021 4.37 9/15/2023 5.25 12/29/2049 5.25 12/29/2049 6.40 12/15/2066 2.85 8/26/2016 1.08 10/18/2016 1.85 7/15/2017 2.95 12/1/2017 3.05 3/5/2018 4.35 10/14/2018 3.10 11/9/2018 1.38 7/23/2019 5.63 9/23/2019 2.85 12/15/2019 1.63 6/16/2020
Par Value 5,000,000 200,000 720,000 2,855,000 275,000 16,400,000 100,000 100,000 1,950,000 878,000 300,000 3,505,000 135,000 11,900,000 5,700,000 2,150,000 130,000 2,100,000 300,000 400,000 600,000 9,000,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 5,000,000 2,225,000 900,000 2,180,000 740,000 880,000 655,000 440,000 135,000 1,000,000 4,175,000 1,000,000 700,000 3,904,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 315,000 410,000 285,000 285,000 2,260,000 5,000,000 3,675,000 4,650,000 185,000 255,000 2,330,000 765,000 2,917,000 435,000 400,000 105,000 310,000 1,225,000 3,150,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 710,000 257,000 5,775,000 300,000 1,247,000 670,000 135,000 1,083,000 7,500,000 190,000 1,648,000 2,600,000
Base Market Value 4,985,500 199,140 733,795 2,819,313 270,188 16,359,705 100,500 100,500 2,035,800 936,168 329,382 3,737,206 159,613 11,957,822 5,691,222 2,155,762 146,136 2,128,875 304,125 412,172 618,259 9,093,510 1,533,705 1,533,698 5,017,200 2,232,654 1,001,565 2,355,098 760,594 931,066 897,042 557,924 148,227 996,250 4,326,344 1,020,000 714,000 3,904,820 1,584,315 2,091,900 357,742 455,444 286,582 282,985 2,244,022 5,005,150 3,676,360 4,651,707 208,110 256,275 2,283,400 812,614 3,578,838 526,842 471,684 111,974 327,227 1,367,921 3,487,239 992,500 992,500 757,939 260,213 5,777,137 300,750 1,251,739 681,725 144,113 1,098,736 7,437,375 210,807 1,635,640 2,578,472
U.S. Credit Obligations Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley MPG Holdco I, Inc. MSCI, Inc. MUFG Union Bank NA National City Bank National City Bank / Cleveland OH Navient Corp. Navient Corp. Navient Corp. NiSource Finance Corp. NiSource Finance Corp. NiSource Finance Corp. Northwestern University OUTFRONT Media Capital, L.L.C. OUTFRONT Media Capital, L.L.C. PACCAR Financial Corp. Pacific Continental Corp. Peachtree Funding Trust Pinnacle Bank / TN PNC Bank, N.A. PNC Financial Services Prime Security Services Borrower/Finance Principal Financial Group Private Export Funding Private Export Funding Protective Life Corp. Prudential Financial, Inc. Prudential Financial, Inc. Radian Group, Inc. Regions Financial Corp. Santander Bank, N.A. Simon Property Group, L.P. Solvay Finance (America) Springleaf Finance Corp. Springleaf Finance Corp. Stanford University Stifel Financial Corp. Sunoco LP/Finance Corp. SunTrust Preferred Capital I Synchrony Financial Synovus Financial Corp. Synovus Financial Corp. Synovus Financial Corp. Textron Financial Corp. Tri Pointe Holdings, Inc. Unum Group USB Capital IX Ventas Realty L.P./Capital Corp. Voya Financial, Inc. Wachovia Capital Trust III Wachovia Corp. Wachovia Corp. Wachovia Corp. Wachovia Corp. Walgreens Boots Alliance Walgreens Boots Alliance WEA Finance L.L.C./Westfield Wells Fargo & Co.
Moody's Quality Rating A3 A3 A3 Baa2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 A3 A3 Ba1 Ba1 B3 Ba2 A2 A3 A3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Aaa B1 B1 A1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa1 A2 A3 B3 Baa1 Aaa Aaa Baa1 Baa1 Baa2 Ba3 Baa3 Baa2 A2 Baa2 B3 B3 Aaa Baa3 Ba3 Baa3 Baa3 Ba2 Ba2 Ba3 Ba1 B1 Baa2 A3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa2 A3 A2 A2 A3 Baa2 Baa2 A3 Aa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.75 1/25/2021 2.03 4/21/2021 2.50 4/21/2021 4.88 11/1/2022 3.88 4/29/2024 3.88 4/29/2024 4.00 7/23/2025 4.00 7/23/2025 3.88 1/27/2026 6.25 8/9/2026 4.35 9/8/2026 4.35 9/8/2026 6.38 7/24/2042 4.30 1/27/2045 5.45 12/31/2049 5.45 12/31/2049 7.38 10/15/2022 5.75 8/15/2025 1.39 9/26/2016 1.05 6/7/2017 1.00 12/15/2016 8.45 6/15/2018 5.50 1/15/2019 8.00 3/25/2020 5.95 6/15/2041 4.80 2/15/2044 5.65 2/1/2045 3.69 12/1/2038 5.63 2/15/2024 5.63 2/15/2024 1.40 11/17/2017 5.88 6/30/2026 3.98 2/15/2025 4.88 7/30/2025 1.50 2/23/2018 2.85 11/9/2022 9.25 5/15/2023 4.63 9/15/2042 1.88 7/15/2018 3.25 6/15/2025 8.45 10/15/2039 3.60 8/10/2018 5.88 9/15/2042 5.25 6/15/2020 7.38 12/10/2037 2.00 1/12/2018 2.15 9/15/2017 3.40 12/3/2020 8.25 12/15/2020 8.25 10/1/2023 3.46 5/1/2047 4.25 7/18/2024 6.25 4/15/2021 4.00 6/29/2049 2.60 1/15/2019 5.13 6/15/2017 7.88 2/15/2019 5.75 12/15/2025 6.00 2/15/2067 5.88 6/15/2024 5.63 9/15/2020 3.50 10/29/2049 4.25 3/1/2022 3.65 6/15/2026 5.57 3/29/2049 1.00 10/15/2016 0.92 6/15/2017 0.92 6/15/2017 5.50 8/1/2035 1.75 5/30/2018 3.80 11/18/2024 3.25 10/5/2020 1.16 7/20/2016
Par Value 255,000 5,000,000 1,600,000 9,250,000 3,220,000 700,000 875,000 1,100,000 200,000 100,000 1,100,000 55,000 370,000 2,285,000 385,000 1,200,000 6,592,000 3,750,000 2,730,000 4,000,000 7,394,000 1,300,000 139,000 1,555,000 400,000 1,800,000 1,400,000 835,000 1,220,000 650,000 5,000,000 140,000 1,250,000 271,000 5,000,000 125,000 800,000 70,000 115,000 245,000 1,770,000 155,000 755,000 1,300,000 505,000 330,000 4,500,000 825,000 800,000 115,000 1,600,000 3,000,000 275,000 130,000 640,000 577,000 1,196,000 2,045,000 4,010,000 2,315,000 3,600,000 2,530,000 3,925,000 920,000 3,335,000 10,000,000 2,540,000 6,515,000 345,000 3,000,000 1,665,000 1,000,000 600,000
Base Market Value 290,738 5,021,300 1,616,736 10,129,305 3,446,752 749,294 936,941 1,177,869 212,318 125,741 1,150,732 57,537 501,061 2,405,077 369,600 1,152,000 6,476,640 3,890,625 2,733,358 3,993,880 7,390,968 1,405,625 139,264 1,589,023 497,432 2,064,402 1,759,268 912,438 1,256,600 669,500 5,033,700 140,000 1,253,238 271,678 5,035,350 129,606 848,000 74,042 117,345 271,502 2,476,602 157,519 816,344 1,309,750 645,552 329,815 4,547,070 863,965 802,000 109,250 1,744,288 3,076,830 274,313 98,150 647,002 586,924 1,324,570 2,106,350 2,446,100 2,352,619 4,041,828 2,068,275 4,236,527 924,333 3,293,446 10,003,700 2,536,342 6,505,618 398,161 3,023,430 1,764,034 1,040,700 600,144
U.S. Credit Obligations Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Capital X Willis North America, Inc. WSFS Financial Corp. Zions Bancorporation Total U.S. Credit Obligations - Financial Industrial 21st Century Fox America 21st Century Fox America 21st Century Fox America 3M Co. Abbott Laboratories AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. AbbVie, Inc. Activision Blizzard, Inc. AECOM AECOM AECOM Global II/URS Fox AECOM Global II/URS Fox Aetna, Inc. Aetna, Inc. Aetna, Inc. Aetna, Inc. Aetna, Inc. Albemarle Corp. Altria Group, Inc. Altria Group, Inc. Altria Group, Inc. AMC Networks, Inc. American Airlines American Airlines American Airlines American Airlines American Axle & Manufacturing, Inc. American Greetings Corp. American Tower Corp. American Water Capital Corp. Amgen, Inc. Amgen, Inc. Amgen, Inc. Amsted Industries Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance, Inc.
Moody's Quality Rating Aa3 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Aa3 Baa1 Baa3 A3 Ba3
Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 A1 A2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 A3 A3 A3 Ba3 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 A2 B1 B2 Baa3 A3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Ba3 Ba1 Ba1 A3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 1.25 7/20/2016 1.10 4/22/2019 1.10 4/22/2019 1.52 7/22/2020 2.55 12/7/2020 2.55 12/7/2020 2.02 3/4/2021 4.60 4/1/2021 3.50 3/8/2022 4.10 6/3/2026 5.38 11/2/2043 5.61 1/15/2044 4.65 11/4/2044 4.90 11/17/2045 5.88 12/29/2049 5.88 12/29/2049 5.90 12/29/2049 5.85 2/1/2037 5.95 12/1/2086 7.00 9/29/2019 4.50 6/15/2026 5.80 12/29/2049
7.75 6.20 6.65 3.00 2.95 1.80 1.80 1.80 2.50 2.85 3.60 3.60 3.60 3.20 3.20 3.20 4.50 4.50 5.63 5.75 5.75 5.00 5.00 1.50 1.31 3.20 6.63 6.75 4.15 4.75 9.95 5.38 5.00 3.58 3.20 3.20 3.65 6.63 7.38 3.40 3.40 1.25 2.20 4.66 5.00 6.45 3.65
1/20/2024 12/15/2034 11/15/2037 8/7/2025 3/15/2025 5/14/2018 5/14/2018 5/14/2018 5/14/2020 5/14/2023 5/14/2025 5/14/2025 5/14/2025 5/14/2026 5/14/2026 5/14/2026 5/14/2035 5/14/2035 9/15/2021 10/15/2022 10/15/2022 4/1/2022 4/1/2022 11/15/2017 12/8/2017 6/15/2026 6/15/2036 12/15/2037 12/1/2024 5/5/2021 11/10/2038 1/31/2044 4/1/2024 7/15/2029 12/15/2029 12/15/2029 12/15/2029 10/15/2022 12/1/2021 2/15/2019 3/1/2025 5/22/2017 5/22/2019 6/15/2051 3/15/2022 9/15/2036 10/10/2036 2/1/2026
Par Value 4,300,000 1,100,000 5,000,000 5,400,000 2,200,000 940,000 3,147,000 60,000 50,000 2,605,000 555,000 995,000 220,000 60,000 500,000 525,000 2,160,000 155,000 1,530,000 7,542,000 1,115,000 615,000
Base Market Value 4,300,989 1,096,315 4,983,250 5,414,688 2,264,108 967,392 3,210,475 67,048 53,633 2,786,334 646,558 1,190,269 232,025 65,658 533,125 559,781 2,222,100 194,768 1,614,150 8,538,298 1,120,575 581,944 785,994,578
440,000 830,000 300,000 2,090,000 2,345,000 1,000,000 2,600,000 5,000,000 400,000 1,400,000 205,000 200,000 1,465,000 1,500,000 1,750,000 460,000 345,000 300,000 750,000 1,604,000 2,590,000 2,063,000 7,886,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 775,000 200,000 100,000 1,235,000 200,000 883,000 1,600,000 340,000 620,000 220,000 3,050,000 1,095,000 1,230,000 3,934,000 5,094,000 1,618,000 5,000,000 630,000 542,000 150,000 50,000 1,000,000 1,500,000
574,614 1,040,679 393,420 2,278,205 2,392,181 1,007,020 2,618,252 5,035,100 408,928 1,419,026 214,805 209,566 1,535,071 1,519,470 1,772,715 465,971 360,580 313,548 784,688 1,636,080 2,641,800 1,962,429 7,501,558 4,018,040 4,005,840 797,336 266,648 135,632 1,293,190 228,126 1,588,464 2,051,360 336,559 655,476 227,462 3,153,456 1,133,325 1,316,100 4,081,525 5,304,535 1,754,365 5,008,050 646,185 566,287 150,000 57,606 377,790 1,606,875
U.S. Credit Obligations Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance, Inc. Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance, Inc. Anheuser-Busch InBev Finance, Inc. Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide Anthem, Inc. Anthem, Inc. Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc. Apple, Inc. Aramark Services, Inc. Arrow Electronics, Inc. Arrow Electronics, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AT&T, Inc. AutoNation, Inc. AutoZone, Inc. Aviation Capital Group Avnet, Inc. B&G Foods, Inc. Ball Corp. Ball Corp. Ball Corp. Ball Corp. Ball Corp. Biogen, Inc. Boeing Co. Boston Scientific Corp. Boyd Gaming Corp. Brinker International, Inc. C. R. Bard, Inc. CA, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Cardinal Health, Inc. Cardtronics, Inc. CBS Corp. CCO Holdings L.L.C./Capital Corp. CCO Holdings L.L.C./Capital Corp. CDK Global, Inc. Celgene Corp. CEMEX Finance LLC CenturyLink, Inc. CenturyLink, Inc. CenturyLink, Inc. CenturyLink, Inc. CF Industries, Inc. Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Charter Communications Operating LLC Chevron Corp.
Moody's Quality Rating A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 B2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 Baa1 A3 Baa3 B3 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Baa1 A2 Baa3 B3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Ba3 Baa2 B1 B1 Baa3 Baa2 B1 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa2 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Aa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.65 2/1/2026 4.70 2/1/2036 4.90 2/1/2046 7.75 1/15/2019 4.35 8/15/2020 3.50 8/15/2024 0.70 5/5/2017 0.89 5/3/2018 0.93 5/6/2019 2.85 5/6/2021 2.40 5/3/2023 3.45 5/6/2024 3.20 5/13/2025 5.13 1/15/2024 3.00 3/1/2018 5.13 3/1/2021 1.40 12/1/2017 1.56 6/30/2020 2.45 6/30/2020 2.80 2/17/2021 3.80 3/15/2022 3.00 6/30/2022 3.95 1/15/2025 3.40 5/15/2025 3.40 5/15/2025 4.50 5/15/2035 4.50 5/15/2035 5.35 9/1/2040 5.15 3/15/2042 4.80 6/15/2044 4.75 5/15/2046 4.75 5/15/2046 6.75 4/15/2018 3.13 4/21/2026 6.75 4/6/2021 4.88 12/1/2022 4.63 6/1/2021 4.38 12/15/2020 4.38 12/15/2020 5.00 3/15/2022 4.00 11/15/2023 5.25 7/1/2025 3.63 9/15/2022 6.88 3/15/2039 2.85 5/15/2020 6.38 4/1/2026 3.88 5/15/2023 3.00 5/15/2026 3.60 8/1/2020 3.20 3/15/2023 3.75 9/15/2025 5.13 8/1/2022 3.50 1/15/2025 5.75 1/15/2024 5.38 5/1/2025 3.30 10/15/2019 2.13 8/15/2018 9.38 10/12/2022 6.45 6/15/2021 6.45 6/15/2021 5.80 3/15/2022 5.80 3/15/2022 5.38 3/15/2044 3.58 7/23/2020 4.46 7/23/2022 4.91 7/23/2025 4.91 7/23/2025 6.38 10/23/2035 6.38 10/23/2035 6.48 10/23/2045 6.48 10/23/2045 6.83 10/23/2055 1.37 3/2/2018
Par Value 2,885,000 695,000 185,000 3,105,000 3,600,000 505,000 4,631,000 2,250,000 4,349,000 300,000 1,600,000 3,755,000 3,780,000 85,000 5,635,000 3,040,000 5,000,000 800,000 200,000 2,200,000 4,129,000 300,000 4,264,000 340,000 1,600,000 75,000 100,000 190,000 1,020,000 55,000 100,000 300,000 2,075,000 3,225,000 3,675,000 9,067,000 1,250,000 175,000 615,000 10,000 2,890,000 2,425,000 3,510,000 2,000,000 600,000 3,750,000 2,720,000 330,000 6,003,000 915,000 2,046,000 600,000 2,195,000 1,871,000 160,000 8,912,000 2,000,000 1,210,000 4,583,000 2,316,000 1,201,000 5,234,000 280,000 100,000 200,000 1,700,000 500,000 700,000 100,000 120,000 200,000 30,000 2,500,000
Base Market Value 3,090,556 780,992 216,790 3,592,206 3,904,380 522,837 4,633,278 2,253,420 4,342,955 316,845 1,629,360 4,081,159 4,007,632 86,700 5,692,759 3,302,778 5,008,000 796,872 204,192 2,257,288 4,386,319 307,221 4,532,376 347,789 1,636,656 76,724 102,299 207,839 1,100,539 56,464 102,487 307,461 2,227,035 3,305,141 4,152,750 9,848,847 1,250,000 184,079 646,906 10,615 2,846,650 2,528,063 3,725,900 3,002,760 621,566 3,918,750 2,759,902 338,234 6,272,715 954,546 2,225,925 594,000 2,256,877 1,969,040 162,400 8,931,161 2,029,900 1,331,000 4,657,474 2,353,635 1,166,099 5,081,900 264,057 104,544 214,947 1,858,610 546,651 828,933 118,419 143,282 238,804 35,670 2,513,725
U.S. Credit Obligations Chevron Corp. CHS/Community Health Systems Chubb Corp. Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. CITGO Petroleum Corp. Cliffs Natural Resources Cliffs Natural Resources Coca-Cola Co. Coca-Cola Co. Comcast Corp. CommScope, Inc. ConAgra Foods, Inc. ConocoPhillips Holding Co. Constellation Brands, Inc. Constellation Brands, Inc. Constellation Brands, Inc. Continental Airlines Continental Airlines Continental Airlines Continental Airlines Continental Airlines Corning, Inc. Cott Beverages, Inc. Cox Communications, Inc. Crown Americas/Capital Corp. IV Crown Americas/Capital Corp. IV Crown Castle Towers, L.L.C. Crown Castle Towers, L.L.C. Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. CVS Health Corp. CVS Health Corp. CVS Health Corp. CVS Health Corp. CVS Health Corp. CVS Health Corp. CVS Pass Through Trust CVS Pass Through Trust D.R. Horton, Inc. Dana, Inc. Danaher Corp. Darling Ingredients, Inc. DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. DaVita Healthcare Partners, Inc. Delta Air Lines, Inc. Delta Air Lines, Inc. Digicel Ltd. Discovery Communications Discovery Communications DISH DBS Corp. DISH DBS Corp. DISH DBS Corp. Dow Chemical Co. Duke Energy Corp. Duke Energy Corp. Duke University Dun & Bradstreet Corp. Dun & Bradstreet Corp. eBay, Inc. Eli Lilly & Co. Eli Lilly & Co. EMC Corp. Expedia, Inc. Expedia, Inc. Express Scripts Holding Co. ExxonMobil Corp. ExxonMobil Corp. ExxonMobil Corp. ExxonMobil Corp. First Data Corp.
Moody's Quality Rating Aa2 Caa1 Baa1 A1 A1 A1 B3 C C Aa3 Aa3 A3 B1 Baa2 Baa2 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Baa1 Baa2 Baa2 A3 A3 Baa1 B3 Baa2 Ba3 Ba3 A2 A2 B1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Ba1 B1 A2 Ba3 B1 B1 B1 B1 A1 A1 B1 Baa3 Baa3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa2 Baa1 Baa1 Aa1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 A2 A2 A1 Ba1 Ba1 Baa2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Caa1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 2.95 5/16/2026 6.88 2/1/2022 6.38 3/29/2067 1.25 2/21/2018 1.17 3/1/2019 5.50 1/15/2040 6.25 8/15/2022 5.90 3/15/2020 4.88 4/1/2021 0.74 11/1/2016 1.15 4/1/2018 6.45 3/15/2037 5.00 6/15/2021 1.00 7/21/2016 6.95 4/15/2029 3.75 5/1/2021 4.25 5/1/2023 4.75 12/1/2025 8.05 5/1/2022 7.71 10/2/2022 7.71 10/2/2022 5.98 10/19/2023 5.98 10/19/2023 1.50 5/8/2018 5.38 7/1/2022 5.88 12/1/2016 4.50 1/15/2023 4.50 1/15/2023 4.88 8/15/2040 3.66 5/15/2045 7.38 12/15/2026 1.90 7/20/2018 2.25 12/5/2018 2.80 7/20/2020 3.50 7/20/2022 3.88 7/20/2025 5.13 7/20/2045 7.51 1/10/2032 4.70 1/10/2036 5.75 8/15/2023 6.00 9/15/2023 1.65 9/15/2018 5.38 1/15/2022 5.75 8/15/2022 5.13 7/15/2024 5.13 7/15/2024 5.00 5/1/2025 6.20 1/2/2020 4.95 11/23/2020 6.00 4/15/2021 3.25 4/1/2023 4.90 3/11/2026 4.63 7/15/2017 7.88 9/1/2019 5.00 3/15/2023 4.25 11/15/2020 2.15 11/15/2016 1.01 4/3/2017 4.08 10/1/2048 4.00 6/15/2020 4.38 12/1/2022 1.35 7/15/2017 5.20 3/15/2017 2.75 6/1/2025 1.88 6/1/2018 5.95 8/15/2020 4.50 8/15/2024 3.50 6/15/2024 1.27 2/28/2018 0.72 3/1/2018 1.31 3/6/2018 2.71 3/6/2025 7.00 12/1/2023
Par Value 860,000 8,720,000 285,000 14,000,000 2,600,000 600,000 2,810,000 1,905,000 650,000 3,425,000 895,000 130,000 2,761,000 5,000,000 500,000 1,060,000 2,645,000 230,000 123,298 1,249,038 281,473 536,792 19,309 4,825,000 1,250,000 1,730,000 525,000 2,250,000 980,000 1,000,000 1,042,000 300,000 1,100,000 100,000 100,000 3,080,000 685,000 838,404 3,598,982 250,000 6,505,000 1,550,000 650,000 7,126,000 2,190,000 6,442,000 1,250,000 79,063 1,026,342 1,700,000 6,119,000 2,564,000 700,000 4,218,000 7,250,000 2,010,000 950,000 5,000,000 700,000 9,266,000 2,126,000 2,000,000 545,000 1,795,000 5,000,000 5,814,000 3,724,000 1,863,000 9,750,000 2,535,000 985,000 1,875,000 6,600,000
Base Market Value 888,767 7,630,000 247,950 14,086,674 2,609,334 786,696 2,690,575 1,419,225 422,500 3,426,130 901,211 178,877 2,820,362 5,000,500 624,035 1,095,510 2,750,800 242,363 134,703 1,362,200 306,975 601,206 21,626 4,824,276 1,250,000 1,759,687 535,500 2,295,000 1,068,330 1,034,070 1,146,200 304,539 1,125,223 104,127 107,669 3,387,938 849,797 1,054,963 3,873,273 277,500 6,602,575 1,573,963 670,722 7,455,578 2,214,309 6,513,506 1,239,063 84,498 1,085,356 1,457,240 6,025,196 2,719,045 712,250 4,650,345 6,597,500 2,196,789 953,639 4,996,550 800,968 9,622,463 2,177,407 2,003,820 561,094 1,901,031 4,900,350 6,503,366 3,825,702 1,923,268 9,822,540 2,525,342 992,683 1,957,763 6,682,500
U.S. Credit Obligations First Data Corp. Ford Holdings, L.L.C. Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Co. Ford Motor Co. Forest Laboratories, L.L.C. Forest Laboratories, L.L.C. Freeport McMoRan, Inc. Freeport McMoRan, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor Freescale Semiconductor Gap, Inc. Gap, Inc. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. General Electric Co. (GBP) General Motors Co. General Motors Co. George Washington University Gilead Sciences, Inc. Gilead Sciences, Inc. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Griffon Corp. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. HCA, Inc. Helmerich & Payne International Hertz Corp. Hertz Corp. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. Hewlett Packard Enterprise Co. Host Hotels & Resorts Humana, Inc. Huntington Ingalls Industries Huntington Ingalls Industries Hyatt Hotels Corp. IBM Corp. IBM Corp. (GBP) Ingles Markets, Inc. Intel Corp. Intel Corp. Intel Corp. International Game Technology International Game Technology International Game Technology International Paper Co. J.M. Smucker Co. Juniper Networks, Inc. K. Hovnanian Enterprises Kansas City Southern KFC Holding/Pizza Hut Holdings LLC/Taco Bell America LLC KFC Holding/Pizza Hut Holdings LLC/Taco Bell America LLC Kimberly Clark Corp. Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Kinder Morgan Energy Partners Kinder Morgan, Inc.
Moody's Quality Rating B1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Baa3 B1 B1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A3 A3 A1 Ba1 Ba1 A1 A3 A3 Ba3 B2 B1 Ba1 B1 Ba1 Ba1 B1 Ba1 B1 B1 Ba1 Baa1 B2 B2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Ba2 Ba2 Baa2 Aa3 Aa3 B1 A1 A1 A1 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 B2 Baa3 B1 B1 A2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.00 1/15/2024 9.30 3/1/2030 9.22 9/15/2021 7.13 11/15/2025 6.63 10/1/2028 7.45 7/16/2031 4.75 1/15/2043 4.75 1/15/2043 4.88 2/15/2021 5.00 12/15/2021 2.30 11/14/2017 3.55 3/1/2022 6.00 1/15/2022 6.00 1/15/2022 5.95 4/12/2021 5.95 4/12/2021 1.43 4/15/2020 6.88 1/10/2039 4.13 10/9/2042 4.50 3/11/2044 5.00 12/29/2049 5.00 12/29/2049 6.25 9/29/2020 4.88 10/2/2023 6.25 10/2/2043 4.87 9/15/2045 3.05 12/1/2016 5.65 12/1/2041 5.00 5/31/2026 5.25 3/1/2022 8.00 10/1/2018 6.50 2/15/2020 7.50 2/15/2022 5.88 3/15/2022 4.75 5/1/2023 5.88 5/1/2023 5.00 3/15/2024 5.38 2/1/2025 5.88 2/15/2026 5.25 6/15/2026 4.65 3/15/2025 7.38 1/15/2021 6.25 10/15/2022 2.45 10/5/2017 2.45 10/5/2017 2.56 10/5/2018 2.85 10/5/2018 5.25 3/15/2022 3.85 10/1/2024 5.00 12/15/2021 5.00 11/15/2025 4.85 3/15/2026 1.95 2/12/2019 2.75 12/21/2020 5.75 6/15/2023 1.35 12/15/2017 3.30 10/1/2021 3.70 7/29/2025 7.50 6/15/2019 7.50 6/15/2019 5.50 6/15/2020 6.00 11/15/2041 4.38 3/15/2045 4.50 3/15/2024 7.25 10/15/2020 1.33 10/28/2016 5.00 6/1/2024 5.25 6/1/2026 2.75 2/15/2026 2.65 2/1/2019 6.85 2/15/2020 6.50 2/1/2037 2.00 12/1/2017
Par Value 3,100,000 415,000 1,005,000 790,000 939,000 1,710,000 375,000 1,290,000 1,760,000 1,765,000 5,000,000 1,885,000 500,000 1,516,000 6,173,000 7,305,000 4,350,000 600,000 65,000 100,000 3,483,000 1,357,000 365,000 505,000 305,000 2,155,000 1,645,000 95,000 1,555,000 190,000 200,000 2,728,000 1,425,000 5,200,000 350,000 3,600,000 1,960,000 625,000 200,000 125,000 500,000 3,037,000 2,500,000 850,000 470,000 2,440,000 690,000 1,740,000 925,000 2,600,000 2,400,000 3,000,000 384,000 1,275,000 250,000 4,000,000 500,000 1,660,000 2,893,000 1,549,000 5,633,000 405,000 1,105,000 8,366,000 1,775,000 8,550,000 1,201,000 2,014,000 1,865,000 100,000 100,000 90,000 5,000,000
Base Market Value 3,107,750 578,904 1,288,782 978,012 1,186,943 2,292,871 396,930 1,365,439 1,953,477 1,975,264 4,912,500 1,658,800 527,250 1,598,622 6,438,254 7,618,896 4,394,370 905,670 71,495 115,398 3,695,463 1,439,777 585,812 537,593 338,809 2,584,233 1,658,999 118,893 1,584,156 187,625 223,000 3,017,850 1,620,225 5,655,000 358,750 3,834,000 2,028,600 640,625 207,500 129,766 533,495 3,135,703 2,575,000 861,016 476,091 2,473,623 706,601 1,912,921 987,909 2,720,250 2,538,000 3,262,710 393,443 1,830,718 252,500 4,023,720 542,065 1,843,779 3,203,998 1,715,518 5,689,330 480,042 1,201,058 8,861,267 1,535,375 8,539,398 1,222,018 2,064,350 1,957,802 99,957 111,913 94,429 4,973,250
U.S. Credit Obligations Kinder Morgan, Inc. Kinder Morgan, Inc. (EUR) KLA-Tencor Corp. KLA-Tencor Corp. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kraft Heinz Foods Co. Kroger Co. L Brands, Inc. L Brands, Inc. L Brands, Inc. L Brands, Inc. L-3 Communications Corp. L-3 Communications Corp. Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings Lamar Media Corp. Lamar Media Corp. Lear Corp. LifePoint Health, Inc. LifePoint Health, Inc. LIN Television Corp. Lockheed Martin Corp. Lockheed Martin Corp. Lowe's Cos., Inc. Lowe's Cos., Inc. Macy's Retail Holdings, Inc. Marathon Petroleum Corp. Marathon Petroleum Corp. Marriott International Marriott International Marriott International Masco Corp. Masco Corp. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Match Group, Inc. Mattel, Inc. McDonald's Corp. McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings L.L.C. McKesson Corp. Medtronic, Inc. Medtronic, Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. Merck & Co., Inc. MGM Resorts International Micron Technology, Inc. Microsoft Corp. Monsanto Co. Montefiore Medical Center Mosaic Co. MPLX L.P. MPLX L.P. Nabors Industries, Inc. NBCUniversal Enterprise, Inc. NBCUniversal Media, L.L.C. NCR Corp. NCR Corp. New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Moody's Quality Rating Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba2 Ba1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Baa2 Ba3 Ba3 Ba1 Ba2 Ba2 B3 Baa1 Baa1 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Ba2 Ba2 Aaa Ba3 Baa1 Baa1 B3 Baa2 A3 A3 A1 A1 A1 A1 B1 Ba3 Aaa A3 Aaa Baa1 Baa3 Baa3 Ba2 A3 A3 B1 B1 Aa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.63 11/15/2023 2.25 3/16/2027 4.13 11/1/2021 4.65 11/1/2024 1.60 6/30/2017 2.00 7/2/2018 2.00 7/2/2018 6.13 8/23/2018 2.80 7/2/2020 3.50 7/15/2022 4.88 2/15/2025 3.95 7/15/2025 3.95 7/15/2025 3.00 6/1/2026 3.00 6/1/2026 5.00 7/15/2035 5.00 7/15/2035 5.00 6/4/2042 5.20 7/15/2045 4.38 6/1/2046 2.20 1/15/2017 6.63 4/1/2021 5.63 10/15/2023 6.95 3/1/2033 6.88 11/1/2035 5.20 10/15/2019 4.75 7/15/2020 3.75 8/23/2022 4.00 11/1/2023 5.88 2/1/2022 5.00 5/1/2023 5.38 3/15/2024 5.50 12/1/2021 5.88 12/1/2023 5.88 11/15/2022 2.90 3/1/2025 3.55 1/15/2026 1.08 9/10/2019 2.50 4/15/2026 7.88 8/15/2036 2.70 12/14/2018 6.50 3/1/2041 3.13 10/15/2021 3.13 10/15/2021 3.13 6/15/2026 5.95 3/15/2022 4.45 4/1/2025 3.31 7/1/2026 6.75 12/15/2022 1.70 3/15/2018 2.10 12/7/2018 7.88 5/15/2024 5.70 3/1/2017 3.50 3/15/2025 3.50 3/15/2025 0.75 2/10/2017 0.99 5/18/2018 1.00 2/10/2020 2.75 2/10/2025 8.63 2/1/2019 5.88 2/15/2022 3.13 11/3/2025 1.15 6/30/2017 2.90 4/20/2032 5.63 11/15/2043 4.88 6/1/2025 4.88 6/1/2025 4.63 9/15/2021 1.31 4/15/2018 4.38 4/1/2021 4.63 2/15/2021 5.00 7/15/2022 4.02 8/1/2045
Par Value 1,000,000 300,000 3,036,000 5,143,000 200,000 200,000 625,000 226,000 300,000 100,000 2,102,000 100,000 3,835,000 135,000 4,000,000 750,000 100,000 895,000 100,000 110,000 200,000 350,000 1,590,000 1,290,000 1,200,000 4,780,000 3,139,000 8,019,000 275,000 1,200,000 1,690,000 275,000 1,800,000 7,200,000 990,000 3,580,000 1,745,000 4,385,000 305,000 1,130,000 1,165,000 3,070,000 1,200,000 300,000 810,000 927,000 9,205,000 1,000,000 5,707,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 445,000 125,000 1,230,000 500,000 5,000,000 1,550,000 2,525,000 3,170,000 600,000 1,402,000 2,630,000 5,000,000 1,265,000 375,000 400,000 1,810,000 545,000 9,969,000 4,275,000 625,000 2,078,000 500,000
Base Market Value 1,071,130 307,689 3,232,247 5,610,344 200,672 202,514 632,856 247,847 311,532 106,206 2,305,263 108,728 4,169,719 136,104 4,032,720 860,190 114,692 1,028,990 118,416 116,327 201,238 393,750 1,713,225 1,280,325 1,215,000 5,204,225 3,388,017 8,443,526 294,476 1,248,000 1,740,700 289,438 1,876,500 7,488,000 994,950 3,698,570 1,895,506 4,392,674 310,643 1,136,780 1,191,154 3,260,187 1,247,232 311,808 819,842 1,036,507 9,528,096 1,110,990 5,935,280 2,003,820 5,116,850 460,575 128,829 1,340,860 545,065 5,002,435 1,555,673 2,525,934 3,314,615 673,800 1,317,880 2,816,809 4,996,150 1,309,123 415,920 390,928 1,768,949 500,108 10,011,468 4,790,437 618,750 2,036,440 544,760
U.S. Credit Obligations Newell Brands, Inc. Newell Brands, Inc. Newell Brands, Inc. Newell Brands, Inc. Novartis Capital Corp. Omnicom Group, Inc. ONEOK Partners, L.P. Oracle Corp. Oracle Corp. Oracle Corp. Oracle Corp. Oracle Corp. Oracle Corp. O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. Pacific Bell Telephone Penske Truck Leasing PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Philip Morris International, Inc. Philip Morris International, Inc. Plains All American Pipeline Post Holdings, Inc. Post Holdings, Inc. Praxair, Inc. Prestige Brands, Inc. Priceline Group, Inc. Princeton University Princeton University Princeton University Procter & Gamble Co. Procter & Gamble Co. Procter & Gamble Co. Procter & Gamble Co. PVH Corp. Qorvo, Inc. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Quintiles Transnational, Inc. QVC, Inc. QVC, Inc. R.R. Donnelley & Sons R.R. Donnelley & Sons R.R. Donnelley & Sons R.R. Donnelley & Sons Regal Entertainment Group Regal Entertainment Group Reynolds American, Inc. Reynolds American, Inc. Reynolds American, Inc. Reynolds Group Reynolds Group RPM International, Inc. RPM International, Inc. RPM International, Inc. Sally Holdings/Sally Capital San Diego Gas & Electric SBA Tower Trust Schlumberger Holdings Corp. Scripps Networks Interactive Sealed Air Corp. Sealed Air Corp. Sealed Air Corp. Service Corp. International Sherwin Williams Co. Sirius XM Radio, Inc. Sirius XM Radio, Inc. Sirius XM Radio, Inc. Sirius XM Radio, Inc. Southern Copper Corp.
Moody's Quality Rating Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Aa3 Baa1 Baa2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa3 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 Baa3 B3 B3 A2 Caa1 Baa1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Ba2 Ba1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Ba3 Ba2 Ba2 B1 B1 B1 B1 B3 B3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 B1 Caa2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Ba2 Aa2 WR A3 Baa3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 A3 Ba3 Baa3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 2.15 10/15/2018 2.60 3/29/2019 4.20 4/1/2026 4.20 4/1/2026 4.00 11/20/2045 3.60 4/15/2026 2.00 10/1/2017 0.83 7/7/2017 0.83 7/7/2017 1.20 10/15/2017 1.14 10/8/2019 3.63 7/15/2023 4.30 7/8/2034 4.63 9/15/2021 7.13 3/15/2026 3.75 5/11/2017 0.88 7/17/2017 0.81 4/30/2018 6.05 3/30/2017 0.95 6/15/2018 1.50 6/15/2018 5.65 5/16/2018 3.38 8/11/2025 3.65 6/1/2022 6.75 12/1/2021 7.38 2/15/2022 3.20 1/30/2026 6.38 3/1/2024 3.60 6/1/2026 1.85 7/1/2021 2.61 7/1/2026 5.70 3/1/2039 0.72 11/4/2016 0.75 11/4/2016 6.45 1/15/2026 6.45 1/15/2026 4.50 12/15/2022 7.00 12/1/2025 4.25 4/1/2024 3.45 6/1/2026 5.75 1/30/2040 4.88 5/15/2023 4.45 2/15/2025 5.95 3/15/2043 7.25 5/15/2018 7.63 6/15/2020 7.88 3/15/2021 7.88 3/15/2021 5.75 6/15/2023 5.75 2/1/2025 3.50 8/4/2016 2.30 6/12/2018 2.30 6/12/2018 5.13 7/15/2023 7.00 7/15/2024 6.50 2/15/2018 6.13 10/15/2019 3.45 11/15/2022 5.63 12/1/2025 4.50 8/15/2040 5.10 4/15/2042 4.00 12/21/2025 3.95 6/15/2025 6.50 12/1/2020 4.88 12/1/2022 5.13 12/1/2024 5.38 1/15/2022 1.35 12/15/2017 5.88 10/1/2020 5.25 8/15/2022 4.63 5/15/2023 5.38 7/15/2026 5.88 4/23/2045
Par Value 2,000,000 2,000,000 160,000 4,000,000 10,000 1,566,000 4,625,000 2,540,000 11,516,000 1,270,000 1,550,000 600,000 220,000 3,500,000 3,425,000 5,000,000 14,000,000 3,850,000 920,000 2,600,000 828,000 1,490,000 1,790,000 1,400,000 1,985,000 6,102,000 260,000 3,750,000 3,560,000 460,000 525,000 850,000 3,248,000 520,000 75,000 1,850,000 1,765,000 1,250,000 1,345,000 145,000 126,000 900,000 1,125,000 1,050,000 2,959,000 270,000 1,800,000 7,134,000 1,020,000 5,487,000 395,000 1,200,000 5,000,000 1,495,000 3,000,000 3,543,000 3,197,000 675,000 360,000 80,000 755,000 760,000 990,000 2,130,000 1,205,000 2,105,000 2,760,000 5,000,000 925,000 335,000 1,275,000 1,090,000 170,000
Base Market Value 2,021,160 2,052,360 173,448 4,336,200 11,399 1,649,358 4,618,618 2,542,845 11,528,852 1,274,496 1,553,302 657,276 233,974 3,864,315 4,417,736 5,094,550 14,032,004 3,849,962 955,264 2,604,472 836,263 1,618,632 1,935,796 1,372,952 2,099,138 6,414,728 281,055 3,890,625 3,676,768 468,639 541,013 1,214,472 3,248,715 520,088 101,789 2,510,783 1,789,269 1,318,750 1,458,276 149,997 143,485 913,500 1,128,791 971,313 3,143,938 282,825 1,863,000 7,383,690 1,027,650 5,404,695 395,818 1,219,248 5,080,200 1,513,688 3,088,500 3,790,408 3,557,462 688,615 377,100 93,632 757,441 817,935 1,054,083 2,422,875 1,239,644 2,160,256 2,842,800 5,009,350 953,906 352,588 1,236,852 1,081,825 160,152
U.S. Credit Obligations Spirit AeroSystems, Inc. Sprint Communications Sprint Communications Sprint Communications Sprint Communications Standard Industries, Inc. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Starbucks Corp. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Steel Dynamics, Inc. Steel Dynamics, Inc. Steel Dynamics, Inc. TEGNA, Inc. TEGNA, Inc. TEGNA, Inc. Tenet Healthcare Corp. Tenet Healthcare Corp. Tenet Healthcare Corp. Tenet Healthcare Corp. Tesoro Corp. Texas Children's Hospital Texas Children's Hospital Texas Children's Hospital Texas Instruments, Inc. Time Warner Cable, Inc. Time Warner Cable, Inc. Time Warner Cable, Inc. Time Warner, Inc. Time Warner, Inc. Time Warner, Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. T-Mobile USA, Inc. Transdigm, Inc. Transdigm, Inc. Trinity Industries, Inc. Trustees of Dartmouth College United Airlines Pass Through Trust United Rentals Northern America United Rentals Northern America United Rentals Northern America United Rentals Northern America United Rentals Northern America United Technologies Corp. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. Universal Health Services Universal Health Services Univision Communications Verisk Analytics, Inc. Verisk Analytics, Inc. Verisk Analytics, Inc. Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Verizon Communications Viacom, Inc. Viacom, Inc. W.R. Grace & Co. Walt Disney Co. Walt Disney Co. WellCare Health Plans, Inc. WESCO Distribution, Inc.
Moody's Quality Rating Baa3 Caa1 Caa1 Caa1 Caa1 Ba2 Baa2 Baa2 A2 Baa2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Caa1 Ba2 Aaa Aaa Aaa A1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 B3 B3 Ba1 Aa1 Ba1 B1 Ba1 B1 B1 B1 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Ba1 Ba1 B2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 Baa2 Baa2 Ba3 A2 A2 Ba2 B1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.85 6/15/2026 6.00 12/1/2016 9.13 3/1/2017 9.13 3/1/2017 8.38 8/15/2017 5.38 11/15/2024 2.45 11/17/2018 2.45 11/17/2018 0.88 12/5/2016 6.75 5/15/2018 6.13 8/15/2019 6.38 8/15/2022 6.38 8/15/2022 5.13 10/15/2019 6.38 10/15/2023 6.38 10/15/2023 6.00 10/1/2020 6.00 10/1/2020 4.38 10/1/2021 6.75 6/15/2023 5.13 4/1/2024 2.67 10/1/2022 2.82 10/1/2023 3.37 10/1/2029 1.65 8/3/2019 6.75 7/1/2018 8.75 2/14/2019 8.25 4/1/2019 3.88 1/15/2026 2.95 7/15/2026 7.63 4/15/2031 6.25 4/1/2021 6.13 1/15/2022 6.63 4/1/2023 6.84 4/28/2023 6.50 1/15/2026 7.50 7/15/2021 6.00 7/15/2022 4.55 10/1/2024 4.75 6/1/2019 6.64 1/2/2024 7.63 4/15/2022 4.63 7/15/2023 5.75 11/15/2024 5.75 11/15/2024 5.88 9/15/2026 5.70 4/15/2040 6.00 2/15/2018 1.90 7/16/2018 3.75 7/15/2025 4.75 7/15/2045 3.75 8/1/2019 4.75 8/1/2022 6.75 9/15/2022 4.88 1/15/2019 5.80 5/1/2021 4.13 9/12/2022 2.18 9/15/2016 2.41 9/14/2018 3.45 3/15/2021 3.00 11/1/2021 3.50 11/1/2021 5.15 9/15/2023 4.27 1/15/2036 6.00 4/1/2041 4.67 3/15/2055 4.25 9/1/2023 5.25 4/1/2044 5.13 10/1/2021 0.98 5/30/2019 0.98 5/30/2019 5.75 11/15/2020 5.38 12/15/2021
Par Value 3,105,000 6,350,000 200,000 500,000 700,000 170,000 1,110,000 3,000,000 840,000 2,500,000 471,000 4,568,000 7,026,000 750,000 3,358,000 6,964,000 375,000 860,000 2,405,000 270,000 6,400,000 800,000 800,000 445,000 1,000,000 100,000 675,000 110,000 2,177,000 420,000 260,000 709,000 2,180,000 340,000 365,000 1,340,000 6,425,000 5,577,000 7,089,000 1,500,000 2,369,633 2,675,000 2,225,000 250,000 3,771,000 100,000 1,100,000 809,000 1,326,000 1,850,000 200,000 600,000 2,880,000 1,125,000 2,858,000 3,812,000 1,277,000 4,300,000 800,000 985,000 1,300,000 25,000 4,210,000 1,556,000 85,000 1,861,000 10,138,000 250,000 375,000 8,250,000 4,340,000 840,000 3,000,000
Base Market Value 3,208,707 6,405,563 206,104 515,260 716,870 172,975 1,134,131 3,065,220 841,151 2,727,175 487,485 4,796,400 7,377,300 771,563 3,567,875 7,399,250 395,625 907,300 2,386,963 258,525 6,432,000 842,632 845,304 482,749 1,013,160 109,654 788,137 127,732 2,347,154 423,167 356,624 739,572 2,286,275 360,189 385,531 1,413,700 6,810,500 5,605,889 6,691,803 1,656,135 2,511,811 2,855,563 2,244,469 251,875 3,799,283 99,250 1,453,749 872,369 1,348,860 2,029,672 240,940 615,750 2,929,306 1,186,875 3,047,257 4,372,173 1,359,750 4,311,051 819,960 1,055,359 1,365,494 26,939 4,903,092 1,592,426 105,764 1,882,290 10,532,672 234,270 385,313 8,240,513 4,335,009 868,350 3,022,500
U.S. Credit Obligations West Corp. WestRock MWV L.L.C. WestRock RKT Co. WestRock RKT Co. Whirlpool Corp. Whole Foods Market, Inc. William Wrigley Jr. Co. William Wrigley Jr. Co. Wyeth, L.L.C. Wynn Las Vegas, L.L.C. XPO Logistics, Inc. Xylem, Inc. Zebra Technologies Corp. ZF North America Capital, Inc. Zimmer Biomet Holdings Total U.S. Credit Obligations - Industrial Utilities AES Corp. Ameren Illinois Co. AmeriGas Partners/Finance Corp. AmeriGas Partners/Finance Corp. Arizona Public Service Black Hills Corp. Calpine Corp. Calpine Corp. Cimarex Energy Co. CMS Energy Corp. Consolidated Edison, Inc. Devon Energy Corp. Devon Energy Corp. Devon Energy Corp. Devon Energy Corp. Dominion Gas Holdings, L.L.C. DPL, Inc. Duquesne Light Holdings El Paso Natural Gas Energy Transfer Partners Energy Transfer Partners Energy Transfer Partners Energy Transfer Partners EnLink Midstream Partners EnLink Midstream Partners Entergy Mississippi, Inc. Exelon Corp. FirstEnergy Transmission Florida Power & Light Co. Georgia Power Co. Great Plains Energy, Inc. Great Plains Energy, Inc. Hiland Partners L.P. Inkia Energy Ltd. IPALCO Enterprises, Inc. IPALCO Enterprises, Inc. MidAmerican Energy Co. National Rural Utility Co-op NextEra Energy Capital Northern States Power NRG Energy, Inc. Pacific Gas & Electric PacifiCorp Phillips 66 Pioneer Natural Resource Pioneer Natural Resource PPL WEM Holdings Ltd./Western Power Puget Energy, Inc. Puget Energy, Inc. Southern Co. Southern Power Co. Southwestern Public Service Spectra Energy Partners Targa Resources Partners Targa Resources Partners
Moody's Quality Rating B3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa1 Baa3 Baa1 Baa1 A1 Ba3 B2 Baa2 B2 Ba1 Baa3
Ba3 A1 Ba3 Ba3 A2 Baa1 B2 B2 Baa3 Baa2 A3 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 A2 Ba3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Ba2 Ba2 A3 Baa2 Baa3 Aa2 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Ba3 Baa3 Baa3 Aa2 A3 Baa1 Aa3 B1 A3 A1 A3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Baa1 A2 Baa2 Ba3 Ba3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.38 7/15/2022 7.38 9/1/2019 3.50 3/1/2020 4.90 3/1/2022 4.50 6/1/2046 5.20 12/3/2025 2.00 10/20/2017 3.38 10/21/2020 6.45 2/1/2024 5.50 3/1/2025 6.50 6/15/2022 4.88 10/1/2021 7.25 10/15/2022 4.75 4/29/2025 3.55 4/1/2025
3.67 4.15 5.63 5.88 3.75 2.50 5.38 5.75 4.38 3.00 2.00 2.25 5.85 5.60 5.00 4.80 7.25 5.90 7.50 2.50 5.20 5.20 4.75 4.40 4.15 2.85 1.55 5.45 3.25 4.75 4.85 5.29 7.25 8.38 3.45 3.45 3.50 5.25 2.30 3.40 7.25 6.05 6.25 2.95 6.88 6.88 5.38 6.00 5.63 2.95 4.15 8.75 4.75 6.88 6.38
6/1/2019 3/15/2046 5/20/2024 8/20/2026 5/15/2046 1/11/2019 1/15/2023 1/15/2025 6/1/2024 5/15/2026 5/15/2021 12/15/2018 12/15/2025 7/15/2041 6/15/2045 11/1/2043 10/15/2021 12/1/2021 11/15/2026 6/15/2018 2/1/2022 2/1/2022 1/15/2026 4/1/2024 6/1/2025 6/1/2028 6/9/2017 7/15/2044 6/1/2024 9/1/2040 6/1/2021 6/15/2022 10/1/2020 4/4/2021 7/15/2020 7/15/2020 10/15/2024 4/20/2046 4/1/2019 8/15/2042 5/15/2026 3/1/2034 10/15/2037 5/1/2017 5/1/2018 5/1/2018 5/1/2021 9/1/2021 7/15/2022 7/1/2023 12/1/2025 12/1/2018 3/15/2024 2/1/2021 8/1/2022
Par Value 6,644,000 2,550,000 880,000 450,000 4,000,000 3,125,000 4,875,000 900,000 2,110,000 1,200,000 1,975,000 490,000 3,135,000 2,260,000 900,000
392,000 480,000 3,108,000 2,000,000 225,000 330,000 400,000 2,685,000 645,000 230,000 980,000 500,000 220,000 50,000 110,000 30,000 325,000 3,495,000 175,000 2,900,000 600,000 185,000 400,000 1,410,000 145,000 130,000 2,850,000 160,000 3,060,000 210,000 3,000,000 580,000 3,400,000 1,750,000 1,500,000 855,000 2,420,000 820,000 3,000,000 90,000 215,000 120,000 80,000 5,000,000 500,000 200,000 4,073,000 2,225,000 1,450,000 3,600,000 1,575,000 1,030,000 4,055,000 450,000 1,230,000
Base Market Value 6,178,920 2,927,069 908,442 499,527 4,189,640 3,369,344 4,926,821 959,949 2,710,358 1,161,000 1,883,656 534,257 3,323,100 2,289,651 927,630 1,081,351,165
391,020 535,171 3,131,310 2,005,000 235,332 336,884 390,000 2,611,163 674,505 234,970 990,280 496,475 242,680 48,309 102,616 32,504 312,000 4,006,458 190,010 2,886,602 632,130 194,907 411,364 1,322,665 133,633 132,058 2,854,931 174,325 3,288,857 241,821 3,296,400 648,718 3,527,500 1,837,500 1,522,500 867,825 2,649,077 839,475 3,058,170 91,343 213,925 159,883 110,484 5,073,200 540,525 216,210 4,535,204 2,589,522 1,655,480 3,731,760 1,703,126 1,203,926 4,456,607 457,875 1,233,075
U.S. Credit Obligations Targa Resources Partners Targa Resources Partners Tri-State Generation & Transmission Valero Energy Corp. Virginia Electric & Power Co. Williams Partners L.P. Williams Partners L.P. Total U.S. Credit Obligations - Utilities
Moody's Quality Rating Ba3 Ba3 A3 Baa2 A2 Baa3 Baa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.25 5/1/2023 4.25 11/15/2023 4.25 6/1/2046 6.63 6/15/2037 3.15 1/15/2026 4.00 11/15/2021 3.60 3/15/2022
Par Value 565,000 85,000 170,000 1,525,000 375,000 700,000 600,000
Corporate Convertible Bonds Air Lease Corp. Anthem, Inc. CalAtlantic Group, Inc. Danaher Corp. Fidelity National Financial Hercules, Inc. Intel Corp. Liberty Interactive L.L.C. MGIC Investment Corp. Microchip Technology, Inc. Old Republic International Corp. Redwood Trust, Inc. Vector Group Ltd. Total Corporate Convertible Bonds
Moody's Quality Rating Baa3 A2 Ba2 A2 Baa3 Ba2 A2 B2 Ba2 B1 Baa3 Ba2 B3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.88 12/1/2018 2.75 10/15/2042 0.25 6/1/2019 0.01 1/22/2021 4.25 8/15/2018 6.50 6/30/2029 3.25 8/1/2039 0.75 3/30/2043 2.00 4/1/2020 1.63 2/15/2025 3.75 3/15/2018 4.63 4/15/2018 2.50 1/15/2019
Par Value 1,000,000 1,135,000 670,000 580,000 500,000 1,765,000 825,000 308,453 970,000 800,000 750,000 849,000 625,000
Asset Backed Securities Aames Mortgage Investment Trust ACAS CLO Ltd. Ace Securities Corp. Ally Auto Receivables Trust American Express Credit Account Master Trust American Express Credit Account Master Trust AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust AmeriCredit Automobile Receivables Trust AMPLIT Trust Anchorage Capital CLO Ltd. Anchorage Capital CLO Ltd. Applebee's/IHOP Funding, L.L.C. Asset Backed Funding Certificates Asset Backed Securities Corp. Atlantic Marine Corp. Atlantic Marine Corp. Atlas Senior Loan Fund Ltd. Avis Budget Rental Car Funding Bean Creek CLO Ltd. Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust Benefit Street Partners CLO Ltd. Blue Hill CLO Ltd. Brookside Mill CLO Ltd. Capital One Multi-Asset Execution Trust CarMax Auto Owner Trust CarMax Auto Owner Trust CarMax Auto Owner Trust Catamaran CLO Ltd. Catamaran CLO Ltd. Chase Issuance Trust Chase Issuance Trust Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust Citibank Credit Card Issuance Trust Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust CKE Restaurants Holdings, Inc. Continental Airlines Continental Airlines Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates Trust Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates Trust Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates Trust Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates Trust Countrywide Asset Backed Certificates Trust DB Master Finance L.L.C. DCAL Aviation Finance Ltd. Dell Equipment Finance Trust Dell Equipment Finance Trust
Moody's Quality Rating Ba1 Aaa C Aaa Aaa NR Aaa Aaa NR Aaa Aaa Baa2 Baa1 Ca A1 A1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aa3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa NR Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Caa3 Baa3 Ba2 A3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 B2 Baa2 Baa2 Aa1 Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 1.17 10/25/2035 1.81 4/20/2025 0.54 7/25/2036 0.97 10/15/2018 1.49 4/15/2020 1.43 6/15/2020 1.20 6/10/2019 1.69 6/10/2019 5.00 9/15/2021 2.13 4/28/2026 1.00 7/28/2028 4.28 9/5/2044 1.15 6/25/2034 0.70 3/25/2036 5.34 12/1/2050 5.34 12/1/2050 2.17 10/15/2026 0.01 11/20/2022 2.22 1/20/2028 0.83 6/25/2036 1.83 7/15/2024 2.11 1/15/2026 1.78 4/17/2025 0.90 2/15/2022 0.89 8/17/2018 1.49 1/15/2019 1.25 11/15/2019 2.18 4/20/2026 2.43 4/20/2026 1.38 11/15/2019 1.59 2/18/2020 1.02 2/22/2019 1.23 4/24/2019 5.65 9/20/2019 0.61 1/25/2037 4.47 3/20/2043 7.88 1/2/2020 4.75 7/12/2022 1.35 10/25/2034 1.35 10/25/2034 0.92 10/25/2035 0.65 4/25/2036 0.78 4/25/2036 0.01 2/20/2045 5.07 2/15/2040 0.60 10/24/2016 1.34 12/22/2017
Par Value 935,000 750,000 211,570 6,289,274 1,275,000 300,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 1,100,000 500,000 2,532,000 335,832 1,372,578 1,069,148 291,586 500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 91,324 300,000 400,000 1,300,000 1,100,000 7,249,869 7,720,000 4,325,000 1,050,000 300,000 1,765,000 1,850,000 243,000 1,275,000 1,401,000 1,094,426 2,601,669 780,506 1,212,704 1,509,307 530,297 32,926 16,194 1,767,767 3,650,788 0 109,011 1,000,000
Base Market Value 533,925 76,288 175,603 1,673,184 395,914 682,759 568,410 79,565,371
Base Market Value 1,206,880 2,066,415 620,169 1,700,850 1,021,250 1,451,713 1,341,145 343,987 1,076,700 885,504 958,125 838,922 906,088 14,417,747 Base Market Value 906,146 742,226 73,614 6,288,350 1,284,809 302,007 2,002,649 1,001,646 0 1,098,584 499,500 2,577,006 312,389 887,045 1,160,881 316,604 499,450 1,524,512 1,491,019 89,213 296,633 396,672 1,279,880 1,101,899 7,242,787 7,750,331 4,332,757 1,047,375 291,521 1,774,157 1,869,141 243,253 1,278,747 1,481,117 609,985 2,603,734 808,292 1,291,226 1,401,851 492,542 32,916 16,012 1,669,044 3,748,994 0 109,011 1,000,223
Asset Backed Securities Discover Bank Discover Card Execution Note Trust Domino's Pizza Master Issuer LLC ECP CLO Ltd. Enterprise Fleet Financing, L.L.C. EquiFirst Mortgage Loan Trust EquiFirst Mortgage Loan Trust Fannie Mae Whole Loan Trust Fannie Mae Whole Loan Trust Fifth Third Auto Trust First Franklin Mortgage Loan Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust Ford Credit Floorplan Master Owner Trust GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust GSAA Home Equity Trust Harley Davidson Motorcycle Trust Harley Davidson Motorcycle Trust Harley Davidson Motorcycle Trust Hertz Vehicle Financing, L.L.C. Hertz Vehicle Financing, L.L.C. Home Equity Asset Trust Honda Auto Receivables Owner Trust Honda Auto Receivables Owner Trust Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust Hyundai Auto Receivables Trust ICG US CLO Ltd. ICG US CLO Ltd. IndyMac Residential Asset Backed Trust IndyMac Residential Asset Backed Trust Lehman XS Trust Long Beach Mortgage Loan Trust Madison Park Funding Ltd. Mid-State Trust Mid-State Trust Morgan Stanley Capital, Inc. Navient Student Loan Trust NCUA Guaranteed Notes New Century Home Equity Loan Trust Nissan Auto Receivables Owner Trust Nissan Auto Receivables Owner Trust Nissan Auto Receivables Owner Trust Ocean Trails CLO OneMain Financial Issuance Trust Option One Mortgage Loan Trust Palmer Square CLO Ltd. Race Point CLO Ltd. RCO Mortgage, L.L.C. Regatta III Funding Ltd. Residential Asset Securities Corp. Saxon Asset Securities Trust Saxon Asset Securities Trust Saxon Asset Securities Trust Saxon Asset Securities Trust Shackleton CLO Ltd. Shenton Aircraft Investment Ltd. Slater Mill Loan Fund L.P. SLM Student Loan Trust SLM Student Loan Trust SLM Student Loan Trust SLM Student Loan Trust SLM Student Loan Trust (EUR) Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration
Moody's Quality Rating Ba1 Aaa Baa1 Aaa Aaa Aa2 A3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Ca Caa2 B2 Baa1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Ba1 Ca A3 Aaa NR Aa3 Aa3 Ca Aaa Aa1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa A1 NR Aaa Aaa NR Aaa Aa2 A3 A3 Ba1 Baa2 Aaa A2 Aa1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 8.70 11/18/2019 1.22 10/15/2019 4.47 10/25/2045 2.08 7/15/2026 1.05 3/20/2020 1.56 9/25/2033 1.12 4/25/2035 0.69 6/25/2033 0.69 6/25/2033 0.68 4/16/2018 0.92 7/25/2035 0.90 10/15/2018 1.08 3/15/2019 1.06 5/15/2019 1.06 5/15/2019 0.83 2/15/2019 0.83 2/15/2019 0.68 2/25/2036 6.71 9/25/2037 7.00 9/25/2037 0.82 10/25/2035 0.80 1/15/2019 0.87 7/15/2019 1.10 9/15/2019 2.33 3/25/2020 2.65 7/25/2022 1.95 6/25/2033 0.67 11/21/2017 1.04 2/21/2019 0.90 12/17/2018 1.05 4/15/2019 1.21 6/17/2019 1.78 4/20/2026 3.32 1/25/2027 0.94 8/25/2035 0.59 6/28/2036 6.00 12/25/2035 1.01 10/25/2034 2.50 4/22/2022 7.34 7/1/2035 7.34 7/1/2035 0.51 5/25/2037 1.93 1/16/2035 0.79 12/7/2020 1.55 8/25/2034 0.67 8/15/2018 1.05 10/15/2019 1.30 6/15/2020 2.44 7/15/2028 2.57 7/18/2025 1.10 5/25/2035 2.13 7/20/2027 1.64 12/15/2022 4.50 11/25/2045 2.15 4/15/2026 1.15 4/25/2035 5.22 6/25/2033 1.13 12/26/2034 4.81 8/25/2035 0.60 9/25/2036 2.11 7/17/2026 4.75 10/15/2042 3.28 8/17/2022 2.14 4/25/2023 1.48 6/15/2023 3.68 5/16/2044 3.68 5/16/2044 0.04 12/15/2023 5.37 9/1/2016 6.85 7/1/2017 5.47 3/10/2018 4.73 2/10/2019 6.29 1/1/2021
Par Value 2,831,000 1,250,000 1,955,175 850,000 2,654,878 592,951 894,531 19,814 87,549 1,566,509 424,763 5,527,386 2,000,000 1,107,369 1,552,251 4,235,000 8,800,000 1,136,218 329,763 164,005 1,792,131 1,386,103 4,200,000 6,435,684 1,300,000 1,200,000 168,350 727,395 1,605,000 2,195,762 10,000,000 2,410,000 950,000 250,000 200,000 1,134,923 1,594,401 47,930 750,000 2,079,115 1,977,328 429,333 1,568,242 495,004 2,188,266 1,489,806 2,250,000 1,250,000 750,000 1,000,000 882,373 250,000 487,885 0 1,050,000 1,842,681 1,322,003 2,516,165 416,658 1,340,393 1,000,000 0 500,000 633,683 6,930 3,510,306 4,011,778 4,296,148 91,021 35,262 1,179,589 73,092 35,762
Base Market Value 3,333,531 1,253,305 1,998,326 834,089 2,650,719 568,381 871,558 19,404 85,737 1,565,648 411,982 5,527,282 2,001,751 1,109,076 1,554,644 4,233,233 8,796,329 1,136,769 339,122 159,958 1,667,446 1,385,821 4,191,582 6,438,377 1,311,350 1,208,932 162,281 727,163 1,606,340 2,195,297 10,016,155 2,415,279 931,529 249,474 183,521 1,023,447 1,605,793 44,636 752,175 2,206,239 2,098,228 265,870 1,572,174 493,875 1,983,700 1,488,106 2,252,367 1,254,622 749,993 999,704 844,462 247,717 486,975 0 1,049,306 1,835,357 1,349,152 2,383,133 418,265 1,274,625 991,124 0 497,676 633,265 6,929 3,597,738 4,111,700 4,528,913 91,564 35,960 1,256,074 77,509 38,200
Asset Backed Securities Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Sound Point CLO Ltd. Sound Point CLO Ltd. Specialty Underwriting & Residential Finance Trust Springleaf Funding Trust Strats FHLB Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Structured Asset Investment Loan Trust Structured Asset Receivables Structured Asset Securities Corp. Structured Asset Securities Corp. Structured Asset Securities Corp. Structured Asset Securities Corp. SVO VOI Mortgage Corp. Taco Bell Funding, L.L.C. TAL Advantage L.L.C. Toll Road Investment Partners II Toyota Auto Receivables Owner Trust Treman Park CLO Ltd. Trinitas CLO Ltd. Vericrest Opportunity Loan Trust Vericrest Opportunity Loan Trust Vibrant CLO Ltd. Voya CLO Ltd. Wells Fargo Home Equity Trust Wendy's Funding L.L.C. Wind River CLO Ltd. Total Asset Backed Securities
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aa1 NR Baa1 A1 NR Baa1 Aa3 NA Ba1 B1 B1 Aa1 A1 Baa2 A2 A3 Aaa Aaa Aaa NR NR Aaa Aaa Baa3 Baa2 Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 6.41 4/1/2022 5.98 5/1/2022 5.80 6/1/2022 4.64 5/1/2023 5.13 9/1/2023 4.92 10/1/2023 4.34 3/1/2024 4.86 10/1/2024 4.87 12/1/2024 4.63 2/1/2025 5.39 12/1/2025 6.07 7/1/2026 5.36 11/1/2026 5.31 5/1/2027 5.82 7/1/2027 5.57 10/1/2027 5.87 7/1/2028 6.02 8/1/2028 5.72 1/1/2029 4.76 2/1/2029 4.66 3/1/2029 4.95 6/1/2029 4.20 9/1/2029 1.00 10/20/2023 3.33 10/20/2023 1.12 3/25/2036 3.16 11/15/2024 1.69 8/15/2019 1.18 3/25/2035 1.14 6/25/2035 1.00 1/21/2011 3.36 1/25/2031 5.41 6/25/2033 5.41 6/25/2033 1.40 8/25/2034 2.00 9/20/2029 5.00 5/25/2046 3.27 11/21/2039 2/15/2045 0.76 3/15/2018 2.13 4/20/2027 2.40 4/18/2028 4.13 10/25/2045 3.50 2/25/2055 2.28 7/20/2028 2.13 10/14/2026 0.91 11/25/2035 4.08 6/15/2045 2.26 1/22/2027
Par Value 214,475 386,555 295,764 55,918 245,233 140,955 104,445 4,880,964 2,160,125 415,399 590,076 303,637 601,803 245,796 185,777 1,256,386 744,660 471,550 180,648 587,230 125,478 642,466 793,732 450,000 250,000 3,000,000 1,600,000 1,000,000 675,000 813,662 1,525,000 224,625 57,503 243,631 699,899 422,527 3,050,000 0 2,197,990 1,067,403 1,000,000 750,000 0 0 500,000 750,000 3,000,000 1,776,575 250,000
Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Banc of America Commercial Mortgage Banc of America Merrill Lynch Barclays Commercial Mortgage Securities Bayview Commercial Asset Trust BBCCRE Trust Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage Bear Stearns Commercial Mortgage CDGJ Commercial Mortgage Trust CFCRE Commercial Mortgage Trust Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Citigroup Commercial Mortgage Cobalt CMBS Commercial Mortgage COMM Mortgage Trust COMM Mortgage Trust COMM Mortgage Trust COMM Mortgage Trust COMM Mortgage Trust COMM Mortgage Trust Commercial Mortgage Loan Trust Credit Suisse Mortgage Trust
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Ba3 Aaa Aa3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa3 NR Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aa1 Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.43 1/15/2049 3.60 4/14/2033 3.32 9/10/2028 0.88 8/25/2034 3.97 8/10/2033 5.72 6/11/2040 5.33 2/11/2044 1.83 12/15/2027 3.14 5/10/2058 1.71 7/15/2027 2.94 5/10/2049 5.43 10/15/2049 5.22 8/15/2048 3.90 3/10/2031 2.69 2/13/2032 2.93 3/10/2046 3.08 2/10/2048 3.23 5/10/2048 3.50 2/10/2049 6.09 12/10/2049 3.64 11/15/2034
Par Value 1,601,213 775,000 845,000 54,760 1,900,000 1,479,218 150,354 6,618,429 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,711,012 387,250 1,290,000 1,350,000 900,000 3,200,000 2,910,000 1,500,000 995,309 910,000
Base Market Value 234,486 417,402 320,022 59,688 267,348 153,036 110,557 5,259,629 2,334,403 447,705 656,035 344,701 666,021 275,368 211,942 1,427,229 849,977 538,524 205,975 649,870 138,570 719,067 865,335 449,599 249,777 2,748,866 1,609,464 1,058,710 634,931 796,905 217,766 56,968 241,363 686,916 417,850 3,127,775 0 562,004 1,066,047 993,645 749,442 0 0 498,151 748,469 2,922,532 1,831,471 249,932 223,987,181 Base Market Value 1,621,413 715,374 883,024 49,847 2,042,425 1,527,185 153,072 6,612,371 1,036,228 1,977,022 2,062,547 1,721,878 388,381 1,286,237 1,308,798 944,987 3,342,919 3,073,872 1,611,999 1,032,425 983,329
Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Credit Suisse Mortgage Trust Credit Suisse Mortgage Trust Credit Suisse Mortgage Trust CSAIL Commercial Mortgage Trust GAHR Commercial Mortgage Trust GCCFC Commercial Mortgage Trust GE Commercial Mortgage Corp. Hilton USA Trust Hilton USA Trust J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage J.P. Morgan Chase Commercial Mortgage JPMDB Commercial Mortgage Securities LB Commercial Conduit Mortgage LB UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust LB UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust LB UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust LB UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust ML CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust ML CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust ML CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust ML CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust Morgan Stanley BAML Trust Morgan Stanley BAML Trust Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust RFT Issuer Ltd. SFAVE Commercial Mortgage Securities Trust UBS Barclays Commercial Mortgage Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage Wachovia Bank Commercial Mortgage WF RBS Commercial Mortgage Trust Total Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities
Moody's Quality Rating Baa2 A2 Aaa Aaa Baa3 Aaa Aaa Ba1 A3 B2 Aaa Aaa B1 A1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aa1 Aaa WR Aaa Aa2 Aa2 Aaa Aaa Aa3 Aaa Aa1 Aaa Baa2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 5.51 9/15/2039 5.38 2/15/2040 5.45 1/15/2049 3.45 8/15/2048 3.38 12/15/2034 5.44 3/10/2039 5.48 12/10/2049 4.19 11/5/2030 4.41 11/5/2030 4.43 6/15/2029 2.93 9/5/2032 2.13 7/15/2036 6.17 6/15/2043 5.98 4/17/2045 5.40 5/15/2045 2.69 4/15/2046 5.44 6/12/2047 2.88 12/15/2047 5.42 1/15/2049 5.44 1/15/2049 5.44 1/15/2049 5.69 2/12/2051 5.94 2/15/2051 2.88 6/15/2049 5.88 7/15/2044 4.57 1/15/2031 4.57 1/15/2031 5.41 9/15/2039 5.86 7/15/2040 5.41 7/12/2046 5.38 8/12/2048 5.88 8/12/2049 5.49 3/12/2051 3.05 4/15/2048 2.86 12/15/2048 3.45 7/13/2029 5.32 12/15/2043 5.81 12/12/2049 2.18 8/15/2030 4.53 1/5/2043 2.92 3/10/2046 5.70 6/15/2049 5.95 2/15/2051 3.07 6/15/2046
Par Value 267,291 73,949 1,596 1,600,000 835,000 500,547 202,299 825,110 1,835,000 530,000 890,000 950,000 931,000 1,075,078 125,855 700,000 572,319 2,000,000 808,037 2,000,198 0 195,016 42,958 1,000,000 1,524,144 727,355 0 1,300,000 1,143,157 58,535 1,454,403 3,939,608 200,000 777,000 800,000 1,100,000 1,631,478 1,491,706 1,900,000 1,195,000 2,000,000 394,272 2,474,375 500,000
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations American Home Mortgage Assets American Home Mortgage Investment American Home Mortgage Investment Avenue of Americas Banc of America Alternative Loan Trust Banc of America Funding Corp. Banc of America Funding Corp. Banc of America Funding Corp. Banc of America Funding Corp. Banc of America Mortgage Securities Trust Banc of America Mortgage Securities Trust Banc of America Mortgage Securities Trust Banc of America Mortgage Securities Trust Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage
Moody's Quality Rating Caa2 Baa2 Aa3 A3 Baa3 A1 Caa2 Baa1 NR WR Baa3 Ba1 Ba2 Aa2 Baa3 Ba3 Ba3 B2 B2 B2 Baa3 Ba2 Ba2 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 0.64 9/25/2046 2.73 2/25/2044 1.03 2/25/2045 3.01 12/13/2029 5.00 8/25/2019 2.90 5/25/2035 3.19 3/20/2036 0.66 7/20/2036 3.02 1/20/2047 6.50 10/25/2031 3.36 5/25/2033 6.50 9/25/2033 2.94 2/25/2034 2.53 2/25/2033 2.97 1/25/2034 3.27 7/25/2034 3.27 7/25/2034 2.98 1/25/2035 2.99 1/25/2035 2.99 1/25/2035 2.92 3/25/2035 3.09 3/25/2035 3.09 3/25/2035 2.38 8/25/2035 2.46 8/25/2035 2.46 8/25/2035
Par Value 3,638,786 291,265 232,108 310,000 67,335 501,871 1,214,766 34,481 387,972 11,653 461,114 6,322 1,647,301 10,542 56,894 476,888 1,070,395 268,163 5,283 585,705 35,755 140,716 145,690 42,420 59,348 549,537
Base Market Value 267,155 74,643 1,593 1,694,777 831,153 505,147 202,660 822,179 1,845,890 500,747 925,336 949,405 884,069 1,073,649 125,686 722,929 581,015 2,089,913 820,146 2,035,567 0 197,243 42,871 1,027,012 1,579,001 728,790 0 1,304,526 1,169,876 58,551 1,469,838 4,064,987 203,236 812,359 838,405 1,149,288 1,642,718 1,548,849 1,897,269 933,605 2,092,020 395,068 2,525,586 531,220 77,541,311 Base Market Value 2,468,774 286,535 227,147 308,079 68,130 511,642 1,080,448 31,884 324,987 12,137 464,296 6,598 1,561,209 10,441 57,415 474,790 1,065,685 260,545 4,808 533,043 35,992 141,042 146,029 42,552 59,124 547,462
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Adjustable Rate Mortgage Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Alt-A Trust Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities Trust Bear Stearns Structured Products BWAY Mortgage Trust Chase Mortgage Finance Corp. Chase Mortgage Finance Corp. Chevy Chase Mortgage Funding Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Connecticut Avenue Securities Connecticut Avenue Securities Connecticut Avenue Securities Connecticut Avenue Securities Connecticut Avenue Securities Connecticut Avenue Securities Connecticut Avenue Securities Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Alternative Loan Trust Countrywide Home Loans Countrywide Home Loans Countrywide Home Loans Countrywide Home Loans Countrywide Home Loans Countrywide Home Loans Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage DSLA Mortgage Loan Trust Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Aces Fannie Mae Strip
Moody's Quality Rating Caa1 Caa1 NR Aa3 B3 B3 Aa3 Baa1 Caa3 Caa3 Ba3 Caa3 Ba2 B2 B2 B1 Ba1 Ba1 Caa1 B1 B1 Baa3 NR A1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 NR Ba3 Baa2 Aa2 A1 Caa2 Caa2 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Ca Ca Caa3 Caa1 Ba1 B3 Ba1 Baa1 Caa2 Baa1 Caa2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.17 2/25/2036 3.17 2/25/2036 3.01 10/25/2036 1.15 9/25/2034 2.91 5/25/2035 2.91 5/25/2035 0.89 7/25/2035 0.99 8/25/2035 2.88 9/25/2035 2.88 9/25/2035 5.25 10/25/2034 2.77 1/26/2036 4.06 3/10/2033 2.86 2/25/2037 2.87 2/25/2037 0.68 10/25/2035 3.04 5/25/2035 2.43 9/25/2035 5.50 9/25/2035 2.73 10/25/2035 2.73 10/25/2035 1.40 5/25/2024 1.95 2/25/2025 1.60 5/25/2025 2.05 4/25/2028 2.15 4/25/2028 2.60 9/25/2028 2.65 10/25/2028 5.50 7/25/2033 5.75 10/25/2033 6.00 10/25/2033 5.50 4/25/2034 6.00 12/25/2034 1.91 9/25/2035 6.25 11/25/2036 0.73 2/25/2037 6.00 8/25/2037 0.63 12/20/2046 0.63 12/20/2046 0.63 5/25/2047 2.68 11/20/2034 2.70 11/20/2034 2.67 11/25/2034 2.79 2/20/2035 0.99 2/25/2035 0.72 4/25/2035 2.64 3/25/2033 2.52 3/19/2045 9.25 7/25/2019 1.00 8/25/2020 6.50 10/25/2028 5.00 4/25/2033 0.80 8/25/2033 0.80 8/25/2033 0.57 3/25/2034 2.56 5/25/2035 2.56 5/25/2035 5.00 8/25/2037 3.50 11/25/2037 3.50 5/25/2042 3.50 5/25/2042 4.00 6/25/2042 4.00 6/25/2042 3.50 5/25/2043 5.39 6/25/2019 2.88 6/25/2024 2.50 12/25/2024 2.94 11/25/2025 2.70 2/25/2026 2.48 3/25/2026 2.37 4/25/2026 2.46 4/25/2026 5.00 7/25/2036
Par Value 89,605 29,868 1,303,482 192,488 71,542 1,144,670 1,905,327 393,707 88,384 530,303 598,658 808,907 501,000 104,345 764,557 1,711,044 68,595 56,016 752,061 33,315 166,575 617,883 79,646 569,618 741,428 422,116 294,737 444,504 0 0 33,897 0 0 132,902 156,853 2,288,909 984,027 1,091,585 1,492,245 593,551 56,732 250,083 684,997 965,346 92,710 0 85,984 4,177,960 22,133 116 191,994 761,719 702 3,182 66,572 17,058 102,350 1,000,000 989,935 1,800,000 1,200,000 2,704,000 1,700,000 4,250,088 381,523 2,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 2,200,000 2,000,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 574,854
Base Market Value 84,161 28,054 1,090,999 188,387 68,512 1,096,197 1,841,520 371,605 73,579 441,474 597,031 631,082 464,807 102,929 754,864 1,499,014 67,237 55,725 758,294 32,812 164,060 613,662 79,696 568,958 740,311 421,477 298,230 449,092 0 0 34,956 0 0 113,436 133,726 1,661,845 896,939 788,672 1,078,149 471,034 53,799 245,780 644,362 961,656 86,974 0 83,085 368,463 23,722 1,218 220,868 845,841 695 3,151 65,994 17,990 107,941 1,190,824 89,497 1,958,734 1,305,822 3,247,023 2,041,398 480,104 389,691 2,136,066 515,461 1,066,664 2,292,026 2,045,588 1,232,709 1,217,192 97,423
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations Fannie Mae Whole Loan Fannie Mae Whole Loan FHA FHA GMAC FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Multi-Family Structured Pass Through FHLMC Structured Pass Through First Horizon Alternative Mortgage First Horizon Alternative Mortgage First Horizon Alternative Mortgage First Nationwide Trust First Republic Mortgage Loan Trust Four Times Square Trust Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Freddie Mac Strip GMAC Mortgage Corp. Loan Trust Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association Government National Mortgage Association GS Mortgage Securities Trust GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust GSMPS Mortgage Loan Trust GSR Mortgage Loan Trust GSR Mortgage Loan Trust GSR Mortgage Loan Trust GSR Mortgage Loan Trust GSR Mortgage Loan Trust Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust Harborview Mortgage Loan Trust HomeBanc Mortgage Trust HomeBanc Mortgage Trust Hudson's Bay Simon JV Trust IndyMac Index Mortgage Loan Trust J.P. Morgan Alternative Loan Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust J.P. Morgan Mortgage Trust LSTAR Securities Investment Trust Mellon Residential Funding Corp. Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors
Moody's Quality Rating Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Caa1 Caa2 Ca A2 B3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Caa3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Ba2 B3 Baa3 Baa3 A2 Aa1 Caa2 Caa1 Baa3 Ca Caa3 A3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 Aaa Caa3 Baa3 Ba2 Baa1 B2 Ba3 Ba3 B1 Baa3 Caa2 NR WR Baa1 Baa1 Baa1 B1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.32 8/25/2042 5.66 12/25/2042 7.43 6/1/2019 7.43 6/1/2021 1.70 7/25/2019 1.36 11/25/2019 1.15 1/25/2021 1.49 6/25/2022 0.89 10/25/2022 3.17 10/25/2024 3.33 5/25/2025 3.28 6/25/2025 1.09 9/25/2025 3.02 8/15/2032 2.62 3/25/2035 2.58 7/25/2035 2.62 1/25/2037 6.75 8/21/2031 1.23 11/15/2032 5.40 12/13/2028 5.00 12/15/2017 5.00 12/15/2017 0.58 7/15/2019 0.58 8/15/2019 0.58 8/15/2019 8.60 6/15/2021 5.50 11/15/2022 5.50 11/15/2022 5.50 8/15/2030 6.00 8/15/2032 1.03 12/15/2037 8.00 10/15/2018 3.32 4/19/2036 6.00 12/16/2029 5.50 10/16/2039 1.12 8/20/2061 0.95 10/20/2062 1.04 5/20/2065 1.04 8/20/2065 1.04 9/20/2065 3.12 5/10/2050 0.85 6/25/2034 0.85 4/25/2036 0.88 5/25/2035 0.88 5/25/2035 2.81 9/25/2035 2.94 9/25/2035 2.86 11/25/2035 0.66 5/19/2035 0.89 6/20/2035 3.35 6/19/2036 0.63 1/19/2038 1.36 7/19/2045 1.24 10/20/2045 0.72 10/25/2035 0.72 10/25/2035 4.15 8/5/2034 0.67 4/25/2046 0.97 1/25/2036 2.87 2/25/2035 2.90 6/25/2035 2.71 7/25/2035 2.79 7/25/2035 2.79 7/25/2035 2.83 7/25/2035 2.93 7/25/2035 2.97 4/25/2036 2.46 5/1/2020 1.17 9/15/2030 2.62 5/25/2033 2.93 12/25/2034 2.64 2/25/2035 0.66 2/25/2036
Par Value 243,823 254,843 51,984 16,277 11,999,328 9,278,511 14,062,977 3,836,126 4,479,424 1,800,000 2,500,000 1,500,000 2,162,727 555,029 229,343 492,498 550,167 1,620 68,471 2,000,000 13,511 57,530 0 67,639 294,081 76,402 3,683 300,645 379 453,031 176,303 5,091 823,708 252,050 168,000 1,184,732 958,429 3,230,450 991,442 1,965,015 1,500,000 529,864 846,942 402,848 124,884 751,507 647,410 397,714 375,157 0 1,156,071 2,050,454 322,555 4,386,174 549,885 2,916,782 1,565,000 503,943 573,524 149,827 157,257 244,568 150,315 413,366 446,843 139,422 107,102 789,812 25,123 497,896 44,753 347,352 620,848
Base Market Value 269,908 292,541 50,918 15,951 517,491 330,992 610,841 275,336 201,347 1,960,794 2,754,535 1,646,236 2,163,062 568,399 199,254 381,294 442,682 1,654 64,078 2,266,267 13,802 58,767 0 67,531 293,615 83,692 3,929 320,750 395 523,069 176,855 77 701,689 285,320 218,896 1,184,052 953,711 3,188,454 977,776 1,937,713 1,575,397 439,104 694,550 378,362 112,393 748,596 660,580 380,570 309,203 0 713,450 1,699,098 295,280 3,758,628 503,694 2,693,644 1,690,422 367,849 543,597 141,439 154,994 238,267 148,897 409,468 451,140 137,829 97,038 772,041 24,579 479,470 44,314 346,355 562,074
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors MLCC Mortgage Investors, Inc. MLCC Mortgage Investors, Inc. MLCC Mortgage Investors, Inc. MLCC Mortgage Investors, Inc. NCUA Guaranteed Notes NCUA Guaranteed Notes NCUA Guaranteed Notes Opteum Mortgage Acceptance Corp. Prime Mortgage Trust Prime Mortgage Trust Prime Mortgage Trust Prime Mortgage Trust Prime Mortgage Trust RBSSP Resecuritization Trust RBSSP Resecuritization Trust Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Residential Accredit Loans, Inc. Residential Funding Mortgage Securities Salomon Brothers Mortgage Securities Sequoia Mortgage Trust Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Agency Credit Risk Structured Asset Mortgage Investment Structured Asset Securities Corp. Structured Asset Securities Corp. Thornburg Mortgage Securities WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate WAMU Mortgage Pass Through Certificate Wells Fargo Alternative Loan Trust Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securities Total Collateralized Mortgage Obligations
Moody's Quality Rating Caa3 Ba3 Ba1 Baa3 B3 B2 Aaa Aa1 Aa1 Baa3 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 B2 Aaa Aaa A1 Caa3 Caa3 Ca Ca Caa3 B2 Baa3 Ba1 Ba3 Ba2 Ba1 Ba1 Caa3 NR Baa3 A3 Baa3 B1 NR Baa2 Baa3 Baa3 NR Baa1 A2 B1 B2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 C C C Aa2 Baa1 A3 A3 Baa2 Ba2 NR Ba3 Baa2 B3 Aa2 Baa3 C Baa1 Caa2
Fixed Income Commingled/Closed End Funds (U.S. and International) Apollo Lincoln Fixed Income Fund, L.P. AQR Risk Balanced Reinsurance Fund Ltd. Franklin Templeton Emerging Market Debt Fund MacKay Shields Defensive Bond Arbitrage Fund Ltd.
Interest Rate Maturity Date 2.98 3/25/2036 0.72 8/25/2036 2.46 12/25/2034 1.90 10/25/2035 2.68 2/25/2036 2.58 10/25/2036 0.83 11/6/2017 2.65 10/29/2020 2.65 10/29/2020 0.76 11/25/2035 0.85 2/25/2019 0.85 2/25/2019 0.85 2/25/2034 0.85 2/25/2034 0.95 2/25/2035 2.58 10/25/2035 2.50 7/26/2045 0.89 6/25/2034 0.73 12/25/2045 1.41 1/25/2046 0.63 6/25/2046 0.65 9/25/2046 2.97 8/25/2035 7.00 12/25/2018 0.90 2/20/2035 2.87 4/25/2034 2.60 8/25/2034 2.77 9/25/2034 2.97 11/25/2034 2.97 11/25/2034 2.74 7/25/2035 3.13 4/25/2047 2.10 4/25/2024 1.35 10/25/2027 2.30 10/25/2027 3.75 10/25/2027 1.80 4/25/2028 1.89 7/25/2028 2.65 10/25/2028 2.70 11/25/2028 2.67 12/25/2028 0.69 7/19/2035 2.48 1/25/2032 2.83 12/25/2033 3.76 7/25/2036 2.53 10/25/2033 2.77 3/25/2034 6.50 12/25/2034 2.46 9/25/2036 2.46 10/25/2036 2.68 3/25/2037 1.77 8/25/2042 0.68 4/25/2045 0.74 7/25/2045 0.74 7/25/2045 0.74 10/25/2045 0.74 12/25/2045 2.78 12/28/2037 2.74 8/25/2034 2.85 12/25/2034 2.74 3/25/2035 2.85 5/1/2035 2.89 5/25/2035 2.90 6/25/2035 2.76 3/25/2036 2.84 3/25/2036
Par Value 2,717,312 1,057,976 161,964 473,245 195,209 181,263 981,455 83,440 11,126 251,864 9 31 15,835 79,173 467,420 2,558,212 1,060,527 78,336 612,858 1,284,653 368,348 407,174 1,527,491 12,374 320,478 1,948,583 827,574 1,247,227 2,164,887 28,693 1,451,171 2,555,368 1,080,000 1,116,691 2,895,000 1,260,000 233,120 994,063 920,000 500,000 475,000 80,835 21,136 397,255 460,361 1,074,549 380,421 1,689,717 1,060,983 433,215 243,080 124,667 1,436,231 1,615,026 102,611 2,526,705 705,058 3,062,016 63,136 217,573 1,870,138 0 1,061,710 2,370,910 661,997 1,067,419
Shares/Par Value 202,728,095 1,927 382,856 258,635
Base Market Value 1,973,828 984,889 161,736 456,954 179,142 176,857 981,675 83,494 11,133 234,648 9 31 14,808 74,042 431,907 2,577,420 1,055,488 75,956 424,548 878,484 147,581 270,800 1,149,551 12,493 300,902 1,923,737 825,513 1,223,529 2,129,753 28,227 1,177,481 2,054,736 1,080,000 1,116,356 2,892,247 1,258,125 233,539 997,348 927,460 502,899 478,164 77,803 20,410 389,526 442,776 1,080,934 380,675 1,804,798 956,398 374,773 228,235 118,021 1,339,028 1,522,511 95,963 2,355,241 612,162 2,641,701 62,600 216,170 1,860,541 0 1,075,067 2,115,268 651,769 1,044,457 155,081,389 Base Market Value 205,530,810 1,948,803 486,716,677 60,136,763
Fixed Income Commingled/Closed End Funds (U.S. and International) MacKay Shields High Yield Active Core Fund LP Maranon Senior Credit Fund II-B, L.P. Monroe Capital Private Credit Fund II LP Northern Shipping Fund III LP NXT Capital Senior Loan Fund II, LP NXT Capital Senior Loan Fund IV, LP Oaktree Enhanced Income Fund II, L.P. Oaktree Enhanced Income Fund III, L.P. Oaktree Enhanced Income Fund, L.P. Oaktree Real Estate Debt Fund PIMCO BRAVO Fund Onshore Feeder I, L.P. PIMCO BRAVO Fund Onshore Feeder II, L.P. PIMCO Corporate Opportunities Fund II, L.P. PIMCO Horseshoe Fund, L.P. PIMCO PRIV ABS Sector Fund PIMCO PRIV Investment Grade Corporate Bond Fund PIMCO PRV Short-Term Fund Pramerica Fixed Income Global Liquidity Relative Value Fund I (Cayman), Ltd. Pramerica Fixed Income U.S. Liquidity Relative Value Fund I (Cayman), Ltd. Riverstone Credit Partners, L.P. Vista Credit Opportunities Fund I-6Y, L.P. Total Fixed Income Commingled/Closed End Funds (U.S. and International) Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations International Credit Obligations (Currency Pay) America Movil SAB de CV Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank Asian Development Bank Banco Popular Espanol SA Banco Popular Espanol SA Banco Santander SA Banco Santander SA Banco Santander SA Bankia SA Bankia SA Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Bank PLC Barclays PLC Barclays PLC Barclays PLC CapitaMalls Asia Treasury Cooperatieve Rabobank UA Cooperatieve Rabobank UA Credit Agricole SA E.ON International Finance B.V. Edcon Ltd. Edcon Ltd. Elekta AB Generalitat de Catalunya Hellenic Railways Organisation Hellenic Railways Organisation Inter-American Development Bank International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Finance Corp. International Finance Corp. International Finance Corp. International Finance Corp. KFW KFW Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank Lloyds Banking Group plc Lloyds Banking Group plc Lloyds Banking Group plc Mellon Capital III National Australia Bank
Shares/Par Value 35,235,352 39,910,115 17,500,001 11,556,934 33,990,402 42,756,172 89,807,621 18,049,589 111,378,723 15,299,689 11,411,424 97,565,284 11,940,658 273,821,718 9,090,375 1,718,248 6,528,533 100,000 287,895 14,885,783 33,479,020
Moody's Quality Rating A2 Aaa Aaa Aaa B2 B2 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba3 NR Baa3 Ba1 NR NR NR Ba1 Baa2 Baa2 NR Baa1 Ca Ca NR Ba3 B2 B2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 A3 Aa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 7.13 3.25 4.63 5.00 11.50 11.50 6.25 6.25 6.25 4.38 3.50 10.00 14.00 8.00 6.50 6.50 3.95 6.88 6.88 7.50 6.00 9.50 9.50 2.75 4.95 4.50 5.01 6.50 4.50 2.13 3.75 4.63 3.63 2.80 3.50 4.63 3.88 6.45 3.25 3.63 3.75 6.00 6.50 7.63 7.63 7.88 6.37 6.00
12/9/2024 7/20/2017 3/6/2019 3/9/2022 10/29/2049 10/29/2049 9/11/2049 9/11/2049 9/11/2049 2/14/2017 1/17/2019 5/21/2021 11/29/2049 12/15/2049 12/29/2049 12/29/2049 8/24/2017 3/19/2020 3/19/2020 4/29/2049 10/30/2019 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 4/25/2017 2/11/2020 12/6/2016 12/27/2017 8/20/2019 8/16/2016 5/29/2017 1/23/2019 2/26/2019 6/22/2020 1/13/2021 1/22/2021 10/6/2021 2/26/2018 10/30/2018 7/22/2019 5/20/2020 5/29/2020 8/20/2020 4/12/2017 12/29/2049 12/29/2049 12/29/2049 9/5/2066 2/15/2017
Base Market Value 45,322,493 38,469,800 18,143,688 11,786,494 36,852,836 42,171,723 87,435,892 18,447,492 108,573,205 13,990,232 15,588,781 116,825,061 13,226,679 281,349,898 112,538,846 16,667,001 61,172,356 101,558,923 314,489,566 16,683,604 35,857,026 2,261,484,652
Par Value
Base Market Value
20,380,000 2,880,000 1,750,000 2,070,000 500,000 300,000 1,200,000 2,300,000 2,400,000 100,000 2,200,000 401,000 500,000 900,000 600,000 400,000 2,000,000 700,000 2,000,000 600,000 150,000 2,787,000 4,300,000 32,000 500,000 46,000,000 1,100,000 2,300,000 2,250,000 10,890,000 925,000 1,950,000 5,870,000 1,240,000 2,640,000 2,500,000 2,300,000 112,500,000 2,630,000 3,015,000 2,625,000 2,500,000 1,545,000 1,100,000 600,000 400,000 2,500,000 2,190,000
1,090,402 2,064,571 1,309,931 1,720,655 553,503 328,286 1,134,302 2,174,078 2,268,603 113,803 2,600,686 663,950 808,764 931,476 593,647 395,765 1,521,153 908,045 2,594,413 722,434 227,753 944,346 1,457,010 3,777 578,394 430,610 1,147,194 1,931,876 1,607,177 1,314,473 717,802 1,458,160 773,529 929,906 1,939,096 1,933,445 1,672,843 1,658,540 2,024,110 2,219,067 1,910,374 2,122,296 1,189,636 1,391,368 754,164 506,273 3,333,645 1,667,935
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations National Bank of Greece SA Nordic Investment Bank NTPC Ltd. Nykredit Realkredit AS Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petroleos Mexicanos Realkredit Danmark A/S Realkredit Danmark A/S Realkredit Danmark A/S RELX Investments PLC Westpac Banking Corp. Westpac Banking Corp. International Credit Obligations (USD Pay) A.E.S. Panama SA ABN AMRO Bank NV ABN AMRO Bank NV Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS Actavis Funding SCS AES Andres/Dominican Republic Power/Itabo Agrium, Inc. Air Canada Air Canada Allied World Assurance Allied World Assurance Altice Financing SA America Movil SAB de CV Ardagh Packaging Finance PLC/Ardagh Holdings USA, Inc. AstraZeneca PLC B.C. ULC/New Red Finance, Inc. B.C. ULC/New Red Finance, Inc. Banco de Bogota SA Banco Internacional del Peru S.A.A. Banco Nacional Comercio Banco Nacional de Costa Rica Banco Regional SAECA Banco Santander Chile Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten Bank of Montreal Bank of Nova Scotia Bank of Nova Scotia Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Bank PLC Barclays Bank PLC Barclays PLC Barclays PLC BBVA Bancomer SA BNP Paribas BP Capital Markets PLC BP Capital Markets PLC BP Capital Markets PLC BPCE SA BPCE SA BPCE SA CEMEX Finance LLC CEMEX SAB de CV Citizens Financial Group CODELCO Comcel Trust Comision Federal de Electricidad Cooperatieve Rabobank UA
Moody's Quality Rating Caa2 Aaa Baa3 Aaa B3 B3 Baa3 Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa1 Aa2 Aa2
Ba3 A1 Baa2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Ba3 Baa2 Ba1 A3 Baa1 Baa1 B1 A2 Ba3 A3 Ba3 B3 Ba2 Ba1 A3 Ba1 Ba1 Aa3 Aaa Aaa Aa3 Aa3 Aaa A2 A2 NR NR NR Baa3 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 A2 A2 A2 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 B1 B1 Baa2 A3 Ba1 Baa1 Baa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.88 10/7/2016 1.38 7/15/2020 8.49 3/25/2025 1.00 1/1/2017 3.25 4/1/2019 5.88 3/7/2022 7.65 11/24/2021 1.00 1/1/2017 2.00 4/1/2017 2.00 4/1/2017 5.63 10/20/2016 5.00 10/21/2019 7.25 2/11/2020
6.00 2.45 4.75 2.35 1.91 1.91 3.45 3.45 3.80 3.80 3.80 4.55 4.55 7.95 3.15 5.00 4.13 7.50 5.50 7.50 1.66 4.63 1.75 4.63 6.00 6.25 6.63 4.38 5.88 8.13 1.53 2.63 2.38 1.40 1.25 1.88 1.21 1.69 7.63 7.63 7.63 2.88 4.38 6.01 7.38 1.27 1.68 1.68 5.70 4.63 5.15 6.00 6.13 4.15 4.50 6.88 4.88 8.38
6/25/2022 6/4/2020 7/28/2025 3/12/2018 3/12/2020 3/12/2020 3/15/2022 3/15/2022 3/15/2025 3/15/2025 3/15/2025 3/15/2035 3/15/2035 5/11/2026 10/1/2022 6/15/2025 11/15/2026 8/1/2016 11/15/2020 5/15/2026 9/12/2016 5/15/2023 11/16/2018 1/15/2022 4/1/2022 5/12/2026 3/19/2029 10/14/2025 4/25/2021 1/24/2019 4/11/2017 4/28/2021 3/16/2026 9/11/2017 4/11/2017 4/26/2021 2/17/2017 3/10/2017 11/21/2022 11/21/2022 11/21/2022 6/8/2020 1/12/2026 5/17/2022 12/29/2049 9/26/2018 5/3/2019 5/3/2019 10/22/2023 7/11/2024 7/21/2024 4/1/2024 5/5/2025 9/28/2022 9/16/2025 2/6/2024 1/15/2024 7/29/2049
Par Value 600,000 6,610,000 1,379,323 46,000,000 1,100,000 500,000 13,083,500 5,400,000 3,100,000 1,100,000 2,700,000 265,000 600,000
Base Market Value 661,937 802,636 2,638 6,923,217 1,138,141 518,166 687,225 811,830 478,971 166,994 3,653,864 394,881 516,254
4,530,000 1,500,000 3,700,000 5,000,000 4,400,000 500,000 2,800,000 2,125,000 100,000 175,000 1,870,000 430,000 600,000 3,300,000 90,000 3,240,000 383,132 100,000 675,000 1,300,000 5,000,000 3,800,000 605,000 2,445,000 388,000 4,450,000 3,750,000 975,000 3,400,000 1,400,000 3,000,000 426,000 530,000 700,000 955,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 585,000 1,000,000 300,000 5,900,000 2,500,000 415,000 5,500,000 200,000 5,000,000 4,430,000 1,175,000 400,000 1,700,000 700,000 1,450,000 2,135,000 3,890,000 600,000 2,625,000 330,000 400,000
4,642,797 1,533,870 3,840,896 5,068,150 4,413,420 501,525 2,907,968 2,206,940 104,183 182,320 1,948,222 441,920 616,632 3,432,000 91,670 3,175,200 394,626 100,470 751,559 1,274,000 5,001,250 3,743,000 612,986 2,463,338 402,430 4,550,125 4,008,000 1,017,510 3,507,780 1,468,250 2,996,250 450,717 556,145 703,549 956,413 2,015,960 4,992,950 578,565 1,076,250 322,875 6,349,875 2,463,575 419,026 5,513,750 195,800 4,981,500 4,465,529 1,184,424 429,024 1,703,794 728,427 1,406,500 2,076,288 4,052,174 628,038 2,559,375 345,263 400,880
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Cooperatieve Rabobank UA Cooperatieve Rabobank UA Cooperatieve Rabobank UA Corporacion Andina de Fomento Corporacion Financiera de Desarrollo S.A. Corporacion Financiera de Desarrollo S.A. Credit Agricole London Credit Agricole SA Credit Agricole SA Credit Agricole SA Credit Agricole SA Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Group Funding Ltd. Credit Suisse Group Funding Ltd. Credit Suisse Group Funding Ltd. CSG Guernsey I Ltd. Delek & Avner (Tamar Bond) Ltd. Delphi Automotive PLC Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Bank AG Edcon Ltd. Enbridge, Inc. Export Credit Bank of Turkey Gazprom Neft (GPN Capital) Global Bank Corp. Gold Fields Orogen Holdings Grifols Worldwide Operations Ltd. Gruposura Finance GTH Finance BV GTH Finance BV Hrvatska Elektroprivreda HSBC Holdings PLC HSBC Holdings PLC HSBC Holdings PLC HSBC Holdings PLC HSBC Holdings PLC Imperial Brands Finance Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Israel Electric Corp. Ltd. Itau Unibanco Holding SA Ivory Coast Kallpa Generacion S.A. KBC Bank NV KBC Bank NV Lima Metro Line 2 Finance Ltd. Lloyds Bank plc Lloyds Bank plc Lloyds Banking Group plc Lloyds Banking Group plc Lukoil International Finance BV LyondellBasell Industries NV Mallinckrodt International Finance Marfrig Holdings (Europe) BV Metalsa S.A. de C.V. Mizuho Bank Ltd. Mizuho Bank Ltd. Mizuho Financial Group Mylan NV Mylan NV Myriad Holdings BV Nationwide Building Society Nomura Holdings, Inc. Nordea Bank AB North American Development Bank North American Development Bank Odebrecht Finance Ltd. OGX Austria GMBH OGX Austria GMBH Overseas Chinese Banking Pertamina Persero PT Pertamina Persero PT Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance
Moody's Quality Rating Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Aa3 Baa1 Baa3 A1 NR NR NR NR NR Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Ba1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Baa2 Ca Baa2 Baa3 Ba1 Baa3 Ba1 B1 Baa2 B1 B1 Ba2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Baa3 Baa1 Baa3 Ba3 Ba3 Baa3 NR NR Baa1 A1 A1 Baa2 Baa2 Ba1 Baa1 B2 B2 Ba1 A1 A1 A1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Aa3 Baa1 Aa3 Aa1 Aa1 B2 WR WR A2 Baa3 Baa3 B3 B3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 8.38 7/29/2049 8.40 11/29/2049 11.00 12/29/2049 2.00 5/10/2019 3.25 7/15/2019 5.25 7/15/2029 2.50 4/15/2019 8.13 9/19/2033 8.13 9/19/2033 7.88 12/29/2049 7.88 12/29/2049 6.50 8/8/2023 2.75 3/26/2020 3.80 9/15/2022 3.80 6/9/2023 7.88 2/24/2041 5.08 12/30/2023 4.25 1/15/2026 2.54 5/10/2019 3.38 5/12/2021 9.50 3/1/2018 1.28 10/1/2016 5.00 9/23/2021 4.38 9/19/2022 5.13 10/30/2019 4.88 10/7/2020 5.25 4/1/2022 5.50 4/29/2026 6.25 4/26/2020 7.25 4/26/2023 5.88 10/23/2022 3.40 3/8/2021 3.40 3/8/2021 2.32 5/25/2021 2.95 5/25/2021 4.30 3/8/2026 2.05 2/11/2018 2.38 1/13/2017 6.88 6/21/2023 2.85 5/26/2018 6.38 3/3/2028 4.88 5/24/2026 8.00 1/25/2023 8.00 1/25/2023 5.88 7/5/2034 1.75 5/14/2018 1.41 8/17/2018 4.50 11/4/2024 5.30 12/1/2045 6.66 6/7/2022 5.75 4/15/2024 4.75 4/15/2023 8.00 6/8/2023 4.90 4/24/2023 1.09 9/25/2017 1.82 10/20/2018 2.63 4/12/2021 3.00 12/15/2018 3.15 6/15/2021 5.50 7/21/2025 3.90 7/21/2025 2.11 9/13/2016 2.25 5/27/2021 4.38 2/11/2020 2.40 10/26/2022 5.25 6/27/2029 8.50 6/1/2018 8.38 4/1/2022 4.00 10/15/2024 4.30 5/20/2023 6.00 5/3/2042 6.13 10/6/2016 2.77 1/15/2019
Par Value 500,000 900,000 4,000,000 330,000 3,000,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 500,000 300,000 600,000 400,000 1,000,000 900,000 600,000 1,600,000 100,000 3,500,000 1,943,000 2,200,000 905,000 1,940,000 5,000,000 3,900,000 3,900,000 1,650,000 3,700,000 1,520,000 2,500,000 1,700,000 1,500,000 4,400,000 1,900,000 800,000 4,550,000 2,200,000 800,000 5,500,000 400,000 5,100,000 2,145,000 5,780,000 1,945,000 1,600,000 600,000 3,464,000 1,500,000 300,000 4,630,000 685,000 3,200,000 990,000 8,013,000 1,640,000 2,650,000 200,000 5,000,000 1,700,000 305,000 455,000 3,500,000 200,000 7,820,000 1,300,000 200,000 180,000 400,000 2,775,000 3,800,000 1,650,000 1,200,000 9,955,000 600,000 300,000
Base Market Value 501,100 940,500 4,839,160 333,686 3,075,000 1,640,000 1,636,816 535,000 321,000 573,000 382,000 1,045,500 888,570 602,592 1,595,888 100,125 3,622,500 2,123,388 2,221,736 908,113 562,600 4,979,200 4,000,269 3,863,340 1,703,625 3,672,250 1,546,600 2,606,250 1,761,676 1,560,000 4,653,000 1,957,798 824,339 4,553,185 2,222,792 846,059 5,547,685 401,496 6,056,250 2,136,420 5,648,794 1,983,900 1,703,920 638,970 3,632,004 1,495,785 299,223 4,697,042 716,332 3,609,920 1,178,308 6,490,530 1,673,620 2,577,125 199,176 5,032,400 1,731,161 312,259 461,529 3,640,000 213,832 7,837,517 1,316,640 218,336 183,807 159,200 28 38 1,726,412 1,219,956 10,064,405 603,000 271,050
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petrobras Global Finance Petroleos de Venezuela Petroleos de Venezuela Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleos Mexicanos Petroleos Mexicanos Rabobank Nederland NY Rabobank Nederland NY Royal Bank of Canada Royal Bank of Canada Royal Bank of Canada Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc Royal Bank of Scotland plc Royal Bank of Scotland plc Samarco Mineracao SA Santander UK Group Holdings Santander UK PLC Sberbank (SB Capital SA) Sberbank (SB Capital SA) SFR Group SA SFR Group SA SFR Group SA Shell International Finance B.V. Shell International Finance B.V. Sigma Alimentos, S.A. de C.V. SingTel Group Treasury Pte Ltd. Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2015 Ltd. Societe Generale Southern Gas Corridor Statoil ASA Statoil ASA Statoil ASA Stena International SA Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Swedish Export Credit Corp. Tanner Servicios Financieros SA Telecom Italia Capital S.A. Telecom Italia Capital S.A. Telefonica Emisiones, SAU Toronto Dominion Bank Toronto Dominion Bank Total Capital International SA TransCanada Pipelines Ltd. TRUST F/1401 TRUST F/1401 Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S Tyco Electronics Group S.A. UBS AG UBS AG UBS AG UBS AG UBS Group Funding
Moody's Quality Rating B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 Caa2 Caa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Aa2 Aa2 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Ba2 NR NR Caa2 Baa1 A1 Ba1 Ba1 B1 B1 B1 Aa2 Aa2 Baa3 Aa3 Aa3 Baa3 Ba1 Aa3 Aa3 Aa3 Ba3 A1 A1 Aa1 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 Baa2 Aa1 Aa1 Aa3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Baa1 A1 Baa1 NR NR Baa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.00 1/15/2019 5.75 1/20/2020 5.75 1/20/2020 3.54 3/17/2020 3.54 3/17/2020 4.88 3/17/2020 4.88 3/17/2020 5.38 1/27/2021 5.38 1/27/2021 8.38 5/23/2021 8.38 5/23/2021 8.38 5/23/2021 4.38 5/20/2023 4.38 5/20/2023 8.75 5/23/2026 6.85 6/5/2049 6.85 6/5/2049 5.38 4/12/2027 9.75 5/17/2035 5.50 1/21/2021 6.38 2/4/2021 4.50 1/23/2026 6.88 8/4/2026 6.63 6/15/2035 5.63 1/23/2046 5.63 1/23/2046 0.93 11/23/2016 0.96 4/28/2017 1.20 1/23/2017 1.00 4/27/2017 2.20 7/27/2018 6.13 12/15/2022 9.50 3/16/2022 9.50 3/16/2022 4.13 11/1/2022 3.13 1/8/2021 2.50 3/14/2019 5.25 5/23/2023 5.50 2/26/2024 6.00 5/15/2022 7.38 5/1/2026 7.38 5/1/2026 1.38 5/10/2019 1.38 5/10/2019 4.13 5/2/2026 4.50 9/8/2021 2.50 4/28/2020 4.25 4/14/2025 6.88 3/24/2026 1.09 11/8/2018 1.09 11/8/2018 7.25 9/23/2027 5.75 3/1/2024 1.06 1/10/2017 1.06 1/10/2017 1.75 3/10/2021 4.38 3/13/2018 6.38 11/15/2033 7.72 6/4/2038 4.57 4/27/2023 1.63 4/7/2021 1.63 4/7/2021 2.70 1/25/2023 1.42 1/12/2018 5.25 12/15/2024 6.95 1/30/2044 5.38 10/6/2021 6.55 10/1/2017 1.34 3/26/2018 7.25 2/22/2022 7.63 8/17/2022 7.63 8/17/2022 3.00 4/15/2021
Par Value 94,000 900,000 2,500,000 300,000 500,000 100,000 800,000 100,000 200,000 200,000 3,700,000 7,610,000 600,000 100,000 7,325,000 600,000 900,000 12,370,000 6,750,000 200,000 2,425,000 1,280,000 10,800,000 11,650,000 5,920,000 1,250,000 600,000 300,000 1,650,000 1,460,000 5,000,000 3,535,000 900,000 2,145,000 230,000 1,100,000 2,300,000 9,625,000 2,950,000 300,000 3,400,000 900,000 2,875,000 5,000,000 3,900,000 1,075,000 250,000 1,600,000 2,400,000 2,700,000 600,000 139,000 1,300,000 2,300,000 600,000 625,000 3,000,000 5,575,000 465,000 2,845,000 1,500,000 10,000,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 1,550,000 2,470,000 4,025,000 390,000 2,900,000 400,000 250,000 1,700,000 1,500,000
Base Market Value 87,091 869,490 2,415,250 265,410 442,350 93,750 750,000 91,595 183,190 206,400 3,818,400 7,853,520 487,320 81,220 7,361,625 456,000 684,000 4,344,344 2,699,663 211,780 2,636,703 1,231,872 12,074,400 12,069,400 5,396,080 1,139,375 600,306 300,042 1,652,541 1,459,401 5,098,200 3,707,190 938,475 2,236,699 88,550 1,102,387 2,323,467 9,617,011 2,927,875 291,750 3,361,750 889,875 2,885,005 5,017,400 3,943,875 1,213,575 252,698 1,582,608 2,586,000 2,685,285 596,730 193,250 1,066,000 2,301,265 600,330 636,863 3,030,000 5,540,156 483,600 3,149,557 1,508,057 10,053,700 1,028,500 3,983,080 1,584,875 2,556,450 4,150,419 414,597 2,902,494 410,940 283,125 1,925,250 1,529,925
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations UBS Group Funding UBS Group Funding Vale Overseas Ltd. Validus Holdings Ltd. Virgin Australia 2013-1A Trust Virgin Media Secured Finance PLC Virgin Media Secured Finance PLC Volcan Companiz Minera S.A.A. Westpac Banking Corp. Westpac Banking Corp. YPF Sociedad Anonima International Government Obligations (Currency Pay) Argentina, Republic of Athens Urban Transport Organisation S.A. (OASA) Bank Negara Monetary Note Bank Negara Monetary Note Bank Negara Monetary Note Bank Negara Monetary Note Bank Negara Monetary Note Bank Negara Monetary Note Bank Negara Monetary Note Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Buoni Poliennali del Tesoro Canada Housing Trust Canada, Government of Canada, Government of Columbia, Republic of Columbia, Republic of Columbia, Republic of Export Development Canada Export Development Canada Export Development Canada France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of France, Government of Ghana Treasury Note Ghana Treasury Note Ghana Treasury Note Ghana Treasury Note Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Hellenic Republic
Moody's Quality Rating Baa2 Baa2 Ba3 Baa2 Baa1 Ba3 Ba3 B2 Aa2 Aaa B3
B3 B2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 Caa3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.00 4/15/2021 4.13 4/15/2026 5.88 6/10/2021 8.88 1/26/2040 5.00 4/23/2025 5.50 1/15/2025 5.25 1/15/2026 5.38 2/2/2022 1.58 4/21/2017 2.10 2/25/2021 31.35 7/7/2020
33.30 4.85 0.01 0.01 2.10 1.70 1.70 2.35 2.10 2.35 3.10 3.10 1.25 2.55 1.70 1.50 1.25 7.75 4.38 9.85 3.25 3.50 4.88 1.00 0.25 2.25 2.25 0.10 0.10 1.10 0.25 1.85 0.70 1.80 24.25 23.95 23.30 24.25 23.00 25.48 24.44 26.00 25.40 23.00 23.23 22.49 23.47 19.04 24.50 24.50 24.50 21.00 24.00 24.50 5.00
10/9/2017 9/19/2016 7/5/2016 7/19/2016 9/15/2016 9/22/2016 10/6/2016 10/11/2016 10/18/2016 9/15/2017 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2019 9/15/2021 9/15/2024 9/15/2026 9/15/2026 9/15/2032 9/15/2041 12/15/2017 2/1/2017 3/1/2018 4/14/2021 3/21/2023 6/28/2027 8/8/2017 2/20/2018 1/24/2019 7/25/2017 7/25/2018 7/25/2020 7/25/2020 7/25/2021 7/25/2021 7/25/2022 7/25/2024 7/25/2027 7/25/2030 7/25/2040 10/9/2017 11/6/2017 12/11/2017 6/11/2018 2/13/2017 4/24/2017 5/29/2017 6/5/2017 7/31/2017 8/21/2017 2/19/2018 4/23/2018 5/21/2018 9/24/2018 10/22/2018 4/22/2019 5/27/2019 3/23/2020 11/23/2020 6/21/2021 8/22/2016
Par Value 1,400,000 2,500,000 2,730,000 3,010,000 1,605,686 1,325,000 200,000 2,045,000 1,300,000 2,500,000 870,000
Base Market Value 1,427,930 2,598,200 2,733,413 4,133,663 1,658,032 1,300,156 193,500 1,830,275 1,298,700 2,551,775 870,000
38,170,000 900,000 10,000 7,570,000 1,380,000 220,000 2,520,000 9,690,000 7,570,000 8,000,944 13,722,344 2,323,255 7,958,102 117 11,768,169 1,589,415 6,357,660 2,295,561 4,179,445 1,930,000 15,665,000 5,525,000 3,981,000,000 260,000,000 414,000,000 685,000 1,350,000 1,095,000 7,273,700 1,383,815 2,816,398 5,908,009 11,400,074 10,256,841 7,409,390 1,068,100 6,421,440 4,606,558 1,110,000 1,530,000 1,050,000 1,740,000 1,890,000 250,000 4,100,000 520,000 1,540,000 17,139,000 8,120,000 1,560,000 2,380,000 14,500,000 14,503,000 5,240,000 2,440,000 110,000 7,410,000 2,430,000 10,000,000
2,791,914 983,616 2,479 1,874,746 340,482 54,251 620,772 2,386,122 1,863,110 9,158,592 15,959,813 2,702,068 9,604,031 145 15,050,605 2,189,012 8,756,049 2,693,704 6,019,112 1,508,913 12,130,213 4,305,943 1,399,355 76,229 170,306 516,639 972,575 822,712 8,319,223 1,750,332 3,562,350 6,941,885 13,395,038 12,840,516 9,008,013 1,537,831 8,524,862 8,120,221 279,380 385,717 262,386 443,658 478,718 63,435 1,047,561 133,809 394,146 4,275,939 2,032,619 384,449 595,503 3,325,018 3,690,092 1,345,841 622,542 25,711 1,865,485 613,928 96,048
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Hellenic Republic Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Japan Treasury Discount Bill Japanese Government Bond Kommuninvest i Sverige AB Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Monetary Stabilization Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Korea Treasury Bond Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Letra do Tesouro Nacional Malaysia T-Bill Malaysia T-Bill Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Malaysia, Government of Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes
Moody's Quality Rating Caa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 A1 A1 Aaa Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3
Interest Rate Maturity Date 4.75 4/17/2019 5.25 5/15/2018 9.00 9/15/2018 7.88 4/15/2019 11.00 11/15/2020 12.80 6/15/2021 8.25 7/15/2021 8.25 7/15/2021 7.00 5/15/2022 12.90 6/15/2022 10.25 7/15/2022 5.63 5/15/2023 3.75 6/14/2023 9.50 7/15/2023 11.75 8/15/2023 8.38 3/15/2024 10.00 9/15/2024 8.38 9/15/2026 7.00 5/15/2027 10.25 7/15/2027 10.00 2/15/2028 6.13 5/15/2028 9.00 3/15/2029 9.00 3/15/2029 8.38 3/15/2034 0.01 9/26/2016 0.30 9/20/2016 2.50 12/1/2020 1.57 7/9/2016 2.46 8/2/2016 1.56 8/9/2016 1.52 9/9/2016 2.22 10/2/2016 1.53 10/8/2016 1.61 11/9/2016 2.07 12/2/2016 1.57 1/9/2017 1.96 2/2/2017 1.70 8/2/2017 1.56 10/2/2017 1.49 2/2/2018 5.00 9/10/2016 3.00 12/10/2016 2.00 12/10/2017 1.75 12/10/2018 1.50 6/10/2019 2.75 9/10/2019 2.00 3/10/2021 1.38 9/10/2021 10/1/2016 10/1/2016 10/1/2016 1/1/2017 1/1/2017 1/1/2017 1/1/2019 1/1/2019 7/1/2019 0.01 8/5/2016 0.01 1/20/2017 3.17 7/15/2016 4.26 9/15/2016 3.81 2/15/2017 3.39 3/15/2017 4.01 9/15/2017 3.31 10/31/2017 4.24 2/7/2018 3.26 3/1/2018 4.05 9/30/2021 7/7/2016 7/21/2016 8/4/2016 8/18/2016
Par Value 12,607,000 6,063,000,000 23,541,000,000 21,686,000,000 6,499,000,000 1,183,000,000 136,344,000,000 22,445,000,000 13,095,000,000 25,088,000,000 3,032,000,000 17,104,000,000 920,000 243,530,000,000 3,038,000,000 375,970,000,000 1,819,000,000 283,582,000,000 2,289,000,000 6,160,000,000 1,144,000,000 3,433,000,000 34,011,000,000 22,400,000,000 42,960,000,000 700,000,000 90,000,000 14,980,000 1,313,500,000 4,344,500,000 6,303,800,000 553,900,000 757,000,000 1,192,800,000 2,984,700,000 34,946,700,000 65,100,000 569,700,000 2,823,600,000 14,080,000,000 385,700,000 3,800,000,000 8,713,290,000 10,357,700,000 2,015,800,000 11,052,400,000 323,000,000 5,607,520,000 21,267,200,000 65,010,000 66,400,000 89,980,000 9,800,000 14,400,000 31,300,000 2,000,000 70,300,000 138,510,000 3,340,000 2,600,000 25,214,000 13,884,000 7,340,000 36,490,000 4,700,000 6,330,000 40,686,000 94,967,000 7,300,000 199,617,700 819,192,000 104,164,500 129,089,000
Base Market Value 12,643,681 443,740 1,847,111 1,665,124 559,344 109,314 10,741,441 1,768,260 960,791 2,390,789 260,620 1,148,630 1,035,054 20,103,054 280,134 30,006,461 155,853 22,767,734 161,993 547,013 101,254 224,151 2,849,588 1,876,768 3,446,554 6,827,371 878,314 1,916,369 1,140,426 3,775,734 5,474,551 481,103 658,787 1,036,257 2,600,743 30,443,905 56,608 496,672 2,462,948 12,269,311 336,063 3,322,091 7,622,239 9,087,386 1,771,001 9,663,454 293,309 5,023,517 18,531,055 19,605,677 20,024,872 27,136,114 2,863,864 4,208,126 9,146,830 466,672 16,403,516 30,574,880 826,661 635,435 6,254,848 3,454,211 1,832,930 9,097,383 1,181,537 1,582,021 10,332,649 23,757,368 1,862,375 10,811,929 4,430,344 5,624,942 6,960,524
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Cetes Mexican Udibonos Mexican Udibonos Mexican Udibonos Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Mexico Bonos de Sarrollo (National Treasury of Mexico) Monetary Regulation Bill - Uruguay Monetary Regulation Bill - Uruguay Monetary Regulation Bill - Uruguay Monetary Regulation Bill - Uruguay Monetary Regulation Bill - Uruguay Monetary Regulation Bill - Uruguay New South Wales Treasury Corp. New South Wales Treasury Corp. New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency New Zealand Local Government Funding Agency New Zealand, Government of New Zealand, Government of New Zealand, Government of New Zealand, Government of New Zealand, Government of Norway, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Nota Do Tesouro Nacional Obrigacoes do Tesouro Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro Portugal Ontario, Province of Ontario, Province of Ontario, Province of Ontario, Province of Philippine Treasury Bill Philippines, Republic of Philippines, Republic of Philippines, Republic of Philippines, Republic of
Moody's Quality Rating A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Aaa Aaa Aa1 Aa1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba1 Ba1 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 8/25/2016 9/1/2016 9/15/2016 9/29/2016 10/13/2016 10/27/2016 11/10/2016 11/24/2016 12/8/2016 2/2/2017 3/2/2017 3/30/2017 5/25/2017 4.50 12/4/2025 4.00 11/15/2040 4.00 11/8/2046 7.25 12/15/2016 5.00 6/15/2017 7.75 12/14/2017 4.75 6/14/2018 4.75 6/14/2018 4.75 6/14/2018 8.50 12/13/2018 6.50 6/10/2021 8.00 12/7/2023 8.00 12/7/2023 10.00 12/5/2024 10.00 12/5/2024 7.75 5/29/2031 7/28/2016 9/15/2016 11/3/2016 2/10/2017 4/3/2017 5/19/2017 6.00 5/1/2020 6.00 3/1/2022 6.00 12/15/2017 5.00 3/15/2019 6.00 12/15/2017 5.00 3/15/2019 3.00 4/15/2020 6.00 5/15/2021 5.50 4/15/2023 4.25 5/19/2017 4.50 5/22/2019 4.50 5/22/2019 3.75 5/25/2021 6.00 8/15/2016 6.00 8/15/2018 6.00 5/15/2019 6.00 8/15/2020 10.00 1/1/2021 10.00 1/1/2021 6.00 8/15/2022 10.00 1/1/2023 6.00 5/15/2023 6.00 8/15/2024 10.00 1/1/2025 10.00 1/1/2027 10.00 1/1/2027 6.00 5/15/2045 4.95 10/25/2023 5.65 2/15/2024 1.90 9/8/2017 4.40 6/2/2019 6.25 9/29/2020 3.15 6/2/2022 8/3/2016 3.38 8/20/2020 4.95 1/15/2021 6.50 4/28/2021 8.00 7/19/2031
Par Value 690,321,000 1,859,949,000 16,100,100 416,348,000 3,112,513,000 1,045,284,000 258,117,000 48,300,400 1,865,414,000 113,706,600 1,553,967,000 848,121,000 1,791,389,000 118,804,768 12,326,636 6,750,056 617,935,000 522,430,000 105,040,000 226,980,000 15,393,000 9,730,000 13,527,500 100,854,000 67,170,000 10,300,000 96,997,500 6,150,000 25,263,000 51,286,000 84,320,000 9,030,000 20,260,000 73,176,000 283,290,000 5,485,000 3,190,000 2,325,000 2,715,000 7,612,000 6,545,000 3,830,000 7,510,000 400,000 15,775,000 29,300,000 35,360,000 23,280,000 3,224,000 2,555,000 1,551,000 19,840,000 122,230,000 6,350,000 560,000 10,150,000 1,263,000 440,000 81,120,000 41,830,000 11,800,000 1,200,000 132,800 331,900 3,805,000 2,600,000 875,000 700,000 1,374,000,000 85,000,000 200,000,000 9,100,000 192,555,000
Base Market Value 3,719,466 10,013,989 865,025 2,233,409 16,668,396 5,588,219 1,373,035 2,573,168 9,922,990 6,007,157 8,181,864 4,450,311 9,335,701 7,321,762 731,437 407,548 33,922,159 28,472,913 5,963,930 12,279,724 832,768 526,398 792,250 5,712,668 4,138,419 634,595 6,726,732 427,434 1,561,042 1,667,647 2,686,963 281,988 608,830 2,147,335 8,161,837 4,724,318 2,897,597 1,737,464 2,084,446 5,725,594 5,023,536 2,822,378 6,321,750 346,196 1,946,303 3,904,893 4,712,526 3,200,991 2,970,317 2,343,846 1,395,220 18,118,975 35,576,551 1,848,246 507,677 2,899,223 1,130,694 401,910 23,912,518 11,610,728 3,434,569 1,083,388 169,901 439,335 2,971,310 2,197,898 746,562 590,637 29,169,564 1,833,333 4,421,493 221,752 6,127,835
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Philippines, Republic of Philippines, Republic of Poland, Republic of Poland, Republic of Poland, Republic of Poland, Republic of Poland, Republic of Poland, Republic of Quebec, Province of Queensland Treasury Corp. Queensland Treasury Corp. Queensland Treasury Corp. Queensland Treasury Corp. Queensland Treasury Corp. Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay Russia Government Bond - OFZ Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Serbia Treasury Bonds Singapore Government Singapore Government Singapore Government Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of Swedish Government Swedish Government Swedish Government Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Titulos de Tesoreria Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Republic of United Kingdom Treasury United Kingdom Treasury Uruguay Notas del Tesoro Uruguay Notas del Tesoro Uruguay Notas del Tesoro Uruguay Notas del Tesoro
Moody's Quality Rating Baa2 Baa2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Aa2 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Ba1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 Aaa Aaa Aaa B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 B1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Baa2 Aa1 Aa1 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2
Interest Rate Maturity Date 6.25 1/14/2036 4.63 9/9/2040 4.75 10/25/2016 1.75 1/25/2017 4.75 4/25/2017 5.25 10/25/2020 1.75 1/25/2021 5.75 9/23/2022 3.50 12/1/2022 7.13 9/18/2017 4.00 6/21/2019 6.25 2/21/2020 5.50 6/21/2021 6.00 7/21/2022 5.00 9/14/2018 4.25 4/5/2027 4.38 12/15/2028 4.00 7/10/2030 3.70 6/26/2037 7.60 4/14/2021 10.00 8/15/2016 8.00 10/2/2016 10.00 10/17/2016 10.00 12/19/2016 8.00 1/12/2017 8.00 3/23/2017 8.00 4/6/2017 10.00 5/8/2017 10.00 7/10/2017 10.00 11/8/2017 10.00 3/2/2018 10.00 4/27/2018 10.00 11/21/2018 8.00 10/22/2020 10.00 3/20/2021 10.00 6/5/2021 10.00 9/11/2021 10.00 2/5/2022 2.38 4/1/2017 2.50 6/1/2019 3.25 9/1/2020 5.80 1/15/2017 8.00 6/15/2017 5.80 7/15/2017 8.50 4/1/2018 8.50 6/1/2018 7.50 8/15/2018 8.00 11/15/2018 10.60 7/1/2019 10.60 9/15/2019 8.00 11/1/2019 9.00 5/1/2021 11.20 7/1/2022 5.00 12/1/2020 3.50 6/1/2022 1.50 11/13/2023 11.25 10/24/2018 5.00 11/21/2018 7.00 9/11/2019 11.00 7/24/2020 7.00 5/4/2022 10.00 7/24/2024 7.50 8/26/2026 6.00 4/28/2028 7.75 9/18/2030 10.70 2/17/2021 9.50 1/12/2022 3.75 9/7/2019 8.00 6/7/2021 4.25 1/5/2017 11.00 3/21/2017 2.25 8/23/2017 13.25 4/8/2018
Par Value 145,000,000 17,311,000 39,060,000 4,652,000 20,000 2,200,000 4,719,000 19,890,000 2,000,000 1,179,000 5,090,000 2,690,000 5,385,000 3,035,000 28,814,532 36,108,306 323,470,341 20,556,637 5,978,097 82,000,000 18,600,000 90,140,000 10,450,000 10,800,000 2,250,000 3,500,000 1,650,000 9,630,000 418,920,000 36,640,000 786,640,000 227,080,000 9,330,000 866,440,000 26,760,000 3,850,000 157,570,000 540,800,000 3,100,000 7,480,000 10,090,000 310,200,000 6,250,000 163,400,000 88,080,000 3,550,000 19,610,000 46,700,000 54,750,000 21,980,000 6,250,000 8,870,000 14,610,000 12,595,000 17,435,000 49,990,000 3,690,000,000 822,000,000 2,481,000,000 3,817,000,000 3,905,000,000 8,773,000,000 18,255,000,000 10,157,000,000 30,075,000,000 5,150,000 3,700,000 8,960,000 480,000 16,728,366 74,700,000 198,025,079 106,980,000
Base Market Value 3,456,632 379,452 9,954,736 1,174,934 5,176 628,675 1,173,987 5,992,883 1,722,646 886,018 4,025,942 2,310,340 4,672,870 2,757,595 940,856 1,071,523 9,486,058 573,846 155,115 1,243,913 169,248 823,200 96,153 100,404 20,703 32,555 15,365 91,354 4,004,726 354,601 7,676,631 2,226,803 92,769 8,373,008 277,879 40,155 1,651,262 5,705,973 2,331,046 5,767,697 8,072,600 2,086,593 38,725 1,071,894 580,875 23,270 125,349 298,822 368,092 147,072 41,910 54,660 96,838 1,850,890 2,523,010 6,605,191 1,385,965 272,249 857,664 1,501,667 1,339,466 3,505,862 6,232,969 3,057,184 10,410,747 1,914,472 1,319,476 13,356,964 881,345 545,740 2,377,509 6,282,484 3,387,401
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Uruguay Notas del Tesoro Uruguay Notas del Tesoro Uruguay Notas del Tesoro International Government Obligations (USD Pay) Angola, Republic of Arab Republic of Egypt Argentina, Republic of Argentina, Republic of Argentina, Republic of Argentina, Republic of Argentina, Republic of Argentina, Republic of Argentina, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Federative Republic of Brazil, Federative Republic of British Columbia, Province of Cameroon, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Costa Rica, Republic of Costa Rica, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador, Republic of Ecuador, Republic of El Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, Republic of El Salvador, Republic of Ghana, Republic of Guatemala, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Hungary, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of Islamic Republic of Pakistan Islamic Republic of Pakistan Japan Finance Organization for Municipalities Kazakhstan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Kenya, Republic of Lebanese Republic Manitoba, Province of Mexico (United Mexican States) Mexico (United Mexican States) Mexico (United Mexican States) Mexico (United Mexican States) Mexico (United Mexican States) Mongolia International Bond Oman Government International Bond Oman Government International Bond Panama, Republic of Paraguay, Republic of Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia Poland, Republic of Portugal, Republic of
Moody's Quality Rating Baa2 Baa2 Baa2
B1 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 B3 Ba1 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Ba2 Aaa B2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Ba1 Ba1 Ba2 Ba2 B1 B1 B1 B3 B3 B3 B3 Ba3 Ba3 Ba3 B3 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 Baa3 Baa3 B3 B3 A1 Baa3 Baa3 B1 B1 B2 Aa2 A3 A3 A3 A3 A3 B2 Baa1 Baa1 Baa2 Ba1 Baa3 Baa3 A2 Ba1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 13.90 7/29/2020 2.50 9/27/2022 4.00 5/25/2025
9.50 5.88 6.25 6.88 7.50 8.28 7.13 2.50 7.63 4.75 3.38 4.25 4.25 6.00 5.63 5.00 1.20 9.50 4.38 2.63 4.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 7.00 7.16 6.75 5.50 5.88 6.88 6.85 10.50 7.95 7.95 7.95 7.38 7.75 6.38 8.13 4.50 5.38 5.38 7.63 4.13 4.75 7.25 8.25 2.13 5.13 6.50 5.88 6.88 8.25 2.13 3.60 6.75 4.75 4.60 5.75 5.13 3.63 4.75 4.00 6.10 4.35 4.33 6.38 5.13
11/12/2025 6/11/2025 4/22/2019 4/22/2021 4/22/2026 12/31/2033 7/6/2036 12/31/2038 4/22/2046 3/18/2024 9/26/2016 1/7/2025 1/7/2025 4/7/2026 1/7/2041 1/27/2045 4/25/2017 11/19/2025 7/12/2021 3/15/2023 2/26/2024 2/26/2024 1/28/2026 6/15/2045 4/4/2044 3/12/2045 11/5/2019 4/4/2023 4/18/2024 1/29/2026 1/27/2045 3/24/2020 6/20/2024 6/20/2024 6/20/2024 12/1/2019 1/24/2023 1/18/2027 1/18/2026 5/3/2026 3/25/2024 3/25/2024 3/29/2041 1/15/2025 1/8/2026 4/15/2019 4/15/2024 4/13/2021 7/21/2025 7/21/2045 6/24/2019 6/24/2024 4/12/2021 6/22/2026 1/30/2025 9/27/2034 3/8/2044 1/23/2046 10/12/2049 12/5/2022 6/15/2021 6/15/2026 9/22/2024 8/11/2044 9/10/2024 5/28/2025 7/15/2019 10/15/2024
Par Value 56,200,000 10,740,938 10,617,202
Base Market Value 1,786,426 293,985 313,158
5,625,000 1,600,000 2,400,000 11,700,000 10,720,000 9,113,247 8,800,000 7,000,000 7,800,000 3,670,000 200,000 2,750,000 7,305,000 6,550,000 5,650,000 5,700,000 700,000 1,600,000 200,000 3,100,000 200,000 10,600,000 9,200,000 3,550,000 5,480,000 2,750,000 1,660,000 5,350,000 650,000 7,453,000 5,600,000 6,315,000 100,000 2,775,000 4,410,000 3,260,000 1,300,000 1,000,000 2,430,000 2,730,000 2,125,000 5,850,000 560,000 320,000 7,200,000 1,450,000 3,150,000 200,000 8,450,000 5,925,000 2,550,000 3,982,000 2,560,000 300,000 2,650,000 440,000 7,020,000 3,862,000 2,200,000 2,850,000 2,872,000 2,700,000 235,000 6,620,000 12,397,000 7,000,000 175,000 16,840,000
5,596,875 1,408,800 2,502,000 12,478,050 11,638,704 10,206,837 8,800,000 4,751,600 8,424,000 3,741,785 199,900 2,701,875 7,177,163 7,106,750 5,508,750 5,144,250 703,199 1,616,320 214,700 2,996,150 208,900 11,103,500 9,926,800 3,683,125 5,473,424 2,743,125 1,807,325 5,668,860 679,250 8,224,386 5,796,000 6,283,425 87,250 2,428,125 3,847,725 3,268,150 1,316,250 905,000 2,104,866 2,777,775 2,373,625 6,534,450 812,000 333,267 7,839,864 1,522,834 3,336,953 203,310 9,253,764 6,925,140 2,548,343 3,681,837 2,748,160 298,227 2,769,250 595,100 7,564,050 4,074,410 2,431,000 2,335,319 2,890,668 2,672,082 252,038 7,138,346 12,861,888 7,257,600 198,275 17,025,240
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations Qatar, State of Qatar, State of Quebec, Province of Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republica Oriental del Uruguay Romania, Government of Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation Serbia, Republic of Serbia, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Slovenia, Republic of South Africa, Republic of South Africa, Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Sri Lanka, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Turkey, Republic of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Ukraine, Government of Venezuela, Republic of Venezuela, Republic of International Index Linked Government Bonds (Currency Pay) Australian Index Linked Bond Australian Index Linked Bond Canadian Government Real Return Bond Canadian Government Real Return Bond Canadian Government Real Return Bond Canadian Government Real Return Bond Denmark Index Linked Government Bond Deutschland Index Linked Bond Deutschland Index Linked Bond Deutschland Index Linked Bond Deutschland Index Linked Bond Deutschland Index Linked Bond Japan Government CPI Linked Bond Japan Government CPI Linked Bond Japan Government CPI Linked Bond Japan Government CPI Linked Bond New Zealand Index Lined Bond New Zealand Index Lined Bond New Zealand Index Lined Bond Spain Index Linked Bond Spain Index Linked Bond Spain Index Linked Bond United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT
Moody's Quality Rating Aa2 Aa2 Aa2 Baa2 Baa2 Baa3 Ba1 Ba1 Ba1 B1 B1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa2 Baa2 B1 B1 B1 B1 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Baa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3 Caa3
Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa Aaa A1 A1 A1 A1 Aaa Aaa Aaa Baa2 Baa2 Baa2 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 3.25 6/2/2026 4.63 6/2/2046 3.50 7/29/2020 4.38 10/27/2027 5.10 6/18/2050 4.88 1/22/2024 5.00 4/29/2020 4.50 4/4/2022 4.88 9/16/2023 4.88 2/25/2020 7.25 9/28/2021 5.85 5/10/2023 5.25 2/18/2024 5.25 2/18/2024 4.67 1/17/2024 5.88 9/16/2025 5.13 4/11/2019 6.25 10/4/2020 6.25 7/27/2021 5.88 7/25/2022 7.00 6/5/2020 7.00 6/5/2020 5.13 3/25/2022 3.25 3/23/2023 4.25 4/14/2026 4.88 4/16/2043 7.75 9/1/2019 7.75 9/1/2020 7.75 9/1/2021 7.75 9/1/2022 7.75 9/1/2023 7.75 9/1/2024 7.75 9/1/2025 7.75 9/1/2026 7.75 9/1/2027 1.00 5/31/2040 8.25 10/13/2024 9.25 9/15/2027
1.25 3.00 4.25 1.50 1.25 1.25 0.10 1.75 0.10 0.10 0.50 0.10 1.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 2.00 2.00 3.00 0.55 1.80 1.00 0.50 0.25 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.75 0.75
2/21/2022 9/20/2025 12/1/2021 12/1/2044 12/1/2047 12/1/2047 11/15/2023 4/15/2020 4/15/2023 4/15/2026 4/15/2030 4/15/2046 3/10/2018 3/10/2024 3/10/2025 3/10/2026 9/20/2025 9/20/2025 9/20/2030 11/30/2019 11/30/2024 11/30/2030 3/22/2050 3/22/2052 11/22/2019 3/22/2024 3/22/2029 3/22/2044 3/22/2046 3/22/2058 3/22/2068 3/22/2034 11/22/2047
Par Value 3,420,000 3,420,000 300,000 4,140,000 7,100,000 60,000 3,400,000 4,200,000 7,400,000 6,540,000 7,800,000 500,000 13,870,000 400,000 2,070,000 2,625,000 3,680,000 825,000 3,850,000 3,300,000 100,000 215,000 5,200,000 4,750,000 3,100,000 9,300,000 747,000 3,545,000 3,392,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 3,250,000 6,562,000 23,625,000 10,845,000
3,200,000 5,900,000 2,316,285 2,707,755 6,580,251 (56,128) 85,463,469 3,458,936 1,944,992 7,159,343 636,054 2,130,450 26,977,000 786,940,000 388,440,000 308,598,800 5,490,000 7,400,000 1,300,000 1,180,602 7,603,876 2,294,848 122,487 7,127,251 14,957,859 12,064,382 5,174,439 12,809,475 4,664,216 3,575,245 1,549,274 5,571,500 2,579,059
Base Market Value 3,488,400 3,718,156 325,389 4,367,700 7,064,500 66,156 3,668,328 4,488,330 8,071,476 6,743,786 8,960,640 580,725 15,671,713 450,500 2,137,979 2,922,938 3,685,410 841,607 3,872,253 3,198,855 113,417 243,847 5,560,048 4,601,563 3,146,965 9,132,600 735,944 3,465,947 3,299,398 3,141,938 3,128,775 3,111,063 3,096,275 3,080,025 3,071,900 2,125,760 9,981,563 5,288,022
2,715,228 6,353,754 2,250,347 2,756,085 6,483,222 (55,300) 13,565,220 4,243,201 2,325,971 8,812,569 852,194 3,104,750 279,657 8,089,933 4,031,310 3,213,079 4,216,129 5,682,943 1,109,778 1,355,527 9,404,203 2,638,436 289,467 16,478,174 21,697,299 18,447,535 8,370,493 25,307,127 9,451,202 8,899,221 4,603,160 10,542,172 6,199,285
Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked GILT United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked Stock United Kingdom Treasury Index Linked Stock Total Foreign Debt/Corporate Obligations
Moody's Quality Rating Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1 Aa1
Interest Rate Maturity Date 0.38 3/22/2062 1.25 11/22/2017 1.25 11/22/2017 1.25 11/22/2027 1.25 11/22/2032 1.25 11/22/2055 1.13 11/22/2037 1.88 11/22/2022 1.88 11/22/2022 2.00 1/26/2035 2.50 7/17/2024
Par Value 2,737,696 17,270,784 53,971 4,781,479 3,593,397 951,993 10,607,178 3,353,859 8,642,392 437,000 1,620,000
Total Bonds, Corporate Notes, and Government Obligations
U.S. Common Stock ETFs and Commingled Funds JPMCB US Active Core Plus Fund
Base Market Value 7,955,570 24,169,701 75,530 8,491,615 7,116,997 3,000,263 22,942,718 5,604,747 14,442,593 1,468,218 7,707,346 2,575,875,233
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
Consumer Discretionary Auto Components American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc. AutoLiv, Inc. BorgWarner, Inc. Cooper Standard Holdings, Inc. Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. Dana, Inc. Delphi Automotive Dorman Products, Inc. Drew Industries, Inc. Federal Mogul Holdings Corp. Fox Factory Holding Corp. Gentex Corp. Gentherm, Inc. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Horizon Global Corp. Johnson Controls, Inc. Lear Corp. Metaldyne Performance Group Modine Manufacturing Co. Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. Standard Motor Products, Inc. Stoneridge, Inc. STRATTEC Security Corp. Superior Industries International Tenneco, Inc. Tower International, Inc. Visteon Corp.
135,173 22,891 22,666 260 69,992 2,460 73,514 (16,778) 457 790 440 5,315 670 268,864 472 90,951 88,030 534,211 10,658 330 370 6,261 90 598 1,031 62,540 40,450
1,957,305 2,459,638 669,100 20,537 2,087,161 25,978 4,601,976 (959,702) 38,772 6,565 7,643 82,117 22,948 6,899,050 5,357 4,025,491 8,957,933 7,345,401 93,790 8,969 14,719 93,539 3,669 16,014 48,055 1,287,073 2,662,015
Automobiles Ford Motor Co. General Motors Co. Harley Davidson, Inc. Tesla Motors, Inc. Thor Industries, Inc. Winnebago Industries
518,937 345,435 19,079 45,032 30,786 689
6,523,038 9,775,811 864,279 9,559,393 1,993,086 15,792
Distributors Core Mark Holding Co., Inc. Genuine Parts Co. LKQ Corp. Pool Corp. Weyco Group, Inc.
864 17,370 15,500 40,327 109
40,487 1,758,713 491,350 3,791,948 3,028
Diversified Consumer Services American Public Education Apollo Education Group, Inc. Ascent Capital Group, Inc. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Bright Horizons Family Solutions Cambium Learning Group, Inc. Capella Education Co.
17,198 1,680 345 440 54,670 340 225
483,264 15,322 5,310 3,186 3,625,168 1,533 11,844
U.S. Common Stock Career Education Corp. Carriage Services, Inc. Chegg, Inc. Collectors Universe, Inc. DeVry Education Group, Inc. Graham Holdings Co. Grand Canyon Education, Inc. H&R Block, Inc. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt K12, Inc. Liberty Tax, Inc. LifeLock, Inc. Regis Corp. Service Corp. International ServiceMaster Global Holdings, Inc. Sotheby's Strayer Education, Inc. Weight Watchers International, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 1,264 400 374,972 180 8,614 70 810 24,306 2,300 880 160 1,560 926 3,375 2,520 898 277 511
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure Aramark Belmond Ltd. Biglari Holdings, Inc. BJ's Restaurants, Inc. Bloomin' Brands, Inc. Bob Evans Farms Bojangles, Inc. Boyd Gaming Corp. Bravo Brio Restaurant Group Brinker International, Inc. Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. Caesars Acquisition Co. Caesars Entertainment Corp. Carnival Corp. Carrols Restaurant Group, Inc. Cheesecake Factory, Inc. Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. Choice Hotels International, Inc. Churchill Downs, Inc. Chuy's Holdings, Inc. ClubCorp Holdings, Inc. Cracker Barrel Old Country Store Darden Restaurants, Inc. Dave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc. Del Frisco's Restaurant Group Denny's Corp. Diamond Resorts International DineEquity, Inc. Diversified Restaurant Holdings Domino's Pizza, Inc. Dunkin' Brands Group, Inc. El Pollo Loco Holdings, Inc. Eldorado Resorts, Inc. Empire Resorts, Inc. Extended Stay America, Inc. Fiesta Restaurant Group Fogo de Chao, Inc. Habit Restaurants, Inc. Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. Hyatt Hotels Corp. International Speedway Corp. Interval Leisure Group Intrawest Resorts Holdings, Inc. Isle of Capri Casinos J. Alexander's Holdings Jack in the Box, Inc. Jamba, Inc. Kona Grill, Inc. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. La Quinta Holdings, Inc. Las Vegas Sands Corp. Marcus Corp. Marriott International
(51,136) 1,500 43 374 101,121 (29,234) 220 1,486 8,838 47,841 (6,831) 880 1,030 212,379 660 (35,453) 2,106 659 16,388 82,218 810 361 11,873 108,117 610 1,155 770 318 129,669 43,037 39,912 350 730 72 1,100 500 90 280 413,391 600 333 1,410 470 587 362 46,393 354 170 1,112 1,680 6,812 422 27,179
Base Market Value 7,521 9,472 1,874,860 3,555 153,674 34,268 32,335 559,038 35,949 10,991 2,131 24,664 11,529 91,260 100,296 24,605 13,609 5,943
(1,708,965) 14,850 17,344 16,392 1,807,032 (1,109,430) 3,729 27,342 72,383 2,178,201 (949,167) 9,874 7,921 9,387,152 7,854 (1,706,707) 848,213 31,382 2,070,788 2,845,565 10,530 61,901 752,036 5,058,794 8,735 12,393 23,069 26,960 197,097 5,654,201 1,740,961 4,550 11,092 1,138 16,445 10,905 1,175 4,586 9,313,699 29,484 11,139 22,419 6,101 10,754 3,595 3,986,087 3,643 1,822 23,308 19,152 296,254 8,904 1,806,316
U.S. Common Stock Marriott Vacations World McDonald's Corp. MGM Resorts International Monarch Casino & Resort, Inc. Noodles & Co. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. Panera Bread Co. Papa John's International, Inc. Penn National Gaming, Inc. Pinnacle Entertainment, Inc. Planet Fitness, Inc. Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen, Inc. Potbelly Corp. Red Robin Gourmet Burgers Red Rock Resorts, Inc. Ruby Tuesday, Inc. Ruth's Hospitality Group, Inc. Scientific Games Corp. SeaWorld Entertainment, Inc. Shake Shack, Inc. Six Flags Entertainment Corp. Sonic Corp. Speedway Motorsports, Inc. Starbucks Corp. Starwood Hotels & Resorts Texas Roadhouse, Inc. Vail Resorts, Inc. Wendy's Co. Wingstop, Inc. Wyndham Worldwide Corp. Wynn Resorts Ltd. Yum Brands, Inc. Zoe's Kitchen, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 46,385 229,941 349,367 280 290 20,922 (8,119) 504 145,191 52,647 98,010 425 560 88,026 200 1,150 63,283 931 1,260 240 49,082 869 215 378,211 19,034 16,664 754 3,787 170 101,551 9,081 94,865 350
Household Durables Bassett Furniture Industries, Inc. Beazer Homes USA, Inc. CalAtlantic Group, Inc. Cavco Industries, Inc. Century Communities, Inc. CSS Industries, Inc. D.R. Horton, Inc. Ethan Allen Interiors, Inc. Flexsteel Industries, Inc. GoPro, Inc. Green Brick Partners, Inc. Harman International Helen of Troy Ltd. Hooker Furniture Corp. Hovnanian Enterprises Installed Building Products iRobot Corp. KB Home La-Z-Boy, Inc. Leggett & Platt, Inc. Lennar Corp. A LGI Homes, Inc. Libbey, Inc. Lifetime Brands, Inc. M/I Homes, Inc. MDC Holdings, Inc. Meritage Homes Corp. Mohawk Industries, Inc. NACCO Industries, Inc. New Home Co., Inc. Newell Brands, Inc. NVR, Inc. PulteGroup, Inc. Taylor Morrison Home Corp. Tempur Sealy International, Inc. Toll Brothers, Inc. TopBuild Corp. TRI Pointe Group, Inc.
340 727 1,435 170 380 212 193,386 63,073 170 1,760 560 8,751 34,670 2,787 3,092 104,426 500 1,400 906 14,301 33,803 370 123,088 280 62,520 572 34,391 7,726 105 140 99,037 68 516,572 980 1,005 2,704 710 2,744
Base Market Value 3,176,909 27,671,100 7,906,175 6,152 2,836 833,532 (1,720,741) 34,272 2,025,414 583,329 1,850,429 23,222 7,022 4,175,073 4,396 4,152 1,009,364 8,556 18,056 8,743 2,844,302 23,506 3,816 21,603,412 1,407,564 759,878 104,225 36,431 4,633 7,233,478 823,102 7,866,206 12,695
8,140 5,634 52,679 15,929 6,589 5,684 6,087,791 2,083,932 6,735 19,026 4,071 628,497 3,565,463 59,893 5,195 3,789,620 17,540 21,294 25,205 730,924 1,558,318 11,818 1,955,868 4,085 1,177,252 13,922 1,291,038 1,466,086 5,880 1,336 4,810,227 121,063 10,067,988 14,543 55,597 72,765 25,702 32,434
U.S. Common Stock Tupperware Brands Corp. Universal Electronics, Inc. WCI Communities, Inc. Whirlpool Corp. William Lyon Homes ZAGG, Inc. Internet & Catalog Retail 1-800-Flowers.com, Inc. Amazon.com, Inc. Blue Nile, Inc. Duluth Holdings, Inc. Etsy, Inc. Expedia, Inc. FTD Cos., Inc. Groupon, Inc. HSN, Inc. Lands' End, Inc. Liberty Interactive Corp. Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings Liberty Ventures Netflix, Inc. Nutrisystem, Inc. Overstock.com, Inc. PetMed Express, Inc. Priceline Group, Inc. Shutterfly, Inc. TripAdvisor, Inc. Wayfair, Inc. Leisure Products Arctic Cat, Inc. Brunswick Corp. Callaway Golf Company Escalade, Inc. Hasbro, Inc. JAKKS Pacific, Inc. Johnson Outdoors, Inc. Malibu Boats, Inc. Marine Products Corp. Mattel, Inc. MCBC Holdings, Inc. Nautilus, Inc. Polaris Industries, Inc. Smith & Wesson Holding Corp. Sturm Ruger & Co., Inc. Vista Outdoor, Inc. Media AMC Entertainment Holdings AMC Networks, Inc. Cable One, Inc. Carmike Cinemas, Inc. CBS Corp. Charter Communications, Inc. Charter Communications, Inc. Cinemark Holdings, Inc. Clear Channel Outdoor Comcast Corp. Daily Journal Corp. Discovery Communications A Discovery Communications C Dish Network Corp. DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. E.W. Scripps Co. Entercom Communications Entravision Communications Gannett Co., Inc. Global Eagle Entertainment, Inc. Gray Television, Inc. Hemisphere Media Group, Inc. Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 921 262 470 34,917 450 710
Base Market Value 51,834 18,937 7,943 5,818,569 7,254 3,728
637 164,436 284 200 1,050 12,407 532 8,147 28,970 431 8,590 1,396 2,541 168,635 88,277 301 463 25,430 653 10,757 470
5,746 117,673,690 7,776 4,892 10,070 1,318,864 13,279 26,478 1,417,502 7,077 217,928 30,544 94,195 15,426,730 2,238,705 4,849 8,686 31,747,066 30,436 691,675 18,330
340 1,730 1,163 180 13,800 493 140 53,340 189 34,949 190 590 1,224 37,862 340 69,059
5,780 78,404 11,874 1,843 1,159,062 3,900 3,598 644,347 1,599 1,093,554 2,100 10,526 100,074 1,029,089 21,763 3,296,186
550 1,130 80 460 265,208 70 35,392 2,130 933 890,025 20 15,907 32,287 4,045 1,449 1,040 560 1,100 63,160 1,260 88,403 270 48,854 767
15,186 68,275 40,913 13,855 14,437,924 14,235 8,092,132 77,660 5,803 58,020,730 4,740 401,334 770,045 211,958 59,221 16,474 7,599 7,392 872,240 8,366 959,173 3,186 1,128,527 40,022
U.S. Common Stock Liberty Braves Group A Liberty Braves Group C Liberty Broadband A Liberty Broadband C Liberty Media Group, LLC A Liberty Media Group, LLC C Liberty Sirius Group C Liberty SiriusXM Group Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. Loral Space & Communications Madison Square Garden Co. A Media General, Inc. Meredith Corp. MSG Networks, Inc. National CineMedia, Inc. New Media Investment Group New York Times Co. News Corp. Class A News Corp. Class B Nexstar Broadcasting Group Omnicom Group Reading International, Inc. Regal Entertainment Group Saga Communications, Inc. Scholastic Corp. Scripps Networks Interactive Sinclair Broadcast Group, Inc. Sirius XM Holdings, Inc. Starz Tegna, Inc. Time Warner, Inc. Time, Inc. Townsquare Media, Inc. Tribune Media Co. tronc, Inc. Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc. Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc. A Viacom, Inc. Walt Disney Co. World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 270 518 479 1,943 476 856 3,424 1,697 2,559 337 376 1,880 59,735 1,150 1,033 820 2,470 44,909 11,500 132,920 83,601 290 1,407 89 489 47,166 1,230 39,731 91,598 64,082 228,389 2,030 170 1,490 490 44,400 129,401 93,666 204,708 556
Base Market Value 4,061 7,594 28,453 116,580 9,111 16,238 105,699 53,218 60,137 11,886 64,864 32,317 3,100,844 17,641 15,991 14,817 29,887 509,717 134,205 6,324,334 6,812,645 3,622 31,010 3,519 19,369 2,937,027 36,728 156,937 2,740,612 1,484,780 16,795,727 33,414 1,341 58,378 6,762 1,209,900 3,500,297 3,884,329 20,024,537 10,236
Multi-line Retail Big Lots, Inc. Dillard's, Inc. Dollar General Corp. Dollar Tree, Inc. Fred's, Inc. J.C. Penney Co., Inc. Kohl's Corp. Macy's, Inc. Nordstrom, Inc. Ollie's Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc. Sears Holdings Corp. Target Corp. Tuesday Morning Corp.
132,234 29,260 112,603 (9,914) 963 5,489 96,662 79,225 13,138 260 340 438,744 1,132
6,626,246 1,773,156 10,584,682 (934,295) 15,514 48,742 3,665,423 2,662,752 499,901 6,471 4,627 30,633,106 7,947
Specialty Retail Aaron's, Inc. Abercrombie & Fitch Co. Advance Auto Parts, Inc. American Eagle Outfitters America's Car Mart, Inc. Asbury Automotive Group Ascena Retail Group, Inc. AutoNation, Inc. AutoZone, Inc. Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. Barnes & Noble, Inc. Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. Best Buy Co., Inc. Big 5 Sporting Goods Corp. Boot Barn Holdings, Inc. Buckle, Inc.
1,207 1,210 8,280 705,148 230 44,685 3,193 8,025 19,048 835 945 50,337 318,085 467 310 93,907
26,421 21,550 1,338,296 11,233,008 6,495 2,356,687 22,319 377,015 15,121,064 8,475 10,726 2,175,565 9,733,401 4,329 2,672 2,440,643
U.S. Common Stock Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. Burlington Stores, Inc. Cabela's, Inc. Caleres, Inc. CarMax, Inc. Cato Corp. Chico's FAS, Inc. Children's Place, Inc. Citi Trends, Inc. Conn's, Inc. Container Store Group, Inc. CST Brands, Inc. Destination Xl Group, Inc. Dick's Sporting Goods, Inc. DSW, Inc. Express, Inc. Finish Line Five Below Foot Locker, Inc. Francesca's Holdings Corp. GameStop Corp. Gap, Inc. Genesco, Inc. GNC Holdings, Inc. Group 1 Automotive, Inc. Guess?, Inc. Haverty Furniture Hibbett Sports, Inc. Home Depot, Inc. Kirkland's, Inc. L Brands, Inc. Lithia Motors, Inc. Lowe's Cos., Inc. Lumber Liquidators Holdings MarineMax, Inc. Mattress Firm Holding Corp Michaels Companies, Inc. Monro Muffler Brake, Inc. Murphy USA, Inc. Office Depot, Inc. O'Reilly Automotive, Inc. Outerwall, Inc. Party City Holdco, Inc. Penske Automotive Group, Inc. Pier 1 Imports, Inc. Rent-A-Center, Inc. Restoration Hardware Holdings, Inc. Ross Stores, Inc. Sally Beauty Holdings, Inc. Select Comfort Corporation Shoe Carnival, Inc. Signet Jewelers Ltd. Sonic Automotive, Inc. Sportsman's Warehouse Holdings, Inc. Stage Stores, Inc. Staples, Inc. Stein Mart, Inc. Tailored Brands, Inc. Tiffany & Co. Tile Shop Holdings, Inc. Tilly's, Inc. TJX Companies, Inc. Tractor Supply Company Ulta Salon Cosmetics & Fragrance, Inc. Urban Outfitters, Inc. Vitamin Shoppe, Inc. West Marine, Inc. Williams Sonoma, Inc. Winmark Corp. Zumiez, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 370 111,683 892 699 21,728 490 2,490 46,154 404 452 400 1,270 930 1,638 102,240 427,566 12,689 91,548 193,356 790 49,190 401,942 9,990 1,380 17,841 1,111 490 142,198 356,108 430 26,347 49,109 209,140 510 108,010 380 47,036 (38,880) 30,750 10,159 10,065 315 460 686 1,411 259,644 610 104,395 54,713 122,760 364 29,798 235,257 460 70,120 71,172 751 894 11,190 106,450 124,971 85,234 76,801 29,644 72,062 340 460 55,609 50 211,663
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods Carter's, Inc.
Base Market Value 4,965 7,450,373 44,654 16,923 1,065,324 18,483 26,668 3,700,628 6,274 3,399 2,140 54,712 4,250 73,808 2,165,443 6,203,983 256,191 4,248,743 10,607,510 8,730 1,307,470 8,529,209 642,457 33,520 880,632 16,721 8,835 4,947,068 45,471,431 6,312 1,768,674 3,490,177 16,557,614 7,864 1,832,930 12,749 1,337,704 (2,471,213) 2,280,420 33,626 2,728,622 13,230 6,399 21,582 7,253 3,188,428 17,495 5,918,153 1,609,109 2,624,609 9,122 2,455,653 4,025,247 3,708 342,186 613,503 5,798 11,318 678,562 2,116,226 723,582 6,582,622 7,002,715 7,222,464 1,981,705 10,394 3,859 2,898,897 4,984 3,028,898
U.S. Common Stock Coach, Inc. Columbia Sportswear Co. County Seat Holdings, Inc. - warrants Crocs, Inc. Culp, Inc. Deckers Outdoor Corp. Fossil Group, Inc. G-III Apparel Group Ltd. HanesBrands, Inc. Iconix Brand Group, Inc. Kate Spade & Co. Movado Group, Inc. Nike, Inc. Oxford Industries, Inc. Perry Ellis International PVH Corp. Ralph Lauren Corp. Sequential Brands Group, Inc. Skechers USA, Inc. Steven Madden Ltd. Superior Uniform Group, Inc. Tumi Holdings, Inc. Under Armour, Inc. Class A Under Armour, Inc. Class C UniFi, Inc. Vera Bradley, Inc. VF Corp. Vince Holding Corp. Wolverine World Wide, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 4,364 540 44,404 1,340 290 616 790 45,228 224,565 1,241 71,440 290 187,183 268 325 10,055 7,043 225,973 72,763 188,191 130 960 (10,309) 18,994 349 550 37,984 520 1,722
Base Market Value 177,789 31,072 15,115 8,013 35,432 22,539 2,067,824 5,643,318 8,389 1,472,378 6,287 10,332,502 15,174 6,539 947,483 631,194 1,803,265 2,162,516 6,432,368 2,482 25,670 (413,700) 691,377 9,503 7,794 2,335,636 2,850 34,991
Consumer Staples Beverages Boston Beer Company, Inc. Brown Forman Corp. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Coca Cola Co. Constellation Brands, Inc. Craft Brew Alliance, Inc. Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc. MGP Ingredients, Inc. Molson Coors Brewing Co. Monster Beverage Corp. National Beverage Corp. PepsiCo, Inc. Primo Water Corp.
152 10,852 87 691,408 39,786 270 56,040 270 22,828 44,896 292 289,438 100
25,997 1,082,596 12,830 31,341,525 6,580,604 3,110 5,415,145 10,322 2,308,596 7,215,236 18,341 30,663,062 1,181
Food & Staples Retailing Casey's General Stores, Inc. Chefs' Warehouse, Inc. Costco Wholesale Corp. CVS Health Corp. Ingles Markets, Inc. Kroger Co. Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage, Inc. Performance Food Group Co. PriceSmart, Inc. Rite Aid Corp. Safeway Casa Ley CVR Safeway PDC LLC CVR Smart & Final Stores, Inc. SpartanNash Co. Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc. SUPERVALU, Inc. Sysco Corp. The Andersons, Inc. U.S. Foods Holding Corp. United Natural Foods, Inc. Village Super Market Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Weis Markets, Inc. Whole Foods Market, Inc.
738 490 86,301 366,105 47,039 226,946 230 111,785 (24,139) 18,460 31,684 31,684 620 106,001 2,740 242,940 54,525 533 670 34,376 228 192,109 641,985 28,779 109,113
97,054 7,840 13,552,709 35,050,893 1,754,555 8,349,343 3,002 3,008,134 (2,258,686) 138,265 32,156 1,546 9,232 3,241,511 62,746 1,146,677 2,766,599 18,943 16,241 1,608,797 6,587 15,996,916 46,877,745 1,454,778 3,493,798
U.S. Common Stock Food Products Alico, Inc. Amplify Snack Brands, Inc. Archer Daniels Midland Co. B&G Foods, Inc. Blue Buffalo Pet Products, Inc. Bunge Ltd. Cal Maine Foods, Inc. Calavo Growers, Inc. Campbell Soup Co. ConAgra Foods, Inc. Darling Ingredients, Inc. Dean Foods Co. Farmer Bros. Co. Flowers Foods, Inc. Freshpet, Inc. General Mills, Inc. Hain Celestial Group, Inc. Hershey Co. Hormel Foods Corp. Ingredion, Inc. Inventure Foods, Inc. J&J Snack Foods Corp. J.M. Smucker Co. John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. Kellogg Co. Kraft Heinz Co. Lancaster Colony Corp. Landec Corp. Lifeway Foods, Inc. Limoneira Co. McCormick & Co. Mead Johnson Nutrition Co. Mondelez International, Inc. Omega Protein Corp. Pilgrim's Pride Corp. Pinnacle Foods, Inc. Post Holdings, Inc. Sanderson Farms, Inc. Seneca Foods Corp. Snyder's-Lance, Inc. Tootsie Roll Industries Treehouse Foods, Inc. Tyson Foods, Inc. WhiteWave Foods Co.
Shares/Par Value
Household Products Central Garden and Pet Co. Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Clorox Company Colgate Palmolive Co. Energizer Holdings, Inc. HRG Group, Inc. Kimberly Clark Corp. Oil-Dri Corp. of America Orchids Paper Products Co. Procter & Gamble Co. Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. WD-40 Co. Personal Products Avon Products, Inc. Coty, Inc. Edgewell Personal Care Co. Elizabeth Arden, Inc. Estee Lauder Companies Herbalife Ltd. Inter Parfums, Inc. Medifast, Inc. Natural Health Trends Corp. Nature's Sunshine Products, Inc. Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc. Nutraceutical International Corp.
Base Market Value
90 390 422,189 70,039 1,110 42,899 94,105 280 51,977 115,576 3,070 1,655 246 3,240 540 107,062 44,191 16,372 27,924 9,703 430 389 25,320 150 28,284 61,998 8,452 700 130 298 12,651 19,305 470,000 72,500 131,110 566,951 1,250 54,447 200 1,141 485 (27,422) 279,816 16,064
2,723 5,753 18,107,686 3,375,880 25,907 2,537,476 4,170,734 18,760 3,458,030 5,525,689 45,743 29,939 7,887 60,750 5,038 7,635,662 2,198,502 1,858,058 1,022,018 1,255,665 3,358 46,396 3,859,021 6,395 2,309,389 5,485,583 1,078,560 7,532 1,257 5,251 1,349,482 1,751,929 21,389,700 1,449,275 3,340,683 26,244,162 103,363 4,717,288 7,242 38,668 18,687 (2,814,868) 18,688,911 754,044
12,252 14,080 15,257 74,970 1,161 1,960 44,229 2,273 260 627,816 460 264
265,991 1,448,691 2,111,416 5,487,804 59,780 26,911 6,080,603 78,487 9,248 53,157,181 54,883 31,007
8,080 850 1,161 675 71,681 36,018 447 280 130 270 1,021 2,489
30,542 22,092 98,000 9,288 6,524,405 2,108,134 12,771 9,316 3,665 2,573 47,160 57,620
U.S. Common Stock Revlon, Inc. Synutra International, Inc. USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 290 550 4,270
Base Market Value 9,332 2,096 475,806
Tobacco Altria Group, Inc. Philip Morris International Reynolds American, Inc. Universal Corp. Vector Group Ltd.
454,710 457,481 228,500 32,717 1,586
31,356,802 46,534,967 12,323,005 1,889,080 35,558
Energy Energy Equipment & Services Archrock, Inc. Atwood Oceanics, Inc. Baker Hughes, Inc. Bristow Group, Inc. Carbo Ceramics, Inc. Diamond Offshore Drilling Dril-Quip, Inc. Era Group, Inc. Exterran Corp. Fairmount Santrol Holdings, Inc. FMC Technologies, Inc. Forum Energy Technologies, Inc. Geospace Technologies Corp. Halliburton Co. Helix Energy Solutions Group Helmerich & Payne Hornbeck Offshore Services Independence Contract Drilling, Inc. Matrix Service Co. McDermott International, Inc. Nabors Industries Ltd. National Oilwell Varco, Inc. Natural Gas Services Group Newpark Resources, Inc. Oceaneering International, Inc. Oil States International, Inc. Parker Drilling Co. Patterson UTI Energy, Inc. PHI, Inc. Pioneer Energy Services Corp. RigNet, Inc. RPC, Inc. Schlumberger Ltd. SEACOR Holdings, Inc. Superior Energy Services, Inc. Tetra Technologies, Inc. Tidewater, Inc. U.S. Silica Holdings, Inc. Unit Corp.
1,294 131,096 49,225 54,752 514 82,253 737 534 652 1,100 27,691 950 338 108,238 1,969 (20,055) 34,536 420 130,440 21,545 5,220 (21,180) 320 91,969 42,168 122,250 3,156 117,271 4,081 1,216 310 1,062 267,285 314 129,114 1,369 128,017 1,200 926
12,189 1,641,322 2,221,524 624,720 6,733 2,001,215 43,063 5,020 8,378 8,481 738,519 16,445 5,533 4,902,099 13,310 (1,346,292) 288,030 2,281 2,150,956 106,432 52,461 (712,707) 7,328 532,501 1,259,136 4,019,580 7,227 2,500,218 72,968 5,594 4,151 16,493 21,136,898 18,196 2,376,989 8,721 564,555 41,364 14,409
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels Abraxas Petroleum Corp. Adams Resources & Energy, Inc. Alon USA Energy, Inc. Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Antero Resources Corp. Apache Corp. Bill Barrett Corp. Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. California Resources Corp. Callon Petroleum Co. Carrizo Oil & Gas, Inc. Cheniere Energy, Inc. Chesapeake Energy Corp. Chevron Corp. Cimarex Energy Co. Clayton Williams Energy, Inc. Clean Energy Fuels Corp. Cobalt International Energy Columbia Pipeline Group
2,430 40 2,489 374,272 3,100 39,821 939 (1,986) 718 143,948 64,606 50,407 65,757 224,004 11,550 198 1,840 6,810 44,968
2,746 1,540 16,129 19,929,984 80,538 2,216,835 6,000 (51,120) 8,760 1,616,536 2,316,125 1,892,783 281,440 23,482,339 1,378,146 5,437 6,385 9,125 1,146,234
U.S. Common Stock Concho Resources, Inc. ConocoPhillips Consol Energy, Inc. Contango Oil & Gas Continental Resources, Inc. CVR Energy, Inc. Delek US Holdings, Inc. Denbury Resources, Inc. Devon Energy Corp. Diamondback Energy, Inc. Earthstone Energy, Inc. Eclipse Resources Corp. Energen Corp. Enterprise Products Partners EOG Resources, Inc. EP Energy Corp. EQT Corp. EQT Midstream Partners, L.P. Erin Energy Corp. Evolution Petroleum Corp. EXCO Resources, Inc. Exxon Mobil Corp. Green Plains, Inc. Gulfport Energy Corp. Hess Corp. HollyFrontier Corp. Isramco, Inc. Jones Energy, Inc. Kinder Morgan, Inc. Kosmos Energy Ltd. Laredo Petroleum, Inc. Magellan Midstream Partners Magnum Hunter Resources Corp. - warrants Marathon Oil Corp. Marathon Petroleum Corp. Matador Resources Co. Memorial Resource Development Murphy Oil Corp. Newfield Exploration Co. Noble Energy, Inc. Northern Oil and Gas, Inc. Oasis Petroleum, Inc. Occidental Petroleum Corp. ONEOK, Inc. Pacific Ethanol, Inc. Panhandle Oil and Gas, Inc. Par Pacific Holdings, Inc. Parsley Energy, Inc. PBF Energy, Inc. PDC Energy, Inc. Phillips 66 Phillips 66 Partners, L.P. Pioneer Natural Resources Co. QEP Resources, Inc. Range Resources Corp. Renewable Energy Group, Inc. REX American Resources Corp. Rice Energy, Inc. Ring Energy, Inc. RSP Permian, Inc. Sanchez Energy Corp. Scorpio Tankers, Inc. SemGroup Corp. Shell Midstream Partners, L.P. SM Energy Co. Southwestern Energy Co. Spectra Energy Corp. Stone Energy Corp. Synergy Resources Corp. Targa Resources Corp. Teekay Tankers Ltd. Tesoro Corp. Tesoro Logistics, L.P.
Shares/Par Value 13,450 52,809 4,250 6,789 (50,623) 410 1,063 210,562 64,155 133,430 30 1,250 1,865 49,700 327,285 880 96,828 14,100 360 440 4,086 819,243 710 2,336 (701) 134,034 20 550 206,121 2,920 126,352 12,300 2,096 102,855 468,926 (122,947) 1,890 18,785 68,641 95,493 1,139 3,125 679,976 23,396 720 420 126,743 117,221 72,190 862 266,086 17,000 26,660 354,910 20,351 810 19,840 147,210 560 204,480 1,090 3,320 800 26,900 1,244 (41,316) 25,525 1 570,422 3,010 1,760 65,063 17,100
Base Market Value 1,604,182 2,302,472 68,383 83,097 (2,291,703) 6,355 14,042 755,918 2,325,619 12,170,150 323 4,175 89,912 1,454,222 27,302,115 4,558 7,497,392 1,132,230 868 2,407 5,312 76,795,839 14,001 73,023 (42,130) 3,185,988 1,645 2,266 3,858,585 15,914 1,324,169 934,800 1,543,854 17,800,431 (2,434,351) 30,013 596,424 3,032,559 3,425,334 5,262 29,188 51,378,987 1,110,140 3,924 7,001 1,944,238 3,172,000 1,716,678 49,660 21,111,263 949,790 4,031,259 6,257,063 877,942 7,152 1,187,027 3,244,508 4,939 7,134,307 7,695 13,944 26,048 908,951 33,588 (519,755) 934,981 6 3,799,011 126,841 5,245 4,874,520 846,963
U.S. Common Stock Valero Energy Corp. W&T Offshore, Inc. Western Gas Partners, L.P. Western Refining, Inc. W/I Westmoreland Coal Co. Whiting Petroleum Corp. Williams Cos., Inc. Williams Partners, L.P. World Fuel Services Corp. WPX Energy, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 273,130 653 14,000 1,249 330 3,790 76,439 1 90,356 4,462
Financials Banks 1st Source Corp. Access National Corp. Allegiance Bancshares, Inc. American National BankShares, Inc. Ameris Bancorp Ames National Corp, Arrow Financial Corp. Associated Banc Corp. Banc of California, Inc. BancFirst Corp. Bancorp, Inc. BancorpSouth, Inc. Bank of America Corp. Bank of Hawaii Corp. Bank of Marin Bancorp Bank of The Ozarks BankUnited, Inc. Banner Corp. Bar Harbor Bankshares BB&T Corp. Berkshire Hills Bancorp, Inc. Blue Hills Bancorp, Inc. BNC Bancorp BOK Financial Corp. Boston Private Financial Holdings, Inc. Bridge Bancorp, Inc. Brookline Bancorp, Inc. Bryn Mawr Bank Corp. C1 Financial, Inc. Camden National Corp. Capital Bank Financial Capital City Bank Group, Inc. Cardinal Financial Corp. Cascade Bancorp Cathay General Bancorp CenterState Banks, Inc. Central Pacific Financial Co. Century Bancorp, Inc. Chemical Financial Corp. CIT Group, Inc. Citigroup, Inc. Citizens & Northern Corp. Citizens Financial Group City Holding Co. CNB Financial Corp. Cobiz Financial, Inc. Columbia Banking System, Inc. Comerica, Inc. Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Community Bank System, Inc. Community Trust Bancorp, Inc. CommunityOne Bancorp ConnectOne Bancorp, Inc. CU Bancorp Cullen/Frost Bankers, Inc. Customers Bancorp, Inc. CVB Financial Corp. Eagle Bancorp, Inc. East West Bancorp, Inc. Enterprise Bancorp, Inc.
430 140 70 160 841 250 207 96,330 240,970 133 630 1,670 2,713,004 (12,326) 160 162,314 274,105 257,105 100 139,633 65,915 750 550 530 2,153 390 1,660 460 160 240 550 200 860 801 1,350 1,180 50,350 70 50,758 106,140 1,593,852 210 59,440 443 380 944 89,488 21,840 1,400 (46,238) 41,909 320 642 440 (25,409) 43,901 (90,964) 563 183,863 200
Base Market Value 13,929,630 1,515 705,600 25,767 3,142 35,095 1,653,376 35 4,291,006 41,541
13,928 2,731 1,742 4,029 24,978 6,705 6,270 1,652,060 4,361,557 8,023 3,793 37,892 36,001,563 (848,029) 7,739 6,090,021 8,420,506 10,937,247 3,510 4,972,331 1,774,432 11,070 12,491 33,231 25,362 11,076 18,310 13,432 3,733 10,080 15,840 2,784 18,868 4,438 38,070 18,585 1,188,260 2,963 1,892,766 3,386,927 67,563,386 4,246 1,187,611 20,143 6,764 11,045 2,511,033 898,279 67,060 (1,899,919) 1,452,566 4,045 10,073 10,001 (1,619,316) 1,103,232 (1,490,900) 27,086 6,284,437 4,798
U.S. Common Stock Enterprise Financial Service Equity Bancshares, Inc. Farmers Capital Bank Corp. FCB Financial Holdings Fidelity Southern Corp. Fifth Third Bancorp Financial Institutions, Inc. First Bancorp Puerto Rico First Bancorp, Inc. / ME First Bancorp, Inc. / NC First Busey Corp. First Business Financial Services, Inc. First Citizens Bankshares First Commonwealth Financial Corp. First Community Bancshares First Connecticut Bancorp First Financial Bancorp First Financial Bankshares, Inc. First Financial Corp. / IN First Horizon National Corp. First Interstate BancSystem First Merchants Corp. First Midwest Bancorp, Inc. First NBC Bank Holding Co. First Niagara Financial Group First of Long Island Corp. First Republic Bank / CA FirstMerit Corp. Flushing Financial Corp. FNB Corp. Franklin Financial Network Fulton Financial Corp. German American Bancorp Glacier Bancorp, Inc. Great Southern Bancorp, Inc. Great Western Bancorp, Inc. Green Bancorp, Inc. Guaranty Bancorp Hampton Roads Bankshares, Inc. Hanco*ck Holding Co. Hanmi Financial Corp. Heartland Financial USA, Inc. Heritage Commerce Corp. Heritage Financial Corp. Heritage Oaks Bancorp Hilltop Holdings, Inc. Home Bancshares, Inc. HomeTrust Bancshares, Inc. Hope Bancorp, Inc. Horizon Bancorp Indiana Huntington Bancshares, Inc. IBERIABANK Corp. Independent Bank Corp. / MA Independent Bank Corp. / MI Independent Bank Group, Inc. International Bancshares Corp. Investors Bancorp, Inc. J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. Keycorp Lakeland Bancorp, Inc. Lakeland Financial Corp. LegacyTexas Financial Group Live Oak Bancshares, Inc. M & T Bank Corp. MainSource Financial Group MB Financial, Inc. Mercantile Bank Corp. Merchants Bancshares, Inc. MidwestOne Financial Group, Inc. National Bank Holdings Corp. National Bankshares, Inc. / VA National Commerce Corp. NBT Bancorp, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 517 60 200 68,084 421 523,748 360 3,010 280 517 687 160 152 1,234 296 290 897 (66,201) 199 4,345 510 613 1,184 400 6,593 220 57,203 3,269 624 174,081 150 236,163 380 1,190 290 110,696 370 390 880 256,524 59,030 512 420 639 600 1,406 2,008 440 321,631 300 607,599 97,733 363 410 260 90,720 5,236 1,457,945 489,967 761 215 806 91,564 19,544 559 92,404 430 80 140 240 120 150 545
Base Market Value 14,419 1,328 5,470 2,314,856 6,597 9,212,727 9,385 11,950 6,031 9,089 14,695 3,755 39,354 11,353 6,642 4,802 17,447 (2,170,731) 7,287 59,874 14,331 15,282 20,791 6,716 64,216 6,307 4,003,638 66,263 12,405 2,182,976 4,704 3,188,201 12,149 31,630 10,721 3,491,352 3,226 6,513 1,575 6,697,842 1,386,615 18,068 4,423 11,234 4,764 29,512 39,738 8,140 4,798,735 7,542 5,431,935 5,837,592 16,589 5,949 11,157 2,366,885 58,015 90,596,702 5,414,135 8,660 10,107 21,689 1,291,968 2,310,687 12,326 3,352,417 10,260 2,438 3,998 4,886 4,190 3,498 15,603
U.S. Common Stock OFG Bancorp Old National Bancorp Old Second Bancorp, Inc. Opus Bank Pacific Continental Corp. Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. PacWest Bancorp Park National Corp. Park Sterling Corp. Peapack Gladstone Financial Corp. Penns Woods Bancorp, Inc. Peoples Bancorp, Inc. Peoples Financial Services People's United Financial People's Utah Bancorp Pinnacle Financial Partners PNC Financial Services Group Popular, Inc. Preferred Bank / Los Angeles PrivateBancorp, Inc. Prosperity Bancshares, Inc. QCR Holdings, Inc. Regions Financial Corp. Renasant Corp. Republic Bancorp, Inc. S&T Bancorp, Inc. Sandy Spring Bancorp, Inc. Seacoast Banking Corp. ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. Sierra Bancorp Signature Bank Simmons First National Corp. South State Corp. Southside Bancshares, Inc. Southwest Bancorp, Inc. / OK State Bank Financial Corp. Sterling Bancorp / DE Stock Yards Bancorp, Inc. Stonegate Bank Suffolk Bancorp Sun Bancorp, Inc. SunTrust Banks, Inc. SVB Financial Group Synovus Financial Corp. Talmer Bancorp, Inc. TCF Financial Corp. Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. Tompkins Financial Corp. Towne Bank Trico Bancshares Tristate Capital Holdings, Inc. Triumph Bancorp, Inc. Trustmark Corp. UMB Financial Corp. Umpqua Holdings Corp. Union Bankshares Corp. United Bankshares, Inc. United Community Banks / GA Univest Corp. of Pennsylvania US Bancorp Valley National Bancorp Washington Trust Bancorp Webster Financial Corp. Wells Fargo & Co. WesBanco, Inc. West Bancorporation WestAmerica Bancorporation Western Alliance Bancorp Wilshire Bancorp, Inc. Wintrust Financial Corp. Yadkin Financial Corp. Zions Bancorporation
Shares/Par Value 1,142 2,798 760 198,836 500 84,416 83,873 330 1,240 360 80 470 190 32,877 50 662 110,550 1,913 300 1,452 1,278 200 697,068 543 177 894 629 614 410 303 1,105 503 37,051 677 535 530 2,266 564 280 317 246 112,462 955 2,358 730 247,336 57,432 2,083 515 594 550 390 (55,912) (26,852) 3,841 1,156 (71,408) 1,296 600 240,260 3,874 348 74,680 1,157,915 36,585 410 (45,322) 112,237 1,816 73,231 791 21,721
Base Market Value 9,479 35,059 5,191 6,720,657 7,855 2,025,984 3,336,468 30,287 8,792 6,664 3,359 10,241 7,437 481,977 830 32,339 8,997,665 56,051 8,663 63,932 65,165 5,438 5,932,049 17,555 4,891 21,858 18,279 9,971 20,250 5,057 138,037 23,231 2,521,321 20,941 9,058 10,786 35,576 15,922 9,036 9,925 5,082 4,619,939 90,878 68,358 13,994 3,128,800 2,685,520 135,395 11,150 16,394 7,552 6,240 (1,389,413) (1,428,795) 59,420 28,565 (2,678,514) 23,704 12,612 9,689,686 35,331 13,196 2,535,386 54,804,117 1,135,964 7,622 (2,232,562) 3,664,538 18,923 3,734,781 19,846 545,849
U.S. Common Stock Capital Markets Affiliated Managers Group Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Ares Capital Corp. Arlington Asset Investment Artisan Partners Asset Management Associated Capital Group Bank of New York Mellon Corp. BGC Partners, Inc. BlackRock, Inc. Calamos Asset Management Charles Schwab Corp. Cohen & Steers, Inc. Cowen Group, Inc. Diamond Hill Investment Group E*TRADE Financial Corp. Eaton Vance Corp. Evercore Partners, Inc. Federated Investors, Inc. Fifth Street Finance Corp. Financial Engines, Inc. Franklin Resources, Inc. Gain Capital Holdings, Inc. GAMCO Investors, Inc. Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. Greenhill & Co., Inc. GSV Capital Corp. Houlihan Lokey, Inc. Interactive Brokers Group International FC Stone, Inc. Invesco Ltd. Investment Technology Group Janus Capital Group, Inc. KCG Holdings, Inc. Ladenburg Thalmann Financial Lazard Ltd. Legg Mason, Inc. LPL Financial Holdings, Inc. Medley Management, Inc. Moelis & Co. Morgan Stanley New Mountain Finance Corp. Northern Trust Corp. NorthStar Asset Management OFS Capital Corp. Oppenheimer Holdings Piper Jaffray Companies Prospect Capital Corp. Pzena Investment Management Raymond James Financial, Inc. Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. SEI Investments Co. State Street Corp. Stifel Financial Corp. T. Rowe Price Group, Inc. TCP Capital Corp. TD Ameritrade Holding Corp. Virtu Financial, Inc. Virtus Investment Partners Waddell & Reed Financial Westwood Holdings Group, Inc. WisdomTree Investments, Inc. Consumer Finance Ally Financial, Inc. American Express Co. Capital One Financial Corp. Cash America International, Inc. Credit Acceptance Corp. Discover Financial Services Encore Capital Group, Inc. Enova International, Inc. EZCORP, Inc.
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
16,687 37,884 448,099 600 660 171 121,395 3,451 14,381 439 362,076 380 2,880 60 34,406 2,041 83,117 1,570 160 910 38,729 363,315 211 56,431 553 160,241 300 34,778 393 50,527 645 142,544 733 2,730 2,310 13,105 1,420 150 450 1,057,238 185,266 54,915 3,592 6,378 180 4,554 215,856 320 2,501 531 2,580 116,433 127,224 25,734 63,877 175,072 124,110 116 116,971 190 2,118
2,349,029 3,403,877 6,363,006 7,806 18,269 4,904 4,716,196 30,058 4,925,924 3,209 9,164,144 15,367 8,525 11,305 808,197 72,129 3,672,940 45,185 646 23,542 1,292,387 2,296,151 6,914 8,384,518 8,903 804,410 6,711 1,231,141 10,725 1,290,460 10,784 1,984,212 9,749 6,443 68,792 386,466 31,993 882 10,125 27,467,043 2,389,931 3,638,668 36,674 81,957 2,783 171,686 1,687,994 2,435 123,299 6,632 124,124 6,278,067 4,001,195 1,877,810 976,041 4,985,175 2,233,980 8,257 2,014,241 9,842 20,735
349,815 93,079 189,535 480 164 557,632 213,539 682 1,336
5,971,342 5,655,480 12,037,368 20,458 30,353 29,883,499 5,024,573 5,020 10,100
U.S. Common Stock First Cash Financial Services, Inc. Green Dot Corp. LendingClub Corp. Navient Corp. NelNet, Inc. OneMain Holdings, Inc. PRA Group, Inc. Regional Management Corp. Santander Consumer USA Holdings, Inc. SLM Corp. Synchrony Financial World Acceptance Corp.
Shares/Par Value 533 860 4,080 350,886 422 960 804 270 1,590 7,901 837,613 20,181
Base Market Value 27,359 19,771 17,544 4,193,088 14,665 21,907 19,409 3,958 16,425 48,828 21,174,857 920,254
Diversified Financial Services BBX Capital Corp. Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. CBOE Holdings, Inc. CME Group, Inc. FactSet Research Systems, Inc. FNFV Group Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. Leucadia National Corp. MarketAxess Holdings, Inc. Marlin Business Services, Inc. Moody's Corp. Morningstar, Inc. MSCI, Inc. NASDAQ, Inc. NewStar Financial, Inc. On Deck Capital, Inc. Pico Holdings, Inc. Resource America, Inc. S&P Global, Inc. Tiptree Financial, Inc. Voya Financial, Inc.
80 533,835 1,530 72,090 781 1,258 50,841 38,476 12,641 220 58,559 352 1,799 13,341 621 290 593 300 27,917 770 134,236
1,230 77,293,970 101,929 7,021,566 126,069 14,429 13,013,262 666,789 1,838,001 3,586 5,487,564 28,787 138,739 862,762 5,229 1,494 5,610 2,916 2,994,377 4,220 3,323,683
Insurance Aflac, Inc. Alleghany Corp. Allstate Corp. Ambac Financial Group, Inc. American Equity Investment Life Holding Co. American Financial Group, Inc. American International Group American National Insurance AMERISAFE, Inc. AmTrust Financial Services Arch Capital Group Ltd. Argo Group International Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Aspen Insurance Holdings Ltd. Assurant, Inc. Assured Guaranty Ltd. Atlas Financial Holdings, Inc. Axis Capital Holdings Ltd. Baldwin & Lyons, Inc. Brown & Brown, Inc. Cincinnati Financial Corp. Citizens, Inc. CNA Financial Corp. CNO Financial Group, Inc. Crawford & Co. Donegal Group, Inc. eHealth, Inc. EMC Insurance Group, Inc. Employers Holdings, Inc. Endurance Specialty Holdings, Inc. Enstar Group Ltd. Erie Indemnity Co. Everest Re Group Ltd. FBL Financial Group, Inc. Federated National Holding Fidelity & Guaranty Life
69,402 307 204,638 840 236,896 79,203 138,522 193 355 1,524 (15,199) 56,520 8,250 94,810 55,669 2,480 55,733 68,310 165 2,100 17,132 890 700 346,569 742 162 431 203 596 75,651 159 459 45,911 3,254 350 300
5,008,048 168,721 14,314,428 13,826 3,375,768 5,855,478 7,326,429 21,838 21,733 37,338 (1,094,328) 2,933,398 392,700 4,397,288 4,804,791 62,918 959,722 3,757,050 4,069 78,687 1,283,015 6,764 21,994 6,051,095 6,300 2,671 6,043 5,627 17,296 5,080,721 25,756 45,597 8,386,562 197,420 6,664 6,954
U.S. Common Stock First American Financial FNF Group Genworth Financial, Inc. Greenlight Capital Re Ltd. Hallmark Financial Services, Inc. Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. Hartford Financial Services Group HCI Group, Inc. Heritage Insurance Holdings Horace Mann Educators Independence Holding Co. Infinity Property & Casualty James River Group Holdings Kemper Corp. Lincoln National Corp. Loews Corp. Maiden Holdings Ltd. Markel Corp. Marsh & McLennan Cos. MBIA, Inc. Mercury General Corp. MetLife, Inc. National General Holdings National Interstate Corp. National Western Life Group Navigators Group, Inc. Old Republic International Corp. OneBeacon Insurance Group Patriot National, Inc. Primerica, Inc. Principal Financial Group ProAssurance Corp. Progressive Corp. Prudential Financial, Inc. Reinsurance Group of America RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. RLI Corp. Safety Insurance Group, Inc. Selective Insurance Group State Auto Financial Corp. State National Cos., Inc. Stewart Information Services Third Point Reinsurance Ltd. Torchmark Corp. Travelers Companies, Inc. Trupanion, Inc. United Fire Group, Inc. United Insurance Holdings Co. Universal Insurance Holdings Unum Group Validus Holdings Ltd. W.R. Berkley Corp. White Mountains Insurance Group
Shares/Par Value 79,942 5,215 9,240 800 250 52,436 107,429 43,530 640 591 130 261 250 642 121,160 32,886 122,430 251 58,836 2,170 (36,371) 688,998 740 182 84 289 4,515 400 230 800 59,714 68,163 166,932 199,356 30,676 844 (17,530) 338 43,635 387 800 78,143 2,050 12,047 155,866 420 371 440 71,389 226,629 334,797 1,711 99
Real Estate Investment Trusts Acadia Realty Trust AG Mortgage Investment Trust Agree Realty Corp. Alexander's, Inc. Alexandria Real Estate Equity Altisource Residential Corp. American Assets Trust, Inc. American Campus Communities American Capital Agency Corp. American Capital Mortgage, Inc. American Homes 4 Rent American Tower Corp. Annaly Capital Management, Inc. Anworth Mortgage Asset Corp. Apartment Investment & Management Co. Apollo Commercial Real Estate Apollo Residential Mortgage Apple Hospitality REIT, Inc.
1,194 151,610 55,859 64 16,448 880 970 2,504 6,182 1,160 181,293 60,473 496,007 1,901 18,121 1,290 830 3,161
Base Market Value 3,215,267 195,563 23,839 16,128 2,898 4,437,134 4,767,699 1,187,498 7,661 19,970 2,336 21,052 8,490 19,889 4,697,373 1,351,286 1,498,543 239,148 4,027,913 14,821 (1,933,482) 27,442,790 15,851 5,506 16,403 26,579 87,094 5,520 1,881 45,792 2,454,843 3,650,129 5,592,222 14,222,057 2,975,265 99,119 (1,205,713) 20,814 1,667,293 8,479 8,424 3,235,902 24,026 744,746 18,554,289 5,565 15,742 7,207 1,326,408 7,204,536 16,267,786 102,523 83,358
42,411 2,189,248 2,694,638 26,191 1,702,697 8,087 41,167 132,386 122,527 18,316 3,712,881 6,870,338 5,490,797 8,935 800,223 20,730 11,122 59,458
U.S. Common Stock Ares Commercial Real Estate Armada Hoffler Properties, Inc. Armour Residential REIT, Inc. Ashford Hospitality Prime, Inc. Ashford Hospitality Trust AvalonBay Communities, Inc. Blackstone Mortgage Trust Bluerock Residential Growth Boston Properties, Inc. Brandywine Realty Trust Brixmor Property Group, Inc. Camden Property Trust Capstead Mortgage Corp. Care Capital Properties, Inc. CareTrust REIT, Inc. Catchmark Timber Trust, Inc. CBL & Associates Properties Cedar Realty Trust, Inc. Chatham Lodging Trust Chesapeake Lodging Trust Chimera Investment Corp. Colony Capital, Inc. Colony Starwood Homes Columbia Property Trust, Inc. Communications Sales & Leasing, Inc. CorEnergy Infrastructure Trust, Inc. CoreSite Realty Corp. Corporate Office Properties Corrections Corp. of America Cousins Properties, Inc. Crown Castle International Corp. CubeSmart CyrusOne, Inc. CYS Investments, Inc. DCT Industrial Trust, Inc. DDR Corp. DiamondRock Hospitality Co. Digital Realty Trust, Inc. Douglas Emmett, Inc. Duke Realty Corp. Dupont Fabros Technology Dynex Capital, Inc. Easterly Government Properties EastGroup Properties, Inc. Education Realty Trust, Inc. Empire State Realty Trust EPR Properties Equinix, Inc. Equity Commonwealth Equity Lifestyle Properties Equity One, Inc. Equity Residential Essex Property Trust, Inc. Extra Space Storage, Inc. Federal Realty Investment Trust Felcor Lodging Trust, Inc. First Industrial Realty Trust First Potomac Realty Trust Forest City Realty Trust Four Corners Property Trust Franklin Street Properties Gaming and Leisure Properties General Growth Properties GEO Group, Inc. Getty Realty Corp. Gladstone Commercial Corp. Global Medical REIT, Inc. Global Net Lease, Inc. Government Properties Income Gramercy Property Trust, Inc. Great Ajax Corp. Hannon Armstrong Sustainable Infrastructure Capital, Inc. Hatteras Financial Corp.
Shares/Par Value 10,173 450 890 19,157 116,754 39,289 91,100 340 27,408 485,903 3,389 1,768 135,030 1,530 158,110 1,030 182,944 2,205 990 1,010 112,874 1,970 119,828 2,100 2,243 34,332 630 119,624 2,181 293,026 38,413 3,272 122,294 145,740 1,750 5,518 3,578 11,150 2,605 6,513 1,380 990 350 439 83,620 1,640 1,244 7,819 2,413 1,610 1,510 44,098 7,570 13,990 8,720 2,476 117,706 157,740 4,065 1,084 207,221 3,507 66,130 101,775 662 380 66,010 1,860 900 7,791 80 1,000 1,800
Base Market Value 125,026 6,183 17,800 270,880 626,969 7,087,343 2,520,737 4,420 3,615,115 8,163,170 89,673 156,327 1,309,791 40,101 2,178,756 12,587 1,703,209 16,383 21,760 23,483 1,772,122 30,240 3,645,168 44,940 64,823 990,478 55,875 3,537,282 76,379 3,047,470 3,896,231 101,039 6,806,884 1,219,844 84,070 100,097 32,309 1,215,239 92,530 173,637 65,605 6,871 6,906 30,256 3,858,227 31,144 100,366 3,031,661 70,291 128,881 48,592 3,037,470 1,726,641 1,294,635 1,443,596 15,425 3,274,581 1,451,208 90,690 22,320 2,542,602 120,921 1,971,997 3,478,670 14,200 6,418 667,361 14,787 20,754 71,833 1,110 21,600 29,520
U.S. Common Stock HCP, Inc. Healthcare Realty Trust, Inc. Healthcare Trust of America Hersha Hospitality Trust Highwoods Properties, Inc. Hospitality Properties Trust Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc. Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc. Independence Realty Trust, Inc. InfraREIT, Inc. Invesco Mortgage Capital Investors Real Estate Trust Iron Mountain, Inc. iStar Financial, Inc. Kilroy Realty Corp. Kimco Realty Corp. Kite Realty Group Trust Ladder Capital Corp. REIT Lamar Advertising Co. LaSalle Hotel Properties Lexington Realty Trust Liberty Property Trust LTC Properties, Inc. Macerich Co. Mack Cali Realty Corp. Medical Properties Trust, Inc. MFA Financial, Inc. Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. Monmouth Real Estate Investment Corp. Monogram Residential Trust National Health Investors, Inc. National Retail Properties National Storage Affiliates New Residential Investment New Senior Investment Group New York Mortgage Trust, Inc. New York REIT, Inc. NexPoint Residential Investment Trust, Inc. NorthStar Realty Europe Corp. NorthStar Realty Finance Omega Healthcare Investors One Liberty Properties, Inc. Orchid Island Capital, Inc. OUTFRONT Media, Inc. Paramount Group, Inc. Parkway Properties, Inc. Pebblebrook Hotel Trust Pennsylvania Real Estate Investment Trust PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust Physicians Realty Trust Piedmont Office Realty Trust Post Properties, Inc. Potlatch Corp. Preferred Apartment Communities, Inc. Prologis, Inc. PS Business Parks, Inc. Public Storage QTS Realty Trust, Inc. RAIT Financial Trust Ramco-Gershenson Properties Trust Rayonier, Inc. Realty Income Corp. Redwood Trust, Inc. Regency Centers Corp. Resource Capital Corp. Retail Opportunity Investments Corp. Retail Properties of America Rexford Industrial Realty, Inc. RLJ Lodging Trust Rouse Properties, Inc. Ryman Hospitality Properties Sabra Health Care REIT, Inc. Saul Centers, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 52,152 92,992 2,325 232,982 1,590 204,894 84,514 1,110 191 570 1,890 2,010 23,081 444,403 1,720 47,665 1,538 730 1,612 163,612 349,817 2,784 927 16,937 193,659 278,851 175,776 32,094 1,420 3,082 43,382 2,615 590 4,263 151,431 2,820 2,984 485 1,129 3,387 86,975 220 410 2,547 3,265 324,619 1,180 1,279 106,970 192,740 289,180 1,031 632 570 59,024 355 49,265 153,771 102,014 108,310 2,133 28,800 1,369 1,991 618 1,700 4,402 1,430 2,140 676 799 1,201 166
Base Market Value 1,845,138 3,253,790 75,191 3,995,641 83,952 5,900,947 1,369,972 32,390 1,562 9,998 25,874 13,005 919,316 4,261,825 114,019 1,495,728 43,110 8,906 106,876 3,857,971 3,536,650 110,580 47,954 1,446,250 5,228,793 4,241,324 1,277,892 3,414,802 18,829 31,467 3,257,554 135,248 12,284 59,000 1,617,283 17,202 27,602 8,827 10,443 38,713 2,952,801 5,247 4,219 61,561 52,044 5,430,876 30,975 27,435 1,736,123 4,049,467 6,228,937 62,943 21,551 8,390 2,894,537 37,658 12,591,641 8,608,101 319,304 2,123,959 55,970 1,997,568 18,906 166,706 7,947 36,839 74,394 30,159 45,903 12,337 40,469 24,783 10,244
U.S. Common Stock Select Income REIT Senior Housing Property Trust Seritage Growth Properties Silver Bay Realty Trust Corp. Simon Property Group, Inc. SL Green Realty Corp. Sovran Self Storage, Inc. Spirit Realty Capital, Inc. Stag Industrial, Inc. Starwood Property Trust, Inc. Store Capital Corp. Summit Hotel Properties, Inc. Sun Communities, Inc. Sunstone Hotel Investors, Inc. Tanger Factory Outlet Center Taubman Centers, Inc. Terreno Realty Corp. TIER REIT, Inc. Two Harbors Investment Corp. UDR, Inc. UMH Properties, Inc. United Development Funding, Inc. Universal Health Realty Income Urban Edge Properties Urstadt Biddle Ventas, Inc. VEREIT, Inc. Vornado Realty Trust W.P. Carey, Inc. Washington REIT Weingarten Realty Investors Welltower, Inc. Western Asset Mortgage Capital Weyerhaeuser Co. Whitestone REIT WP Glimcher, Inc. Xenia Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 160,940 268,561 430 1,065 35,631 11,230 826 8,682 1,040 278,645 2,820 2,060 1,082 158,502 1,561 1,140 1,120 400 6,100 30,040 390 520 322 1,640 496 40,682 16,805 21,208 2,030 1,171 2,292 77,927 1,075 88,143 480 3,400 2,070
Base Market Value 4,182,831 5,594,126 21,431 18,137 7,728,364 1,195,658 86,664 110,869 24,762 5,773,524 83,049 27,274 82,924 1,913,119 62,721 84,588 28,974 6,132 52,216 1,109,077 4,388 1,664 18,412 48,970 12,291 2,962,463 170,403 2,123,345 140,923 36,840 93,559 5,935,700 10,094 2,624,017 7,238 38,046 34,735
Real Estate Management & Development Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. AV Homes, Inc. CBRE Group, Inc. Consolidated Tomoka Land Co. Forestar Group, Inc. FRP Holdings, Inc. HFF, INC. Howard Hughes Corp. Jones Lang LaSalle, Inc. Kennedy Wilson Holdings, Inc. Marcus & Millichap, Inc. RE/MAX Holdings, Inc. Realogy Holdings Corp. RMR Group, Inc. St. Joe Co. Tejon Ranch Co.
776 326 159,832 120 870 180 710 745 846 1,630 41,210 300 2,555 14,163 886 331
28,045 3,984 4,232,351 5,696 10,344 6,210 20,505 85,168 82,443 30,905 1,047,146 12,078 74,146 438,628 15,700 7,825
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance Astoria Financial Corp. Bank Mutual Corp. BankFinancial Corp. Bear State Financial, Inc. Beneficial Bancorp, Inc. BOFI Holding, Inc. BSB Bancorp, Inc. Capitol Federal Financial, Inc. Charter Financial Corp. Clifton Bancorp, Inc. Dime Community Bancshares Essent Group Ltd. Everbank Financial Corp. Federal Agriculture Mortgage Corp. First Defiance Financial Corp. Flagstar Bancorp, Inc.
1,665 1,202 483 350 1,353 150,710 150 345,260 290 866 80,297 1,120 1,360 280 240 540
25,524 9,231 5,791 3,301 17,210 2,669,074 3,398 4,816,377 3,851 13,051 1,365,852 24,427 20,210 9,750 9,324 13,181
U.S. Common Stock Fox Chase Bancorp, Inc. Hingham Institution for Savings HomeStreet, Inc. Impac Mortgage Holdings, Inc. Kearny Financial Corp. LendingTree, Inc. Meridian Bancorp, Inc. Meta Financial Group, Inc. MGIC Investment Corp. Nationstar Mortgage Holdings New York Community Bancorp NMI Holdings, Inc. Northfield Bancorp, Inc. Northwest Bancshares, Inc. OceanFirst Financial Corp. Ocwen Financial Corp. Oritani Financial Corp. PennyMac Financial Service PHH Corp. Provident Financial Services Radian Group, Inc. TFS Financial Corp. TrustCo Bank Corp. United Community Financial United Financial Bancorp, Inc. Walker & Dunlop, Inc. Walter Investment Management Washington Federal, Inc. Waterstone Financial, Inc. WSFS Financial Corp.
Shares/Par Value 214 30 570 230 2,210 47,915 662 200 507,359 690 (140,782) 1,120 1,334 751 230 3,110 1,161 240 807 801 153,714 990 2,453 1,260 971 157,575 440 94,454 693 784
Health Care Biotechnology AbbVie, Inc. Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Acceleron Pharma, Inc. Achillion Pharmaceuticals Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. Adams Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aduro Biotech, Inc. Advaxis, Inc. Adverum Biotechnologies, Inc. Agenus, Inc. Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aimmune Therapeutics, Inc. Akebia Therapeutics, Inc. Alder Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. AMGen, Inc. Amicus Therapeutics, Inc. Anthera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Applied Genetic Technologies Ardelyx, Inc. Arena Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Array Biopharma, Inc. Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Asterias Biotherapeutics Atara Biotherapeutics, Inc. Athersys, Inc. Axovant Sciences Ltd. Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Biogen, Inc. BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. BioTime, Inc. Bluebird Bio, Inc. Blueprint Medicines Corp. Cara Therapeutics, Inc. Celator Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
193,487 1,710 460 2,189 800 92,442 6,327 570 450 1,270 9,534 50,910 600 44,291 90,772 1,431 30,349 114,058 188,024 1,030 53,775 540 4,500 3,209 2,212 1,080 270 320 100 350 250 1,350 36,767 30,519 160 1,460 25,714 260 370 610
Base Market Value 4,353 3,688 11,354 3,606 27,802 4,232,332 9,784 10,192 3,018,786 7,769 (2,110,322) 6,138 19,783 11,137 4,179 5,318 18,564 2,998 10,749 15,732 1,601,700 17,048 15,724 7,661 12,604 3,589,559 1,214 2,291,454 10,624 25,237
11,978,780 55,507 15,631 17,074 20,404 1,399,572 71,558 4,611 1,422 5,144 399,427 550,846 4,488 1,105,946 10,598,539 79,406 725,948 17,353,925 1,026,611 3,183 759,841 4,714 7,695 23,715 7,875 5,746 648 7,203 217 4,494 3,240 3,834 8,890,996 2,374,378 6,390 3,811 1,113,159 5,265 1,780 18,410
U.S. Common Stock Celgene Corp. Celldex Therapeutics, Inc. Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. Cepheid, Inc. ChemoCentryx, Inc. Chimerix, Inc. Cidara Therapeutics, Inc. Clovis Oncology, Inc. Coherus Biosciences, Inc. Concert Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Curis, Inc. Cytokinetics, Inc. CytomX Therapeutics, Inc. CytRx Corp. Dimension Therapeutics, Inc. Dynavax Technologies Corp. Eagle Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Edge Therapeutics, Inc. Editas Medicine, Inc. Emergent BioSolutions, Inc. Enanta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Epizyme, Inc. Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. Exact Sciences Corp. Exelixis, Inc. Fibrogen, Inc. Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc. Flexion Therapeutics, Inc. Foundation Medicine, Inc. Galena Biopharma, Inc. Genomic Health, Inc. Geron Corp. Gilead Sciences, Inc. Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. Halozyme Therapeutics, Inc. Heron Therapeutics, Inc. Idera Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ignyta, Inc. Immune Design Corp. Immunogen, Inc. Immunomedics, Inc. Incyte Corp. Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Insmed, Inc. INSYS Therapeutics, Inc. Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Intrexon Corp. Invitae Corp. Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ironwood Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Juno Therapeutics, Inc. Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. Keryx Biopharmaceuticals Kite Pharma, Inc. La Jolla Pharmaceutical Co. Lexicon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ligand Pharmaceuticals Lion Biotechnologies, Inc. Loxo Oncology, Inc. MacroGenics, Inc. MannKind Corp. Medgenics, Inc. Medivation, Inc. Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Inc. MiMedx Group, Inc. Minerva Neurosciences, Inc. Mirati Therapeutics, Inc. Momenta Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Myriad Genetics, Inc. NantKwest, Inc. Natera, Inc. Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 272,090 1,780 260 75,395 500 760 130 600 440 6,204 1,900 860 250 1,720 150 683 160 300 100 154,308 112,408 620 340 1,800 4,249 890 46,201 350 310 3,510 25,598 2,938 593,013 200 2,061 550 2,210 560 300 1,550 1,800 31,837 850 1,320 110,271 440 7,461 36,960 190 55,433 2,370 1,180 520 1,930 710 260 34,969 25,039 820 230 54,905 4,578 570 68,259 2,140 1,870 100 280 101,370 23,888 200 250 46,272
Base Market Value 26,836,237 7,814 3,117 2,318,396 2,245 2,987 1,340 8,232 7,432 69,671 2,964 8,161 2,554 3,836 900 9,958 6,206 3,033 2,440 4,339,141 2,478,596 6,349 3,359 22,050 33,185 14,605 1,910,411 5,238 5,785 1,636 662,860 7,874 49,469,144 3,318 17,786 9,928 3,381 3,035 2,448 4,774 4,176 2,546,323 1,131 12,197 1,087,272 5,694 1,064,535 909,586 1,404 1,291,035 30,988 45,359 3,489 12,777 35,500 4,160 501,805 2,986,402 6,642 5,331 1,481,886 5,310 3,164 4,116,018 11,535 14,923 1,021 1,529 1,094,796 730,973 1,244 3,016 2,103,062
U.S. Common Stock NewLink Genetics Corp. Novavax, Inc. OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Ophthotech Corp. OPKO Health, Inc. Organovo Holdings, Inc. Osiris Therapeutics, Inc. Otonomy, Inc. OvaScience, Inc. PDL Biopharma, Inc. Pfenex, Inc. Portola Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Progenics Pharmaceuticals PTC Therapeutics, Inc. Puma Biotechnology, Inc. Radius Health, Inc. Raptor Pharmaceutical Corp. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals REGENXBIO, Inc. Regulus Therapeutics, Inc. Repligen Corp. Retrophin, Inc. Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sage Therapeutics, Inc. Sangamo Biosciences, Inc. Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. Seattle Genetics, Inc. Seres Therapeutics, Inc. Sorrento Therapeutics, Inc. Spark Therapeutics, Inc. Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Stemline Therapeutics, Inc. Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc. T2 Biosystems, Inc. Tesaro, Inc. TG Therapeutics, Inc. Tobira Therapeutics, Inc. Tokai Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Trevena, Inc. Trovagene, Inc. Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc. United Therapeutics Corp. Vanda Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Versartis, Inc. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Vitae Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Vital Therapies, Inc. Voyager Therapeutics, Inc. VTV Therapeutics, Inc. Xencor, Inc. Zafgen, Inc. ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. Health Care Equipment & Supplies Abaxis, Inc. Abbott Laboratories Abiomed, Inc. Accuray, Inc. Alere, Inc. Align Technology, Inc. Analogic Corp. AngioDynamics, Inc. Anika Therapeutics, Inc. AtriCure, Inc. Atrion Corp. Baxter International, Inc. Becton Dickinson & Co. Boston Scientific Corp. C.R. Bard, Inc. Cantel Medical Corp. Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. Cerus Corp. Conformis, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 380 5,061 440 32,246 5,711 2,350 430 470 580 20,997 300 115,503 1,291 720 460 28,898 1,500 23,808 180 660 600 640 1,628 380 1,290 43,120 1,950 320 690 260 45,778 340 2,720 270 430 700 40 180 820 760 710 64,203 20,051 380 117,787 330 540 140 120 520 430 101,787
Base Market Value 4,279 36,793 5,416 1,645,513 53,341 8,742 2,189 7,464 3,022 65,931 2,511 2,725,871 5,448 5,054 13,703 1,062,002 8,055 8,314,468 1,440 1,907 16,416 11,398 3,630 11,449 7,469 822,298 78,800 9,296 3,864 13,294 300,761 2,302 10,336 2,130 36,142 4,242 502 992 5,166 3,443 34,726 6,800,382 224,371 4,203 10,132,038 3,561 3,348 1,539 696 9,875 2,576 558,811
420 490,705 791 1,230 1,590 44,099 223 596 280 89,632 30 62,014 53,738 320,807 9,004 24,430 710 1,770 270
19,837 19,289,614 86,448 6,384 66,271 3,552,174 17,715 8,565 15,022 1,266,500 12,836 2,804,273 9,113,427 7,497,260 2,117,381 1,679,074 13,046 11,045 1,895
U.S. Common Stock ConMed Corp. Cooper Cos., Inc. Corindus Vascular Robotics, Inc. CryoLife, Inc. Cutera, Inc. Cynosure, Inc. Dentsply Sirona, Inc. Dexcom, Inc. Edwards Lifesciences Corp. Endologix, Inc. Entellus Medical, Inc. Exactech, Inc. Fonar Corp. GenMark Diagnostics, Inc. Glaukos Corp. Globus Medical, Inc. Haemonetics Corp. Halyard Health, Inc. HeartWare International, Inc. Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc. Hologic, Inc. ICU Medical, Inc. Idexx Laboratories, Inc. Inogen, Inc. Insulet Corp. Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. Integer Holdings Corp. Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Invacare Corp. InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Iradimed Corp. K2M Group Holdings, Inc. LDR Holding Corp. LeMaitre Vascular, Inc. Masimo Corp. Meridian Bioscience, Inc. Merit Medical Systems, Inc. Natus Medical, Inc. Neogen Corp. Nevro Corp. NuVasive, Inc. NxStage Medical, Inc. Orasure Technologies, Inc. Penumbra, Inc. Quidel Corp. ResMed, Inc. Rockwell Medical, Inc. RTI Surgical, Inc. Second Sight Medical Products, Inc. Spectranetics Corp. St. Jude Medical, Inc. Staar Surgical Co. Stryker Corp. SurModics, Inc. Symmetry Surgical, Inc. Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Teleflex, Inc. TransEnterix, Inc. Utah Medical Products, Inc. Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Vascular Solutions, Inc. Veracyte, Inc. West Pharmaceutical Services ZELTIQ Aesthetics, Inc. Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 327 (9,421) 400 660 250 50,365 24,937 39,604 26,008 1,470 140 8,137 3,289 740 280 118,270 788 63,195 330 1,131 30,060 264 28,378 300 1,050 18,851 50,285 29,910 845 690 60 132,104 560 210 12,296 665 808 607 687 410 914 1,180 32,059 470 495 2,614 850 1,490 220 779 89,510 680 74,303 329 100 400 812 1,150 60 10,878 440 340 (11,919) 650 163,571
Health Care Providers & Services AAC Holdings, Inc. Acadia Healthcare Co., Inc. Aceto Corp. Addus Homecare Corp. Adeptus Health, Inc.
210 50,966 550 120 220
Base Market Value 15,608 (1,616,361) 572 7,795 2,803 2,450,005 1,547,091 3,141,785 2,593,778 18,316 2,558 217,583 66,964 6,438 8,165 2,818,374 22,844 2,055,101 19,058 57,059 1,040,076 29,766 2,635,181 15,033 31,752 1,503,933 1,555,315 19,782,773 10,250 3,988 1,306 2,050,254 20,692 2,997 645,724 12,968 16,023 22,945 38,644 30,242 54,584 25,582 189,469 27,965 8,841 165,283 6,435 5,349 788 14,575 6,981,780 3,747 8,903,728 7,725 1,313 3,016 143,976 1,403 3,780 894,498 18,330 1,710 (904,414) 17,765 19,690,677
4,792 2,823,516 12,040 2,092 11,365
U.S. Common Stock Aetna, Inc. Air Methods Corp. Almost Family, Inc. Amedisys, Inc. AmerisourceBergen Corp. AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. AMSURG Corp. Anthem, Inc. BioScrip, Inc. Biotelemetry, Inc. Brookdale Senior Living, Inc. Capital Senior Living Corp. Cardinal Health, Inc. Centene Corp. Chemed Corp. Cigna Corp. Civitas Solutions, Inc. Community Health Systems, Inc. Corvel Corp. Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. Davita Healthcare Partners, Inc. Diplomat Pharmacy, Inc. Ensign Group, Inc. Envision Healthcare Holdings ExamWorks Group, Inc. Express Scripts Holding Co. Five Star Quality Care Genesis Healthcare, Inc. HCA Holdings, Inc. HealthEquity, Inc. HealthSouth Corp. Healthways, Inc. Henry Schein, Inc. Humana, Inc. Kindred Healthcare, Inc. Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings Landauer, Inc. LHC Group, Inc. LifePoint Health, Inc. Magellan Health, Inc. McKesson Corp. MEDNAX, Inc. Molina Healthcare, Inc. National Healthcare Corp. National Research Corp. Owens & Minor, Inc. Patterson Cos., Inc. PharMerica Corp. Premier, Inc. Providence Service Corp. Quest Diagnostics, Inc. Quorum Health Corp. RadNet, Inc. Select Medical Holdings Corp. Surgery Partners, Inc. Surgical Care Affiliates, Inc. Team Health Holdings, Inc. Teladoc, Inc. Tenet Healthcare Corp. Triple-S Management Corp. U.S. Physical Therapy, Inc. UnitedHealth Group, Inc. Universal American Corp. Universal Health Services VCA, Inc. WellCare Health Plans, Inc. Health Care Technology Allscripts Healthcare Solutions, Inc. athenahealth, Inc. Castlight Health, Inc. Cerner Corp. Computer Programs & Systems, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 129,902 32,754 190 525 19,865 887 1,026 175,591 1,780 500 (64,767) 762 115,656 104,571 327 126,441 310 119,152 232 835 21,660 780 118,475 3,490 750 246,022 30,558 860 185,465 680 77,389 799 (1,321) 59,899 182,501 38,904 276 329 829 454 100,708 1,788 56,118 8,978 160 62,789 8,855 129,396 540 234 70,971 30,033 880 150,840 400 11,538 1,330 69,934 1,520 31,740 220 274,087 810 56,812 1,622 70,961
Base Market Value 15,864,931 1,173,576 8,096 26,502 1,575,692 35,453 79,556 23,062,122 4,539 8,150 (1,000,002) 13,465 9,022,325 7,463,232 44,573 16,183,184 6,457 1,435,782 10,018 11,623 1,674,751 27,300 2,489,160 88,541 26,138 18,648,468 71,506 1,522 14,282,660 20,662 3,004,241 9,228 (233,553) 10,774,632 2,060,436 5,068,024 11,360 14,239 54,192 29,860 18,797,148 129,505 2,800,288 581,236 2,192 2,347,053 424,066 3,190,905 17,658 10,502 5,777,749 321,653 4,699 1,639,631 7,160 550,016 54,091 1,120,343 42,013 775,408 13,246 38,701,084 6,140 7,618,489 109,663 7,612,696
3,362 (10,225) 770 17,924 194
42,697 (1,411,152) 3,049 1,050,346 7,744
U.S. Common Stock Evolent Health, Inc. HealthStream, Inc. HMS Holdings Corp. Imprivata, Inc. IMS Health Holdings, Inc. Inovalon Holdings, Inc. Medidata Solutions, Inc. NantHealth, Inc. Omnicell, Inc. Press Ganey Holdings, Inc. Quality Systems, Inc. Veeva Systems, Inc. Vocera Communications, Inc. Life Sciences Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. Agilent Technologies, Inc. Albany Molecular Research Bio Rad Laboratories Bio-Techne Corp. Bruker Corp. Cambrex Corp. Charles River Laboratories Enzo Biochem, Inc. Fluidigm Corp. Illumina, Inc. INC Research Holdings, Inc. Luminex Corp. Mettler Toledo International NanoString Technologies, Inc. NeoGenomics, Inc. Pacific Biosciences of California PAREXEL International Corp. PerkinElmer, Inc. PRA Health Sciences, Inc. Quintiles Transnational Holdings, Inc. Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. VWR Corp. Waters Corp. Pharmaceuticals Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc. Aerie Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Agile Therapeutics, Inc. Akorn, Inc. Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ANI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Aratana Therapeutics, Inc. Bristol Myers Squibb Co. Catalent, Inc. Cempra, Inc. Collegium Pharmaceutical, Inc. Corcept Therapeutics, Inc. Depomed, Inc. Derma, Inc. DURECT Corp. Dyax Corp. Eli Lilly & Co. Endocyte, Inc. Flex Pharma, Inc. Heska Corp. Impax Laboratories, Inc. Innoviva, Inc. Intersect ENT, Inc. Intra Cellular Therapies, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Juniper Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Lannett Co., Inc. Medicines Co. Merck & Co., Inc. MyoKardia, Inc. Nektar Therapeutics Neos Therapeutics, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 350 470 1,440 117,850 2,830 950 3,411 39,180 25,233 360 840 156,653 580
Base Market Value 6,720 12,464 25,358 1,649,900 71,769 17,110 159,874 489,750 863,726 14,166 10,004 5,345,000 7,453
450 39,948 470 157,723 698 252,215 2,450 83,967 24,603 610 51,527 40,901 43,038 18,727 330 57,810 1,410 18,892 21,768 45,363 2,240 62,222 128,607 14,493
6,476 1,772,093 6,317 22,557,543 78,713 5,735,369 126,739 6,922,239 146,880 5,508 7,233,360 1,559,555 870,659 6,833,857 4,158 464,792 9,919 1,187,929 1,141,079 1,894,359 146,317 9,193,923 3,716,742 2,038,440
150 390 340 95,512 37,929 150 540 461,371 1,860 205,371 200 1,080 1,140 390 2,910 4,790 313,851 970 140 110 128,903 1,560 430 640 836,151 4,937 35,520 1,221 1,110,359 170 2,494 140
2,771 6,864 2,587 2,720,659 611,415 8,373 3,413 33,933,837 42,761 3,386,568 2,370 5,897 22,367 11,408 3,550 5,317 24,715,766 3,114 1,429 4,089 3,714,984 16,427 5,560 24,845 101,425,116 34,608 845,021 41,062 63,967,782 2,108 35,490 1,299
U.S. Common Stock Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. Omeros Corp. Pacira Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Phibro Animal Health Corp. Prestige Brands Holdings, Inc. Reata Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Relypsa, Inc. Revance Therapeutics, Inc. Sagent Pharmaceuticals, Inc. SciClone Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Teligent, Inc. Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TherapeuticsMD, Inc. Theravance Biopharma, Inc. Xenoport, Inc. Zoetis, Inc. Zogenix, Inc. Industrials Aerospace & Defense AAR Corp. Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings AeroVironment, Inc. American Science & Engineering Astronics Corp. B/E Aerospace, Inc. Boeing Co. BWX Technologies, Inc. Cubic Corp. Curtiss Wright Corp. DigitalGlobe, Inc. Ducommun, Inc. Engility Holdings, Inc. Esterline Technologies Corp. General Dynamics Corp. HEICO Corp. HEICO Corp. Class A Hexcel Corp. Honeywell International, Inc. Huntington Ingalls Industries KEYW Holdings Corp. KLX, Inc. Kratos Defense & Security L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. Lockheed Martin Corp. Mercury Systems, Inc. Moog, Inc. National Presto Industries, Inc. Northrop Grumman Corp. Orbital ATK, Inc. Raytheon Co. Rockwell Collins, Inc. Sparton Corp. Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc. Taser International, Inc. Teledyne Technologies, Inc. Textron, Inc. Transdigm Group, Inc. Triumph Group, Inc. United Technologies Corp. Vectrus, Inc. Air Freight & Logistics Air Transport Services Group Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc. Echo Global Logistics, Inc. Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. FedEx Corp.
Shares/Par Value 380 700 670 310 1,624,434 450 179,427 30,850 75,420 340 610 60,095 38,277 146,876 1,150 510 2,665 525 1,517 55,753 453
Base Market Value 1,881 7,364 22,599 4,312 57,196,321 8,397 9,940,256 609,288 1,395,270 4,624 9,138 784,841 419,899 2,991,864 8,211 2,193 22,653 11,912 10,680 2,646,037 3,647
509 1,082 516 191 410 29,459 220,286 1,750 377 43,550 1,201 290 470 549 154,145 46,537 660 66,230 239,579 29,789 870 982 1,179 9,593 75,301 79,028 7,189 116 120,514 1,086 198,804 13,399 250 86,490 997 516 420,146 7,250 116,323 248,190 271
11,880 19,779 14,345 7,145 13,637 1,360,269 28,608,543 62,598 15,140 3,669,088 25,689 5,736 9,926 34,060 21,463,150 3,109,137 35,409 2,757,817 27,867,829 5,005,446 8,648 30,442 4,834 1,407,197 18,687,449 1,964,636 387,631 10,945 26,787,852 92,462 27,027,404 1,140,791 5,443 3,719,070 24,805 51,110 15,360,538 1,911,753 4,129,467 25,451,885 7,721
930 46,369 14,562 550 19,015 76,047
12,053 1,920,604 1,081,229 12,331 932,496 11,542,414
U.S. Common Stock Forward Air Corp. Hub Group, Inc. Park Ohio Holdings Corp. Radiant Logistics, Inc. United Parcel Service XPO Logistics, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 79,151 504 230 800 162,786 1,815
Base Market Value 3,524,594 19,338 6,504 2,400 17,535,308 47,662
Airlines Alaska Air Group, Inc. Allegiant Travel Co. American Airlines Group, Inc. Delta Air Lines, Inc. Hawaiian Holdings, Inc. JetBlue Airways Corp. SkyWest, Inc. Southwest Airlines Co. Spirit Airlines, Inc. United Continental Holdings Virgin America, Inc.
158,900 253 372,880 618,581 177,775 96,132 952 77,791 58,302 226,165 360
9,262,281 38,330 10,556,233 22,534,906 6,748,339 1,591,946 25,190 3,050,185 2,616,011 9,281,812 20,236
Building Products A.O. Smith Corp. AAON, Inc. Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc. American Woodmark Corp. Apogee Enterprises, Inc. Armstrong Flooring, Inc. Armstrong World Industries Builders FirstSource, Inc. Continental Building Products Fortune Brands Home & Security Gibraltar Industries, Inc. Griffon Corp. Insteel Industries, Inc. Lennox International, Inc. Masco Corp. NCI Building Systems, Inc. Nortek, Inc. Owens Corning Patrick Industries, Inc. PGT, Inc. Ply Gem Holdings, Inc. Quanex Building Products Simpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. Trex Company, Inc. Universal Forest Products USG Corp.
1,564 664 630 238 114,356 510 730 1,501 560 (28,441) 576 718 343 819 54,168 698 180 162,761 230 860 550 867 700 75,098 23,912 1,629
137,804 18,267 17,243 15,798 5,300,401 8,645 28,580 16,886 12,449 (1,648,725) 18,184 12,105 9,806 116,789 1,675,958 11,161 10,676 8,385,447 13,867 8,858 8,014 16,118 27,979 3,373,402 2,216,403 43,918
Commercial Services & Supplies ABM Industries, Inc. ACCO Brands Corp. ARC Document Solutions, Inc. Brady Corp. Brink's Co. Casella Waste Systems, Inc. CECO Environmental Corp. Cintas Corp. Clean Harbors, Inc. Copart, Inc. Covanta Holding Corp. Deluxe Corp. Ennis, Inc. Essendant, Inc. G & K Services, Inc. Healthcare Services Group Heritage Crystal Clean, Inc. Herman Miller, Inc. HNI Corp. InnerWorkings, Inc. Interface, Inc. KAR Auction Services, Inc. Kimball International Knoll, Inc.
77,455 294,115 1,060 35,948 7,903 930 758 9,977 1,002 1,934 2,031 97,441 74,525 662 373 1,288 230 1,089 9,515 961 1,068 2,580 889 169,906
2,825,558 3,038,208 4,123 1,098,571 225,156 7,301 6,625 979,043 52,214 94,785 33,410 6,467,159 1,429,390 20,231 28,561 53,297 2,808 32,550 442,352 7,947 16,287 107,689 10,117 4,125,318
U.S. Common Stock Matthews International Corp. McGrath RentCorp Mobile Mini, Inc. MSA Safety, Inc. Multi-Color Corp. NL Industries Pitney Bowes, Inc. Quad Graphics, Inc. R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Republic Services, Inc. Rollins, Inc. SP Plus Corp. Steelcase, Inc. Stericycle, Inc. Team, Inc. Tetra Tech, Inc. TRC Companies, Inc. UniFirst Corp. US Ecology, Inc. Viad Corp. VSE Corp. Waste Management, Inc. West Corp.
Shares/Par Value 107,006 58,937 (34,222) 61,542 300 126 360,023 620 260,828 115,560 (77,165) 428 267,688 8,735 530 260,579 440 269 393 523 100 186,556 820
Base Market Value 5,953,814 1,802,883 (1,185,450) 3,232,801 19,020 324 6,408,409 14,440 4,413,210 5,929,384 (2,258,620) 9,664 3,632,526 909,488 13,160 8,011,501 2,781 31,129 18,058 16,213 6,680 12,363,066 16,121
Construction & Engineering AECOM Aegion Corp. Ameresco, Inc. Argan, Inc. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. Comfort Systems USA, Inc. Dycom Industries, Inc. EMCOR Group, Inc. Fluor Corp. Granite Construction, Inc. Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. HC2 Holdings, Inc. Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. KBR, Inc. MasTec, Inc. MYR Group, Inc. NV5 Global, Inc. Orion Group Holdings, Inc. Primoris Services Corp. Quanta Services, Inc. Tutor Perini Corp. Valmont Industries
2,671 583 360 340 14,330 13,866 33,610 86,956 80,230 578 1,570 690 110,785 2,687 1,226 360 130 720 580 37,966 185,131 440
84,858 11,374 1,573 14,185 496,248 451,616 3,016,834 4,283,453 3,953,734 26,328 6,845 2,967 5,518,201 35,576 27,364 8,669 3,697 3,823 10,979 877,774 4,359,835 59,519
Electrical Equipment Acuity Brands, Inc. Allied Motion Technologies AMETEK, Inc. AZZ, Inc. Babco*ck & Wilcox Enterprises Emerson Electric Co. Encore Wire Corp. EnerSys FuelCell Energy, Inc. Generac Holdings, Inc. General Cable Corp. Hubbell, Inc. LSI Industries, Inc. Plug Power, Inc. Powell Industries, Inc. Power Solutions International Preformed Line Products Co. Regal Beloit Corp. Rockwell Automation, Inc. SolarCity Corp. Sunrun, Inc. Thermon Group Holdings, Inc. Vicor Corp.
16,825 120 28,620 480 960 66,970 389 750 630 37,300 813 1,084 382 3,220 233 90 40 827 13,651 1,190 460 820 420
4,171,927 2,791 1,323,103 28,790 14,102 3,493,155 14,502 44,603 3,919 1,304,008 10,333 114,329 4,229 5,989 9,166 1,607 1,616 45,526 1,567,408 28,477 2,728 15,752 4,229
U.S. Common Stock Industrial Conglomerates 3M Co. Carlisle Cos., Inc. Danaher Corp. General Electric Co. Raven Industries, Inc. Roper Technologies, Inc. Machinery Actuant Corp. AGCO Corp. Alamo Group, Inc. Albany International Corp. Allison Transmission Holdings, Inc. Altra Industrial Motion Corp. American Railcar Industries Astec Industries, Inc. Barnes Group, Inc. BLUE BIRD CORP Briggs & Stratton Caterpillar, Inc. Chart Industries, Inc. CIRCOR International, Inc. CLARCOR, Inc. Colfax Corp. Columbus McKinnon Corp. Crane Co. Cummins, Inc. Deere & Co. Donaldson Co., Inc. Douglas Dynamics, Inc. Dover Corp. Energy Recovery, Inc. EnPro Industries, Inc. ESCO Technologies, Inc. ExOne Co. Federal Signal Corp. Flowserve Corp. Franklin Electric Co., Inc. FreightCar America, Inc. Global Brass & Copper Holdings, Inc. Gorman Rupp Co. Graco, Inc. Graham Corp. Greenbrier Companies, Inc. Harsco Corp. Hillenbrand, Inc. Hurco Companies, Inc. Hyster Yale Materials IDEX Corp. Illinois Tool Works ITT, Inc. John Bean Technologies Corp. Joy Global, Inc. Kadant, Inc. Kennametal, Inc. Lincoln Electric Holdings Lindsay Corp. Lydall, Inc. Manitowoc Co., Inc. Manitowoc Foodservice, Inc. Meritor, Inc. Middleby Corp. Milacron Holdings Corp. Miller Industries, Inc. Mueller Industries, Inc. Mueller Water Products, Inc. Navistar International Corp. NN, Inc. Nordson Corp. Omega Flex, Inc. Oshkosh Corp. PACCAR, Inc.
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
84,524 1,361 259,549 1,675,061 970 31,469
14,801,843 143,830 26,214,449 52,730,920 18,372 5,367,353
1,094 36,110 260 535 2,600 486 232 358 101,246 100 1,153 60,490 572 34,745 879 1,870 58,876 29,396 28,159 28,545 2,276 630 18,920 100 433 344 280 1,062 34,447 16,913 309 22,135 301 994 180 492 1,433 146,427 170 16,280 1,560 82,440 89,835 89,235 1,710 40,399 1,402 1,220 288 310 2,420 148,630 158,510 8,605 357,138 290 954 2,984 839 690 31,609 70 116,214 36,553
24,735 1,701,864 17,152 21,363 73,398 13,112 9,157 20,102 3,353,268 1,190 24,421 4,585,747 13,802 1,980,118 53,470 49,480 833,095 1,667,341 3,166,198 2,313,287 78,203 16,210 1,311,534 889 19,221 13,739 2,960 13,679 1,555,971 558,975 4,341 604,064 8,250 78,516 3,316 14,332 9,515 4,398,667 4,731 968,497 128,076 8,586,950 2,872,923 5,462,967 36,149 2,080,952 30,998 72,078 19,544 11,954 13,189 2,618,861 1,141,272 991,726 5,182,072 5,971 30,414 34,077 9,808 9,653 2,642,828 2,663 5,544,570 1,896,004
U.S. Common Stock Parker Hannifin Corp. Proto Labs, Inc. RBC Bearings, Inc. Rexnord Corp. Snap-On, Inc. SPX Corp. SPX Flow, Inc. Standex International Corp. Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. Sun Hydraulics Corp. Supreme Industries, Inc. Tennant Co. Terex Corp. Timken Co. Titan International, Inc. Toro Co. TriMas Corp. Trinity Industries, Inc. Wabash National Corp. WABCO Holdings, Inc. Wabtec Corp. Watts Water Technologies Woodward, Inc. Xylem, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 16,393 69,774 429 1,530 6,943 757 757 222 19,695 419 16,281 36,268 1,880 80,624 1,115 996 211,949 124,970 142,660 3,310 28,419 518 137,435 63,068
Base Market Value 1,771,264 4,016,191 31,103 30,034 1,095,744 11,241 19,735 18,344 2,190,478 12,440 223,050 1,953,757 38,183 2,471,932 6,913 87,847 3,815,082 2,320,693 1,811,782 303,097 1,995,866 30,179 7,921,753 2,815,986
Marine Kirby Corp. Matson, Inc. Overseas Shipholding Group
1,047 806 10
65,322 26,026 110
Professional Services Acacia Research Corp. Advisory Board Co. Barrett Business Services, Inc. CBIZ, Inc. CEB, Inc. CRA International, Inc. Dun & Bradstreet Corp. Equifax, Inc. Exponent, Inc. Franklin Covey Co. FTI Consulting, Inc. GP Strategies Corp. Heidrick & Struggles International Hill International, Inc. HIS, Inc. Huron Consulting Group, Inc. ICF International, Inc. Insperity, Inc. Kelly Services, Inc. Kforce, Inc. Korn Ferry International ManpowerGroup, Inc. MISTRAS Group, Inc. Navigant Consulting, Inc. On Assignment, Inc. Resources Connection, Inc. Robert Half International, Inc. RPX Corp. TransUnion TriNet Group, Inc. TrueBlue, Inc. Verisk Analytics, Inc. WageWorks, Inc.
1,320 794 190 105,335 588 166 4,133 12,275 312 330 668 340 12,245 940 1,331 47,228 480 15,786 714 489 285,166 5,314 3,206 735 908 964 16,443 990 990 760 649 (9,106) 660
5,808 28,100 7,851 1,096,537 36,268 4,187 503,565 1,576,110 18,224 5,059 27,174 7,375 206,696 3,826 153,877 2,853,516 19,632 1,219,153 13,545 8,259 5,902,936 341,903 76,527 11,870 33,551 14,248 627,465 9,078 33,106 15,800 12,279 (738,314) 39,475
Road & Rail AMERCO ArcBest Corp. Avis Budget Group, Inc. Celadon Group, Inc. Covenant Transport Group CSX Corp. Genesee & Wyoming, Inc.
141 36,783 1,573 702 310 117,111 1,005
52,812 597,724 50,698 5,735 5,602 3,054,255 59,245
U.S. Common Stock Heartland Express, Inc. Hertz Global Holdings, Inc. J.B. Hunt Transport Services, Inc. Kansas City Southern Knight Transportation, Inc. Landstar System, Inc. Marten Transport Ltd. Norfolk Southern Corp. Old Dominion Freight Line P.A.M. Transportation Services Roadrunner Transportation System Ryder System, Inc. Saia, Inc. Swift Transportation Co. Union Pacific Corp. Universal Logistics Holdings USA Truck, Inc. Werner Enterprises, Inc. YRC Worldwide, Inc.
Shares/Par Value (63,861) 6,889 116 11,098 1,112 754 310 36,416 13,732 50 720 47,654 463 1,080 170,722 146 220 665 600
Trading Companies & Distributors Air Lease Corp. Aircastle Ltd. Applied Industrial Technologies, Inc. Beacon Roofing Supply, Inc. BMC Stock Holdings, Inc. CAI International, Inc. DXP Enterprises, Inc. Fastenal Co. GATX CORP GMS, Inc. H&E Equipment Services, Inc. HD Supply Holdings, Inc. Kaman Corp. Lawson Products, Inc. MRC Global, Inc. MSC Industrial Direct Co. Neff Corp. Now, Inc. Rush Enterprises, Inc. TAL International Group, Inc. Textainer Group Holdings Ltd. Titan Machinery, Inc. United Rentals, Inc. Univar, Inc. Veritiv Corp. W.W. Grainger, Inc. Watsco, Inc. WESCO International, Inc. Transportation Infrastructure MacQuarie Infrastructure Corp. Wesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc. Information Technology Communications Equipment ADTRAN, Inc. Aerohive Networks, Inc. Applied Optoelectronics, Inc. Arista Networks, Inc. Bel Fuse, Inc. Black Box Corp. Brocade Communications System CalAmp Corp. Calix, Inc. Ciena Corp. Cisco Systems, Inc. Clearfield, Inc. CommScope Holding Co., Inc. ComTech Telecommunications Corp. Digi International, Inc. EchoStar Corp. EMCORE Corp.
1,910 124,350 631 69,575 920 450 330 29,599 682 81,979 574 118,206 39,699 110 1,910 885 180 1,990 524 46,351 3,370 7,682 10,340 264,010 150 6,096 528 13,610
51,150 2,432,286 28,483 3,163,575 16,394 3,375 4,927 1,313,900 29,988 1,824,033 10,923 4,115,933 1,688,001 2,185 27,141 62,446 1,967 36,099 11,292 621,567 37,542 85,654 693,814 4,992,429 5,637 1,385,316 74,284 700,779
1,390 1,010
102,930 13,554
836 430 69,220 (21,192) 272 80,921 853,055 680 774 124,054 1,513,977 290 2,400 394 553 777 500
Base Market Value (1,110,543) 76,261 9,388 999,819 29,557 51,770 6,138 3,100,094 828,177 795 5,371 2,913,566 11,640 16,643 14,895,495 1,883 3,852 15,275 5,280
15,591 2,847 771,803 (1,364,341) 4,836 1,058,447 7,831,045 10,071 5,348 2,326,013 43,436,000 5,188 74,472 5,059 5,934 30,847 2,970
U.S. Common Stock Extreme Networks, Inc. F5 Networks, Inc. Finisar Corp. Harmonic, Inc. Harris Corp. Infinera Corp. InterDigital, Inc. Ixia Juniper Networks, Inc. KVH Industries, Inc. Lumentum Holdings, Inc. Motorola Solutions, Inc. NETGEAR, Inc. NetScout Systems, Inc. Oclaro, Inc. Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Plantronics, Inc. Polycom, Inc. ShoreTel, Inc. Sonus Networks, Inc. Ubiquiti Networks, Inc. ViaSat, Inc. Viavi Solutions, Inc. Electronic Equipment and Instruments Agilysys, Inc. Amphenol Corp. Anixter International, Inc. Arrow Electronics, Inc. Avnet, Inc. AVX Corp. Badger Meter, Inc. Belden, Inc. Benchmark Electronics, Inc. CDW Corp. Cognex Corp. Coherent, Inc. Control4 Corp. Corning, Inc. CTS Corp. Daktronics, Inc. Dolby Laboratories, Inc. DTS, Inc. Electro Rent Corp. ePlus, Inc. Faro Technologies, Inc. FEI Co. Fitbit, Inc. FLIR Systems, Inc. II-VI, Inc. Ingram Micro, Inc. Insight Enterprises, Inc. InvenSense, Inc. IPG Photonics Corp. Itron, Inc. Jabil Circuit, Inc. Keysight Technologies, Inc. Kimball Electronics, Inc. Knowles Corp. Littelfuse, Inc. Mesa Laboratories, Inc. Methode Electronics, Inc. MTS Systems Corp. Multi-Fineline Electronix, Inc. National Instruments Corp. Novanta, Inc. OSI Systems, Inc. Park Electrochemical Corp. PC Connection, Inc. Plexus Corp. QLogic Corp. Rofin Sinar Technologies, Inc. Rogers Corp.
Shares/Par Value 1,864 35,952 1,930 1,867 120,349 149,630 671 1,125 173,656 410 50,392 44,484 165,069 1,680 1,810 14,090 38,794 2,498 1,660 909 540 (31,233) 4,341
Base Market Value 6,319 4,092,776 33,794 5,321 10,041,921 1,687,826 37,361 11,048 3,905,523 3,157 1,219,486 2,934,609 7,847,380 37,380 8,833 1,727,998 1,706,936 28,103 11,105 7,899 20,876 (2,230,036) 28,781
285 48,546 89,027 60,491 36,606 1,524 269 50,632 77,502 86,552 1,518 450 390 1,511,921 87,989 652 45,952 424 302 11,170 380 776 91,131 17,112 940 132,328 55,239 1,330 29,438 (55,956) 263,250 3,140 756 172,310 46,965 70 712 268 228 (63,895) 590 360 91,726 290 16,133 104,420 452 341
2,984 2,783,142 4,743,359 3,744,393 1,482,909 20,696 19,645 3,056,654 1,639,167 3,469,004 65,426 41,301 3,182 30,964,142 1,576,763 4,075 2,198,803 11,215 4,654 913,594 12,855 82,939 1,113,621 529,616 17,634 4,602,368 1,436,214 8,153 2,355,040 (2,411,704) 4,862,228 91,343 9,412 2,357,201 5,550,793 8,610 24,372 11,749 5,290 (1,750,723) 8,939 20,927 1,332,779 6,902 696,946 1,539,151 14,437 20,835
U.S. Common Stock Sanmina Corp. ScanSource, Inc. SYNNEX Corp. Systemax, Inc. Tech Data Corp. Trimble Navigation Ltd. TTM Technologies Universal Display Corp. Verifone Systems, Inc. Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. Vishay Precision Group Zebra Technologies Corp.
Shares/Par Value 77,320 83,630 45,039 193 72,314 (53,355) 1,064 745 2,037 327,010 322 69,594
Internet Software & Services 2U, Inc. Actua Corp. Akamai Technologies, Inc. Alarm.com Holdings, Inc. Alphabet, Inc. - class A Alphabet, Inc. - class C Amber Road, Inc. Angie's List, Inc. Apigee Corp. AppFolio, Inc. Bankrate, Inc. Bazaarvoice, Inc. Benefitfocus, Inc. Blucora, Inc. Box, Inc. Brightcove Carbonite, Inc. Care.com, Inc. ChannelAdvisor Corp. comScore, Inc. Cornerstone OnDemand, Inc. CoStar Group, Inc. Cvent, Inc. Demandware, Inc. DHI Group, Inc. EarthLink Holdings Corp. eBay, Inc. Endurance International Group Envestnet, Inc. Everyday Health, Inc. Facebook, Inc. Five9, Inc. GoDaddy, Inc. Gogo, Inc. GrubHub, Inc. GTT Communications, Inc. Hortonworks, Inc. IAC/InterActiveCorp inContact, Inc. Instructure, Inc. Intralinks Holdings, Inc. J2 Global, Inc. Lantronix, Inc. - warrants Limelight Networks, Inc. LinkedIn Corp. Liquidity Services, Inc. LivePerson, Inc. LogMeIn, Inc. Marchex, Inc. Marketo, Inc. Match Group, Inc. MeetMe, Inc. MINDBODY, Inc. Monster Worldwide, Inc. New Relic, Inc. NIC, Inc. Pandora Media, Inc. Q2 Holdings, Inc. QuinStreet, Inc.
680 739 22,135 85,548 101,103 85,004 450 1,140 100 110 1,160 1,580 150 1,044 820 850 470 500 126,312 80,693 62,380 606 570 720 183,630 1,798 496,477 1,090 720 78,004 725,298 620 880 1,050 1,400 176,974 240 95,864 990 150 1,030 904 4,332 1,070 7,835 626 1,050 42,160 834 770 660 100 180 1,450 400 1,154 4,020 360 910
Base Market Value 2,072,949 3,103,509 4,270,598 1,646 5,195,761 (1,299,728) 8,012 50,511 37,766 4,051,654 4,321 3,486,659
19,999 6,673 1,238,011 2,192,595 71,128,994 58,831,268 3,470 7,421 1,222 1,591 8,677 6,336 5,718 10,816 8,479 7,480 4,573 5,840 1,830,261 1,926,949 2,374,183 132,508 20,360 53,928 1,144,015 11,507 11,622,527 9,799 23,983 614,672 82,887,055 7,378 27,447 8,810 43,498 3,270,480 2,566 5,397,143 13,712 2,850 6,695 57,106 1,594 1,482,774 4,908 6,657 2,674,209 2,652 26,811 9,950 533 2,905 3,466 11,752 25,319 50,049 10,087 3,231
U.S. Common Stock Quotient Technology, Inc. Rackspace Hosting, Inc. RealNetworks, Inc. Reis, Inc. RetailMeNot, Inc. SciQuest, Inc. Shutterstock, Inc. SPS Commerce, Inc. Stamps.com, Inc. TechTarget TrueCar, Inc. Twitter, Inc. United Online, Inc. W/I Verisign, Inc. Web.com Group, Inc. WebMD Health Corp. Xactly Corp. XO Group, Inc. Yahoo, Inc. Yelp, Inc. Zillow Group, Inc. - class A Zillow Group, Inc. - class C IT Services Acxiom Corp. Alliance Data Systems Corp. Amdocs Ltd. Automatic Data Processing Black Knight Financial Blackhawk Network Holdings, Inc. Booz Allen Hamilton Holdings Broadridge Financial Solutions CACI International, Inc. Cardtronics, Inc. Cass Information Systems, Inc. Cognizant Technology Solutions Computer Sciences Corp. Convergys Corp. CoreLogic, Inc. CSG Systems International, Inc. CSRA, Inc. Datalink Corp. DST Systems, Inc. EPAM Systems, Inc. Euronet Worldwide, Inc. EVERTEC, Inc. ExlService Holdings, Inc. Fidelity National Information Services First Data Corp. Fiserv, Inc. FleetCor Technologies, Inc. Forrester Research, Inc. Gartner, Inc. Genpact Ltd. Global Payments, Inc. Hackett Group, Inc. International Business Machines Corp. Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. Leidos Holdings, Inc. Lionbridge Technologies, Inc. ManTech International Corp. MasterCard, Inc. Maximus, Inc. MoneyGram International, Inc. Neustar, Inc. Paychex, Inc. PayPal Holdings, Inc. Perficient, Inc. PFSweb, Inc. Sabre Corp. Science Applications International ServiceSource International Square, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 1,130 141,279 398 160 13,006 450 360 300 262 500 890 11,864 370 42,388 710 724 43,843 718 90,265 1,260 907 1,914
Base Market Value 15,153 2,947,080 1,715 3,984 100,276 7,947 16,488 18,180 22,904 4,050 6,987 200,620 4,070 3,664,866 12,908 42,072 561,629 12,515 3,390,353 38,254 33,242 69,440
1,253 15,569 150,271 47,506 390 910 115,810 46,008 39,669 740 321 326,289 267,942 95,265 1,682 54,609 43,188 10,393 650 151,114 935 1,500.00 74,674 33,708 5,350 24,202 64,436 183 24,804 66,216 190,564 14,076 133,276 1,492 92,726 1,200 8,569 228,648 1,222 754 977 33,381 311,231 543 310 122,833 750 1,090 960
27,553 3,050,278 8,673,642 4,364,376 14,664 30,476 3,432,608 2,999,722 3,586,474 29,459 16,596 18,676,782 13,303,320 2,381,625 64,723 2,201,289 1,011,895 77,948 75,680 9,718,141 64,693 23,310.00 3,913,664 2,483,605 59,225 2,631,483 9,222,725 6,745 2,416,158 1,777,237 13,602,458 195,234 20,228,631 130,207 4,438,794 4,740 324,080 20,134,743 67,662 5,165 22,969 1,986,170 11,363,044 11,028 2,945 3,290,696 43,763 4,393 8,688
U.S. Common Stock Sykes Enterprises, Inc. Syntel, Inc. TeleTech Holdings, Inc. Teradata Corp. Total System Services, Inc. Unisys Corp. Vantiv, Inc. Virtusa Corp. Visa, Inc. Western Union Co. WEX, Inc. Xerox Corp. Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment Advanced Energy Industries Advanced Micro Devices Alpha & Omega Semiconductor Ambarella, Inc. Amkor Technology, Inc. Analog Devices, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc. Applied Micro Circuits Corp. Axcelis Technologies, Inc. Brooks Automation, Inc. Cabot Microelectronics Corp. Cavium, Inc. CEVA, Inc. Cirrus Logic, Inc. Cohu, Inc. Cree, Inc. Cypress Semiconductor Corp. Diodes, Inc. DSP Group, Inc. Entegris, Inc. Exar Corp. Fairchild Semiconductor International First Solar, Inc. FormFactor, Inc. Inphi Corp. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Intel Corp. Intersil Corp. IXYS Corp. KLA Tencor Corp. Kopin Corp. Lam Research Corp. Lattice Semiconductor Corp. Linear Technology Corp. M/A-Com Technology Solutions, Inc. Marvell Technology Group Ltd. Maxim Integrated Products MaxLinear, Inc. Microchip Technology, Inc. Micron Technology, Inc. Microsemi Corp. MKS Instruments, Inc. Monolithic Power Systems, Inc. Nanometrics, Inc. NeoPhotonics Corp. NVE Corp. NVIDIA Corp. ON Semiconductor Corp. PDF Solutions, Inc. Photronics, Inc. Power Integrations, Inc. Qorvo, Inc. Qualcomm, Inc. Rambus, Inc. Rudolph Technologies, Inc. Semtech Corp. Sigma Designs, Inc. Silicon Laboratories, Inc. Skyworks Solutions, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 4,808 576 7,424 236,212 83,324 1,160 69,345 550 606,041 205,975 728 174,900
Base Market Value 139,240 26,070 201,413 5,921,835 4,425,338 8,445 3,924,927 15,884 44,950,061 3,950,601 64,552 1,659,801
38,601 11,820 8,973 580 37,049 37,556 927,995 1,930 2,110 1,626 468 24,995 460 1,157 850 1,921 5,841 581 394 139,693 721 2,009 9,374 1,170 118,098 2,504 1,500,897 2,449 678 16,844 1,190 29,622 2,919 28,856 64,941 24,890 5,130 131,500 22,077 126,319 191,713 72,141 36,597 530 540 80 123,250 7,628 690 209,017 34,018 13,380 249,499 2,073 683 1,119 85,336 702 21,610
1,465,294 60,755 124,994 29,470 213,032 2,127,172 22,244,040 12,391 5,676 18,244 19,815 964,807 12,498 44,880 9,223 46,949 61,623 10,917 4,180 2,021,358 5,804 39,879 454,452 10,520 3,782,679 50,406 49,229,422 33,159 6,950 1,233,823 2,642 2,490,025 15,617 1,342,670 2,141,754 237,202 183,090 2,364,370 1,120,629 1,738,149 6,265,181 3,106,391 2,500,307 11,019 5,146 4,692 5,793,983 67,279 9,653 1,862,341 1,703,281 739,379 13,365,661 25,042 10,607 26,699 548,710 34,215 1,367,481
U.S. Common Stock SunPower Corp. Synaptics, Inc. Teradyne, Inc. Tessera Technologies, Inc. Texas Instruments, Inc. Ultra Clean Holdings, Inc. Ultratech, Inc. Veeco Instruments, Inc. Xcerra Corp. Xilinx, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 1,010 683 247,113 921 221,372 560 512 744 922 28,597
Software 8X8, Inc. A10 Networks, Inc. ACI Worldwide, Inc. Activision Blizzard, Inc. Adobe Systems, Inc. American Software, Inc. ANSYS, Inc. Aspen Technology, Inc. Autodesk, Inc. Barracuda Networks, Inc. Blackbaud, Inc. Bottomline Technologies BroadSoft, Inc. CA, Inc. Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Callidus Software, Inc. CDK Global, Inc. Citrix Systems, Inc. Commvault Systems, Inc. Digimarc Corp. Ebix, Inc. Electronic Arts, Inc. Ellie Mae, Inc. EnerNOC, Inc. EPIQ Systems, Inc. Fair Isaac Corp. FireEye, Inc. Fortinet, Inc. Gigamon, Inc. Glu Mobile, Inc. Guidance Software, Inc. Guidewire Software, Inc. HubSpot, Inc. Imperva, Inc. Infoblox, Inc. Interactive Intelligence Group Intuit, inc. Jive Software, Inc. Manhattan Associates, Inc. Mentor Graphics Corp. Microsoft Corp. MicroStrategy, Inc. Mitek Systems, Inc. MobileIron, Inc. Model N, Inc. Monotype Imaging Holdings, Inc. NetSuite, Inc. Nuance Communications, Inc. Oracle Corp. Park City Group, Inc. Paycom Software, Inc. Paylocity Holding Corp. PegaSystems, Inc. Progress Software Corp. Proofpoint, Inc. Pros Holdings, Inc. PTC, Inc. QAD, Inc. Qlik Technologies, Inc. Qualys, Inc. Rapid7, Inc.
361,904 870 (17,089) 172,834 135,327 440 1,676 1,590 27,361 140 20,710 675 54,649 33,616 5,303 970 2,930 19,270 76,814 200 500 173,757 550 700 500 581 2,840 84,714 108,340 3,110 350 19,620 450 73,472 1,100 330 191,519 1,210 60,706 157,073 1,951,742 31,964 100 1,000 133,406 740 7,222 4,590 625,776 190 810 280 670 878 25,257 520 2,231 180 91,724 460 200
Base Market Value 15,645 36,711 4,865,655 28,219 13,868,956 3,186 11,761 12,321 5,302 1,319,180
5,287,417 5,629 (333,406) 6,849,411 12,962,973 4,611 152,097 63,982 1,481,325 2,120 1,406,209 14,533 2,242,248 1,103,613 128,863 19,381 162,586 1,543,334 3,317,597 6,392 23,950 13,163,830 50,408 4,424 7,300 65,659 46,775 2,676,115 4,050,833 6,842 2,167 1,211,731 19,539 3,160,031 20,636 13,527 21,375,436 4,550 3,893,076 3,339,372 99,870,638 5,594,339 711 3,050 1,780,970 18,226 525,762 71,742 25,613,012 1,704 35,000 12,096 18,057 24,110 1,593,464 9,064 83,841 3,469 2,713,196 13,713 2,516
U.S. Common Stock RealPage, Inc. Red Hat, Inc. RingCentral, Inc. Rovi Corp. Rubicon Project, Inc. Salesforce.com, Inc. ServiceNow, Inc. Silver Spring Networks, Inc. Splunk, Inc. SS&C Technologies Holdings Symantec Corp. Synchronoss Technologies, Inc. Synopsys, Inc. Tableau Software, Inc. Take Two Interactive Software Tangoe, Inc. Telenav, Inc. TiVo, Inc. TubeMogul, Inc. Tyler Technologies, Inc. Ultimate Software Group, Inc. Varonis Systems, Inc. Vasco Data Security International Verint Systems, Inc. VirnetX Holding Corp. Vmware, Inc. Workday, Inc. Workiva, Inc. Xura, Inc. ZEDGE, Inc. Zendesk, Inc. Zix Corp. Zynga, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 6,139 22,585 990 1,530 83,370 325,294 120,164 670 79,928 2,920 233,128 13,342 3,039 41,368 82,348 730 730 2,361 400 621 (4,216) 260 542 1,077 1,160 1,530 30,010 130 420 1 1,500 1,020 13,380
Technology Hardware, Storage & Peripherals 3D Systems Corp. Apple, Inc. Avid Technology, Inc. CPI Card Group, Inc. Cray, Inc. Diebold, Inc. Eastman Kodak Co. Electronics for Imaging EMC Corp. Hewlett Packard Enterprise HP, Inc. Immersion Corp. Lexmark International, Inc. NCR Corp. NetApp, Inc. Nimble Storage, Inc. Pure Storage, Inc. Silicon Graphics International Super Micro Computer, Inc. Western Digital Corp.
1,989 1,406,908 840 450 760 1,041 460 76,200 1,961,523 865,428 331,489 730 71,020 114,919 56,737 800 840 1,028 148,796 43,370
Materials Chemicals A. Schulman, Inc. Air Products & Chemicals, Inc. American Vanguard Corp. Ashland, Inc. Axalta Coating Systems Ltd. Axiall Corp. Balchem Corp. Cabot Corp. Calgon Carbon Corp. Celanese Corp. CF Industries Holdings, Inc. Chase Corp. Chemours Co. Chemtura Corp. Dow Chemical Co.
83,734 12,362 541 1,280 (104,338) 1,414 (23,557) 127,698 1,202 15,641 42,220 180 3,371 1,170 905,594
Base Market Value 137,084 1,639,671 19,523 23,929 1,138,001 25,831,597 7,978,890 8,141 4,330,499 81,994 4,788,449 425,076 164,349 2,023,723 3,122,636 5,636 3,723 23,374 4,760 103,527 (886,583) 6,245 8,883 35,681 4,640 87,547 2,240,847 1,776 10,261 3 39,570 3,825 33,316
27,229 134,500,405 4,880 2,255 22,739 25,848 7,397 3,279,648 53,294,580 15,811,370 4,160,187 5,358 2,681,005 3,191,301 1,395,163 6,368 9,156 5,171 3,697,581 2,049,666
2,044,784 1,755,898 8,175 146,906 (2,768,087) 46,111 (1,405,175) 5,830,691 15,806 1,023,703 1,017,502 10,633 27,777 30,865 45,017,078
U.S. Common Stock E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. Eastman Chemical Co. Ecolab, Inc. Ferro Corp. Flotek Industries, Inc. FMC Corp. FutureFuel Corp. GCP Applied Technologies H.B. Fuller Co. Hawkins, Inc. Huntsman Corp. Ingevity Corp. Innophos Holdings, Inc. Innospec, Inc. International Flavors & Fragrances KMG Chemicals, Inc. Koppers Holdings, Inc. Kraton Performance Polymers Kronos Worldwide, Inc. LSB Industries, Inc. Minerals Technologies, Inc. Monsanto Co. Mosaic Co. NewMarket Corp. Olin Corp. OMNOVA Solutions, Inc. Platform Specialty Products PolyOne Corp. PPG Industries, Inc. Praxair, Inc. Quaker Chemical Corp. Rayonier Advanced Materials RPM International, Inc. Scotts Miracle Gro Co. Sensient Technologies Corp. Sherwin Williams Co. Stepan Co. TerraVia Holdings, Inc. Trecora Resources Tredegar Corp. Trinseo Valhi, Inc. Valspar Corp. W.R. Grace & Co. Westlake Chemical Corp.
Shares/Par Value 98,412 30,143 57,587 67,833 1,000 (30,735) 420 1,354 877 280 324,941 2,333 455 460 (3,679) 180 42,546 53,126 520 510 644 104,282 65,781 (4,619) 3,061 1,210 2,550 87,764 118,045 30,447 240 754 2,706 915 51,470 61,194 7,278 2,060 520 377 480 500 16,300 1,434 744
Base Market Value 6,377,098 2,046,710 6,829,818 907,606 13,200 (1,423,338) 4,570 35,258 38,579 12,155 4,370,456 79,415 19,206 21,155 (463,812) 4,678 1,307,439 1,483,809 2,730 6,161 36,579 10,783,802 1,722,147 (1,914,021) 76,035 8,773 22,644 3,092,803 12,294,387 3,421,938 21,408 10,247 135,165 63,968 3,656,429 17,970,842 433,259 5,397 5,424 6,077 20,606 785 1,760,889 104,983 31,932
Construction Materials Atkore International Group, Inc. Eagle Materials, Inc. Headwaters, Inc. Martin Marietta Materials SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc. Summit Materials, Inc. U.S. Concrete, Inc. United States Lime & Minerals, Inc. Vulcan Materials Co.
571,127 893 306,585 6,840 30 1,081 270 30 82,571
9,138,032 68,895 5,500,135 1,313,280 1,020 22,117 16,446 1,770 9,938,246
Containers & Packaging AEP Industries, Inc. AptarGroup, Inc. Avery Dennis Corp. Ball Corp. Bemis Co. Berry Plastics Group, Inc. Crown Holdings, Inc. Graphic Packaging Holding Co. Greif, Inc. International Paper Co. Multi Packaging Solutions, Inc. Myers Industries, Inc. Owens Illinois, Inc. Packaging Corp of America Sealed Air Corp.
1,136 (15,193) 38,843 (28,365) 62,570 110,441 67,281 124,139 54,911 81,356 650 581 35,585 61,314 111,802
91,403 (1,202,222) 2,903,514 (2,050,506) 3,221,729 4,290,633 3,409,128 1,556,703 2,046,533 3,447,867 8,678 8,366 640,886 4,103,746 5,139,538
U.S. Common Stock Silgan Holdings, Inc. Sonoco Products Co. WestRock Co.
Shares/Par Value 45,832 79,682 127,092
Base Market Value 2,358,515 3,957,008 4,940,066
3,120 148,121 2,020 778 151,443 3,870 2,924 278,569 632 176,617 70 330 6,527 38,939 366 66,227 35,527 234 630 1,492 1,296 280 24,568 157,588 2,083 1,680 50,904 2,540 789
14,539 1,373,082 25,755 25,620 958,634 21,943 31,170 4,707,816 46,888 1,967,513 1,833 10,586 33,288 3,520,475 9,062 2,590,800 1,755,389 6,391 4,895 114,735 93,338 4,900 432,397 3,860,906 24,704 9,778 489,696 42,824 33,375
Paper & Forest Products Boise Cascade Co. Clearwater Paper Corp. Deltic Timber Corp. Domtar Corp. Glatfelter KapStone Paper and Packaging Louisiana Pacific Corp. Neenah Paper, Inc. Schweitzer-Mauduit International, Inc.
740 56,165 299 69,838 61,506 86,972 2,517 306 37,362
16,983 3,671,506 20,072 2,445,028 1,203,057 1,131,506 43,670 22,145 1,318,131
Telecommunication Services Diversified Telecommunications AT&T, Inc. ATN International, Inc. CenturyLink, Inc. Cincinnati Bell, Inc. Cogent Communications Holdings, Inc. Consolidated Communications Fairpoint Communications, Inc. Frontier Communications Corp. General Communication, Inc. Globalstar, Inc. Hawaiian Telcom HoldCo, Inc. IDT Corp. Inteliquent, Inc. Iridium Communications, Inc. Level 3 Communications, Inc. Lumos Networks Corp. ORBCOMM, Inc. pdvWIRELESS, Inc. SBA Communications Corp. Straight Path Communications, Inc. Verizon Communications, Inc. Vonage Holdings Corp. Windstream Holdings, Inc. Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.
1,244,999 196 189,021 3,726 862 903 540 119,969 529 8,850 300 440 96,398 217,680 35,130 592 1,050 240 2,381 170 1,343,133 845,254 1,700 3,050
53,796,407 15,251 5,483,499 17,028 34,532 24,598 7,927 592,647 8,358 10,709 6,357 6,244 1,917,356 1,932,998 1,808,844 7,163 10,448 5,134 257,005 4,704 75,000,547 5,156,049 15,759 85,187
Metals & Mining AK Steel Holding Corp. Alcoa, Inc. Allegheny Technologies, Inc. Carpenter Technology Century Aluminum Co. Cliffs Natural Resources, Inc. Coeur Mining, Inc. Commercial Metals Co. Compass Minerals International Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. Handy & Harman Ltd. Haynes International, Inc. Hecla Mining Co. Kaiser Aluminum Corp. Materion Corp. Newmont Mining Corp. Nucor Corp. Olympic Steel, Inc. Real Industry, Inc. Reliance Steel & Aluminum Royal Gold, Inc. Ryerson Holding Corp. Schnitzer Steel Industries, Inc. Steel Dynamics, Inc. Stillwater Mining Co. Sunco*ke Energy, Inc. TimkenSteel Corp. United States Steel Corp. Worthington Industries
U.S. Common Stock Wireless Telecommunication Services Boingo Wireless, Inc. Shenandoah Telecommunication Spok Holdings, Inc. Sprint Corp. Telephone and Data Systems T-Mobile US, Inc. U.S. Cellular Corp.
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
950 860 539 (734,974) 25,194 94,444 2,722
8,474 33,592 10,330 (3,329,432) 747,254 4,086,592 106,893
Utilities Electric Utilities ALLETE, Inc. American Electric Power AVANGRID, Inc. Duke Energy Corp. Edison International El Paso Electric Co. Empire District Electric Co. Entergy Corp. Eversource Energy Exelon Corp. FirstEnergy Corp. Genie Energy Ltd. Great Plains Energy, Inc. Hawaiian Electric Industries IDACORP, Inc. ITC Holdings Corp. MGE Energy, Inc. NextEra Energy, Inc. OGE Energy Corp. Otter Tail Corp. PG&E Corp. Pinnacle West Capital PNM Resources, Inc. Portland General Electric Co. PPL Corp. Southern Co. Spark Energy, Inc. Westar Energy, Inc. Xcel Energy, Inc.
134,022 305,624 1,054 77,794 80,679 663 818 97,568 35,671 616,756 168,561 330 2,866 1,999 30,696 2,887 636 59,344 3,696 591 61,932 12,385 152,284 315,681 215,943 103,754 70 2,956 104,530
8,661,842 21,421,186 48,547 6,673,947 6,266,338 31,340 27,787 7,937,157 2,136,693 22,425,248 5,884,465 2,234 87,126 65,547 2,497,120 135,169 35,944 7,738,458 121,044 19,793 3,958,693 1,003,928 5,396,945 13,927,846 8,151,848 5,564,327 2,314 165,802 4,680,853
Gas Utilities AGL Resources, Inc. Atmos Energy Corp. Chesapeake Utilities Corp. National Fuel Gas Co. New Jersey Resources Corp. Northwest Natural Gas Co. One Gas, Inc. Piedmont Natural Gas Co. Questar Corp. South Jersey Industries Southwest Gas Corp. Spire, Inc. UGI Corp. WGL Holdings, Inc.
12,660 1,985 400 1,443 1,564 706 2,263 1,556 3,260 1,774 797 116,630 3,138 859
835,180 161,420 26,472 82,078 60,292 45,763 150,693 93,547 82,706 56,094 62,732 8,262,069 141,995 60,809
1,354,793 6,951 2,148 36,754 640 1,010 (28,470) 0 1,040 2,876 1,120 1,160 530
16,907,817 102,527 37,032 550,942 9,741 15,746 (1,245,847) 5 23,889 38,970 3,651 12,644 1,627
Independent Power & Renewable Electricity AES Corp. Calpine Corp. Dynegy, Inc. NRG Energy, Inc. NRG Yield, Inc. Class A NRG Yield, Inc. Class C Ormat Technologies, Inc. Ormat Technologies, Inc. Pattern Energy Group, Inc. Talen Energy Corp. TerraForm Global, Inc. TerraForm Power, Inc. Vivint Solar, Inc.
U.S. Common Stock Multi-Utilities Ameren Corp. Avista Corp. Black Hills Corp. CenterPoint Energy, Inc. CMS Energy Corp. Consolidated Edison, Inc. Dominion Resources, Inc. DTE Energy Co. MDU Resources Group, Inc. NiSource, Inc. Northwestern Corp. Public Service Enterprise Group Scana Corp. Sempra Energy Teco Energy, Inc. Unitil Corp. Vectren Corp. WEC Energy Group, Inc. Water Utilities American States Water Co. American Water Works Co., Inc. Aqua America, Inc. Artesian Resources Corp. California Water Service Group Connecticut Water Service, Inc. Middlesex Water Co. SJW Corp. York Water Co. Total U.S. Common Stock
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
127,241 54,040 958 162,242 31,346 96,567 71,183 21,403 3,302 35,948 843 242,775 133,952 27,729 27,045 70,154 1,546 35,938
6,817,573 2,420,992 60,392 3,893,808 1,437,528 7,767,849 5,547,291 2,121,465 79,248 953,341 53,168 11,315,743 10,134,808 3,161,661 747,524 2,993,471 81,428 2,346,751
634 20,610 2,996 210 1,240 290 410 402 330
27,782 1,741,751 106,837 7,123 43,313 16,298 17,786 15,831 10,573 7,420,148,811
U.S. Preferred Stock American Tower Corp. Bank of America Corp. Bank of America Corp. BB&T Corp. Crown Castle International Corp. Dominion Resources, Inc. Exelon Corp. First Niagara Financial Group First Republic Bank First Tennessee Bank Hartford Financial Services Group Huntington Bancshares J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. M&T Bank Corp. M&T Bank Corp. NextEra Energy, Inc. PNC Financial Services Public Storage Regions Financial Corp. Spire, Inc. Synovus Financial Corp. Tyson Foods, Inc. U.S. Bancorp U.S. Bancorp U.S. Bancorp Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Wells Fargo & Co. Welltower, Inc. Zions Bancorporation Zions Bancorporation Total U.S. Preferred Stock
Shares/Par Value 12,900 39,664 42,314 33,800 16,800 69,808 33,950 51,405 16,595 2,044 70,055 1,610 69,857 378 915 38,215 34,671 34,169 52,830 31,400 49,780 36,501 2,804 30,717 63,875 1,450 43,356 94,249 16,000 45,850 41,980
Base Market Value 1,451,250 901,563 1,090,009 909,558 2,034,564 3,618,847 1,675,093 1,353,494 435,121 1,336,521 2,207,433 2,270,100 1,809,995 402,050 967,155 2,475,568 896,592 903,087 1,413,731 1,927,960 1,443,620 2,696,694 2,372,885 741,816 1,967,350 1,883,840 1,290,275 2,600,330 1,084,800 1,230,156 1,259,400 48,650,853
International Common Stock Commingled DFA Emerging Markets Small Cap Portfolio
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
380 29,349
14,953 4,128,524
Argentina Globant S.A. Mercadolibre, Inc.
International Common Stock Australia Abacus Property Group Aconex Ltd. ADR BHP Billiton Ltd. AET&D Holdings No. 1 PTY Ltd. AGL Energy Ltd. ALS Ltd. ALS Ltd./Queensland - rights Alumina Ltd. Amcor Ltd. AMP Ltd. APA Group APN News & Media Ltd. ARB Corp. Ltd. Aristocrat Leisure Ltd. Arrium Ltd. Asciano Ltd. ASX Ltd. ASX Ltd. - rights Aurizon Holdings Ltd. Ausdrill Ltd. AusNet Services Austal Ltd. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Australian Agricultural Co. Australian Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Australian Vintage Ltd. Automotive Holdings Group Ltd. AWE Ltd. Bank of Queensland Ltd. Beach Energy Ltd. Beadell Resources Ltd. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank BHP Billiton Ltd. Billabong International Ltd. Blackmores Ltd. Bluescope Steel Ltd. Boart Longyear Ltd. Boom Logistics Ltd. Boral Ltd. Bradken Ltd. Brambles Ltd. Brickworks Ltd. BWP Trust Cabcharge Australia Ltd. Caltex Australia Ltd. Cardno Ltd. Carnarvon Petroleum Ltd. Cedar Woods Properties Ltd. Challenger Ltd. Charter Hall Retail REIT CIMIC Group Ltd. Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd. Coal of Africa Ltd. Coca Cola Amatil Ltd. Cochlear Ltd. Collins Foods Ltd. Commonwealth Bank of Australia Computershare Ltd. Cooper Energy Ltd. Corporate Travel Management Costa Group Holdings Ltd. Crown Resorts Ltd. CSG Ltd. CSL Ltd. CSR Ltd. Decmil Group Ltd. Dexus Property Group Domino's Pizza Enterprises Ltd. Doray Minerals Ltd. Downer EDI Ltd. Duet Group
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
586,505 98,000 140,596 13,800 91,097 91,889 465 1,137,099 597,011 386,697 158,689 82,924 164,020 77,584 1,316,464 82,273 27,803 302 302,125 134,680 212,944 286,380 825,800 277,594 324,235 28,509 25,308 245,586 127,312 838,556 348,245 128,984 434,408 36,016 3,140 433,067 134,779 337,961 319,382 86,780 206,873 25,689 74,058 210,646 205,358 74,588 450,546 8,456 1,027,741 2,162,499 13,952 1,272,141 38,036 1,440,207 64,235 16,610 265,077 67,574 88,234 214,310 2,100,399 47,845 26,849 117,398 277,745 92,412 129,073 324,832 93,521 939,975 333,911
1,375,642 511,525 4,015,422 0 1,308,457 334,576 1,096,456 6,636,898 1,485,742 1,091,797 248,216 2,044,444 797,213 19,115 543,380 947,329 1,084,318 72,204 260,035 253,754 14,831,163 364,819 405,595 11,994 70,855 151,777 1,003,895 380,877 98,535 921,998 6,032,532 32,449 307,196 2,054,081 9,032 20,887 1,479,190 64,616 1,908,526 274,678 200,723 500,342 4,877,815 30,268 33,548 27,389 6,604,159 7,664,536 371,395 757,789 1,643 8,825,672 5,799,312 52,440 14,678,877 461,394 14,125 2,234,053 4,253,963 449,236 29,788 9,806,164 752,784 49,199 866,892 16,478,596 74,162 2,659,640 621,575
International Common Stock Elders Ltd. Elders Ltd. -- rights Emeco Holdings Ltd. Energy Resources of Australia Energy World Corp. Ltd. EVENT Hospitality & Entertainment Evolution Mining Ltd. Fairfax Media Ltd. Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd. Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. Genworth Mortgage Insurance Goodman Group GPT Group GrainCorp Ltd. Grange Resources Ltd. Greencross Ltd. Harvey Norman Holdings Ltd. Healthscope Ltd. HFA Holdings Ltd. Hills Ltd. Iluka Resources Ltd. Imdex Ltd. IMF Bentham Ltd. Incitec Pivot Ltd. Independence Group Insurance Australia Group International Ferro Metals InvoCare Ltd. iSelect Ltd. James Hardie Industries CDI Karoon Gas Australia Ltd. Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd. Lendlease Group MACA Ltd. MacMahon Holdings Ltd. Macquarie Group Ltd. McPherson's Ltd. Medibank Private Ltd. Melbourne IT Ltd. Metals X Ltd. Metcash Ltd. Mincor Resources NL Mineral Resources Ltd. Mirvac Group MMA Offshore Ltd. Monash IVF Group Ltd. Money3 Corp Ltd. Mount Gibson Iron Ltd. Myer Holdings Ltd. MyState Ltd. National Australia Bank Ltd. New Hope Corp. Ltd. Newcrest Mining Ltd. Nine Entertainment Co. Holdings Northern Star Resources Ltd. NRW Holdings Ltd. Nufarm Ltd. Oil Search Ltd. Orica Ltd. Origin Energy Ltd. OZ Minerals Ltd. Pacific Brands Ltd. Pacific Current Group Ltd. Pact Group Holdings Ltd. Panoramic Resources Ltd. Peet Ltd. Perseus Mining Ltd. Perseus Mining Ltd. -- rights Platinum Asset Management PMP Ltd. Premier Investments Ltd. Primary Health Care Ltd. Programmed Maintenance Services
Shares/Par Value 21,805 5,451 297,916 70,885 351,961 41,585 2,816,771 1,216,128 6,241 226,071 26,438 283,658 254,632 112,404 223,388 5,849 82,292 251,640 34,333 62,574 15,029 36,861 41,868 243,478 105,270 311,920 64,450 699,927 47,590 64,574 39,089 117,108 999,640 755,620 292,707 210,418 54,305 393,611 11,944 111,334 248,502 81,653 423,748 529,407 186,084 505,984 26,822 332,015 1,094,972 6,301 526,394 21,378 108,197 1,687,134 64,000 141,507 101,780 196,046 49,678 240,276 386,120 484,428 3,278 1,555,940 212,984 48,829 387,421 30,992 33,396 244,344 35,543 933,936 574,578
Base Market Value 60,398 1,299 6,877 18,473 48,483 449,910 4,886,867 842,142 146,754 589,164 54,136 1,501,715 1,025,730 722,297 15,303 29,441 282,476 535,881 58,542 11,415 72,627 5,764 47,542 538,442 257,100 1,265,793 293 6,848,116 44,117 983,273 37,401 21,582 9,378,582 708,920 19,180 10,795,062 35,381 864,594 15,830 115,645 351,566 18,240 2,621,994 796,277 42,260 685,695 23,966 64,277 913,154 19,377 9,967,364 22,604 1,852,960 1,319,052 235,413 22,127 558,538 973,659 456,090 1,028,730 1,624,403 413,007 10,520 6,986,074 21,409 33,995 150,006 143,232 98,247 377,395 2,746,864 750,843
International Common Stock Qantas Airways Ltd. QBE Insurance Group Ltd. Qube Holdings Ltd. Ramelius Resources Ltd. Ramsay Health Care Ltd. RCR Tomlinson Ltd. REA Group Ltd. Regional Express Holdings Ltd. Regis Resources Ltd. Resolute Mining Ltd Ridley Corp Ltd. Rio Tinto Ltd. Santos Ltd. Saracen Mineral Holdings Ltd. Scentre Group Seek Ltd. Select Harvests Ltd. Senex Energy Ltd. Service Stream Ltd. Seven Group Holdings Ltd. Seven West Media Ltd. Shopping Centres Australasia Property Group Sigma Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Silver Lake Resources Ltd. Sims Metal Management Ltd. SMS Management & Technology Ltd. Sonic Healthcare Ltd. South32 Ltd. South32 Ltd. Southern Cross Media Group Ltd. Spotless Group Holdings Ltd. St Barbara Ltd. Star Entertainment Group Ltd. Steadfast Group Ltd. Stockland Suncorp Group Ltd. Sundance Energy Australia Ltd. Sunland Group Ltd. Sydney Airport Tabcorp Holdings Ltd. Tassal Group Ltd. Tatts Group Ltd. Technology One Ltd. Telstra Corp. Ltd. Ten Network Holdings Ltd. TFS Corporation Ltd. Thorn Group Ltd. Tiger Resources Ltd. Tox Free Solutions Ltd. TPG Telecom Ltd. Transurban Group Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. Tronox Ltd. Troy Resources Ltd. UGL Ltd. Vicinity Centres Villa World Ltd. Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd. Vocus Communications Ltd. Watpac Ltd. Wesfarmers Ltd. Western Areas Ltd. Westfield Corp. Westpac Banking Corp. Whitehaven Coal Ltd. Woodside Petroleum Ltd. Woolworths Ltd. Worleyparsons Ltd. WPP AUNZ Ltd. Austria Agrana Beteiligungs AG AMAG Austria Metall AG
Shares/Par Value 1,925,072 1,172,364 95,528 142,718 20,339 48,130 100,020 56,154 2,240,650 201,590 126,694 58,871 230,151 100,779 711,645 47,360 16,164 171,148 201,385 397,503 579,473 4,512,444 780,274 54,641 99,881 8,528 54,867 275,866 446,005 2,067,975 3,834,308 1,126,662 158,004 46,654 323,717 167,121 124,208 74,997 155,863 122,967 86,522 213,235 737,890 636,300 103,187 180,260 10,868 87,113 30,130 357,086 269,900 293,399 1,640 126,144 292,062 457,442 27,379 816,205 64,110 100,909 154,426 70,535 260,583 502,003 502,551 286,884 170,612 308,049 170,807
Base Market Value 4,042,212 9,104,787 157,198 46,227 1,086,764 60,924 4,430,511 32,195 5,705,887 192,884 132,071 1,994,508 795,159 108,058 2,607,063 536,369 81,121 32,496 117,712 1,778,844 457,364 7,660,722 656,521 20,953 581,584 10,350 880,403 328,212 511,427 1,917,069 3,197,629 2,474,792 635,309 68,609 1,135,297 1,515,658 9,249 79,018 805,426 418,435 256,409 606,520 2,840,568 2,634,267 69,150 189,252 11,248 2,595 58,106 3,164,046 2,409,601 2,016,431 7,232 50,720 467,559 1,130,830 42,404 124,588 411,964 61,612 4,610,922 112,919 2,066,421 10,989,468 402,264 5,733,395 2,653,817 1,651,488 133,542
1,802 1,349
187,181 44,585
International Common Stock Andritz AG Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG BUWOG AG Erste Group Bank AG Intercell AG -- rights Lenzing AG OMV AG Polytec Holding AG PORR AG Raiffeisen Bank International AG RHI AG Strabag SE Uniqa Insurance Group AG Voestalpine AG Wienerberger AG Zumtobel Group AG Belgium Ackermans & van Haaren ADR Anheuser Busch Inbev SA/NV Ageas SA/NV Agfa-Gevaert N.V. Anheuser Busch Inbev SA/NV Banque Nationale de Belgique Barco N.V. Bekaert NV bpost S.A. CFE Colruyt SA Deceuninck NV Delhaize Group D'Ieteren SA/NV Euronav NV Exmar NV Gimv NV Groupe Bruxelles Lambert SA IBA (Ion Beam Applicatioins S.A.) Immobel KBC Groep NV Melexis NV Nyrstar NV Proximus Realdolmen Recticel Roularta Media Group NV Sioen Industries NV Sipef SA Solvay SA Telenet Group Holding NV UCB SA Umicore N.V. Viohalco SA Bermuda DHT Holdings, Inc. Frontline Ltd. Nordic American Tankers Ltd. S.A.S. Dragon Holdings Ltd. Brazil ADR AmBev SA (Compania de Bebidas das Americas) ADR Banco Bradesco S.A. ADR Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo SABESP ADR EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A. ADR Embraer S.A. ADR Itau Unibanco Holding ADR OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes S.A. ADR Petrobras - Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. ADR Telefonica Brasil S.A. ADR Vale SA AES Tiete Energia SA AmBev SA (Compania de Bebidas das Americas) Banco Bradesco S.A.
Shares/Par Value 10,966 15,086 3,561 204,085 2,242 8,006 136,455 5,557 781 148,874 58,800 12,898 42,169 26,484 76,241 3,515
Base Market Value 517,398 180,838 82,227 4,604,848 738,224 3,822,458 45,314 21,171 1,864,789 1,126,836 388,317 251,759 883,260 1,067,219 42,525
9,249 94,860 28,616 169,076 112,222 182 14,214 20,351 709,689 746 9,000 45,872 86,935 13,319 129,485 4,530 1,118 11,332 7,400 876 84,178 73,106 20,563 21,853 627 25,620 1,683 2,032 1,587 10,133 7,971 18,020 12,522 8,501
1,132,324 12,491,165 985,042 548,854 14,661,541 575,238 928,197 880,957 18,043,188 67,777 495,678 113,644 9,129,744 574,557 1,185,910 32,415 63,145 924,808 347,996 46,217 4,107,289 4,572,521 193,721 691,304 14,280 144,874 47,659 42,564 86,814 938,630 362,274 1,345,298 643,676 11,314
1,720 986 1,580 58,000
8,652 7,760 21,946 9,121
1,086,723 1,717,209 213,486 901 25,525 1,131,042 104,237 719,316 13,493 144,736 2,098 2,120,044 10,040
6,422,533 13,411,402 1,912,835 3,881 554,403 10,677,036 37,942 5,150,303 183,505 580,391 9,685 12,606,114 84,645
International Common Stock Banco do Brasil S.A. Banco Santander Brasil BB Seguridade Participacoes SA BM&FBOVESPA SA BR Malls Participacoes SA BRF SA CCR SA Cetip S.A. - Central de Custodai e de Liquidacao Financeira de Titulos Cielo S.A. Companhia de Saneamento Basico do Estado de Sao Paulo SABESP Companhia de Saneamento de Minas Gerais Companhia Siderurgica Nacional S.A. Cosan S.A. Industria e Comercio CPFL Energia S.A. Duratex SA EDP - Energias do Brasil S.A. Embraer S.A. Equatorial Energia SA Fibria Celulose SA Hypermarcas SA JBS S.A. Klabin SA Kroton Educacional SA Light S.A. Localiza Rent a Car Lojas Americanas S.A. Lojas Renner S.A. M. Dias Branco S.A. Multiplan Empreendimentos Imobiliarios SA Natura Cosmeticos SA OdontoPrev S.A. Petrobras - Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Porto Seuro S.A. Qualicorp S.A. Raia Drogasis S.A. Rumo Logistica Operadora Multimodal S.A. SulAmerica S.A. TIM Participacoes S.A. TOTVS S.A. Tractebel Energia SA Transmissora Alianca de Energia Eletrica SA Ultrapar Participacoes SA Vale SA WEG S.A. Canada 5N Plus, Inc. Acadian Timber Corp. Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd. Aecon Group, Inc. AGF Management Ltd. Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. Agrium, Inc. AGT Food & Ingredients, Inc. Air Canada Akita Drilling Ltd. Alacer Gold Corp. Alamos Gold, Inc. Algoma Central Corp. Alimentation Couche-Tard, Inc. AltaGas Ltd. Altius Minerals Corp. Aralez Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ARC Resources Ltd. Argonaut Gold, Inc. ATCO Ltd. Athabasca Oil Corp. Atlantic Power Corp. ATS - Automation Tooling Systems Aurico Gold, Inc. B2Gold Corp. Bank of Montreal Bank of Montreal
Shares/Par Value 10,700 5,356 292,261 54,196 6,073 232,674 1,454,400 2,769 335,912 4,281 51,502 8,556 348,210 2,735 2,455 3,237 8,136 2,494 3,100 25,739 3,405,272 6,900 224,132 317,200 1,946 2,710 1,861,470 460 766 211,855 2,310 20,631 130,400 161,839 289,300 8,800 2,300 10,805 1,560 2,115 800 4,438 15,500 7,082
Base Market Value 57,378 30,393 2,564,325 304,496 24,358 3,277,590 7,626,663 37,848 3,550,208 38,858 475,836 20,884 3,620,406 17,577 6,513 13,761 44,442 37,872 20,833 187,514 10,629,019 33,210 951,446 1,115,831 20,956 9,599 13,764,565 15,205 14,408 1,686,243 9,597 74,120 1,088,787 940,093 5,701,569 13,459 11,228 23,069 14,871 25,291 4,794 98,505 78,716 30,373
16,653 800 126,108 35,086 57,994 31,012 60,750 293 291,300 1,900 163,295 129,819 8,080 136,477 22,448 5,167 34,583 43,213 115,155 8,864 94,836 3,150 11,163 42,144 194,570 140,415 44,000
26,030 10,213 701,086 474,946 223,277 1,651,012 5,467,827 8,007 1,994,038 12,245 387,271 1,110,564 69,993 5,830,249 542,748 42,969 114,124 735,689 336,944 309,322 104,424 7,812 83,548 33,100 485,414 8,860,406 2,789,160
International Common Stock Bank of Nova Scotia Bankers Petroleum Ltd. Banro Corp. Barrick Gold Corp. Barrick Gold Corp. Baytex Energy Corp. BCE, Inc. Bellatrix Exploration Ltd. Birchcliff Energy Ltd. Black Diamond Group Ltd. Blackberry Ltd. BlackPearl Resources, Inc. Bombardier, Inc. Bonavista Energy Corp. Bonterra Energy Corp. Boralex, Inc. Brookfield Asset Management Brookfield Business Partners CAE, Inc. Cameco Corp. Canaccord Genuity Group, Inc. Canacol Energy Ltd. Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian National Railway Co. Canadian Natural Resources Canadian Natural Resources Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd. Canadian Tire Corp. Canadian Utilities Ltd. Canadian Western Bank Canam Group, Inc. Canwel Building Materials Canyon Services Group, Inc. Capstone Mining Corp. Cascades, Inc. CCL Industries, Inc. Celestica, Inc. Cenovus Energy, Inc. Centerra Gold, Inc. Cequence Energy Ltd. Cervus Equipment Corp. CGI Group, Inc. China Gold International Resources Corp. Ltd. Chinook Energy, Inc. CI Financial Corp. Cogeco Communications, Inc. Colliers International Group Computer Modelling Group Ltd. Constellation Software, Inc. Continental Gold, Inc. Copper Mountain Mining Corp. Corus Entertainment, Inc. Cott Corp. Cott Corp. Crescent Point Energy Corp. Crew Energy, Inc. Delphi Energy Corp. Detour Gold Corp. Dollarama, Inc. Dominion Diamond Corp. Dorel Industries Dundee Precious Metals, Inc. E-L Financial Corp. Ltd. Eldorado Gold Corp. Element Financial Corp. Empire Co. Ltd. Enbridge Income Fund Holdings, Inc. Enbridge, Inc. Encana Corp. Endeavour Mining Corp. Endeavour Silver Corp. Enerflex Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 163,672 106,190 43,293 336,435 159,568 90,659 446,153 120,008 72,804 1,900 72,443 113,300 271,523 99,684 4,256 7,150 132,226 201 1,026,662 57,935 68,563 59,095 143,107 33,300 204,952 255,790 148,551 44,840 58,598 18,236 29,050 17,181 4,800 33,478 189,219 56,100 3,987 53,539 114,643 109,000 15,385 1,400 35,716 139,078 48,258 34,795 9,600 15,300 241,085 10,170 28,508 59,044 13,035 2,115,338 25,804 81,520 104,808 105,538 19,039 61,238 49,844 19,853 54,858 344 113,544 55,700 221,388 25,941 125,885 113,696 23,500 22,000 27,399
Base Market Value 7,978,805 168,439 12,668 7,182,887 3,388,685 523,556 21,003,923 117,356 385,687 7,886 483,623 90,731 405,601 253,297 87,204 107,192 4,351,536 3,793 12,340,182 633,016 259,744 197,939 10,693,080 2,499,831 12,039,569 7,886,006 4,559,362 5,742,848 6,350,711 525,582 551,384 172,379 20,402 145,646 123,844 395,253 690,257 495,525 1,577,478 646,262 3,791 12,138 1,517,799 250,591 19,323 722,049 501,178 519,778 1,919,472 3,915,532 79,683 22,277 133,692 29,530,118 358,836 1,281,145 468,880 88,578 473,813 4,253,228 438,682 525,561 130,101 183,430 507,962 587,580 3,274,708 640,385 5,305,064 879,837 396,824 86,055 225,319
International Common Stock Energy Fuels, Inc. Enerplus Corp. Ensign Energy Services, Inc. Equitable Group, Inc. Essential Energy Services Ltd. exactEarth Ltd. Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. Finning International, Inc. First Capital Realty, Inc. First Majestic Silver Corp. First Quantum Minerals Ltd. Fortis, Inc. Franco Nevada Corp. Genesis Land Development Co. Genworth MI Canada, Inc. George Weston Ltd. Gildan Activewear, Inc. Gildan Activewear, Inc. Glacier Media, Inc. Goldcorp, Inc. Gran Tierra Energy, Inc. Granite Oil Corp. Granite Real Estate Investment Trust Great-West Lifeco, Inc. Guardian Capital Group Ltd. H&R Real Estate Investment Trust Hanfeng Evergreen, Inc. Heroux-Devtek, Inc. HNZ Group, Inc. Home Capital Group, Inc. Hudbay Minerals, Inc. Husky Energy, Inc. Hydro One Ltd. IAMGOLD Corp. IGM Financial, Inc. IMAX Corp. Imperial Metals Corp. Imperial Oil Ltd. Industrial Alliance Insurance Intact Financial Corp. Inter Pipeline Ltd. Interfor Corp. Ithaca Energy, Inc. Jean Coutu Group, Inc. Kelt Exploration Ltd. Keyera Corp. Kinaxis, Inc. Kingsway Financial Services Kinross Gold Corp. Kirkland Lake Gold, Inc. Laurentian Bank of Canada Lightstream Resources Ltd. Linamar Corp. Lions Gate Entertainment Corp. Liquor Stores N.A. Ltd. Loblaw Companies Ltd. Long Run Exploration Ltd. Lucara Diamond Corp. Lululemon Athletica, Inc. Lundin Mining Corp. Magellan Aerospace Corp. Magna International, Inc. Major Drilling Group International Mandalay Resources Corp. Manulife Financial Corp. Martinrea International, Inc. Masonite International Corp. MDC Partners, Inc. Meerus Labs International, Inc. Melcor Developments Ltd. Methanex Corp. Methanex Corp. Metro, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 2,700 13,833 88,984 2,867 69,066 4,291 3,100 164,693 17,506 26,297 93,803 38,540 24,854 2,300 58,515 7,591 33,068 (40,880) 58,000 636,038 195,164 10,401 30,400 37,745 113 151,434 5,416 12,073 1,000 6,416 152,755 44,079 25,700 256,574 11,928 55,314 2,500 40,724 91,864 16,847 47,100 24,300 152,039 11,300 6,665 22,538 72,535 6,475 205,868 13,481 26,404 22,040 93,531 1,750 15,727 29,853 82,912 116,300 (25,665) 176,787 277 336,258 40,000 31,500 267,257 288,120 86,840 800 11,500 5,296 114,504 11,400 373,539
Base Market Value 6,050 90,644 496,754 123,603 34,568 4,593 1,660,948 2,668,161 298,709 355,365 655,111 1,295,943 1,880,078 4,959 1,493,176 653,538 963,497 (1,199,010) 29,476 12,106,614 652,200 63,670 907,061 990,490 1,849 2,624,763 540 139,443 10,010 158,189 725,724 535,247 513,723 1,056,958 323,021 1,630,657 12,262 1,281,895 2,872,563 1,197,205 993,717 207,131 146,338 174,020 24,275 685,841 2,897,602 34,402 1,005,007 110,447 980,772 3,224 3,314,312 35,403 110,562 1,588,620 33,198 311,638 (1,895,617) 593,510 3,841 11,741,973 240,856 28,863 3,636,276 1,774,821 5,743,598 14,632 14,611 59,089 3,332,066 329,965 12,946,016
International Common Stock Metro, Inc. Mitel Networks Corp. National Bank of Canada National Bank of Canada Nevsun Resources Ltd. New Flyer Industries, Inc. New Gold, Inc. Newalta Corp. Newmarket Gold, Inc. Nobilis Health Corp. North American Energy Partners Northview Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust Nuvista Energy Ltd. OceanaGold Corp. Onex Corp. Open Text Corp. Ovivo, Inc. Painted Pony Petroleum Pan American Silver Corp. Parex Resources, Inc. Pason Systems, Inc. Pembina Pipeline Corp. Pengrowth Energy Corp. Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Performance Sports Group Ltd. Peyto Exploration & Development Corp. Pizza Pizza Royalty Corp. Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan Power Corp. of Canada Power Financial Corp. PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. PrairieSky Royalty Ltd. Precision Drilling Corp. Primero Mining Corp. QLT, Inc. Questerre Energy Corp. RB Energy, Inc. Reitmans (Canada) Ltd. Restaurant Brands International Richelieu Hardware Ltd. Richmont Mines, Inc. Riocan Real Estate Investment Trust Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers RMP Energy, Inc. Rock Energy, Inc. Rocky Mountain Dealerships Rogers Communications, Inc. Rogers Communications, Inc. Rogers Sugar, Inc. Royal Bank of Canada Russel Metals, Inc. Sandstorm Gold Ltd. Saputo, Inc. Savanna Energy Services Corp. SEMAFO, Inc. Seven Generations Energy Ltd. Shaw Communications, Inc. ShawCor Ltd. Sherritt International Corp. Sierra Wireless, Inc. Silver Standard Resources Silver Wheaton Corp. Smart Real Estate Investment Trust SNC Lavalin Group, Inc. Sprott Resource Corp. Sprott, Inc. Stella Jones, Inc. Stornoway Diamond Corp. Strad Energy Services Ltd. Stuart Olson, Inc. Sun Life Financial, Inc. Suncor Energy, Inc. SunOpta, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 79,900 7,822 175,114 67,300 109,097 21,261 310,242 25,337 124,000 820 3,300 211,700 63,010 71,409 12,270 17,652 7,726 57,754 17,403 17,613 69,543 52,233 91,998 32,815 1,520 22,322 3,372 420,021 63,054 34,502 27,171 5,116 240,603 50,916 500,800 150 5,502 20,920 29,040 136,926 12,409 23,757 120,200 62,902 5,400 4,400 102,627 99,800 2,700 266,720 7,071 62,108 32,482 186,357 76,702 25,900 313,362 59,784 162,988 3,072 60,038 62,971 47,800 19,279 37,712 30,935 100,353 19,790 2,500 11,143 140,698 227,162 6,329
Base Market Value 2,795,701 48,846 5,958,487 2,296,949 318,378 658,605 1,349,709 41,945 362,824 1,829 9,198 3,656,296 303,236 271,076 746,385 1,038,297 17,252 337,087 285,159 169,661 956,370 1,579,016 167,179 45,482 4,560 596,078 38,220 6,791,746 1,335,170 787,699 513,000 95,553 1,269,062 105,462 711,136 23 7 70,877 1,202,565 2,672,730 114,564 536,531 4,040,912 60,059 3,410 23,852 4,132,896 4,031,920 12,287 15,678,297 124,574 277,853 959,678 235,332 366,176 491,795 5,983,967 1,474,460 100,401 51,780 775,265 1,474,512 1,405,991 805,481 17,423 61,217 3,717,551 14,476 2,926 50,794 4,597,846 6,268,951 26,413
International Common Stock Superior Plus Corp. Surge Energy, Inc. Tahoe Resources, Inc. Tahoe Resources, Inc. Taseko Mines, Ltd. Teck Resources Ltd. Telus Corp. Telus Corp. Telus Corp. Tembec, Inc. Teranga Gold Corp. Tesco Corp. Thompson Creek Metals Co., Inc. Thomson Reuters Corp. Thomson Reuters Corp. Timmins Gold Corp. TMX Group Ltd. TORC Oil & Gas Ltd. Toronto Dominion Bank Toronto Dominion Bank Torstar Corp. Total Energy Services, Inc. Tourmaline Oil Corp. TransAlta Corp. TransAlta Renewables, Inc. TransCanada Corp. Transcontinental, Inc. TransGlobe Energy Corp. Trican Well Service Ltd. Trilogy Energy Corp. Trinidad Drilling Ltd. Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. UNI Select, Inc. Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Veresen, Inc. Vermilion Energy, Inc. Wajax Corp. Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd. West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. Western Energy Services Corp. Western Forest Products, Inc. WestJet Airlines Ltd. Whistler Blackcomb Holdings, Inc. Whitecap Resources, Inc. WiLAN, Inc. WSP Global, Inc. Xbiotech, Inc. Xtreme Drilling Corp. Yamana Gold, Inc. Yellow Pages Ltd./Canada Cayman Islands Consolidated Water Co. Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc. Chile ADR Banco Santander Chile ADR CCU - Compania Cervecerias Unidas S.A. ADR Enersis Chile SA ADR Latam Airlines Group SA ADR Sociedad Quimica y Minera Chile AES Gener S.A. Aguas Andinas SA Banco de Chile Banco de Credito e Inversion Banco Santander Chile CCU - Compania Cervecerias Unidas S.A. Cencosud SA Colbun SA Empresa Nacional de Electricidad S.A. Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. - rights Empresas CMPC S.A.
Shares/Par Value 205,200 164,569 33,196 5,430 39,290 579,310 152,350 72,940 48,600 26,739 267,681 1,000 87,314 46,465 5,617 67,600 11,477 82,925 252,764 51,100 29,259 4,200 24,941 126,809 12,631 96,236 72,926 37,269 31,505 16,958 121,115 136,682 904 46,220 59,375 15,687 2,500 7,000 9,000 42,097 218,400 138,200 1,989 103,362 127,016 154,710 70 30,712 313,991 10,068
Base Market Value 1,684,324 323,132 494,604 81,287 19,060 7,587,636 4,880,080 2,336,416 1,564,920 22,236 237,032 6,690 36,305 1,870,121 227,039 24,725 475,005 523,589 10,797,988 2,193,723 36,948 41,913 653,148 656,161 129,938 4,331,991 983,240 68,299 59,919 71,425 236,877 459,922 22,804 927,105 500,621 496,930 28,837 10,672 261,746 105,996 343,063 2,243,209 36,757 786,338 320,792 4,707,892 1,464 61,722 1,624,717 142,023
380 470
4,963 25,582
149,271 84,720 35,777 48,300 149,300 32,436 27,640 22,751,997 466 817,601 1,874 775,628 99,119 40,343 46,600 418 15,531
2,891,379 1,977,365 208,580 318,780 3,690,696 15,881 15,864 2,432,369 20,194 39,505 21,951 2,209,737 23,997 37,292 422,315 404 32,164
International Common Stock Empresas COPEC SA Endesa Americas SA Enersis Americas SA Enersis Chile SA Itau CorpBanca Latam Airlines Group SA S.A.C.I. Falabella China ADR 58.com, Inc. ADR Alibaba Group Holdings ADR Baidu, Inc. ADR China Lodging Group ADR CNOOC - China National Offshore Oil Corp. Ltd. ADR Ctrip.com International ADR JD.com, Inc. ADR NetEase, Inc. ADR New Oriental Education & Technology Group ADR Qihoo 360 Technology Co. ADR Qunar Cayman Islands Ltd. ADR Soufun Holdings Ltd. ADR TAL Education Group ADR Tencent Holdings Ltd. ADR Vipshop Holdings Ltd. ADR YY, Inc. Agricultural Bank of China Air China Ltd. Aluminum Corp of China Ltd. Anhui Conch Cement Co., Ltd. Anhui Expressway Co., Ltd. Asia Financial Holdings Ltd. AviChina Industry & Technology Co., Ltd. Bank of China Ltd. Bank of Chongqing Co., Ltd. Bank of Communications Co. Beijing Capital International Airport Brilliance China Automotive BYD Co. Ltd. CGN Power Co., Ltd. China Biologic Products, Inc. China BlueChemical Ltd. China Cinda Asset Managemnt China Citic Bank Corp. Ltd. China Coal Energy Co. China Communications Construction Co., Ltd. China Communications Service China Construction Bank China COSCO Holdings China Everbright Bank Co. China Galaxy Securities Co. China Life Insurance Co. China Longyuan Power Group China Merchants Bank China Metal International Holdings, Inc. China Minsheng Banking China National Building Materials China Oilfield Services China Pacific Insurance Group China Petroleum & Chemical China Power International China Railway Construction China Railway Group Ltd. China Shenhua Energy Co. China Shipping Container China Southern Airlines Co. China Telecom Corp. Ltd. China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd. China Vanke Co. Ltd. Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank Co. CITIC Securities Co., Ltd. CRRC Corp. Ltd. CSPC Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 35,043 40,343 241,121 241,121 1,965,868 3,812 6,017
Base Market Value 306,993 18,585 41,314 28,407 16,684 25,219 45,787
11,626 326,346 97,640 23,536 8,044 127,142 369,835 114,259 20,244 8,019 500 3,100 500 213,400 317,691 34,593 2,211,116 4,307,871 50,846 347,025 694,000 196,000 27,000 7,876,178 344,300 4,640,061 15,800 38,000 8,000 131,000 2,100 6,690,000 6,781,000 6,739,000 26,081 54,776 2,076,000 25,541,788 33,561 26,000 3,465,000 87,892 255,000 2,841,633 34,000 72,168 36,000 19,286 105,957 300,000 614,000 2,328,121 318,746 1,539,500 49,909 24,000 2,479,211 8,300,408 1,632,982 2,860,458 9,021,000 26,443 45,560 50,069
533,517 25,954,297 16,125,246 857,416 1,002,765 5,238,250 7,851,597 22,077,124 847,819 585,788 14,895 15,593 31,030 4,901,798 3,548,608 1,171,665 806,587 2,943,009 15,926 832,901 547,475 118,743 18,689 3,137,090 264,506 2,924,729 17,108 38,990 47,899 36,305 223,272 1,172,784 2,281,326 4,091,376 13,548 58,603 1,081,090 16,856,767 11,810 11,864 3,095,206 188,293 211,022 6,351,409 10,957 69,582 15,685 14,792 356,470 216,552 225,562 2,901,917 236,657 2,829,777 10,293 13,519 1,105,714 8,580,781 3,199,470 3,982,102 4,558,204 57,945 40,580 44,532
International Common Stock Dalian Wanda Commercial Properties Co., Ltd. Dongfeng Motor Group Co., Ltd. ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. Far East Horizon Ltd. GF Securities Co. Ltd. Great Wall Motor Co. Guangzhou Automobile Group Guangzhou R&F Properties Haitian International Holdings Haitong Securities Co. Ltd. Huadian Power International Corp. Huaneng Power International, Inc. Huaneng Renewables Corp. Huatai Securities Co. Ltd. Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. Jiangsu Express Co. Ltd. Jiangxi Copper Co. Ltd. Kingsoft Corp. Ltd. Kunlun Energy Co., Ltd. Luks Group Vietnam Holdings Ming Fai International Holdings Ltd. New China Life Insurance Co. People's Insurance Co. Group PetroChina Co. Ltd. PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ping An Insurance Group Co. Shandong Weigao GP Medical Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd. Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Holdings Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development Co. Shanghai Pharmaceuticals Shenzhen Expressway Co. Shenzhou International Group Sinopec Engineering Group Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Sinopharm Group Co. Sinotrans Ltd. Sinotrans Shipping Ltd. Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Co. TravelSky Technology Ltd. Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Weichai Power Co. Ltd. Yanzhou Coal Mining Co. Zhejiang Expressway Co. Zhuzhou CRRC Times Electric Holdings Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. ZTE Corp.
Shares/Par Value 169,201 32,000 8,437 23,000 16,800 38,500 27,354 10,800 876,000 34,232 1,408,000 1,411,715 9,532,000 17,600 15,124,253 4,800 2,330,000 16,586 611,282 38,000 74,000 30,000 9,615 10,206,000 256,000 6,673,475 2,404,390 24,000 34,000 5,000 44,100 1,886,600 676,000 7,000 14,500 42,000 2,186,000 3,870,000 1,455,500 23,344 429,000 4,000 1,653,796 24,874 950,031 590,768 3,000,375 9,520
Base Market Value 1,038,157 33,328 41,489 17,848 38,113 31,860 32,615 13,601 1,540,180 57,539 669,703 869,817 3,157,695 37,387 8,363,427 278,376 3,237,634 18,450 1,177,186 31,300 25,373 3,480 34,145 3,907,195 174,562 10,425,759 10,583,971 13,643 14,243 12,181 68,664 4,153,562 614,312 33,791 13,083 19,165 10,411,604 1,711,032 230,765 21,996 823,942 13,844 1,692,604 16,063 892,726 3,243,991 1,001,678 12,001
39,570 5,165 1,097 53,872 3,694 2,920 5,081
1,381,784 21,164 14,390 25,834 23,492 38,445 15,615
Czech Republic Central European Media Enterprises CEZ, a.s. Komercni banka, a.s. O2 Czech Republic a.s.
1,900 95,105 940 725
4,009 1,616,700 35,089 6,454
Democratic Republic of Congo Katanga Mining Ltd.
505 890
632,683 1,156,888
Colombia ADR BanColombia S.A. Cementos Argos SA Corporacion Financiera Colombiana S.A. Ecopetrol SA Grupo Argos SA Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana ISA - Interconexion Electrica SA Cyprus Songa Offshore SE
Denmark A.P. Moeller Maersk A/S A.P. Moeller Maersk A/S - B
International Common Stock Alm. Brand A/S Bang & Olufsen A/S Carlsberg A/S-B CHR Hansen Holding A/S Coloplast A/S - B D/S Norden Danske Bank A/S DFDS A/S DSV A/S FLSmidth & Co. A/S Genmab A/S H & H International A/S - B H. Lundbeck A/S Harboes Bryggeri A/S - B ISS A/S Jyske Bank NKT Holding A/S Nordjyske Bank A/S Novo Nordisk A/S - B Novozymes A/S - B Pandora A/S Per Aarsleff A/S-B Ringkjoebing Landbobank A/S Royal Unibrew Santa Fe Group A/S Schouw & Co. Solar A/S - B Spar Nord Bank A/S Sydbank A/S TDC A/S TK Development TRYG A/S United International Enterprises Vestas Wind Systems A/S William Demant Holding Egypt Commercial International Bank Global Telecom Holding S.A.E. TMG (Talaat Moustafa Group) Holdings Faeroe Islands Bakkafrost P/F Banknordik P/F Finland ADR Nokia Corp. Ahlstrom Oyj Aktia Bank Oyj Amer Sports Oyj Aspo Oyj Atria Oyj Cargotec Oyj Cramo Oyj Digia Oyj Elisa Oyj Finnair Oyj Fortum Oyj HKScan Oyj Huhtamaki Oyj Kemira Oyj Kesko Oyj A Shares Kesko Oyj B Shares Kone Oyj B Shares Lemminkainen Oyj Metsa Board Oyj Metso Oyj Munksjo Oyj Neste Oyj Nokia Oyj Nokia Oyj Nokian Renkaat Oyj Olvi Oyj
Shares/Par Value 77,394 5,595 13,835 313,525 16,859 38,140 95,147 36,907 34,783 5,252 71,506 4,397 1,696 797 235,481 105,618 7,989 1,771 331,767 31,965 141,735 7,632 50 26,745 6,948 8,622 1,576 51,382 37,262 408,756 21,123 18,044 227 29,725 16,710
Base Market Value 515,436 48,875 1,310,821 20,501,224 1,252,945 530,228 2,492,053 1,615,315 1,455,351 186,574 12,919,941 44,319 63,263 15,353 8,832,999 3,987,013 402,385 23,272 17,740,677 1,525,507 19,196,280 165,819 10,229 1,190,122 57,063 477,012 72,954 410,485 930,326 1,992,875 22,079 320,636 39,490 2,008,506 324,379
369,040 29,671 3,438
1,641,572 10,492 1,889
7,800 621
293,247 10,525
2,101,406 11,489 12,483 583 4,922 6,678 19,619 28,439 2,349 20,179 53,279 62,674 24,884 19,471 55,778 7,745 40,327 47,290 283 139,155 15,143 6,357 336,738 747,436 40,206 17,570 459
11,957,000 94,068 113,579 15,907 35,105 66,325 793,800 584,810 9,003 771,174 247,415 1,001,246 85,699 804,252 660,563 305,367 1,707,824 2,167,143 4,087 703,403 353,790 66,951 12,019,797 4,239,006 227,220 625,206 12,876
International Common Stock Oriola-KD Oyj Orion Oyj B Shares Outokumpu Oyj QT Group Oyj Raisio Oyj Ramirent Oyj Sampo Oyj Sanoma Oyj SRV Group Oyj Stockmann Oyj Stora Enso Oyj Teleste Oyj UPM Kymmene Oyj Vaisala Oyj Valmet Oyj Wartsila Oyj YIT Oyj France Accor SA Actia Group ADP ADR Sanofi Air Liquide SA Albioma SA Alstom Altamir April Arkema Assystem Atos SE Aubay AXA SA Axway Software SA BNP Paribas Boiron SA Bollore Bonduelle SCA Bourbon Corp. Bouygues SA Bureau Veritas SA Capgemini Carrefour SA Casino Guichard Perrachon Cegedim SA Cegid Group CGG SA Chargeurs SA Christian Dior SE CNP Assurances Coface SA Compagnie de Saint Gobain Compagnie des Alpes Credit Agricole SA Danone Dassault Systemes SA Derichebourg Devoteam SA Edenred EDF - Electricite de France S.A. Eiffa*ge Engie Eramet Essilor International Esso S.A.F. Euler Hermes Group Eurazeo Eutelsat Communications Exel Industries SA Faiveley Transport Fleury Michon SA Fonciere des Regions Futuren SA
Shares/Par Value 21,399 14,686 114,221 2,349 61,650 11,335 59,355 54,369 2,765 2,039 78,638 1,582 135,503 522 41,490 20,110 78,136
Base Market Value 96,995 567,776 476,613 12,056 265,056 86,763 2,408,803 317,408 12,287 11,768 627,265 14,939 2,468,806 16,441 550,815 816,571 559,893
24,070 7,836 3,712 186,870 127,288 7,471 21,746 7,171 3,498 47,462 4,285 38,524 1,652 1,032,866 1,182 410,470 50,178 113,685 9,133 3,725 28,899 38,212 21,662 76,183 8,388 2,458 3,948 481,088 15,164 9,115 27,166 19,399 472,213 6,715 492,868 273,423 18,272 62,759 715 27,296 371,971 14,055 478,301 2,694 28,320 1,020 3,194 4,953 24,460 230 3,695 727 3,575 89,525
927,630 45,790 408,384 7,820,510 13,301,074 114,954 504,313 80,144 44,923 3,641,915 108,252 3,189,751 37,623 20,430,559 27,156 18,128,733 3,930,595 385,210 219,972 43,286 832,491 806,793 1,881,913 1,879,754 467,982 75,013 265,530 342,057 167,791 1,466,289 401,847 131,678 18,022,796 138,533 4,139,489 19,261,366 1,386,034 160,430 34,156 560,851 4,533,253 1,002,600 7,710,153 88,290 3,739,269 45,134 267,051 294,385 462,634 20,173 361,442 46,844 317,771 70,615
International Common Stock Gaztransport & Technigaz S.A. Gecina SA GL Events Groupe CRIT Groupe Eurotunnel SE Groupe FNAC Groupe Open Guerbet Havas SA Hermes International iCade Iliad SA Imerys SA Ingenico Group Ipsen Ipsos Jacquet Metal Service JCDecaux Group SA Kering Klepierre Korian Lagardere SCA Laurent Perrier Group Le Belier Le Noble AGE Legrand SA Linedata Services LISI Group L'Oreal LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE Manitou BF Manutan International Maurel & Prom Co. Mersen S.A. (ex Carbone Lorraine) MGI Coutier Michelin (CGDE) Mr. Bricolage Natixis Naturex Neopost SA Nexans SA Nexity NRJ Group Orange Parrot SA Pernod Ricard SA Peugeot SA Pierre & Vacances Plastivaloire PSB Industries Publicis Groupe Rallye SA Remy Cointreau Renault SA Rexel SA Rothschild & Co. Rubis S.O.I.T.E.C. Safran SA Saft Groupe SA Sanofi Sartorius Stedim Biotech Savencia SA Schneider Electric SE Schneider Electric SE SCOR SE Seche Environnement Sequana SFR Group SA Societe BIC SA Societe Generale SA Sodexo Somfy SA
Shares/Par Value 12,776 4,951 7,318 606 67,121 4,006 3,161 951 39,600 3,711 4,398 3,729 5,716 48,867 101,870 16,249 8,836 9,975 9,854 80,527 196,305 52,803 124 3,670 511 35,096 3,570 159,782 86,481 86,418 5,431 325 12,449 8,626 3,304 62,205 1,453 129,167 249 48,862 180,081 16,508 1,474 271,580 1,025 28,823 329,240 3,155 1,054 129 29,312 17,025 3,254 83,656 171,771 6,603 92,473 151,571 129,727 12,253 694,510 124,242 4,154 220,897 2,469 109,467 1,326 33,749 14,455 4,097 433,200 14,691 306
Base Market Value 388,973 673,788 121,949 40,387 712,125 216,426 61,455 58,098 306,811 1,389,155 311,089 756,048 365,326 5,705,749 6,273,147 461,404 116,520 336,718 1,592,284 3,565,038 6,346,271 1,152,698 9,154 162,068 16,503 1,805,621 162,610 4,055,210 16,525,075 13,056,820 83,324 17,584 40,246 130,234 75,284 5,888,574 21,792 489,185 19,834 1,128,005 7,551,298 838,026 15,524 4,421,584 14,302 3,205,292 3,955,792 135,470 107,258 6,693 1,971,108 294,490 280,056 6,360,648 2,159,229 157,715 7,081,374 90,929 8,779,799 497,399 57,805,685 8,416,861 254,096 13,021,210 144,457 3,262,250 41,056 78,361 363,169 577,821 13,576,437 1,579,216 108,784
International Common Stock Sopra Steria Group SPIR Communication STEF TFE Suez Environnement Co. Sword Group Technip SA Teleperformance Television Francaise Thales SA Total Gabon Total SA Trigano SA Ubisoft Entertainment Unibail Rodamco SE Unibail Rodamco SE Valeo SA Veolia Environnement Vicat Viel et Compagnie Vilmorin & Cie Vinci SA Vivendi Wendel Zodiac Aerospace Germany Aareal Bank AG Adidas AG ADR SAP SE Adva Optical Networking SE Allgeier SE Allianz SE Aurubis AG Axel Springer SE BASF SE Bayer AG Bayerische Motoren Werke AG BayWa AG (Bayerische Warenvermit) Bechtle AG Beiersdorf AG Bijou Brigitte Modi Access Bilfinger SE Borussia Dortmund GMBH & Co. Brenntag AG Centrotec Sustainable AG CEWE Stiftung & Co. KGaA Clere AG Comdirect Bank AG Commerzbank AG Continental AG Covestro AG Cropenergies AG CTS Eventim AG & Co. KGaA Daimler AG Deutsche Bank AG Deutsche Beteiligungs AG Deutsche Boerse AG Deutsche Euroshop AG Deutsche Lufthansa Deutsche Post AG Deutsche Telekom AG Deutsche Wohnen AG DMG Mori AG Dr. Hoenle AG Draegerwerk AG Duerr AG E.ON SE Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen und Medizintechnik AG Elmos Semiconductor AG Elringklinger AG Euromicron AG Evonik Industries AG Fielmann AG
Shares/Par Value 3,388 535 18 42,848 3,649 13,886 11,055 66,137 111,491 381 615,177 10,846 19,895 12,910 1,580 164,877 630,843 9,985 515 2,192 213,996 156,981 3,687 26,984
Base Market Value 350,306 3,150 1,275 670,236 98,509 753,052 945,311 702,346 9,290,803 56,308 29,647,216 626,567 729,598 3,351,092 410,126 7,350,612 13,645,251 564,625 1,974 141,826 15,141,580 2,947,325 381,426 632,833
43,379 90,261 3,400 35,239 2,250 254,842 23,054 5,349 167,782 299,045 87,681 8,801 2,043 14,391 945 31,691 37,718 21,988 5,379 578 1,205 5,550 196,290 70,877 8,721 8,837 191,083 267,828 331,862 4,038 26,553 5,700 31,422 131,336 1,754,129 47,672 28,204 2,377 2,005 62,766 269,507 2,384 9,344 196,932 3,641 110,369 90,768
1,362,143 12,880,376 255,068 300,584 41,207 36,182,297 1,045,731 280,039 12,794,312 29,900,148 6,408,548 263,552 214,302 1,357,194 62,455 927,179 168,659 1,060,889 78,701 42,130 33,688 56,478 1,270,030 13,330,811 387,011 50,069 5,821,876 15,924,521 4,544,004 118,117 2,169,359 260,230 367,584 3,673,225 29,776,878 1,616,640 1,325,552 59,799 111,373 4,740,933 2,702,462 52,414 115,018 3,859,305 36,045 3,278,708 6,618,041
International Common Stock First Sensor AG Francotyp-Postalia Holding AG Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide Freenet AG Fresenius Medical Care AG Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA GEA Group AG Gerry Weber International AG GESCO AG GFK SE GFT Technologies SE Grammer AG H&R GmbH & Co. KGaA Hannover Rueck SE HeidelbergCement AG Heidelberger Druckmaschinen Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Hochtief AG HolidayCheck Group AG Hornbach Baumarkt AG Hugo Boss AG Indus Holding AG Infineon Technologies AG ISRA VISION AG Jenoptik AG K&S AG Kion Group AG Kloeckner & Co. SE Koenig & Bauer AG Kontron AG Krones AG KSB AG Lanxess AG Leoni AG Linde AG MAN SE Merck KGaA Metro AG MLP AG MTU Aero Engines AG Muenchener Rueckver AG Norma Group SE Osram Licht AG Patrizia Immobilien AG PNE Wind AG Progress Werk Oberkirch AG ProsiebenSat.1 Media SE Puma SE QSC AG Rational AG Rheinmetall AG Rhoen Klinikum AG RWE AG SAF Holland SA Salzgitter AG SAP SE SHW AG Siemens AG SKW Stahl Metallurgie Holdings SMA Solar Technology AG Software AG Stabilus SA Stada Arzneimittel AG Stroeer SE & Co. KGaA Suedzucker AG Suess Microtec AG Surteco SE Symrise AG TAG Immobilien GA Takkt AG Technotrans AG Telefonica Deutschland Holdings
Shares/Par Value 1,689 1,115 18,129 14,869 266,457 204,849 23,693 2,851 1,781 2,155 1,622 14,607 5,087 11,080 18,804 131,369 4,445 37,720 21,719 10,272 2,964 9,083 13,331 149,851 2,880 30,888 77,416 1,290 15,469 5,321 21,409 635 92 63,746 40,593 65,081 4,545 17,742 24,051 26,082 96,004 73,351 88,338 76,210 509,601 6,822 1,082 30,948 537 60,157 7,572 87,091 10,229 748,084 22,447 40,993 594,425 2,394 278,624 3,334 1,254 22,424 148,777 99,057 7,719 39,635 12,607 1,508 17,092 2,438 18,454 2,118 91,416
Base Market Value 17,263 4,804 967,243 381,169 23,098,460 14,979,110 1,112,751 33,225 141,569 86,523 32,237 587,440 68,947 1,154,737 1,409,468 362,088 142,046 4,059,338 2,791,692 27,160 80,016 513,619 619,061 2,160,038 233,726 507,691 1,577,766 62,248 170,512 270,120 66,453 66,877 32,195 2,781,754 1,109,606 9,063,018 463,977 1,794,638 733,983 92,925 8,936,672 12,243,760 4,172,382 3,940,330 12,217,321 16,219 40,575 1,348,277 119,972 75,519 3,500,699 5,147,297 299,212 11,793,075 247,879 1,078,642 44,350,859 71,238 28,418,607 12,082 61,576 760,935 7,057,615 5,110,597 353,693 870,742 94,763 34,344 1,161,137 31,933 362,876 40,660 375,056
International Common Stock Thyssenkrupp AG Tom Tailor Holding AG TUI AG-DI TUI AG-DI United Internet AG VERBIO Vereinigte Bioenergie AG Volkswagen AG Vonovia SE Vossloh AG VTG AG Wacker Chemie AG Wacker Neuson SE Wincor Nixdorf AG Xing AG Zalando SE ZooPlus AG Ghana WashTec AG Greece Alpha Bank Eurobank Ergasias SA FF Group Hellenic Telecommun Organization SA Jumbo SA National Bank of Greece Navios Maritime Acquisition OPAP SA Piraeus Bank SA Public Power Corp. Titan Cement Co. S.A. Hong Kong 13 Holdings Ltd. 3SBio, Inc. AAC Technologies Holdings, Inc. ADR Melco Crown Entertainment AIA Group Ltd. Alibaba Health Information Technology Ltd. Alibaba Pictures Group Ltd. Allied Group Ltd. Allied Properties HK Ltd. Anta Sports Products Ltd. Asia Standard International Group ASM Pacific Technology Bank of East Asia Beijing Enterprises Holdings Beijing Enterprises Water BEL Global Resources Holdings Ltd. Belle International Holdings BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. Bonjour Holdings Ltd. CAR, Inc. Cathay Pacific Airways CCT Fortis Holdings Ltd. Century City International Champion Technology Holdings Chen Hsong Holdings Cheuk Nang Holdings Ltd. Cheuk Nang Holdings Ltd. - warrants Cheung Kong Infrastructure Cheung Kong Property Holdings Chevalier International Holdings China Billion Resources Ltd. China Conch Venture Holdings China Everbright International Ltd. China Everbright Ltd. China Flavors & Fragrances China Gas Holdings Ltd. China Huishan Dairy Holdings China Jinmao Holdings Group China Lilang Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 47,775 13,057 32,089 143,878 134,485 15,699 24,750 61,512 494 10,383 7,920 22,884 52,400 20,086 12,296 6,489
Base Market Value 955,892 49,609 362,553 1,637,742 5,557,904 92,489 3,310,518 2,238,028 30,492 299,910 690,348 354,015 2,802,992 3,810,206 323,884 919,862
15,144 18,934 463 3,068 1,311 69,608 2,110 2,820 66,382 196,000 603
27,255 11,569 8,626 27,506 17,157 14,848 3,313 19,487 11,873 533,478 12,393
20,000 13,000 408,162 25,300 7,314,588 38,000 120,000 2,000 930,000 194,000 302,080 234,597 180,724 1,271,852 55,056 466,000 7,650,274 529,090 328,000 1,958,000 1,907,789 152,000 760,760 2,692,303 74,000 131,991 3,723 90,695 709,010 91,375 400,800 17,000 420,936 10,630 34,000 20,554 47,552 48,000 520,000
6,986 13,322 3,464,506 318,274 43,701,126 27,822 27,842 10,260 173,822 387,602 56,071 1,676,784 694,201 7,180,649 33,071 8,590 4,476,987 1,582,233 14,586 1,900,469 2,783,747 18,221 45,599 36,786 14,785 101,912 816 779,762 4,423,344 146,286 1,808 33,658 466,625 20,416 11,570 31,316 19,430 13,488 330,448
International Common Stock China Medical System Holdings China Mengniu Dairy Co. China Merchants Holdings International China Metal Recycling China Mobile Ltd. China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. China Resources Beer Holdings Co. China Resources Cement Holdings Ltd. China Resources Gas Group Ltd. China Resources Land Ltd. China Resources Power Holdings China Star Entertainment Ltd. China State Construction International China Taiping Insurance Holdings China Travel International Investment HK Ltd. China Wah Yan Healthcare Ltd. Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Chu Kong Shipping Enterprise Chuang's China Investments Chuang's Consortium International Ltd. CITIC Ltd. CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd. CLP Holdings Ltd. CNOOC Ltd. CNT Group Ltd. COSCO Pacific Ltd. Country Garden Holdings Co. CP Lotus Corp. Cross Harbour Holdings Ltd. CSI Properties Ltd. Dah Sing Banking Group Ltd. Dah Sing Financial Holdings Dan Form Holdings Co. Ltd. Dawnrays Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. Dickson Concepts International Ltd. Eagle Nice (International) Holdings Ltd. Ecogreen International Group Emperor Entertainment Hotel Emperor International Holdings Ltd. Emperor Watch & Jewellery Esprit Holdings Ltd. Esun Holdings Ltd. Evergrande Real Estate Group Far East Consortium International FIH Mobile Ltd. First Pacific Co. First Shanghai Investments Fosun International Ltd. Fountain Set Holdings Future Bright Holdings Ltd. Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. GCL Poly Energy Holdings Ltd. Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. Get Nice Financial Group Ltd. Get Nice Holdings Ltd. Global Brands Group Holdings Glorius Sun Enterprises Ltd. Gold Peak Industries Holding Ltd. Golden Eagle Retail Group Golden Resources Development Gome Electrical Appliances Great Eagle Holdings Ltd. G-Resources Group Guangdong Investment Ltd. Guangnan Holdings Guoco Group Ltd. Haier Electronics Group Co. Haitong International Securities Group Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Hang Lung Properties Ltd. Hang Seng Bank Ltd. Hanison Construction Holdings Ltd. Harbour Centre Development
Shares/Par Value 14,000 33,328 764,941 1,833,000 2,028,673 5,368,173 15,539 4,837,000 11,198 876,349 3,940,604 254,000 22,000 2,242,996 1,804,000 447,500 50,000 260,000 456,000 466,027 53,281 383,405 223,078 3,981,723 236,000 20,679 1,155,000 460,000 181,000 2,616,240 332,015 158,996 340,000 692,000 35,500 62,000 150,480 105,000 747,499 2,130,000 90,600 610,000 1,700,615 780,563 776,000 1,014,705 216,000 30,916 464,000 216,000 335,415 163,600 12,930,000 119,375 4,775,000 2,792,000 68,000 354,000 1,294,000 354,000 25,279,852 15,045 14,280,000 253,995 224,000 2,000 14,000 400,000 480,000 331,495 115,444 204,936 33,000
Base Market Value 21,294 57,910 2,031,179 0 23,181,622 16,952,963 33,850 1,546,254 33,920 2,044,602 5,871,832 22,264 28,982 4,174,925 520,880 8,941 88,297 67,028 20,866 90,707 77,470 4,178,539 2,271,626 4,937,409 13,689 20,551 485,347 8,657 246,374 92,739 612,849 977,592 88,529 528,057 12,218 14,625 28,707 25,039 149,347 46,675 67,267 45,605 1,041,244 246,506 249,066 735,071 34,246 39,851 53,829 20,603 994,405 21,299 6,983,378 16,618 163,107 244,724 8,415 34,679 1,441,123 18,937 2,997,888 59,827 272,422 385,677 24,543 21,140 21,366 239,754 241,920 667,438 1,968,721 32,492 56,319
International Common Stock Henderson Land Development Hengan International Group Co. Ltd. HK Electric Investments Ltd. HKBN Ltd. HKR International Ltd. HKT Trust & HKT Ltd. SS Hon Kwok Land Investment Hong Kong & China Gas Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Hong Kong Ferry (Holdings) Co. Hong Kong Shanghai Alliance Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels Hongkong Chinese Ltd. Hopewell Holdings Ltd. Hsin Chong Group Holdings Ltd. Huabao International Holdings Hung Hing Print Group Ltd. Hutchison Telecommunications Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. Hysan Development Co. I.T. Ltd. International Standard Resources IPE Group Ltd. ITC Properties Group Ltd. K. Wah International Holdings Ltd. Kantone Holdings Ltd. Keck Seng Investments Kerry Properties Ltd. Kingboard Chemical Holdings Kingston Financial Group Ltd. Kowloon Development Co. Ltd. Lai Sun Development Lai Sun Garment (International) Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Lenovo Group Ltd. Li & Fung Ltd. Link REIT Lippo Ltd. Liu Chong Hing Investment Longfor Properties Lung Kee Bermuda Holdings Ltd. Luye Pharma Group Ltd. Macau Legend Development Ltd. Magnificent Hotel Investment Mason Financial Holdings Ltd. Melco International Development MGM China Holdings Ltd. Microport Scientific Corp. Miramar Hotel & Investment Co. Mongolian Mining Corp. MTR Corp. Neptune Group Ltd. NetMind Financial Holdings Ltd. New World Development NewOcean Energy Holdings Ltd. Next Digital Ltd. Nexteer Automotive Group Ltd. Nine Dragons Paper Holdings Nine Express Ltd. NVC Lighting Holdings Ltd. NWS Holdings Ltd. Orange Sky Golden Harvest Entertainment Co. Ltd. Orient Overseas International Ltd. Oriental Watch Holdings Pacific Andes International Holdings Ltd. Pacific Basin Shipping Ltd. Paliburg Holdings Ltd. PCCW Ltd. Peace Mark Holdings Ltd. Playmates Holdings Ltd. Polytec Asset Holdings Ltd. Power Assets Holdings Ltd. Public Financial Holdings Ltd. PYI Corp Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 147,535 681,089 345,300 3,412,500 561,600 386,398 156,000 997,764 158,381 84,000 112,000 143,500 674,000 232,000 740,000 1,672,000 116,000 348,000 79,795 112,000 2,399,000 295,000 59,501 514,527 103,881 38,000 77,567 1,028,000 154,000 405,000 6,732,916 767,920 5,353,000 88,000 851,676 663,598 151,000 154,000 427,000 44,000 17,000 562,000 886,000 705,000 51,000 108,312 1,117,000 79,000 577,500 1,305,168 229,500 1,440,000 751,770 380,000 106,000 7,981,879 4,355,000 300,000 6,950,000 210,816 535,000 117,000 138,000 1,873,500 1,218,000 368,400 623,151 508,326 76,000 1,230,000 456,209 10,000 940,000
Base Market Value 828,202 5,680,168 321,801 3,584,952 229,477 556,839 59,923 1,818,571 3,829,913 93,984 11,116 145,388 121,630 734,163 71,540 592,682 14,653 117,526 354,338 33,205 37,726 64,643 23,929 254,679 9,105 30,369 190,769 2,037,992 69,080 386,313 103,277 98,985 3,967,511 52,973 410,581 4,516,396 87,588 181,435 553,706 11,343 10,409 73,166 20,100 27,262 47,464 140,452 558,648 133,399 6,774 6,594,859 10,058 15,592 760,690 123,924 5,397 7,263,783 3,306,408 16,821 734,601 332,069 31,033 397,392 16,365 35,258 114,610 103,521 417,686 0 99,531 80,859 4,178,120 4,292 19,023
International Common Stock QinQin Foodstuffs Group Regal Hotels International Holdings Ltd. Sands China Ltd. Sea Holdings Ltd. Semiconductor Manufacturing Shanghai Industrial Holdings Ltd. Shangri La Asia Ltd. Shenzhen International Holdings Shimao Property Holdings Ltd. Shui On Land Ltd. Shun Ho Property Investments Shun Tak Holdings Ltd. Sihuan Pharmaceutical Holdings Singamas Container Holdings Sino Biopharmaceutical Sino Land Co. Sino Ocean Group Holding Ltd. SJM Holdings Ltd. Skyworth Digital Holdings Ltd. Socam Development Ltd. Soho China Ltd. Soundwill Holdings Ltd. Sun Art Retail Group Ltd. Sun Hung Kai & Co. Ltd. Sun Hung Kai Properties Sunac China Holdings Ltd. Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. Swire Pacific Ltd. Swire Properties Ltd. Tai Cheung Holdings Tan Chong International Ltd. Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. Television Broadcasts Ltd. Tencent Holdings Ltd. The United Laboratories International Tianneng Power International Ltd. Transport International Holdings Trinity Ltd. TSC Group Holdings Ltd. United Photovoltaics Group Ltd. Vantage International Varitronix International Ltd. Vedan International Holdings Victory City International Holdings Ltd. Vitasoy International Holdings Ltd. VST Holdings Ltd. Wai Kee Holdings Ltd. Want Want China Holdings Ltd. WH Group Ltd. Wharf Holdings Ltd. Wheelock & Co. Ltd. Win Hanverky Holdings Ltd. Winfull Group Holdings Ltd. Wing On Co. International Ltd. Wing Tai Properties Ltd. Wong's International Holdings Wynn Macau Ltd. Xingye Copper International Group Ltd. Yue Yuen Industrial Holdings Hungary MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas PLC OTP Bank PLC Richter Gedeon NYRT Iceland Sarine Technologies Ltd. India ACC Ltd. Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. ADR Axis Bank Ltd. ADR Dr. Reddy's Laboratories
Shares/Par Value 64,117 482,000 3,060,124 78,000 330,000 5,692 388,116 1,238,000 350,000 47,000 14,619 1,468,748 90,000 794,000 4,487,000 366,478 36,855 239,200 4,636,000 110,065 20,478 48,000 4,546,459 345,000 198,091 24,000 1,386,000 783,938 170,332 112,000 42,000 197,216 1,087,580 3,027,312 254,000 2,540,000 30,800 508,000 158,000 592,000 118,000 105,000 688,000 913,947 4,427,388 273,600 2,000 3,277,105 22,333,500 186,572 696,531 170,000 496,000 87,000 202,000 27,000 194,036 116,000 91,000
Base Market Value 90,912 237,336 10,235,980 187,813 26,373 12,854 387,718 1,787,276 440,323 11,874 5,050 461,945 17,053 75,737 2,920,791 598,046 15,915 145,223 3,788,661 51,216 9,819 78,454 3,182,190 201,896 2,375,933 14,849 4,850,495 8,851,948 451,192 92,251 13,264 819,832 3,715,011 68,717,850 99,859 1,715,608 80,593 36,015 22,403 45,022 9,430 55,491 54,097 45,945 8,035,322 77,588 596 2,323,304 17,503,036 1,129,107 3,254,629 29,363 12,148 251,200 111,181 9,362 278,625 13,756 359,522
461 157,685 158,655
26,680 3,523,858 3,154,689
500 9,877 58,457 182,060
11,972 30,270 2,268,132 9,326,934
International Common Stock ADR HDFC Bank Ltd. ADR Icici Bank Ltd. ADR Infosys Ltd. ADR Vedanta Ltd. ADR Wipro Ltd. Amara Raja Batteries Ltd. Ambuja Cements Ltd. Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd. Ashok Leyland Ltd. Asian Paints Ltd. Aurobindo Pharma Ltd. Axis Bank Ltd. Bajaj Auto Ltd. Bajaj Finance Ltd. Bharat Forge Ltd. Bharat Heavy Electricals Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ltd. Bharti Airtel Ltd. Bharti Infratel Ltd. Bosch Ltd. Cadila Healthcare Ltd. Cairn India Ltd. Cholamandalam Investment and Finance Co. Cipla Ltd. Coal India Ltd. Colgate Palmolive (India) Container Corp. of India Ltd. Dabur India Ltd. Divi's Laboratories Ltd. DR. REDDY S LABORATORIES Eicher Motors Ltd. Eros International PLC Gail India Ltd. GDR Axis Bank Ltd. GDR Larsen & Toubro GDR Larsen & Toubro GDR Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. GDR Reliance Industries Ltd. GDR State Bank of India GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healh Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. Havells India Ltd. HCL Technologies Ltd. Hero Motocorp Ltd. Hindalco Industries Ltd. Hindustan Petroleum Corp. Hindustan Unilever Ltd. Hindustan Zinc Ltd Housing Development Finance Icici Bank Ltd. Idea Cellular Ltd. Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd. Infosys Ltd. ITC Ltd. JSW Steel Ltd. Larsen & Toubro Ltd. LIC Housing Finance Ltd. Lupin Ltd. Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Marico Ltd. Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. Max Financial Services Ltd. Max India Ltd. Max Ventures & Industries Ltd. Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd. MRF Ltd. Nestle India Ltd. NTPC Ltd. Oil & Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. Piramal Enterprises Ltd. Power Finance Corp.
Shares/Par Value 72,700 918,400 853,900 285,780 51,781 285,909 8,066 13,199 957,553 3,467 209,872 664,757 187,104 202 1,205 6,758 873,083 11,503 6,916 89 77,638 952,124 54,272 252,303 8,350 33,889 338 6,223 42,507 1,422 1,559 520 3,719 145,282 129,251 122,456 164,669 244,871 45,587 111 298,264 33,530 2,843 1,106,503 44,983 440,487 677,186 7,625 106,300 1,243,129 13,260 733,912 272,834 125,528 1,080,284 986 468,126 51,591 2,670 3,097 4,517 5,295 1,278 517,774 418,619 83,723 305,214 11,510 6,168 18,976 10,391 775 872,662
Base Market Value 4,823,645 6,594,112 15,242,115 2,249,089 640,013 3,679,180 30,450 257,253 1,395,294 51,536 2,308,763 5,254,432 7,456,855 23,933 13,573 12,786 13,868,819 62,513 35,356 29,865 377,521 1,982,681 762,719 1,872,788 38,722 461,176 7,164 28,457 698,835 71,246 443,999 8,460 21,222 5,636,942 2,862,910 2,712,400 3,490,983 6,991,067 1,445,108 9,729 3,531,045 798,446 15,160 11,974,889 2,118,190 801,746 9,995,504 101,510 284,354 23,088,918 47,258 1,159,123 2,712,575 2,177,468 5,896,387 21,392 10,379,296 378,362 60,908 15,332 95,697 20,679 79,284 4,086,882 636,100 78,395 1,311,839 5,640,770 593,300 43,943 33,300 16,604 2,190,221
International Common Stock Reliance Industries Ltd. Shree Cement Ltd. Shriram City Union Finance Shriram Transport Finance Siemens Ltd. State Bank of India Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. Tata Motors Ltd. Tata Motors Ltd. A DVR Tata Power Co. Ltd. Tata Steel Ltd. Tech Mahindra Ltd. Titan Co. Ltd. Ultratech Cement Ltd. United Spirits Ltd. UPL Ltd. Vedanta Ltd. Wipro Ltd. Yes Bank Ltd. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Indonesia Adaro Energy TBK PT AKR Corporindo TBK PT Astra International TBK PT Bank Central Asia TBK PT Bank Danamon Indonesia TBK PT Bank Mandiri Persero TBK PT Bank Negara Indonesia Persero Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Bumi Serpong Damai PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia PT Global Mediacom TBK PT Gudang Garam TBK PT HM Sampoerna TBK PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur TBK PT Indofood Dukses Makmur TBK PT Jasa Marga (Persero) TBK PT Kalbe Farma TBK PT Lippo Karawaci TBK PT Matahari Department Store TBK PT Media Nusantara Citra TBK PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Perser sem*n Indonesia Persero TBK Summarecon Agung TBK PT Surya Citra Media TBK PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tower Bersama Infrastructure Unilever Indonesia TBK PT United Tractors TBK PT Waskita Karya Persero TBK PT XL Axiata TBK PT Ireland Accenture PLC ADR CRH PLC Alkermes PLC Allegion PLC Allergan PLC Bank of Ireland C & C Group PLC CRH PLC CRH PLC DCC PLC Eaton Corp. PLC Endo International PLC FBD Holdings PLC Fleetmatics Group PLC Glanbia PLC Global Indemnity PLC Grafton Group PLC
Shares/Par Value 15,784 97 78,086 22,063 813 18,660 130,443 66,005 18,644 4,433 12,386 34,268 2,700 3,432 418 687 3,271 10,652 7,455 1,166 114,426
Base Market Value 226,640 20,905 1,909,200 393,535 15,776 60,491 1,474,792 2,496,739 126,858 19,162 13,460 163,458 20,232 20,657 21,125 25,448 26,659 20,824 61,627 19,126 773,916
200,505 23,071 9,385,203 6,007,300 44,301 3,157,100 12,538,900 11,627,400 99,841 93,200 49,594 234,900 115,000 18,400 211,025 7,700,500 19,200 263,500 248,702 3,466,915 1,451,000 136,700 1,106,312 129,900 75,000 85,598,525 25,300 18,800 1,763,300 46,700 49,250
12,899 11,175 5,256,424 6,058,450 11,869 2,275,979 4,934,893 9,504,327 15,944 26,452 3,697 1,226,725 33,075 23,500 275,111 4,225,440 7,665 30,513 21,553 5,247,932 241,605 24,210 782,896 17,795 18,732 25,784,835 12,638 64,137 1,975,163 9,013 13,680
151,405 173,957 2,857 10,599 159,492 3,837,337 93,194 21,169 92,800 95,821 260,739 44,211 3,290 700 351,232 210 158,164
17,152,672 5,145,648 123,480 735,889 36,857,006 788,671 365,164 618,327 2,680,499 8,434,958 15,573,940 689,249 20,892 30,331 6,606,103 5,781 1,046,174
International Common Stock Hibernia REIT PLC Horizon Pharma PLC Icon PLC IFG Group PLC Ingersoll Rand PLC Irish Continental Group PLC Jazz Pharmaceuticals PLC Kerry Group PLC Kerry Group PLC Kingspan Group PLC Mallinckrodt PLC Medtronic PLC Paddy Power Betfair PLC Paddy Power Betfair PLC Pentair PLC Perrigo Co. PLC Prothena Corp. PLC Seagate Technology Smurfit Kappa Group PLC Tyco International PLC Willis Towers Watson PLC XL Group PLC Israel ADR Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Africa Israel Investments Ltd. Alrov Properties & Lodging Azrieli Group Ltd. Bank Hapoalim B.M. Bank Leumi Le Israel Bezeq The Israeli Telecom Co. Caesarstone Ltd. Cellcom Israel Ltd. Check Point Software Technologies Clal Biotechnology Industries Clal Insurance Enterprises Holdings Ltd. Delta Galil Industries Direct Insurance Financial El Al Israel Airlines Equital Ltd. First International Bank Israel Formula Systems (1985) Ltd. Fox Wizel Ltd. Frutarom Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. Harel Insurance Investments Israel Chemicals Ltd. Israel Discount Bank Joel Jerusalem Oil Exploration Menorah Mivtachim Holdings Ltd. Migdal Insurance & Financial Mizrahi Tefahot Bank Ltd. Neto Me Holdings Ltd. Nice Ltd. Oil Refineries Ltd. Paz Oil Co. Ltd. Phoenix Holdings Ltd. Plasson Industries Ltd. Plus500 Ltd. Sapiens International Corp. Shikun & Binui Ltd. Shufersal Ltd. Stratasys Ltd. Summit Real Estate Holdings Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Union Bank of Israel Italy Actelios S.p.A Alerion Cleanpower Ansaldo STS SpA Arnoldo Mondadori Editore
Shares/Par Value 317,000 66,982 61,041 10,589 198,341 842,100 18,485 3,174 44,351 17,082 106,715 333,599 66,715 14,725 19,018 15,188 620 122,758 262,278 47,815 15,520 59,536
Base Market Value 471,909 1,103,194 4,273,480 25,057 12,630,355 3,929,228 2,612,115 282,339 3,934,839 370,056 6,486,138 28,946,385 7,041,126 1,545,900 1,108,559 1,377,096 21,675 2,990,385 5,769,276 2,036,919 1,929,291 1,983,144
301,100 32,136 0 4,755 591,140 200,818 3,642,756 220 37,310 126,900 1 10,818 1,616 1,639 62,341 873 21,786 4,456 609 117,302 3,472 67,572 82,927 781,875 5,961 15,232 47,149 17,031 427 8,297 479,024 170 39,412 70 26,830 510 30,408 141 944 8,437 74,350 316,938 18,635
15,124,253 8,628 3 201,999 2,977,881 705,530 7,221,948 7,647 248,985 10,111,392 1 108,992 43,263 11,772 41,457 14,479 266,729 144,634 7,673 5,403,489 14,765 235,996 321,277 1,346,064 232,505 118,261 26,910 196,353 31,378 517,283 169,165 27,378 90,059 1,670 234,387 5,972 51,758 472 21,608 43,049 10,825,360 15,924,672 62,228
81,156 7,073 546,530 54,964
62,797 12,510 6,217,392 58,314
International Common Stock Ascopiave S.p.A Assicurazioni Generali Astaldi SpA ASTM SpA Atlantia S.p.A Banca Carige SpA Banca Finnat Euramerica S.p.A Banca Ifis S.p.A Banca Popol Emilia Romagna Banca Popolare di Milano Banca Popolare di Sondrio Banca Profilo SpA Banco Desio e Della Brianza Banco Popolare SC Buzzi Unicem S.p.A Cattolica Assicurazioni SCARL Cementir Holding S.p.A CIR S.p.A Credito Emiliano S.p.A Credito Valtellinese SCARL Danieli & Co. DEA Capital S.p.A El.En. S.p.A Enel S.p.A Eni S.p.A ERG S.p.A Esprinet S.p.A. Eurotech S.p.A Exor S.p.A Ferrari NV FNM S.p.A Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso Immsi S.p.A Intek Group S.p.A Intesa Sanpaolo Italcementi S.p.A Italmobiliare S.p.A Leonardo Finmeccanica SpA Luxottica Group S.p.A Mediobanca S.p.A Moncler S.p.A Poste Italiane SpA Prima Industrie SpA Prysmian S.p.A RCS MediaGroup SpA Recordati S.p.A Reno de Medici S.p.A Reply S.p.A Retelit S.p.A Safilo Group S.p.A Saipem S.p.A Saras S.p.A Sias S.p.A Snam S.p.A SOGEFI Group Telecom Italia S.p.A Terna S.p.A Trevi Finanziaria Industrial UBI Banca S.p.A Unicredit S.p.A Unipol Gruppo Finanziario S.p.A Unipolsai S.p.A Vittoria Assicurazioni S.p.A Japan 77 Bank Ltd. A & D Co., Ltd. ABC Mart, Inc. Achilles Corp. ACOM Co., Ltd. ADEKA Corp. Aderans Co., Ltd. ADR Canon, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 144,729 155,918 11,094 48,938 68,459 17,785 46,035 149,768 299,319 2,793,073 293,312 28,316 23,706 342,689 38,864 99,071 57,592 577,222 44,831 731,986 59,841 38,986 4,408 2,363,739 1,425,179 35,609 8,606 25,973 14,227 6,651 55,822 61,333 147,248 62,710 1,721,656 94,999 7,468 58,548 177,728 621,961 115,072 70,311 840 93,052 870 314,600 46,710 7,201 76,580 26,389 1,075,664 216,380 315,103 335,600 6,677 1,373,255 214,493 36,405 197,010 688,052 276,400 392,053 18,358
Base Market Value 434,124 1,827,439 44,813 531,716 1,701,339 7,230 16,381 3,019,882 1,090,028 1,142,821 751,421 5,584 44,640 816,243 676,999 624,056 229,695 621,706 270,690 334,144 1,064,350 45,910 66,845 10,451,458 22,989,542 405,092 49,286 39,329 521,265 270,804 27,442 50,422 65,434 14,219 3,255,369 1,114,493 262,006 589,297 8,616,579 3,561,936 1,807,646 465,547 11,217 2,030,306 778 9,436,626 15,391 919,994 53,598 199,794 428,410 374,764 2,711,242 1,998,394 9,754 1,121,328 1,190,025 49,989 541,480 1,505,850 646,682 586,687 177,231
153,000 8,000 3,300 75,000 49,800 8,500 15,300 87,900
530,929 28,931 220,343 91,383 238,830 102,242 75,314 2,514,819
International Common Stock ADR Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Aeon Co., Ltd. Aeon Financial Service Co., Ltd. Aeon Mall Co., Ltd. AGRO-KANESHO Co., Ltd. Ahresty Corp. AI Holdings Corp. Aichi Bank Ltd. Aichi Corp. Aichi Steel Corp. Aichi Tokei Denki Co., Ltd. Aigan Co., Ltd. AIN Holdings, Inc. Aiphone Co., Ltd. Air Water, Inc. Airport Facilities Co., Ltd. Aisan Industry Co., Ltd. Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd. Ajinomoto Co., Inc. Akebono Brake Industry Co. Akita Bank Ltd. Albis Co., Ltd. Alconix Corp. Alfresa Holdings Corp. ALINCO INC Alpen Co., Ltd. Alpha Corp. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Alps Electric Co., Ltd. Alps Logistics Co., Ltd. Amada Holdings Co., Ltd. Ana Holdings, Inc. Aoi Electronics Co., Ltd. Aoki Holdings, Inc. Aomori Bank Ltd. Aoyama Trading Co., Ltd. Aozora Bank Ltd. Arakawa Chemical Industries Arata Corp. ARC Land Sakamoto Co., Ltd. Arcs Co., Ltd. Ariake Japan Co., Ltd. Arisawa Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Asahi Broadcasting Corp. Asahi Diamond Industrial Co., Ltd. Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. Asahi Holdings, Inc. Asahi Kasei Corp. Asahi Kogyosha Co., Ltd. Asahi Yukizai Corp. Asax Co., Ltd. Ashikaga Holdings Co., Ltd. Ashimori Industry Co., Ltd. Asia Pile Holdings Corp. Asics Corp. Aska Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Astellas Pharma, Inc. Asunaro Aoki Construction Atsugi Co., Ltd. Awa Bank Ltd. Bandai Namco Holdings, Inc. Bando Chemical Industries Bank of Iwate Ltd. Bank of Kyoto Ltd. Bank of Okinawa Ltd. Bank of Saga Ltd. Bank of the Ryukyus Ltd. Belc Co., Ltd. Belluna Co., Ltd. Benesse Holdings, Inc. Best Denki Co., Ltd. Bridgestone Corp.
Shares/Par Value 117,700 89,421 15,900 14,200 3,800 16,000 288,602 2,500 7,300 58,000 7,000 4,100 88,761 15,600 24,000 10,400 25,300 131,554 74,700 13,100 129,000 800 6,100 129,300 2,600 12,600 1,900 21,300 23,500 5,000 47,100 177,000 300 15,200 113,000 53,101 1,524,000 15,400 1,400 10,700 112,600 80,700 19,000 2,500 2,700 135,342 50,900 115,600 179,797 13,000 57,000 3,000 47,200 28,000 12,400 20,600 7,200 1,011,000 3,400 88,000 114,000 26,000 29,000 6,900 52,000 12,360 101,000 28,300 400 30,200 8,400 12,000 88,100
Base Market Value 5,541,316 1,382,413 340,194 184,646 37,152 108,393 6,715,011 105,395 51,731 255,541 20,470 8,033 6,861,046 258,049 350,210 50,586 162,518 5,302,425 1,751,908 25,411 367,170 17,241 87,525 2,679,518 24,381 205,845 17,076 206,377 437,289 25,587 473,801 502,412 5,743 156,460 312,818 1,946,191 5,258,758 141,255 30,432 118,170 2,673,687 4,790,555 96,306 15,109 20,739 728,227 1,640,271 1,666,560 1,240,825 62,219 106,677 38,776 150,447 43,123 43,634 344,572 120,222 15,767,619 22,735 91,783 592,280 667,297 139,643 258,943 315,781 360,234 218,559 280,545 16,629 168,677 196,592 12,282 2,807,280
International Common Stock Brother Industries Ltd. C. Uyemura & Co., Ltd. Calbee, Inc. Canon Electronics, Inc. Canon, Inc. Carlit Holdings Co., Ltd. Casio Computer Co., Ltd. Cawachi Ltd. Central Glass Co., Ltd. Central Japan Railway Co. Century Tokyo Leasing Corp. Chiba Bank Ltd. Chiba Kogyo Bank Ltd. Chilled & Frozen Logistics Holdings Co., Ltd. Chino Corp. Chiyoda Integre Co., Ltd. Chofu Seisakusho Co., Ltd. Chori Co., Ltd. Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc. Chubu Shiryo Co., Ltd. Chudenko Corp. Chuetsu Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Chugoku Bank Ltd. Chugoku Electric Power Co. Chugoku Marine Paints Ltd. Chukyo Bank Ltd. Chuo Spring Co., Ltd. Citizen Holdings Co., Ltd. CKD Corp. Cleanup Corp. CMK Corp. Coca Cola East Japan Co., Ltd. Coca Cola West Co., Ltd. Coco*kara Fine, Inc. Computer Engineering & Consulting Concordia Financial Group, Ltd. Conexio Corp. Corona Corp. Cosmo Energy Holdings Co., Ltd. Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp. Create Resteraunts Holdings, Inc. Credit Saison Co., Ltd. CTI Engineering Co., Ltd. Cyberdyne, Inc. Dai Dan Co., Ltd. Dai Ichi Life Insurance Dai Ichi Seiko Co., Ltd. Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. Dai Nippon Toryo Co., Ltd. Daibiru Corp. Daicel Corp. Daido Kogyo Co., Ltd. Daido Metal Co., Ltd. Daido Steel Co., Ltd. Daihatsu Diesel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd. Daiichi Jitsugyo Co., Ltd. Daiichi Kigenso Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd. Daiken Corp. Daiki Aluminium Industry Co. Daikin Industries Ltd. Daikoku Denki Co., Ltd. Daikyo, Inc. Dainichi Co., Ltd. Dainichiseika Color & Chemicals Daio Paper Corp. Daisan Bank Ltd. Daishi Bank Ltd. Daishinku Corp. Daito Bank Ltd. Daito Electron Co., Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 234,100 200 114,587 7,700 764,300 8,300 30,400 9,700 80,000 49,800 33,900 103,000 26,600 3,684 1,000 11,800 1,800 2,600 86,100 13,700 5,600 100,000 32,100 26,800 43,400 31,000 37,000 16,000 47,800 287,500 19,200 23,400 6,317 10,700 500 5,700 1,094,308 33,900 5,300 23,700 44,367 191,700 19,300 7,000 13,200 18,000 142,300 6,000 80,000 17,000 18,100 42,400 29,000 3,700 145,000 10,000 26,500 20,000 500 84,996 15,000 14,000 31,590 3,700 27,000 5,800 34,000 8,100 90,000 187,000 13,000 112,000 2,200
Base Market Value 2,482,706 8,051 4,758,170 105,829 21,698,253 36,407 433,820 231,083 342,334 8,798,372 1,085,501 482,922 95,676 38,352 9,562 217,160 43,408 33,530 1,215,673 96,817 112,448 198,850 1,137,377 271,161 549,533 189,161 86,558 41,018 231,102 2,121,430 141,113 93,974 120,503 301,632 25,734 76,007 4,253,924 423,296 52,282 287,385 8,926,161 1,749,013 322,262 56,156 295,163 132,820 1,563,233 56,672 885,077 31,319 154,730 435,200 53,144 35,164 493,274 56,926 341,744 85,973 13,208 2,049,299 47,519 39,302 2,621,671 51,791 38,951 34,091 135,549 87,719 133,346 592,407 33,200 187,777 12,331
International Common Stock Daito Trust Construct Co., Ltd. Daiwa House Industry Co., Ltd. Daiwa Industries Ltd. Daiwa Securities Group, Inc. Daiwabo Holdings Co., Ltd. DC Co., Ltd. DCM Holdings Co., Ltd. Denka Co., Ltd. Denso Corp. Dentsu, Inc. Denyo Co., Ltd. DIC Corp. DIP Corp. DKS Co., Ltd. DMG Mori Co., Ltd. Don Quijote Holdings Co., Ltd. Doutor Nichires Holdings Co. Dowa Holdings Co., Ltd. DSB Co., Ltd. Dunlop Sports Co., Ltd. Duskin Co., Ltd. Dynic Corp. East Japan Railway Co. Ebara Corp. Ebara Jitsugyo Co., Ltd. EDION Corp. Ehime Bank Ltd. Eidai Co., Ltd. Eighteenth Bank Ltd. Eisai Co., Ltd. Eizo Corp. Electric Power Development Co. Endo Lighting Corp. Espec Corp. Excel Co. Ltd. Exedy Corp. Faith, Inc. Falco Holdings Co., Ltd. FamilyMart Co., Ltd. Fanuc Corp. Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. FCC Co., Ltd. Ferrotec Corp. Fidea Holdings Co., Ltd. Fields Corp. Foster Electric Co., Ltd. F-Tech, Inc. Fuji Corp. Ltd. Fuji Electric Co., Inc. Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd. Fuji Kiko Co., Ltd. Fuji Oil Co., Ltd. Fuji Oil Holdings, Inc. Fuji Soft, Inc. Fujicco Co., Ltd. Fujifilm Holdings Corp. Fujikura Kasei Co., Ltd. Fujikura Ltd. Fujikura Rubber Ltd. Fujimi, Inc. Fujimori Kogyo Co., Ltd. Fujishoji Co., Ltd. Fujitsu Frontech Ltd. Fujitsu General Ltd. Fujitsu Ltd. f*ckoku Co., Ltd. f*ckuda Corp. f*ckui Bank Ltd. f*ckuoka Financial Group, Inc. f*ckushima Bank Ltd. f*ckuyama Transporting Co., Ltd. Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. Furuno Electric Co., Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 114,900 160,700 9,600 215,849 126,000 9,300 348,500 716,000 65,070 28,100 5,900 104,700 166,345 29,000 27,400 15,800 1,600 65,000 4,600 4,400 17,771 5,000 45,400 13,000 1,700 49,000 92,000 10,000 99,000 33,690 10,000 20,500 6,900 8,800 5,900 9,000 570 1,700 8,700 116,150 7,000 167,500 13,100 96,400 1,700 9,700 4,300 10,800 66,000 373,700 4,000 11,600 175,100 4,500 5,300 130,800 11,600 718,000 14,600 15,700 2,400 5,200 30,900 20,000 266,488 4,000 11,000 58,000 114,000 177,000 62,000 105,000 15,800
Base Market Value 18,636,670 4,671,093 82,066 1,130,898 266,517 30,006 2,972,390 2,868,467 2,268,792 1,306,531 60,674 2,169,726 4,434,678 89,326 259,604 582,162 27,855 331,368 26,275 39,587 299,157 7,359 4,174,463 71,089 19,968 402,642 203,568 38,698 240,287 1,867,908 265,815 475,383 61,945 108,595 75,626 191,247 6,012 22,221 530,022 18,720,541 1,862,755 2,702,140 183,878 125,915 20,896 151,093 38,016 68,428 271,488 12,669,155 12,828 38,218 3,242,909 105,888 152,713 5,028,514 62,076 3,275,407 55,502 228,330 45,080 53,070 287,043 441,174 971,503 27,995 111,512 127,771 372,259 150,102 326,348 241,544 80,240
International Common Stock Furusato Industries Ltd. Fuso Chemical Co., Ltd. Fuso Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Futaba Corp. Futaba Industrial Co., Ltd. Fuyo General Lease Co., Ltd. G-TEKT Corp. Gakken Holdings Co., Ltd. Gecoss Corp. Geo Holdings Corp. Globeride, Inc. Godo Steel, Ltd. Goldcrest Co., Ltd. Grandy House Corp. GSI Creos Corp. Gun Ei Chemical Industry Co. Gungho Online Entertainment Gunma Bank Ltd. Gunze Ltd. Gurunavi, Inc. H One Co., Ltd. H2O Retailing Corp. Hachijuni Bank Ltd. Hagihara Industries, Inc. Hagiwara Electric Co., Ltd. Hakuhodo DY Holdings, Inc. Hakuto Co., Ltd. Hamakyorex Co., Ltd. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Haneda Zenith Holdings Co., Ltd. Hankyu Hanshin Holdings, Inc. Hanwa Co., Ltd. Happinet Corp. Harima Chemicals Group, Inc. Haruyama Trading Co., Ltd. Haseko Corp. Heiwa Corp. Heiwa Real Estate Co., Ltd. Heiwado Co., Ltd. Hi Lex Corp. Hibiya Engineering Ltd. Hikari Tsushin, Inc. Hino Motors Ltd. Hirakawa Hewtech Corp. Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. Hiroshima Bank Ltd. Hisaka Works Ltd. Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co. Hitachi Chemical Co., Ltd. Hitachi Construction Machine Hitachi High Technologies Co. Hitachi Kokusai Electric, Inc. Hitachi Ltd. Hitachi Maxell Ltd. Hitachi Metals Ltd. Hitachi Zosen Corp. Hochiki Corp. Hodogaya Chemical Co. Ltd. Hogy Medical Co. Ltd. Hokkaido Coca Cola Bottling Hokkan Holdings Ltd. Hokko Chemical Industry Co. Hokkoku Bank Ltd. Hokuetsu Bank Ltd. Hokuetsu Kishu Paper Co., Ltd. Hokuhoku Financial Group, Inc. Hokuriku Electric Power Co. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. Honeys Co., Ltd. Hoosiers Holdings Hoshizaki Corp. Hosiden Corp. Hosokawa Micron Corp.
Shares/Par Value 7,900 300 19,000 6,800 33,700 86,600 8,200 7,000 6,100 3,300 900 49,000 1,170 8,700 22,000 28,000 42,900 79,000 135,000 252,708 7,200 12,395 50,000 2,300 1,700 27,700 12,100 2,400 21,000 2,800 164,000 104,000 1,500 14,000 6,800 1,394,700 37,700 23,400 4,176 6,500 12,100 2,700 30,600 2,300 3,789 62,000 500 7,400 101,200 13,700 10,300 40,000 658,000 4,300 294,100 19,100 3,600 34,000 79,300 1,000 29,000 12,000 170,000 127,000 58,892 231,000 21,400 942,500 5,740 22,000 6,800 3,500 16,000
Base Market Value 95,179 4,310 50,746 128,590 157,676 3,486,285 99,353 17,058 59,222 44,197 14,730 72,122 18,339 26,459 19,943 75,875 115,415 284,921 376,352 7,278,995 33,968 166,370 216,395 56,407 31,915 329,948 100,489 44,121 584,414 4,531 1,218,130 537,284 12,501 68,779 48,321 13,880,385 760,321 295,380 80,801 152,568 177,626 225,548 301,556 18,810 462,037 205,478 4,099 424,135 1,867,352 197,775 279,211 663,612 2,718,844 58,219 2,949,887 91,600 39,513 90,145 5,511,346 5,761 84,521 32,986 457,355 214,163 403,559 261,195 263,876 23,633,700 62,721 116,444 662,170 21,596 82,191
International Common Stock Hoya Corp. Hulic Co., Ltd. Hurxley Corp. Hyakugo Bank Ltd. Hyakujushi Bank Ltd. Ibiden Co., Ltd. IBJ Leasing Co., Ltd. Idemitsu Kosan Co., Ltd. Ihara Chemical Industry Co. IHI Corp. Iida Group Holdings Co., Ltd. Iino Kaiun Kaisha Ltd. IJT Technology Holdings Co. Ikegami Tsushinki Co., Ltd. Imasen Electric Industrial Inaba Denki Sangyo Co., Ltd. Inaba Seisakusho Co., Ltd. Inabata & Co., Ltd. Ines Corp. Info Services International-Dentsu Infomart Corp. Innotech Corp. Inpex Corp. ISE Chemicals Corp. Iseki & Co., Ltd. Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha Ltd. Ishizuka Glass Co. Ltd. Isuzu Motors Ltd. Itochu Corp. Itochu Enex Co., Ltd. Itochu Shokuhin Co., Ltd. Itoham Yonekyu Holdings, Inc. Itoki Corp. IwaiCosmo Holdings, Inc. Iwaki & Co., Ltd. Iwasaki Electric Co., Ltd. Iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd. Iyo Bank Ltd. Izutsuya Co., Ltd. J. Front Retailing Co., Ltd. JACCS Co., Ltd. JAFCO Co., Ltd. Janome Sewing Machine Co., Ltd. Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. Japan Airport Terminal Co. Japan Asia Group Ltd. Japan Digital Laboratory Co. Japan Display, Inc. Japan Drilling Co., Ltd. Japan Exchange Group, Inc. Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd. Japan Post Holdings Co., Ltd. Japan Prime Realty Investment Japan Pulp & Paper Co., Ltd. Japan Radio Co., Ltd. Japan Real Estate Investment Japan Retail Fund Investment Japan Tobacco, Inc. Japan Transcity Corp. Japan Wool Textile Co., Ltd. JBCC Holdings, Inc. JFE Holdings, Inc. JGC Corp. Jimoto Holdings, Inc. JK Holdings Co., Ltd. JMS Co., Ltd. J-Oil Mills, Inc. Joshin Denki Co., Ltd. Joyo Bank Ltd. JSP Corp. JSR Corp. JTEKT Corp.
Shares/Par Value 281,700 44,000 3,300 97,000 134,850 58,400 10,700 11,500 17,700 208,000 21,300 40,900 1,200 27,000 8,900 10,000 2,000 39,800 25,800 600 205,659 7,000 132,600 2,000 37,000 51,700 193,000 8,000 339,900 225,200 20,700 2,500 16,000 23,500 10,000 18,000 49,000 50,000 40,100 44,000 35,500 57,000 7,500 5,400 609,700 6,200 9,500 9,500 198,000 3,700 69,400 57,600 64,100 122 47,000 26,000 180 351 150,100 17,000 13,300 1,100 249,214 26,000 101,900 5,700 27,000 55,000 7,000 86,000 3,100 28,400 30,000
Base Market Value 9,978,534 459,772 30,526 332,820 390,393 654,645 183,670 247,958 182,538 551,477 432,478 149,902 3,392 30,266 73,220 339,702 26,065 358,080 253,247 9,323 1,872,361 28,794 1,025,488 8,519 80,427 456,577 112,877 11,853 4,136,516 2,720,883 182,000 100,400 163,915 129,194 82,269 31,582 64,480 30,217 243,516 18,442 365,070 247,246 183,936 29,740 19,564,601 222,400 38,244 128,716 318,452 78,984 790,128 673,188 775,398 524,437 150,726 65,386 1,112,389 896,745 6,003,122 56,506 91,657 7,077 3,194,428 368,243 140,052 25,114 74,218 181,743 58,680 319,388 61,371 372,613 335,413
International Common Stock Juki Corp. Juroku Bank Ltd. JVC Kenwood Corp. JX Holdings, Inc. K & O Energy Group, Inc. Kadokawa Dwango Corp. Kaga Electronics Co., Ltd. Kajima Corp. Kakaku.com., Inc. Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Kamei Corp. Kamigumi Co., Ltd. Kanaden Corp. Kanagawa Chuo Kotsu Co., Ltd. Kandenko Co., Ltd. Kaneka Corp. Kanematsu Corp. Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc. Kansai Paint Co., Ltd. Kansai Urban Banking Corp. KAO Corp. Katakura Industries Co., Ltd. Kato Sangyo Co., Ltd. Kato Works Co., Ltd. Kawada Technologies, Inc. Kawai Musical Instruments Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Kawasaki Heavy Industries Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd. Kawasumi Laboratories, Inc. KDDI Corp. Keihan Holdings Co., Ltd. Keihanshin Building Co., Ltd. Keihin Co., Ltd. Keihin Corp. Keikyu Corp. Keio Corp. Keisei Electric Railway Co. Keiyo Bank Ltd. Keyence Corp. Kikkoman Corp. Kimoto Co., Ltd. Kimura Unity Co., Ltd. Kinki Sharyo Co., Ltd. Kintetsu Group Holdings Co., Ltd. Kintetsu World Express, Inc. Kirin Holdings Co., Ltd. Kita Nippon Bank Ltd. Kitagawa Iron Works Co., Ltd. Kitano Construction Corp. Kito Corp. Kitz Corp. Kiyo Bank Ltd. Koa Corp. Koatsu Gas Kogyo Co., Ltd. Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. Kobe Steel Ltd. Kohnan Shoji Co., Ltd. Kohsoku Corp. Koike Sanso Kogyo Co., Ltd. Koito Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Kojima Co., Ltd. Kokuyo Co., Ltd. Komaihaltec, Inc. Komatsu Ltd. Komatsu Seiren Co., Ltd. Komatsu Wall Industry Co., Ltd. Komehyo Co., Ltd. Komeri Co., Ltd. Komori Corp. Konaka Co., Ltd. Konami Holdings Corp. Konica Minolta, Inc. Konishi Co., Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 36,100 190,000 53,100 289,700 7,700 1,900 11,500 122,000 222,509 12,500 16,000 27,980 8,000 7,000 33,000 380,000 179,000 100,800 28,900 9,800 573,700 500 32,577 28,000 1,600 400 206,000 295,322 14,000 551,400 78,000 16,400 16,000 24,300 69,000 84,000 39,900 141,000 35,720 20,000 5,300 300 2,000 225,000 22,400 1,348,430 4,500 69,000 19,000 7,300 26,700 30,300 15,400 13,000 23,600 421,330 15,100 1,600 13,000 189,100 18,000 34,800 6,000 123,000 12,400 5,700 1,000 3,900 222,700 22,200 12,199 449,400 11,400
Base Market Value 319,865 500,049 108,177 1,125,874 97,273 24,891 129,584 841,953 4,392,053 815,138 127,108 256,917 67,453 39,575 269,880 2,511,356 280,914 974,102 578,901 85,114 33,155,934 5,527 762,744 106,989 52,403 7,630 572,278 690,879 79,150 16,731,730 539,058 81,209 20,119 370,220 692,085 788,498 511,050 526,396 24,073,309 731,065 7,749 2,924 4,854 960,620 269,656 22,646,894 109,835 112,321 46,856 57,495 125,965 372,732 108,081 76,791 1,043,240 340,875 278,479 13,085 27,751 8,617,239 41,758 494,235 11,522 2,121,537 73,005 83,730 9,777 101,159 2,470,344 104,952 463,155 3,241,603 146,236
International Common Stock Konoike Transport Co., Ltd. Kosaido Co., Ltd. Kose Corp. Krosaki Harima Corp. KRS Corp. KU Holdings Co., Ltd. Kubota Corp. Kura Corp. Kurabo Industries Ltd. Kuraray Co., Ltd. Kureha Corp. Kurimoto Ltd. Kurita Water Industries Ltd. Kuriyama Corp. Kuroda Electric Co., Ltd. KYB Co., Ltd. Kyocera Corp. Kyodo Printing Co., Ltd. Kyoei Steel Ltd. Kyokuto Kaihatsu Kogyo Co. Kyosan Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Kyowa Electronic Instruments Kyowa Exeo Corp. Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd. Kyowa Leather Cloth Co., Ltd. Kyudenko Corp. Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. Kyushu Financial Group, Inc. Lawson, Inc. LEC, Inc. Leopalace21 Corp. Lixil Group Corp. Look, Inc. M3, Inc. Mabuchi Motor Co., Ltd. Macnica Fuji Electronics Holdings Maeda Corp. Maezawa Kasei Industries Co. Maezawa Kyuso Industries Co. Makino Milling Machine Co. Makita Corp. Mars Engineering Corp. Marubeni Corp. Marubun Corp. Marudai Food Co., Ltd. Marui Group Co., Ltd. Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd. Maruka Machinery Co., Ltd. Maruwa Co., Ltd. Maruyama Mfg Co., Inc. Maruzen Showa Unyu Co., Ltd. Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd. Matsui Construction Co., Ltd. Maxvalu Nishinihon Co., Ltd. Maxvalu Tokai Co., Ltd. Mazda Motor Corp. McDonald's Holdings Co. Japan Medipal Holdings Corp. Megachips Corp. Megmilk Snow Brand Co., Ltd. Meidensha Corp. Meiji Holdings Co., Ltd. Meiko Electronics Co., Ltd. Meisei Industrial Co., Ltd. Meitec Corp. Meiwa Corp. Meiwa Estate Co., Ltd. Melco Holdings, Inc. Michinoku Bank Ltd. Mie Bank Ltd. Mikuni Corp. Mimasu Semiconductor Industry Co. Minato Bank Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 7,100 3,800 3,900 32,000 1,600 4,000 143,200 9,800 161,000 51,900 570,000 58,000 15,800 3,300 7,600 105,000 42,900 58,000 9,000 29,500 25,000 5,500 274,800 33,400 4,800 4,200 61,700 257,423 9,500 2,800 67,200 38,500 23,000 185,700 6,300 15,650 37,000 5,700 2,900 103,000 15,200 1,800 806,600 13,600 78,000 32,500 6,000 2,400 4,400 23,000 43,000 8,400 14,000 700 3,000 160,200 7,700 22,000 6,500 3,700 105,000 41,600 7,000 18,400 7,400 8,700 16,100 1,900 93,000 27,000 21,000 8,800 104,000
Base Market Value 73,429 11,186 326,552 73,925 41,158 27,449 1,908,822 575,066 284,053 614,665 1,989,083 88,196 350,837 35,737 129,642 336,729 2,024,776 177,522 136,417 274,900 81,148 17,370 3,412,567 565,186 37,524 124,047 614,654 1,269,676 756,555 49,018 468,350 632,347 29,145 6,425,919 262,833 160,787 288,527 55,950 37,172 519,066 1,001,579 37,109 3,612,757 77,154 371,030 434,643 208,500 26,084 128,625 36,095 157,598 103,332 147,246 10,542 49,800 2,122,154 209,782 359,411 71,469 128,936 338,776 4,229,340 24,564 79,095 249,937 25,695 87,256 38,800 162,267 46,583 59,363 82,176 154,089
International Common Stock Minebea Co., Ltd. Ministop Co., Ltd. Miraca Holdings, Inc. Mirait Holdings Corp. Misawa Homes Co., Ltd. Misumi Group, Inc. Mitani Corp. Mitani Sangyo Co., Ltd. Mito Securities Co., Ltd. Mitsuba Corp. Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Mitsubishi Corp. Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd. Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Mitsubishi Logistics Corp. Mitsubishi Materials Corp. Mitsubishi Motors Corp. Mitsubishi Nichiyu Forklift Mitsubishi Paper Mills Ltd. Mitsubishi Steel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corp. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Financing Mitsuboshi Belting Co., Ltd. Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd. Mitsui High-Tec, Inc. Mitsui Home Co., Ltd. Mitsui Matsushima Co., Ltd. Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co. Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. Mitsui Soko Holdings Co., Ltd. Mitsui Sugar Co., Ltd. Mitsumi Electric Co., Ltd. Mitsumura Printing Co., Ltd. Mitsuuroko Holdings Co., Ltd. Mixi, Inc. Miyaji Engineering Group, Inc. Miyazaki Bank Ltd. Miyoshi Oil & Fat Co., Ltd. Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. Mizuno Corp. Modec, Inc. Monotaro Co., Ltd. Moresco Corp. Morinaga & Co., Ltd. Morinaga Milk Industry Co. Morito Co., Ltd. Mory Industries, Inc. Mr. Max Corp. MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings Murakami Corp. Murata Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co. Musashino Bank Ltd. Mutoh Holdings Co., Ltd. Nabtesco Corp. Nachi Fujikoshi Corp. NAFCO Co., Ltd. Nagano Bank Ltd. Nagase & Co., Ltd. Nagoya Railroad Co., Ltd. Nakabayashi Co., Ltd. Nakano Corp. Nakayama Steel Works Ltd. Namura Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Nanto Bank Ltd. Narasaki Sangyo Co., Ltd. NDS Co., Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 45,000 7,100 89,149 22,444 6,300 725,221 3,700 2,000 33,900 8,900 183,294 204,854 1,741,000 171,000 695,071 996,000 15,000 170,636 103,000 5,800 195,000 86,000 206,700 3,407,691 73,300 12,000 231,200 120,000 148,000 120,600 16,500 14,000 44,000 343,000 171,486 73,000 8,000 13,500 2,000 17,400 4,900 16,000 89,000 14,000 6,325,670 37,000 10,800 115,565 800 92,000 24,000 2,200 32,000 8,700 523,703 2,000 39,300 171,500 18,900 12,000 17,423 33,000 4,000 26,000 54,500 127,000 21,000 3,900 103,000 3,668 123,000 4,000 23,000
Base Market Value 300,468 115,300 3,840,906 219,649 42,373 12,957,697 100,444 6,024 76,002 94,648 830,263 3,570,318 20,500,322 3,121,971 3,597,648 3,955,263 207,915 404,177 470,874 32,452 134,955 129,096 3,713,306 15,143,448 278,653 93,225 2,734,781 435,130 201,969 2,740,802 100,682 59,090 43,747 565,036 361,058 194,259 37,820 53,953 3,548 83,616 200,366 20,587 220,353 16,103 9,144,136 173,116 164,648 3,779,321 8,547 575,729 166,566 16,748 92,329 22,982 13,382,273 28,307 4,359,431 3,328,360 425,199 25,734 412,351 99,396 60,825 48,406 597,115 714,290 48,718 15,814 50,200 20,022 390,857 9,553 56,497
International Common Stock NEC Capital Solutions Ltd. NEC Corp. NEC Networks & System Integration Corp. Neturen Co., Ltd. Nexon Co., Ltd. Next Co., Ltd. NGK Insulators Ltd. NGK Spark Plug Co., Ltd. NH Foods, Ltd. NHK Spring Co., Ltd. Nice Holdings, Inc. Nichia Steel Works Ltd. Nichiban Co., Ltd. Nichicon Corp. Nichiha Corp. Nichimo Co., Ltd. Nichireki Co., Ltd. Nichirin Co., Ltd. Nidec Corp. Nifco, Inc. Nihon Dempa Kogyo Co., Ltd. Nihon Eslead Corp. Nihon Flush Co., Ltd. Nihon House Holdings Co., Ltd. Nihon M&A Center, Inc. Nihon Nohyaku Co., Ltd. Nihon Plast Co., Ltd. Nihon Tokushu Toryo Co., Ltd. Nihon Yamamura Glass Co., Ltd. Nikkiso Co., Ltd. Nikko Co., Ltd. Nikkon Holdings Co., Ltd. Nikon Corp. Nintendo Co., Ltd. Nippi, Inc. Nippo Corp. Nippon Beet Sugar Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nippon Building Fund, Inc. Nippon Carbide Industries Co. Nippon Carbon Co., Ltd. Nippon Chemi-Con Corp. Nippon Chemical Industrial Nippon co*ke & Engineering Co. Nippon Concrete Industries Nippon Denko Co., Ltd. Nippon Densetsu Kogyo Co., Ltd. Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd. Nippon Express Co., Ltd. Nippon Filcon Co., Ltd. Nippon Fine Chemical Co., Ltd. Nippon Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Nippon Hume Corp. Nippon Kinzoku Co., Ltd. Nippon Kodoshi Corp. Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. Nippon Koshuha Steel Co., Ltd. Nippon Light Metal Holdings Nippon Paint Holdings Co., Ltd. Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. Nippon Pillar Packing Co., Ltd. Nippon Piston Ring Co., Ltd. Nippon Prologis REIT, Inc. Nippon Rietec Co., Ltd. Nippon Road Co., Ltd. Nippon Seiki Co., Ltd. Nippon Seisen Co., Ltd. Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. Nippon Signal Co., Ltd. Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. Nippon Steel & Sumikin Bussa Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. Nippon Synthetic Chemical
Shares/Par Value 12,700 374,999 86,200 18,500 23,300 221,869 38,000 27,900 22,000 19,300 38,000 21,000 15,000 19,400 25,200 7,000 19,000 1,800 32,400 238,700 11,200 4,800 1,400 6,900 170,105 19,600 5,000 6,000 42,000 22,100 13,000 31,900 49,000 15,400 1,000 8,000 70,000 202 33,000 48,000 104,000 38,000 91,700 20,300 61,200 5,500 48,000 117,000 11,600 6,100 33,000 7,700 23,000 1,200 33,000 29,000 177,600 21,200 24,600 11,500 6,200 216 3,000 59,000 7,000 8,000 436,000 1,800 16,500 68,000 89,560 111,780 21,000
Base Market Value 173,930 866,310 1,520,830 129,477 342,266 1,963,710 758,222 415,821 534,614 155,393 51,116 44,215 112,438 124,997 395,232 10,781 117,789 22,143 2,438,764 12,424,778 92,906 46,788 16,430 21,186 10,960,075 87,693 40,647 61,526 62,228 141,962 37,509 569,032 661,994 2,189,385 6,492 135,686 124,866 1,246,379 44,712 89,833 125,704 72,600 55,419 55,999 93,062 91,783 198,850 531,455 46,585 42,871 256,692 40,305 20,177 8,773 99,717 18,657 391,243 517,033 428,504 102,905 82,916 528,473 25,938 226,016 113,881 31,582 271,995 102,291 127,863 271,761 287,214 2,133,397 106,238
International Common Stock Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Nippon Thompson Co., Ltd. Nippon Yakin Kogyo Co., Ltd. Nippon Yusen Kabushi Kaisha Nishi Nippon City Bank, Ltd. Nishimatsu Construction Co. Nissan Chemical Industries Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Nissei Plastic Industrial Co. Nisshin Fudosan Co., Ltd. Nisshin Oillio Group Ltd. Nisshin Seifun Group, Inc. Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. Nisshinbo Holdings, Inc. Nissin Corp. Nissin Electric Co., Ltd. Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. Nissin Kogyo Co., Ltd. Nissin Sugar Co., Ltd. Nitori Holdings Co., Ltd. Nitta Gelatin, Inc. Nittan Valve Co., Ltd. Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd. Nitto Denko Corp. Nitto FC Co., Ltd. Nitto Kogyo Corp. Nitto Seiko Co., Ltd. NOK Corp. Nomura Holdings, Inc. Nomura Real Estate Holdings Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, Inc. Nomura Research Institute Ltd. Noritake Co., Ltd. Noritsu Koki Co., Ltd. Noritz Corp. North Pacific Bank Ltd. NS United Kaiun Kaisha Ltd. NSK Ltd. NTN Corp. NTT Data Corp. NTT Docomo, Inc. NTT Urban Development Corp. Obayashi Corp. Obayashi Road Corp. OBIC Co., Ltd. Odakyu Electric Railway Co. Oenon Holdings, Inc. Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank Ltd. Ohashi Technica, Inc. Oita Bank Ltd. Oji Holdings Corp. Okabe Co., Ltd. Okamoto Industries, Inc. Okamoto Machine Tool Works Okasan Securities Group, Inc. OKK Corp. Okura Industrial Co., Ltd. Okuwa Co., Ltd. Olympic Group Corp. Olympus Corp. Omron Corp. Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Ono Sokki Co., Ltd. Onoken Co., Ltd. Onward Holdings Co., Ltd. Oracle Corp. Japan Organo Corp. Oriental Land Co., Ltd. Origin Electric Co., Ltd. Orix Corp. Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. Osaka Organic Chemical Industry Osaka Soda Co., Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 495,200 37,000 58,800 289,524 320,000 106,000 71,800 334,000 12,000 33,400 81,000 26,900 50,200 66,600 37,000 37,900 8,900 6,600 5,100 10,700 3,700 15,300 51,000 23,500 6,100 211,000 12,000 25,937 488,600 18,300 458 17,800 38,000 13,400 6,800 208,900 83,000 67,300 228,000 18,000 745,000 15,600 93,600 13,000 8,400 78,000 24,000 176,000 3,200 93,644 116,000 11,600 3,000 15,000 60,000 40,000 30,000 11,000 8,600 39,100 28,300 55,700 3,300 8,000 68,000 5,200 10,000 29,800 19,000 1,237,000 270,000 5,700 8,000
Base Market Value 23,169,510 111,444 67,632 505,164 558,339 491,822 2,077,224 2,988,387 72,405 115,902 371,878 429,498 636,124 599,199 110,001 557,103 484,950 84,020 67,609 1,287,046 27,158 46,382 164,051 1,474,276 49,292 2,597,651 32,050 435,612 1,739,319 317,338 726,353 648,913 86,305 92,346 121,033 564,044 104,367 493,319 604,503 847,451 20,090,092 166,051 989,921 80,846 459,343 909,328 46,554 483,790 37,898 268,363 443,240 82,203 32,430 16,083 264,938 37,820 81,587 114,621 40,489 1,446,384 913,081 2,406,301 25,508 89,755 422,887 276,245 37,528 1,924,117 47,968 15,771,479 1,032,732 29,781 32,050
International Common Stock Osaka Steel Co., Ltd. Osaki Electric Co., Ltd. Otsuka Corp. Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd. OUG Holdings, Inc. Oyo Corp. Pacific Industrial Co., Ltd. Paltac Corp. Panasonic Corp. Panasonic Industrial Devices Parco Co., Ltd. Park24 Co., Ltd. Pegasus Sewing Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Pigeon Corp. Piolax, Inc. Pioneer Corp. Pola Orbis Holdings, Inc. Press Kogyo Co., Ltd. P.S. Mitsubishi Construction Rakuten, Inc. Recruit Holdings Co., Ltd. Rengo Co., Ltd. Resona Holdings, Inc. Rheon Automatic Machinery Rhythm Watch Co., Ltd. Ricoh Co., Ltd. Ricoh Leasing Co., Ltd. Right-On Co., Ltd. Riken Corp. Riken Keiki Co., Ltd. Riken Technos Corp. Riken Vitamin Co., Ltd. Rinnai Corp. Riso Kagaku Corp. Rohm Co., Ltd. Round One Corp. Ryobi Ltd. Ryoden Corp. Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. Ryoyo Electro Corp. Sakai Chemical Industry Co. Sakai Ovex Co., Ltd. Sakata INX Corp. Samty Co., Ltd. San Ai Oil Co., Ltd. San Holdings, Inc. San In Godo Bank Ltd. Sanden Holdings Corp. Sanei Architecture Planning Sanken Electric Co., Ltd. Sanki Engineering Co., Ltd. Sanko Metal Industrial Co. Sankyo Co., Ltd. Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd. Sankyo Tateyama, Inc. Sankyu, Inc. Sanoh Industrial Co., Ltd. Sansha Electric Manuf Co., Ltd. Santen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Sanyo Chemical Industries Sanyo Denki Co., Ltd. Sanyo Housing Nagoya Co., Ltd. Sanyo Industries Ltd. Sanyo Shokai Ltd. Sanyo Special Steel Co., Ltd. Sata Construction Co., Ltd. Sato Shoji Corp. Satori Electric Co., Ltd. Sawada Holdings Co., Ltd. Sawai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Saxa Holdings, Inc. SBI Holdings, Inc. SBS Holdings, Inc.
Shares/Par Value 13,300 11,000 7,500 52,035 2,000 6,500 33,000 11,600 297,500 2,600 9,500 12,100 6,800 73,147 4,900 46,300 3,100 64,000 9,500 126,600 38,300 110,000 2,185,300 4,200 78,000 395,353 9,700 5,600 46,000 7,000 17,200 1,500 5,300 8,300 14,000 10,000 94,000 17,000 19,494 9,900 81,000 17,000 6,500 8,600 39,000 1,200 102,355 20,000 2,200 60,000 9,600 3,000 25,069 12,400 13,700 647,000 12,700 8,900 53,800 27,000 99,000 2,400 8,000 56,000 133,000 2,600 4,900 3,900 1,700 49,900 42,000 104,609 7,400
Base Market Value 230,504 84,492 349,084 2,393,539 4,562 71,216 300,117 234,171 2,554,806 15,738 75,933 414,577 28,701 2,156,835 227,113 80,333 288,576 210,859 34,077 1,360,527 1,394,390 709,816 7,924,082 22,230 128,492 3,406,687 246,306 72,927 140,793 71,986 71,255 69,817 464,958 108,817 546,545 80,125 386,665 104,065 4,727,661 129,311 217,916 23,696 74,003 79,973 220,489 15,978 662,479 53,611 23,932 184,228 75,797 8,363 935,903 40,370 192,433 3,449,742 67,468 41,294 839,068 208,441 443,903 21,850 12,711 104,806 588,576 8,997 28,610 25,356 14,947 3,852,305 77,785 1,028,857 52,728
International Common Stock Scroll Corp. Secom Co., Ltd. Sega Sammy Holdings, Inc. Seibu Electric Industry Co. Seibu Holdings, Inc. Seika Corp. Seiko Epson Corp. Seiko Holdings Corp. Seino Holdings Co., Ltd. Seiren Co., Ltd. Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. Sekisui House Ltd. Sekisui Jushi Corp. Sekisui Plastics Co., Ltd. Senko Co., Ltd. Senshu Electric Co., Ltd. Senshu Ikeda Holdings, Inc. Senshukai Co., Ltd. Seria Co., Ltd. Seven & I Holdings Co., Ltd. Seven Bank Ltd. Shibaura Electronics Co., Ltd. Shibaura Mechatronics Corp. Shibusawa Warehouse Co., Ltd. Shidax Corp. Shiga Bank Ltd. Shikibo Ltd. Shikoku Bank Ltd. Shikoku Electric Power Co. Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd. Shimachu Co., Ltd. Shimadzu Corp. Shimamura Co., Ltd. Shimane Bank Ltd. Shimano, Inc. Shimizu Bank Ltd. Shimizu Corp. Shin Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. Shin Etsu Polymer Co., Ltd. Shin Nippon Air Technologies Shinagawa Refractories Co. Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Shinkawa Ltd. Shinko Electric Industries Shinko Shoji Co., Ltd. Shinmaywa Industries Ltd. Shinnihon Corp. Shinsei Bank Ltd. Shinsho Corp. Shionogi & Co., Ltd. Shiseido Co., Ltd. Shizuoka Bank Ltd. Shizuoka Gas Co., Ltd. Shoei Foods Corp. Shofu, Inc. Showa Corp. Showa Denko K.K. Showa Sangyo Co., Ltd. Showa Shell Sekiyu K.K. Sinanen Holdings Co., Ltd. Sinfonia Technology Co., Ltd. Sintokogio Ltd. SK Electronics Ltd. Sky Perfect JSAT Holdings SMC Corp. SMS Co., Ltd. SNT Corp. Soda Nikka Co., Ltd. Sodick Co., Ltd. Softbank Group Corp. Sohgo Security Services Co. Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Holdings Sony Corp.
Shares/Par Value 12,400 28,100 23,026 5,000 21,800 34,000 50,100 45,000 44,400 3,400 242,300 771,000 8,000 31,000 10,200 2,600 110,600 8,300 130,159 152,500 77,700 2,500 19,000 23,000 5,700 162,915 57,000 106,000 26,300 8,400 29,451 36,000 3,200 800 36,800 4,500 1,428,000 287,500 18,100 9,200 49,000 443,000 3,100 38,900 13,400 43,700 17,100 263,000 22,000 166,500 51,400 72,000 15,700 4,800 1,500 282,400 72,100 4,000 21,800 41,000 34,000 8,900 700 57,200 7,800 203,486 5,800 4,000 12,700 130,800 8,900 47,300 171,600
Base Market Value 45,447 2,068,811 246,667 19,105 367,406 80,203 797,478 134,224 404,659 31,849 2,961,733 13,373,570 113,461 96,393 61,146 40,144 410,748 54,691 10,746,142 6,363,705 239,333 40,988 35,559 61,429 26,225 693,965 57,783 206,648 309,170 161,139 639,028 534,789 473,496 9,295 5,570,757 97,597 13,307,028 16,708,012 105,329 88,512 91,227 1,390,447 13,749 188,452 126,960 268,785 111,344 379,413 35,598 9,036,670 1,321,199 503,207 110,033 61,901 19,008 1,571,795 675,388 16,961 202,297 157,861 55,015 66,193 5,950 262,610 1,893,547 4,454,913 30,869 17,702 97,054 7,380,848 438,103 1,244,167 4,997,961
International Common Stock Sony Financial Holdings, Inc. SPK Corp. Stanley Electric Co., Ltd. Start Today Co., Ltd. Starzen Co., Ltd. Stella Chemifa Corp. Sugi Holdings Co., Ltd. Sugimoto & Co., Ltd. Sumida Corp. Suminoe Textile Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Corp. Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. Sumitomo Electric Industries Sumitomo Heavy Industries Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. Sumitomo Precision Products Sumitomo Realty & Development Sumitomo Riko Company Ltd. Sumitomo Rubber Industries Sumitomo Seika Chemicals Co. Sumitomo Warehouse Co., Ltd. Sun Wa Technos Corp. Suncall Corp. Sundrug Co., Ltd. Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd. Suruga Bank Ltd. Suzuken Co., Ltd. Suzuki Motor Corp. Swcc Showa Holdings Co., Ltd. Sysmex Corp. T & D Holdings, Inc. T & K Toka Co., Ltd. T Rad Co., Ltd. T. Hasegawa Co., Ltd. Tachibana Eletech Co., Ltd. Tachi-S Co., Ltd. Tadano Ltd. Taihei Dengyo Kaisha Ltd. Taiheiyo Cement Corp. Taiheiyo Kouhatsu, Inc. Taiho Kogyo Co. Taisei Corp. Taisho Pharmaceutical Holdings Taiyo Nippon Sanso Corp. Taiyo Yuden Co., Ltd. Takamatsu Construction Group Takano Co., Ltd. Takaoka Toko Co., Ltd. Takara Standard Co., Ltd. Takasago International Corp. Takashima & Co., Ltd. Takashimaya Co., Ltd. Takata Corp. Take And Give Needs Co., Ltd. Takebishi Corp. Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Takeei Corp. Takeuchi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Takihyo Co., Ltd. Takiron Co., Ltd. Takisawa Machine Tool Co., Ltd. Takuma Co., Ltd. Tamron Co., Ltd. Tamura Corp. Tatsuta Electric Wire & Cable Tayca Corp. TBK Co., Ltd. TDK Corp.
Shares/Par Value 21,700 600 18,300 18,500 2,700 2,200 75,254 2,100 6,500 47,000 106,000 1,019,723 733,900 18,700 105,500 70,000 62,000 330,003 448,065 14,000 21,000 49,000 21,900 20,300 20,000 74,000 4,100 4,000 4,900 20,100 107,400 33,667 50,500 144,000 21,200 83,900 10,200 30,000 1,600 9,380 5,200 32,000 13,000 2,544,000 30,000 10,300 142,000 4,800 22,100 48,400 500 7,100 4,585 26,000 8,600 9,000 43,000 18,800 6,500 800 539,400 9,400 21,900 3,000 27,000 22,000 43,000 3,200 42,000 16,100 26,000 12,100 16,600
Base Market Value 241,981 11,399 386,549 970,173 99,089 74,949 4,173,850 22,988 42,831 87,504 488,722 4,154,832 7,328,985 322,087 1,378,524 302,954 621,571 9,412,114 1,440,412 59,908 63,047 1,315,630 173,979 269,704 110,537 365,708 28,295 17,507 456,614 905,176 2,413,071 1,053,427 1,355,412 78,604 1,444,468 702,424 74,270 51,467 28,244 97,649 75,828 263,885 131,533 5,976,255 19,885 105,520 1,159,918 503,441 201,203 417,054 11,663 41,663 74,100 235,189 230,194 13,598 306,394 72,385 25,090 7,798 23,260,606 85,030 279,434 12,457 120,275 26,162 379,745 42,608 119,544 45,040 123,677 41,163 917,458
International Common Stock Techno Ryowa Ltd. Technopro Holdings, Inc. Teijin Ltd. Teikoku Sen I Co., Ltd. Teikoku Tsushin Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tenma Corp. Terumo Corp. THK Co., Ltd. TIS, Inc. TOA Corp. TOA Oil Co., Ltd. TOA Road Corp. Toagosei Co., Ltd. Tobu Railway Co., Ltd. Tochigi Bank Ltd. Toda Corp. Toda Kogyo Corp. Toei Co., Ltd. Toenec Corp. Toho Bank Ltd. Toho Co., Ltd. Toho Co., Ltd. Toho Gas Co., Ltd. Toho Holdings Co., Ltd. Toho Zinc Co., Ltd. Tohoku Bank Ltd. Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc. Tohokushinsha Film Corp. Tohto Suisan Co., Ltd. Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd. Tokai Lease Co., Ltd. Tokai Rika Co., Ltd. Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd. Tokuyama Corp. Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. Tokyo Electron Device Ltd. Tokyo Electron Ltd. Tokyo Energy & Systems, Inc. Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. Tokyo Keiki, Inc. Tokyo Ohka Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo Rope Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Tokyo Sangyo Co., Ltd. Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Tokyo Tatemono Co., Ltd. Tokyo Tekko Co., Ltd. Tokyo Ty Financial Group, Inc. Tokyu Corp. Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Corp. Toli Corp. Tomato Bank Ltd. Tomen Devices Corp. Tomoe Corp. Tomoe Engineering Co., Ltd. Tomoku Co., Ltd. Tomony Holdings, Inc. Tomy Company Ltd. Tonami Holdings Co., Ltd. Tonengeneral Sekiyu K.K. Toppan Forms Co., Ltd. Toppan Printing Co., Ltd. Topre Corp. Topy Industries Ltd. Toray Industries, Inc. Toshiba Corp. Toshiba Machine Co., Ltd. Toshiba Plant Systems & Services Toshiba Tec Corp. Tosoh Corp. Toto Ltd. Tottori Bank Ltd. Towa Bank Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 7,260 10,600 900,000 1,000 18,000 11,700 46,500 18,500 3,500 78,000 39,000 26,000 55,000 148,709 81,000 75,000 37,000 11,000 26,000 117,000 16,600 1,400 51,000 141,900 76,000 30,000 139,900 1,100 16,000 162,000 13,000 139,200 539,100 45,000 94,000 207,400 3,000 135,142 27,000 291,000 29,000 6,000 135,000 17,500 47,500 25,500 25,000 10,212 144,000 77,200 27,000 37,000 100 13,400 4,400 45,000 94,000 3,100 52,000 44,000 21,100 77,000 5,100 125,000 192,000 574,000 26,000 4,700 21,000 102,000 20,400 29,000 194,000
Base Market Value 39,842 328,053 2,956,429 12,506 24,739 173,350 1,969,417 312,511 80,003 123,170 42,957 67,414 502,876 813,196 277,922 321,669 99,542 103,041 131,533 360,386 456,949 32,779 415,099 3,403,996 228,170 40,647 1,755,057 5,533 24,174 402,671 24,583 2,032,572 17,693,242 152,208 255,639 873,348 43,572 11,295,864 272,921 1,192,479 43,815 146,798 193,440 58,680 258,359 303,743 88,459 235,217 1,259,070 477,091 75,797 49,771 1,787 42,320 63,390 125,451 280,378 26,017 132,294 398,869 216,574 658,992 107,727 254,654 1,627,106 1,546,482 78,058 76,554 74,101 465,309 807,330 46,359 149,391
International Common Stock Towa Corp. Toyo Denki Seizo - Toyo Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd . Toyo Engineering Corp. Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd. Toyo Kanetsu K.K. Toyo Kohan Co., Ltd. Toyo Machinery & Metal Co. Toyo Securities Co., Ltd. Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd. Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd. Toyo Tanso Co., Ltd. Toyo Wharf & Warehouse Co. Toyobo Co., Ltd. Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd. Toyota Industries Corp. Toyota Motor Corp. Toyota Tsusho Corp. Trend Micro, Inc. Trusco Nakayama Corp. TS Tech Co., Ltd. TSI Holdings Co., Ltd. Tsubakimoto Kogyo Co., Ltd. Tsugami Corp. Tsukishima Kikai Co., Ltd. Tsukuba Bank Ltd. Tsumura & Co. Tsuruha Holdings, Inc. Tsurumi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Tsutsumi Jewelry Co., Ltd. TV Tokyo Holdings Corp. TYK Corp. U Shin Ltd. UACJ Corp. UBE Industries Ltd. Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd. Ueki Corp. UKC Holdings Corp. Ulvac, Inc. Unicharm Corp. Unipres Corp. United Super Markets Holdings United Urban Investment Corp. Universal Entertainment Corp. UNY Group Holdings Co., Ltd. Ushio, Inc. USS Co., Ltd. UTOC Corp. Valor Holdings Co., Ltd. Vital KSK Holdings, Inc. Wacoal Holdings Corp. Wakachiku Construction Wakita & Co Ltd. Warabeya Nichiyo Co., Ltd. West Japan Railway Co. Wood One Co., Ltd. Wowow, Inc. Xebio Co., Ltd. Yachiyo Industry Co., Ltd. Yahoo Japan Corp. Yaizu Suisankagaku Industry Yakult Honsha Co., Ltd. Yamabiko Corp. Yamada Denki Co., Ltd. Yamagata Bank Ltd. Yamaguchi Financial Group, Inc. Yamaha Corp. Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. Yamaichi Electronics Co., Ltd. Yamanashi Chuo Bank Ltd. Yamatane Corp. Yamato Corp. Yamato Holdings Co., Ltd. Yamaya Corp.
Shares/Par Value 9,600 13,000 77,376 652,000 166,000 38,200 12,100 31,000 24,100 11,300 8,100 25,000 118,000 161,300 26,400 526,600 31,200 15,400 2,600 121,894 15,425 1,000 12,000 8,300 50,100 106,800 8,000 7,000 5,600 5,100 18,000 13,800 135,000 551,000 46,000 5,000 7,300 13,100 463,380 15,100 900 383 12,000 107,000 1,200 32,300 7,100 112,700 11,200 35,000 46,000 21,200 5,700 23,400 16,000 11,700 14,200 2,300 205,000 3,900 12,700 11,100 90,660 80,000 24,000 22,600 299,200 12,000 96,000 58,000 3,400 48,700 2,000
Base Market Value 83,844 33,200 254,928 2,713,754 322,000 90,483 41,399 57,715 456,206 456,009 103,510 34,116 221,990 2,847,395 1,038,347 25,932,188 664,813 547,159 130,520 2,957,346 83,598 2,525 45,151 77,345 132,832 2,884,714 964,616 84,131 109,282 99,972 26,494 90,260 317,136 902,310 204,016 9,845 110,649 397,763 10,320,921 240,946 9,185 691,035 251,370 898,012 13,978 529,885 20,901 2,984,754 105,679 343,893 66,361 139,074 104,677 1,475,074 35,559 271,772 199,456 18,765 903,207 37,407 653,631 79,742 477,204 311,921 225,753 602,946 4,494,270 71,001 335,939 78,019 17,134 1,111,047 31,991
International Common Stock Yamazaki Baking Co., Ltd. Yamazawa Co., Ltd. Yashima Denki Co., Ltd. Yaskawa Electric Corp. Yasuda Logistics Corp. Yellow Hat Ltd. Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd. Yokogawa Bridge Holdings Corp. Yokogawa Electric Corp. Yokohama Reito Co., Ltd. Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. Yokowo Co., Ltd. Yondenko Corp. Yorozu Corp. Yotai Refractories Co., Ltd. Yuasa Funashoku Co., Ltd. Yuken Kogyo Co., Ltd. Yurtec Corp. Yusen Logistics Co., Ltd. Yushiro Chemical Industry Co. Zenitaka Corp. Zenkoku Hosho Co., Ltd. Zeon Corp. Jersey Novocure Ltd. Kazakhstan GDR KazMunaiGas Exploration Korea, Republic of ADR POSCO ADR SK Telecom Co., Ltd. AmorePacific Corp. AmorePacific Group BGFretail Co. Ltd. BNK Financial Group, Inc. Celltrion, Inc. Cheil Worldwide, Inc. CJ CheilJedang Corp. CJ Corp. CJ E&M Corp. CJ Korea Express Corp. Coway Co., Ltd. Daelim Industrial Co., Ltd. Daewoo Engineering & Construction DGB Financial Group, Inc. Dongbu Insurance Co., Ltd. Dongsuh Companies, Inc. Doosan Heavy Industries E-Mart, Inc. GDR Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. GS Engineering & Construction GS Holdings GS Home Shopping, Inc. GS Retail Co., Ltd. Hana Financial Group Hana Tour Service, Inc. Hankook Tire Co., Ltd. Hanmi Pharm Co., Ltd. Hanmi Science Co., Ltd. Hanon Systems Hanssem Co., Ltd. Hanwha Chemical Corp. Hanwha Corp. Hanwha Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Hotel Shilla Co., Ltd. Hyosung Corp. Hyundai Dept Store Co. Hyundai Development Co. Engineering & Construction Hyundai Engingeering & Construction Hyundai Glovis Co., Ltd. Hyundai Heavy Industries
Shares/Par Value 18,000 1,300 1,500 32,800 4,700 6,000 23,982 18,500 33,900 23,600 167,500 5,100 3,000 10,100 6,000 18,000 11,000 16,000 10,500 8,000 5,000 272,000 47,000
Base Market Value 500,049 21,745 7,662 422,989 27,992 132,469 581,375 182,854 378,686 236,253 2,076,811 23,713 11,463 140,390 16,376 50,356 17,477 108,705 103,987 100,205 16,425 9,809,923 301,911
16,532 318,180 10,820 4,647 17,267 197,383 916 1,022 4,711 5,104 11,903 88 21,942 352 1,450 2,158 146,885 454 647 212 23,377 647 639 5,475 342 75,937 22,540 921 1,171 140 9,420 118 247,311 154,032 2,774 419 16,626 1,636 57,714 26,233 232 2,345
735,674 6,656,326 4,053,332 675,759 3,200,507 1,382,889 76,423 14,995 1,588,943 895,089 716,133 16,579 1,990,658 23,225 7,062 16,243 8,837,201 13,145 11,908 31,841 14,517,117 15,587 26,323 815,178 16,182 1,532,782 1,635,928 40,779 717,738 18,596 85,871 16,289 5,099,307 4,733,891 13,944 24,699 1,797,054 183,222 1,981,672 759,535 34,543 214,783
International Common Stock Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co. Hyundai Mipo Dockyard Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd. Hyundai Motor Co. Hyundai Steel Co. Hyundai WIA Corp. Industrial Bank of Korea ISC Co., Ltd. Kakao Corp. Kangwon Land, Inc. KB Financial Group, Inc. KCC Corp. KEPCO Plant Service & Engineering Co. KIA Motors Corp. Korea Aerospace Industries Korea Electric Power Corp. Korea Gas Corp. Korea Investment Holdings Co. Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. Korean Air Lines Co., Ltd. KT Corp. KT&G Corp. Kumho Petro Chemical Co., Ltd. LF Corp. LG Chem Ltd. LG Corp. LG Display Co., Ltd. LG Electronics, Inc. LG Household & Health Care LG Innotek Co., Ltd. LG Uplus Corp. Loen Entertainment, Inc. Lotte Chemical Corp. Lotte Chilsung Beverage Co. Lotte Confectionery Co., Ltd. Lotte Shopping Co. Medy Tox, Inc. Mirae Asset Daewood Co., Ltd. Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd. NAVER Corp. NCSOFT Corp. NH Investment & Securities Co., Ltd. OCI Co., Ltd. Orion Corp. Ottogi Corp. Paradise Co., Ltd. POSCO POSCO DAEWOO Corp. S1 Corp. Samsung C&T Corp. Samsung Card Co. Samsung Electro Mechanics Co. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Samsung Heavy Industries Samsung Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Samsung SDI Co., Ltd. Samsung SDS Co., Ltd. Samsung Securities Co., Ltd. Shinhan Financial Group Ltd. Shinsegae Co., Ltd. SK Holdings Co., Ltd. SK Hynix, Inc. SK Innovation Co., Ltd. SK Networks Co., Ltd. SK Telecom Co., Ltd. S-Oil Corp. Woori Bank Yuhan Corp. Liberia Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 21,866 10,736 55,965 1,701 31,028 207 19,954 5,500 371 28,151 32,062 72 282 227,058 21,724 306,158 366 496 2,627 67,390 416 67,609 233 83,560 48,647 1,161 2,857 1,304 114 141 48,274 3,500 17,596 8 70 138 15,849 2,309 946 7,112 216 1,819 173 44 14 621 849 446 240 924 20,610 571 54,672 15,949 1,922 815 674 417 722 361,001 12,098 539 351,444 59,760 266,021 66,510 17,107 127,548 91
Base Market Value 555,264 644,057 12,243,938 200,100 1,235,086 16,012 193,156 126,536 29,987 1,019,140 907,428 23,784 15,865 8,515,784 1,380,559 16,054,124 12,631 18,129 1,158,585 1,518,228 10,708 8,012,005 12,036 1,534,309 10,980,787 64,206 65,481 61,020 110,551 9,646 456,819 222,425 4,323,191 12,404 11,881 24,261 5,935,893 15,616 18,931 4,383,835 44,256 14,418 13,562 35,984 10,003 8,168 148,521 9,680 22,503 98,669 742,558 24,836 67,636,932 3,648,532 15,285 71,110 63,196 51,951 22,127 11,909,570 2,048,105 94,758 9,885,650 7,289,387 1,371,849 12,443,378 1,124,278 1,054,180 24,175
International Common Stock Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Landesbank VP Baank AG
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
6,630 985
245,001 90,290
Luxembourg ADR Tenaris SA ADR Ternium SA Altisource Portfolio Sol Aperam Arcelormittal D'Amico International Shipping Intelsat S.A. Millicom International Cellular - SDR RTL Group Samsonite International SA SES Tenaris SA
241,900 103,352 240 42,567 283,096 126,537 720 8,299 5,063 1,276,500 44,782 63,637
6,976,396 1,969,889 6,682 1,492,229 1,286,641 52,182 1,858 504,442 412,518 3,529,402 965,658 919,774
Malaysia AirAsia BHD Alliance Financial Group BHD AMMB Holdings BHD Astro Malaysia Holdings BHD Axiata Group BHD Berjaya Sports Toto BHD British American Tobacco BHD CIMB Group Holdings BHD Dialog Group BHD DiGi.Com BHD Felda Global Ventures Gamuda BHD Genting BHD Genting Malaysia BHD Genting Plantations BHD Hap Seng Consolidated Hartalega Holdings BHD Hong Leong Bank BHD Hong Leong Financial Group IHH Healthcare BHD IJM Corp. BHD IOI Corp. BHD IOI Properties Group BHD Kuala Lumpur Kepong BHD Lafarge Malaysia BHD Malayan Banking BHD Malaysia Airports Holdings BHD Maxis BHD MISC BHD Petronas Chemicals Group BHD Petronas Dagangan BHD Petronas Gas BHD PPB Group BHD Public Bank BHD RHB Bank BHD Sapurakencana Petroleum BHD Sime Darby BHD Telekom Malaysia BHD Tenaga Nasional BHD UMW Holdings BHD Westports Holdings BHD YTL Corp. BHD YTL Power International BHD
8,768,100 14,300 2,472,100 20,300 210,349 9,427 1,600 33,854 28,068 43,000 17,800 21,200 918,800 2,491,500 3,200 7,300 8,600 57,196 3,054 924,800 37,800 1,351,300 19,893 36,800 5,100 2,084,635 6,092 23,200 13,300 27,100 1,700 8,300 6,000 497,686 10,697 42,100 28,913 14,152 2,462,200 8,900 13,300 452,700 25,095
5,654,734 14,295 2,722,591 14,754 293,753 7,109 20,915 36,697 10,722 50,984 6,667 25,557 1,868,823 2,750,136 8,430 13,979 9,237 186,988 11,121 1,513,997 32,723 1,454,705 11,596 212,320 9,905 4,209,086 9,248 33,895 24,611 44,433 9,867 45,293 24,557 2,394,917 13,585 15,351 54,434 23,765 8,611,440 12,650 13,856 187,525 8,777
460 640 430 728 870
3,114 4,512 2,752 2,031 6,203
Malta Brait SE Marshall Islands Ardmore Shipping Corp. Dorian LPG Ltd. Gener8 Maritime, Inc. Scorpio Bulkers, Inc. Teelkay Corp.
International Common Stock Mexico ADR America Movil SAB de CV ADR CEMEX SAB de CV ADR Fomento Economico Mexicano ADR Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico ADR Grupo Financiero Santander SAB de CV ADR Grupo Televisa SAB de CV ALFA SAB de CV Alsea SAB de CV America Movil SAB de CV Arca Continental SAB de CV CEMEX SAB de CV Coca-Cola FEMSA SAB de CV El Puerto de Liverpool SAB de CV Fibra Uno Administracion SA de CV Fomento Economico Mexicano Gentera SAB de CV Gruma SAB de CV Grupo Aeroport del Pacific Grupo Aeroport del Sureste Grupo Aeroportuario del Cento Norte, S.A. de C.V. Grupo Bimbo SAB de CV Grupo Carso SAB de CV Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Grupo Financiero Banorte SAB de CV Grupo Financiero Inbursa SAB de CV Grupo Financiero Santander SAB de CV Grupo Lala SAB de CV Grupo Mexico SAB de CV Grupo SIMEC SAB de CV Grupo Televisa SAB de CV Industrias Bachoco SAB de CV Industrias Penoles SAB de CV Kimberly Clark de Mexico Mexichem SAB de CV OHL Mexico SAB de CV Promotora y Operadora de Infraestructura SAB de CV Qualitas Controladora SAB de CV Walmart de Mexico SAB de CV Monaco Gaslog Ltd. Netherland Antilles Orthofix International NV Netherlands ABN AMRO Group NV Accell Group Aegon NV AerCap Holdings NV Airbus Group SE AkzoNobel NV Altice NV - A Altice NV - B AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV ASM International NV ASML Holding NV ASML Holding NV AVG Technologies BE Semiconductor Industries BinckBank NV BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance - warrants Boskalis Westminster Cimpress NV Corbion NV Core Laboratories NV Delta Lloyd NV Ferrari NV Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV Frank's International NV Fugro NV CVA
Shares/Par Value
Base Market Value
149,429 863,428 269,630 9,700 219,200 79,649 8,273,400 516,700 18,827 240,825 171,309 6,145 2,300 3,080,700 11,100 2,638,934 1,361,803 4,440 2,581 1,129,998 20,200 7,114 4,400 2,312,377 28,692 21,900 451,471 46,500 85,605 12,777 104,300 51,490 1,688,394 13,161 812,945 321,714 1,431,971 344,574
1,832,000 5,327,351 24,938,079 995,511 1,992,528 2,074,060 14,116,922 1,947,016 11,450 1,710,645 104,925 50,504 24,063 6,488,936 101,787 4,650,148 19,471,991 45,201 40,633 6,638,778 62,650 30,092 10,901 12,849,568 48,211 39,339 981,775 108,605 247,453 66,090 425,584 1,215,492 3,947,067 27,571 982,624 3,949,483 2,014,155 820,101
31,835 1,003 1,026,135 23,000 80,334 33,659 52,470 16,696 3,400 24,605 50,535 62,309 760 4,530 100,364 1,792,500 88,380 509 3,683 10,959 237,171 66,569 111,803 12,845 890 25,234
526,793 20,720 4,024,144 772,570 4,616,748 2,107,869 785,770 250,867 46,649 952,485 4,962,376 6,181,676 14,432 123,123 501,747 6,400,480 3,032,957 47,072 88,400 1,357,711 837,882 2,724,669 684,234 78,414 13,003 444,614
International Common Stock Gemalto Heijmans NV CVA Heineken Holding NV Heineken NV Hunter Douglas NV ING Groep NV CVA JP Morgan Structured Products - warrants KAS Bank NV CVA Koninklijke Ahold NV Koninklijke BAM Groep NV Koninklijke DSM NV Koninklijke KPN NV Koninklijke Philips NV Mobileye NV Mylan NV NN Group NV NXP Semiconductors NV OCI NV Ordina NV Qiagen NV Qiagen NV Randstad Holding NV Refresco Group NV RELX NV Royal Dutch Shell PLC Royal Dutch Shell PLC SBM Offshore NV Sensata Technologies Holding Steinhoff International Holdings NV STMicroelectronics NV Telegraaf Media Groep NV CVA TomTom Unilever NV CVA Van Lanschot NV CVA Vopak Wolters Kluwer Wright Medical Group NV Yandex NV New Zealand Air New Zealand Ltd. Auckland Intl Airport Ltd. Chorus Ltd. Contact Energy Ltd. EBOS Group Ltd. Fletcher Building Ltd. Heartland Bank Ltd. Mercury NZ Ltd. Meridian Energy Ltd. Metlifecare Ltd. Michael Hill New Zealand Ltd. New Zealand Oil & Gas New Zealand Refining Co., Ltd. Nuplex Industries Ltd. NZME (New Zealand Media and Entertainment) Ltd. PGG Wrightson Ltd. Port of Tauranga Ltd. Ryman Healthcare Ltd. Skellerup Holdings Ltd. Sky Network Television Ltd. SKYCITY Entertainment Group Limited Spark New Zealand Ltd. Steel & Tube Holdings Ltd. Summerset Group Holdings Ltd. Tourism Holdings Ltd. Tower Ltd. Trade Me Group Ltd. Warehouse Group Limited Z Energy Ltd. Norway Akastor ASA Aker Solutions ASA
Shares/Par Value 11,452 11,401 18,340 74,840 311 1,294,120 899,800 13,167 1,759,374 155,084 224,995 468,055 134,278 114,200 51,302 499,396 169,579 11,186 50,890 163,478 4,362 16,114 271,202 148,844 863,049 613,948 98,425 6,200 33,995 169,729 3,659 11,689 969,665 1,614 9,366 80,322 1,752 256,000
Base Market Value 697,071 96,514 1,490,621 6,881,784 14,719 13,196,665 2,249,500 131,680 38,896,052 564,940 12,995,320 1,692,553 3,340,798 5,269,188 2,218,298 13,756,357 13,284,819 152,170 87,462 3,540,600 95,135 647,241 4,031,283 2,581,241 23,653,689 16,804,360 1,146,484 216,318 195,613 989,188 14,703 89,720 45,147,495 29,048 467,139 3,262,383 30,432 5,593,600
361,526 2,316,074 1,192,348 94,841 41,387 96,103 63,943 3,469,236 193,589 4,976 4,952 229,791 36,341 156,530 82,924 94,991 7,748 57,857 15,138 53,616 904,473 265,692 23,253 8,552 30,169 106,187 1,172 6,542 116,916
539,418 10,721,801 3,583,583 349,887 482,224 587,254 53,737 7,437,077 363,298 19,598 4,021 75,282 62,893 585,273 45,074 28,076 107,603 384,450 13,584 182,144 2,950,279 671,752 30,803 26,677 56,724 103,608 3,865 12,906 673,635
58,154 139,444
64,562 591,574
International Common Stock Austevoll Seafood ASA Bonheur ASA BW LPG Ltd. BW Offshore Ltd. BW Offshore Ltd. - rights DNB ASA Fred Olsen Energy ASA Gjensidige Forsikring ASA Kongsberg Automotive ASA Kvaerner ASA Marine Harvest Norsk Hydro ASA Norske Skogindustrier ASA Ocean Yield ASA Orkla ASA Petroleum Geo-Services Prosafe SE REC Silicon ASA SalMar ASA Schibsted ASA Schibsted ASA - B Shares Seadrill Ltd. Ship Finance International Ltd. Solstad Offshore ASA Sparebank 1 SMN Sparebank 1 SR-Bank ASA Statoil ASA Stolt Nielsen Ltd. Storebrand ASA Subsea 7 SA Telenor ASA TGS Nopec Geophysical Co. ASA Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA Yara International ASA Panama Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior SA Copa Holdings SA Peru ADR Compania de Minas Buenaventura SA Credicorp Ltd. Southern Copper Corp. Philippines Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. Aboitiz Power Corp. ADR Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. Alliance Global Group, Inc. Ayala Corp. Ayala Land, Inc. Bank of The Philippine Islands BDO Unibank, Inc. DMCI Holdings, Inc. Energy Development Corp. Globe Telecom, Inc. GT Capital Holding, Inc. International Container Terminal Services, Inc. JG Summit Holdings, Inc. Jollibee Foods Corp. Megaworld Corp. Metro Pacific Investments Co. Metropolitan Bank & Trust Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. Robinsons Land Corp. Security Bank Corp. SM Investments Corp. SM Prime Holdings, Inc. Universal Robina Corp. Poland Alior Bank SA Bank Handlowy w Warszawie SA
Shares/Par Value 50,160 7,783 34,712 273,600 3,416,344 369,230 46,784 28,428 332,617 829,518 302,092 188,480 117,369 65,792 200,636 127,484 413,384 720,434 151,800 10,922 12,831 11,415 37,136 6,732 26,403 24,379 151,281 15,130 76,367 53,730 532,417 142,243 7,328 173,915
Base Market Value 418,102 49,528 131,415 5,885 32,661 4,383,750 140,330 471,198 216,632 753,391 5,036,100 682,929 35,065 475,674 1,770,681 300,430 41,003 127,764 4,482,553 324,608 365,551 36,504 547,385 10,700 147,350 120,031 2,605,129 183,521 286,195 522,021 8,754,902 2,315,202 18,390 5,482,678
90,170 611
2,389,505 31,931
2,500 103,223 31,859
29,875 15,930,406 859,556
24,210 15,500 81,300 18,000 16,800 5,328,700 94,230 155,740 40,050 120,600 18,810 323,992 6,850 655,970 98,480 149,200 2,163,900 1,328,710 10,630 21,500 437,510 191,564 669,800 349,320
40,112 15,171 3,623,541 5,662 303,166 4,394,571 194,879 370,750 10,726 14,150 948,346 9,916,541 8,954 1,199,074 506,555 14,746 320,578 2,551,654 485,775 13,481 1,784,541 3,937,348 388,661 1,544,366
1,200 443
15,837 8,018
International Common Stock Bank Millennium SA Bank Pekao SA Bank Zachodni WBK SA CCC SA Cyfrowy Polsat SA ENEA SA Energa SA Eurocash SA Grupa Azoty SA Grupa Lotos SA KGHM Polska Miedz SA LPP SA mBank S.A. Orange Polska SA PGE SA PGNiG - Polskie Gomictwo Naftowe i Gazownictow PKO Bank Polski SA Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpiecze Synthos SA Tauron Polska Energia SA Portugal Banco BPI S.A. Banco Comercial Portugues SA Banco Espirito Santo EDP Energias de Portugal SA Galp Energia, SGPS, S.A. Jeronimo Martins Navigator Co. SA Semapa - Sociedade de Investimento e Gestao Sonae Teixeira Duarte SA Qatar Barwa Real Estate Co. Commercial Bank QSC Doha Bank QSC Ezdan Holding Group Industries Qatar Masraf Al Rayan Ooredoo QSC Qatar Electricity & Water Co. Qatar Gas Transport Co. Ltd. (Nakilat) Qatar Insurance Co. Qatar Islamic Bank Qatar National Bank Vodafone Qatar Romania GDR Societatea National Russia / Russian Federation ADR Gazprom PAO ADR Gazprom PAO ADR Lukoil PJSC ADR Lukoil PJSC ADR MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC ADR Mobile Telesystems ADR Sberbank PAO ADR Sberbank PAO ADR Surgutneftegas ADR Surgutneftegaz ADR Tatneft PAO ADR Tatneft PAO ALROSA PJSC Gazprom PJSC GDR Magnit PJSC GDR Magnit PJSC GDR Mail.Ru Group GDR MegaFon GDR NOVATEK OAO GDR NOVATEK OAO
Shares/Par Value 6,073 1,612 434 359 1,967 2,990 68,932 444,044 575 1,246 88,095 16 157 8,499 606,185 2,100,881 10,720 3,928 408,449 4,439 1,778,202
Base Market Value 7,175 55,770 28,787 14,468 10,924 7,472 165,311 5,167,538 9,981 9,584 1,467,750 20,353 12,245 10,878 1,808,754 2,969,930 62,999 68,469 2,943,749 4,034 1,274,842
255,362 6,273,210 1,269,191 946,018 157,967 31,676 26,489 628 312,458 55,643
314,333 126,840 3,908 2,894,394 2,193,667 498,297 73,982 6,908 244,723 12,302
995 2,011 1,352 9,853 1,861 4,534 882 52,405 2,957 1,496 750 2,372 4,379
9,017 20,434 13,125 48,517 50,086 42,335 21,412 2,993,502 18,678 30,279 19,773 91,198 12,723
979,153 606,148 292,344 78,428 12,015 643,083 2,211,342 363,164 245,648 4,092 127,288 31,575 23,438 98,865 233,022 3,370 85,572 16,625 49,576 519
4,220,149 2,624,621 12,211,209 3,272,800 159,679 5,324,727 19,305,016 3,163,158 1,251,577 24,675 3,911,560 968,405 25,274 216,961 7,740,991 111,951 1,557,410 172,900 5,056,752 52,938
International Common Stock GDR Phosagro OAO GDR Rosneft PJSC GDR Severstal GDR Sistema PJSC GTR VTB Bank JSC Lukoil PJSC Magnit PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC Rosneft PJSC Rostelecom PJSC RusHydro JSC Sberbank of Russia PJSC Severstal PJSC Surgutneftegas OJSC Tatneft PJSC VTB Bank PJSC Saudi Arabia Saudi Participation Certificates / Al Rajhi Bank - warrants Singapore Accordia Golf Trust ARA Asset Management Ascendas Real Estate Investment Trust ASL Marine Holdings Ltd. AusGroup Ltd. Banyan Tree Holdings Ltd. Bonvests Holdings Ltd. Broadcom Ltd. Broadway Industrial Group Ltd. CapitaLand Commercial Trust CapitaLand Ltd. CapitaLand Mall Trust China Aviation Oil Singapore China Merchants Holdings Pacific Ltd. Chip Eng Seng Corp. Ltd. Chuan Hup Holdings Ltd. City Developments Ltd. ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd. DBS Group Holdings Ltd. Delong Holdings Ltd. DMX Technologies Group Ltd. Ezion Holdings Ltd. Ezion Holdings Ltd. - warrants Ezra Holdings Ltd. Far East Orchard Ltd. Flextronics International Ltd. Frasers Centrepoint Ltd. Genting Singapore PLC Global Logistic Properties Ltd. GMG Global Ltd. Golden Agri-Resources Ltd. GP Batteries International Ltd. GP Industries Ltd. GuocoLand Ltd. Hi-P International Ltd. Ho Bee Land Ltd. Hong Fok Corp Ltd. Hong Leong Asia Ltd. Hongkong Land Holdings Ltd. Hutchison Port Holdings Trust Hyflux Ltd. Indofood Agri Resources Ltd. InnoTek Ltd. Jardine Cycle & Carriage Ltd. Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. K1 Ventures Ltd. Kenon Holdings Ltd. Keppel Corp. Ltd. Koh Brothers Group Ltd. KrisEnergy Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 1,048 220,408 544,998 354,060 12,585 3,866 22,215 671 4,946,800 14,522 3,066 8,922 1,348,131 2,250,477 132 34,165 4,462 37,540,528
Base Market Value 15,458 1,128,489 5,962,278 2,666,072 25,850 162,381 3,132,757 89,393 8,706,027 25,558 15,837 12,853 12,980 4,695,606 1,445 17,672 22,849 40,151
107,000 316,275 6,960,982 151,200 346,100 26,000 25,000 139,923 131,466 263,400 370,200 5,607,376 34,700 91,100 364,000 157,000 1,198,700 307,600 868,841 28,800 105,000 494,100 78,220 2,265,804 146,431 1,323,527 52,500 755,000 356,886 41,200 2,348,464 16,600 101,000 46,900 58,400 183,200 207,900 39,000 159,700 694,064 1,939,400 261,500 71,000 16,000 186,900 58,000 1,603 192,900 47,000 149,700
47,700 324,288 12,826,536 30,051 17,229 9,031 22,754 21,744,034 11,184 288,666 844,427 8,874,144 31,712 69,379 171,736 32,079 7,249,735 628,501 10,173,812 6,847 10,507 190,900 8,834 122,894 169,725 15,617,619 59,681 406,698 478,623 16,836 610,716 9,435 42,024 64,466 17,139 288,568 103,494 21,588 972,573 315,799 864,581 93,261 8,124 433,910 10,898,139 36,630 16,583 788,283 9,778 16,350
International Common Stock KSH Holdings Ltd. Kulicke & Soffa Industries Lian Beng Group Ltd. Low Keng Huat Singapore Ltd. LUM Chang Holdings Ltd. Marco Polo Marine Ltd. Metro Holdings Ltd. Midas Holdings Ltd. Nam Cheong Ltd. Neptune Orient Lines Ltd. Noble Group Ltd. Noble Group Ltd. - rights OUE Ltd. Oversea Chinese Banking Corp. PACC Offshore Services Holdings Ltd. Pacific Radiance Ltd. Penguin International LTd. Raffles Education Corp. Ltd. RHT Health Trust Rickmers Maritime SATS Ltd. Sembcorp Industries Ltd. Sembcorp Marine Ltd. SHS Holdings Ltd. SIA Engineering Co. Ltd. Sim Liam Group Ltd. Sinarmas Land Ltd. Sing Holdings Ltd. Sing Investments & Finance Singapore Airlines Ltd. Singapore Exchange Ltd. Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. Singapore Reinsurance Corp. Singapore Technology Engineering Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. Sino Grandness Food Industry Stamford Land Corp. Ltd. StarHub Ltd. Sunningdale Technology Ltd. Suntec REIT Swiber Holdings Ltd. Tat Hong Holdings Ltd. Tiong Woon Corp. Holding Ltd. Tuan Sing Holdings Ltd. United Engineers Ltd. United Industrial Corp. Ltd. United Overseas Bank Ltd. UOB-Kay Hian Holdings Ltd. UOL Group Ltd. Valuetronics Holdings Ltd. VARD Holdings Ltd. Venture Corp. Ltd. Vibrant Group Ltd. Wheelock Properties (Singapore) Ltd. Wilmar International Ltd. Wing Tai Holdings Ltd. Yangzijiang Shipbuilding Yanlord Land Group Ltd. Yeo Hiap Seng Ltd. YHI International Ltd. South Africa ADR AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. ADR Gold Fields Ltd. African Bank Investments Ltd. Anglo American Platinum Ltd. AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. Aspen Pharmacare Holdings Ltd. Barclays Africa Group Ltd. Bid Corp. Ltd. Bidvest Group Ltd. Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd.
Shares/Par Value 8,470 133,447 161,200 16,000 39,000 19,000 292,700 933,600 359,900 327,200 2,235,800 2,235,800 53,600 1,673,398 69,300 174,600 42,900 369,799 84,500 228,100 2,831,100 2,776,000 109,600 58,300 2,863,500 56,800 86,100 52,100 2,000 79,700 116,650 232,586 204,000 227,500 7,012,200 3,364,700 279,900 134,000 77,200 61,200 287,600 116,350 130,000 89,375 450,352 312,000 9,300 1,392,369 33,800 81,012 45,400 256,400 3,800 120,290 98,500 237,300 745,381 252,000 530,000 20,311 44,500
Base Market Value 3,398 1,624,050 52,699 6,301 10,432 2,513 219,650 180,352 20,590 316,041 332,239 149,507 61,330 10,804,539 18,794 32,432 9,722 54,952 61,842 13,558 8,645,383 5,816,420 126,220 8,187 7,829,467 37,349 29,747 11,613 1,679 631,252 660,430 682,603 46,229 532,450 21,517,487 10,299,847 127,898 47,790 217,392 47,972 378,224 15,733 54,090 15,273 98,710 507,675 19,071 19,055,975 33,024 328,647 17,372 32,195 23,378 30,388 106,119 574,781 902,720 167,576 446,950 20,901 9,919
255,373 979,291 42,057 31,980 337,601 4,189 481,723 3,890 695,449 450
4,612,036 4,798,526 890 802,000 6,168,566 103,625 4,739,273 73,311 6,585,990 18,283
International Common Stock Clicks Group Ltd. Coronation Fund Managers Ltd. Discovery Ltd. Exxaro Resources Ltd. Financiere Richemont SA depository receipt FirstRand Ltd. Fortress Income Fund Ltd. Fortress Income Fund Ltd. - A Gold Fields Ltd. Growthpoint Properties Ltd. Hyprop Investments Ltd. Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. Imperial Holdings Ltd. Investec Ltd. Liberty Holdings Ltd. Life Healthcare Group Holdings Ltd. Massmart Holdings Ltd. MMI Holdings Ltd. Mondi Ltd. Mr. Price Group Ltd. MTN Group Ltd. Naspers Ltd. Nedbank Group Ltd. Netcare Ltd. New Europe Property Investment Pick n Pay Stores Ltd. Pioneer Foods Group Ltd. PSG Group Ltd. Rand Merchant Investment Holdings Redefine Properties Ltd. Remgro Ltd. Resilient REIT Ltd. RMB Holdings Ltd. Sanlam Ltd. Sappi Limited Sasol Ltd. Shoprite Holdings Ltd. Sibanye Gold Ltd. SPAR Group Ltd. Standard Bank Group Ltd. Telkom SA SOC Ltd. The Foschini Group Ltd. Tiger Brands Ltd. Truworths International Ltd. Tsogo Sun Holdings Ltd. Vodacom Group Ltd. Woolworths Holdings Ltd. Spain Abertis Infraestructuras SA Acciona SA Acerinox SA Acerinox SA - rights ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios ACS Actividades de Construccion y Servicios - rights ADVEO Group International SA ADVEO Group International SA - rights Aena S.A. Almirall S.A. Amadeus IT Holdings SA Applus Services SA Azkoyen SA Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A. Banco de Sabadell S.A. Banco Popular Espanol Banco Santander SA Bankia SA Bankinter SA Baron de Ley CAF - Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles CaixaBank S.A Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo Cementos Portland Valderrivas
Shares/Par Value 401,801 2,275 4,424 168,773 336,072 3,329,211 7,466 9,328 9,672 1,354,476 60,896 6,841 280,236 357,436 1,516 12,280 41,629 13,990 1,480 346,807 20,191 188,656 144,073 11,884 56,962 54,275 1,656 895 7,336 3,138,363 54,755 90,474 151,343 1,053,807 6,736 6,486 4,820 8,749 2,074 157,742 576,132 320,396 2,025 227,274 3,020 489,946 1,125,081
Base Market Value 3,366,404 10,391 37,005 777,428 1,944,376 10,193,364 18,271 10,057 47,069 2,375,073 540,101 22,048 2,860,340 2,200,263 12,526 30,354 358,160 21,627 27,096 4,884,189 197,043 28,855,415 1,833,746 25,302 653,439 265,464 19,528 11,855 20,638 2,425,829 952,128 814,235 581,294 4,343,311 31,493 175,899 54,740 29,942 28,607 1,376,540 2,607,445 3,040,973 50,128 1,331,520 5,483 5,617,066 6,454,715
77,620 15,002 76,466 76,466 23,671 23,671 8,073 8,073 17,689 23,829 58,921 12,040 3,330 877,951 718,607 472,245 3,873,473 657,978 132,834 717 869 379,393 6,285 3,306
1,138,261 1,087,153 843,637 38,567 641,522 16,646 30,314 90 2,323,800 355,000 2,570,873 117,172 15,242 4,939,219 941,238 603,861 14,755,784 472,213 851,194 79,058 295,127 829,064 9,356 22,000
International Common Stock Compania de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings S.A. Distribuidora Internacional de Alimentacion SA Ebro Foods S.A. EDP Renovaveis SA Elecnor S.A. Enagas SA ENCE Energia y Celulosa SA Endesa SA Ercros SA Ferrovial SA Fluidra SA Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica Gas Natural SDG, S.A. Grifols SA Grupo Catalana Occidente SA Iberdrola SA Iberpapel Gestion SA Indra Sistemas SA Industria de Diseno Textil SA International Consolidated Airlines Group SA International Consolidated Airlines Group SA Liberbank SA MAPFRE SA Melia Hotels International Miquel y Costas NH Hotel Group SA NMAS1 Dinamia SA Obrascon Huarte Lain SA Papeles y Cartones de Europa Pescanova SA Prosegur Compania de Seguridad Red Electrica Corporacion SA Repsol SA Repsol SA - rights Sacyr SA Telefonica SA Tubacex SA Tubos Reunidos SA Zardoya Otis SA Sweden AAK AB Acando AB Addnode Group AB AF AB Alfa Laval AB Arise AB Assa Abloy AB Atlas Copco AB - A Shares Atlas Copco AB - B Shares Avanza Bank Holding AB B & B Tools AB Beijer Alma AB Beijer Ref AB Bilia AB Billerudkorsnas AB Biotage AB Bjorn Borg AB Boliden AB Bonava AB Bulten AB Bure Equity AB Cloetta AB Com Hem Holding AB Concordia Maritime AB Doro AB Duni AB Dustin Group AB Electrolux AB Eltel AB Enea AB Eniro AB Ericsson LM
Shares/Par Value 222,400 89,730 40,889 11,060 3,672 30,655 111,296 611,406 44,136 65,346 22,115 102,274 291,633 42,759 17,918 4,246,768 3,035 6,230 148,856 997,300 118,125 9,248 2,700,064 20,298 5,148 100,190 4,484 72,267 32,506 8,830 388,724 53,305 471,581 471,581 60,166 2,314,041 42,240 44,317 25,928
Base Market Value 4,668,485 518,564 934,859 83,307 29,249 929,903 265,835 12,246,718 51,975 1,265,713 83,533 2,010,528 5,723,275 962,413 492,474 28,718,127 59,005 65,710 4,946,261 4,932,806 580,697 6,103 5,873,284 217,946 204,174 420,737 37,760 251,292 171,534 57,975 2,332,005 4,747,600 5,977,729 153,503 97,522 21,748,820 102,534 28,310 242,248
90,055 49,413 4,332 530,704 39,840 5,357 150,897 89,594 55,493 67,656 12,498 1,730 12,666 40,937 65,732 38,804 3,461 315,988 1,615 8,943 17,786 149,901 22,597 19,682 12,588 18,839 45,990 31,875 446,752 445 215,104 415,352
6,371,992 92,146 26,204 8,784,831 620,685 9,674 3,065,065 2,297,824 1,298,135 2,579,212 250,765 38,693 292,257 1,002,564 972,089 134,649 13,317 6,071,600 19,442 86,288 150,094 513,075 190,293 36,703 91,000 240,137 305,326 859,636 4,811,467 4,162 14,166 3,152,140
International Common Stock Fastighets AB Getinge AB Granges AB Gunnebo AB Haldex AB Hennes & Mauritz AB Hexagon AB Hexpol AB Holmen AB Hufvudstaden AB Husqvarna AB ICA Gruppen AB Industrivarden AB Investor AB Inwido AB Kappahl AB Kinnevik AB Know It AB Lindab International AB Loomis AB Lundin Petroleum AB Meda AB Medivir AB Mekonomen AB Modern Times Group MQ Holding AB Mycronic AB NCC AB Net Insight AB Netent AB New Wave Group AB Nobia AB Nolato AB Nordea Bank AB Nordnet AB Opus Group AB Peab AB Ratos AB Recipharm AB Rezidor Hotel Group AB Saab AB Sandvik AB SAS AB Securitas AB Semcon AB Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken Skanska AB SKF AB SkiStar AB SSAB AB SSAB AB BTA B Svenska Cellulosa AB Svenska Handelsbanken Swedbank AB Swedish Match AB Swedish Orphan Biovitrum AB Systemair AB Tele2 AB Telia Co. AB Transcom Worldwide AB Trelleborg AB Unibet Group PLC SDR Vitrolife AB Volvo AB Switzerland ABB Ltd. Actelion Ltd. Adecco SA ADR Nestle SA AFG Arbonia-Forster Holding Allied World Assurance Co. Allreal Holding AG
Shares/Par Value 13,800 28,674 14,483 23,947 33,459 130,489 74,046 414,379 33,430 18,200 49,777 10,061 21,518 60,921 12,768 31,630 31,538 9,205 43,274 10,258 25,287 45,012 7,483 4,897 19,701 15,580 44,757 1,615 136,230 93,312 23,774 7,517 23,286 788,955 47,547 49,838 92,961 95,123 5,005 22,633 27,143 146,233 96,698 304,854 6,432 653,776 609,324 56,155 3,711 43,979 38,465 84,009 202,132 445,149 28,720 12,340 2,921 47,884 6,481,490 6,643 50,310 442,952 28,710 207,165
Base Market Value 346,763 584,465 124,784 118,990 316,910 3,796,374 2,673,371 4,206,049 1,064,527 283,761 367,480 334,508 345,651 2,019,747 141,654 138,500 744,462 66,001 330,197 249,043 455,737 812,295 48,796 105,191 517,597 58,843 331,477 37,169 96,472 914,100 105,223 64,766 608,761 6,602,017 145,907 31,470 699,454 460,419 69,853 93,228 839,659 1,445,468 182,606 4,652,309 26,646 5,629,015 12,614,093 888,782 53,873 101,114 72,184 2,667,204 2,428,628 9,231,140 991,490 149,722 34,475 415,672 30,385,212 42,143 882,965 4,041,237 1,575,667 2,029,423
2,659,757 135,729 99,290 158,177 15,991 53,157 6,628
52,201,349 22,737,603 4,982,846 12,228,664 228,161 1,867,937 918,477
International Common Stock Alpiq Holding AG Also Holding AG Aryzta AG Ascom Holding AG Baloise Holding AG Bank Coop AG Banque Cantonale Vaudois Barry Callebaut AG Basler Kantonalbk BB Biotech AG BCGE - Banque Cantonale de Geneve Belimo Holding AG Bell AG Bellevue Group AG Berner Kantonalbank AG BKW AG Bobst Group SA Bucher Industries AG Burckhardt Compression Holding AG Cham Paper Holding AG Charles Voegele Holding AG Chocoladefabriken Lindt - PC Chocoladefabriken Lindt AG Chubb Ltd. Cicor Technologies Clariant AG Coca-Cola HBC AG Compagnie Financiere Richemont Compagnie Financiere TRAD - BR Conzzeta AG Credit Suisse Group AG Daetwyler Holding AG Dufry AG EFG International AG Emmi AG EMS Chemie Holding AG Energiedienst Holding AG Flughafen Zuerich AG Galencia AG GAM Holding AG Garmin Ltd. Geberit AG Givaudan Glencore PLC Gurit Holding AG Helvetia Holding AG Hochdorf Holding AG Huber+Suhner AG Implenia AG Julius Baer Group Ltd. Jungfraubahn Holding AG Kardex AG Komax Holding AG Kudelski SA Kuehne & Nagel International AG LafargeHolcim Ltd. LafargeHolcim Ltd. Lonza Group AG Luzerner Kantonalbank AG MCH Group AG Metall Zug AG Mobimo Holding AG Nestle SA Novartis AG OC Oerlikon Corp. AG Orell Fuessli Holding AG Oriflame Holding AG Orior AG Pargesa Holding SA Partners Group Holding AG Phoenix Mecano AG Plazza AG Rieter Holding AG
Shares/Par Value 1,008 858 31,048 32,058 65,390 756 1,765 264 2,813 11,980 545 805 770 2,570 2,303 11,128 9,899 6,900 19,780 136 4,793 139 13 276,204 1,531 4,423 26,436 71,533 513 486 702,823 20,257 6,335 27,978 1,044 961 16,742 1,925 559 95,270 12,894 4,947 1,233 1,658,416 295 12,364 510 4,489 61,861 31,326 2,378 7,289 774 12,741 7,669 141,698 37,354 63,221 302 451 50 2,146 1,120,485 936,070 28,630 274 28,784 2,048 4,645 6,544 126 204 448
Base Market Value 70,308 62,928 1,142,230 510,059 7,262,572 33,136 1,182,162 324,377 191,730 548,458 163,075 2,395,499 290,272 36,405 443,248 494,603 492,816 1,614,155 6,131,759 39,088 29,028 827,551 928,762 36,102,625 31,274 74,594 533,629 4,167,007 34,939 311,046 7,438,006 2,703,151 756,272 106,260 636,023 495,691 390,108 340,264 752,257 1,012,158 546,963 1,868,709 2,475,619 3,388,640 185,473 6,428,214 96,220 241,914 4,076,654 1,247,959 256,059 650,189 159,932 253,067 1,072,180 5,840,256 1,554,436 10,461,122 127,719 29,952 143,040 488,368 86,434,457 77,012,944 250,975 34,510 727,694 138,537 306,107 2,799,437 61,403 47,597 91,697
International Common Stock Roche Holding AG Genusschein Romande Energie Holding Schindler Holding AG Schindler Holding Part. Cert. Schmolz Bickenbach AG Schweiter Technologies AG SFS Group AG SGS SA Siegfried Holding AG Sika AG Sonova Holding AG St. Galler Kantonalbank AG Straumann Holding AG Sulzer AG Swatch Group AG Swatch Group AG Swiss Life Holding AG Swiss Prime Site Swiss RE AG Swisscom AG Swissquote Group Holding AG Syngenta AG Tamedia AG TE Connectivity Ltd. Tecan Group AG Temenos Group AG Thurgauer Kantonalbank Cert. Transocean Ltd. U-Blox AG UBS Group AG Valiant Holding AG Valora Holding AG Vaudoise Assurances Holdings Vetropack Holding AG Vontobel Holding AG Walliser Kantonalbank BR Weatherford International PLC Zehnder Group AG Zuger Kantonalbank BR Zurich Insurance Group AG
Shares/Par Value 282,088 109 2,921 6,260 239,746 292 2,254 717 990 344 7,695 1,273 31,290 10,182 3,953 7,396 74,369 9,647 222,125 3,369 1,420 70,306 1,177 201,150 31,225 82,900 133 (15,458) 32,553 736,423 8,013 2,337 802 81 12,626 60 (169,329) 3,102 76 115,997
Taiwan Acer, Inc. ADR Taiwan Semiconductor Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, Inc. Advantech Co., Ltd. Asia Cement Corp. Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd. Asustek Computer, Inc. AU Optronics Corp. Casetek Holdings Ltd. Catcher Technology Co., Ltd. Cathay Financial Holding Co. Chailease Holding Co., Ltd. Chang HWA Commercial Bank Cheng Shin Rubber Industries Co., Ltd. Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd. China Airlines Ltd. China Development Financial China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. China Steel Corp. Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Compal Electronics Compeq Manufacturing Co., Ltd. CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Delta Electronics, Inc. E.Sun Financial Holding Co. Eclat Textile Company Ltd. Elite Advanced Laser Corp. Ennoconn Corp. Eva Airways Corp. Evergreen Marine Corp. Ltd. Far Eastern New Century Corp.
38,232 1,214,278 2,081,000 4,187 29,258 26,000 977,000 108,000 1,000 791,000 942,674 1,804,256 58,298 23,450 5,875 2,497,000 788,000 1,461,035 144,544 46,151 4,300,000 3,078,000 12,127,916 1,341,948 2,178,345 322,376 959,000 393,000 471,852 22,860 39,612
Base Market Value 74,155,961 116,362 531,009 1,130,938 167,345 278,602 158,604 1,638,310 190,643 1,439,277 1,018,944 493,938 12,325,536 882,119 1,148,326 422,488 17,092,198 873,399 19,323,644 1,669,284 33,233 26,998,024 198,744 11,487,677 4,865,485 4,127,130 11,987 (183,796) 6,997,124 9,501,988 770,291 650,100 409,356 121,059 544,984 4,730 (939,776) 120,361 382,262 28,505,114
17,896 31,850,512 2,364,260 31,734 25,305 8,624 8,040,965 36,660 3,487 5,823,569 1,022,772 2,913,969 30,270 49,140 13,204 750,052 189,800 1,127,740 93,647 166,670 2,699,247 1,631,600 6,334,833 6,489,472 1,283,008 3,102,940 4,474,085 5,238,538 215,017 8,468 29,470
International Common Stock Far EasTone Telecommunications Co., Ltd. Feng Tay Enterprise Co., Ltd. First Financial Holding Co. Formosa Chemicals & Fibre Corp. Formosa Petrochemical Corp. Formosa Plastics Corp. Formosa Taffeta Co. Foxconn Technology Co., Ltd. Fubon Financial Holding Co. Giant Manufacturing Highwealth Construction Corp. Hiwin Technologies Corp. Hon Hai Precision Industry Hotai Motor Company Ltd. HTC Corp. Hua Nan Financial Holdings Innolux Corp. Inotera Memories, Inc. Inventec Co., Ltd. Largan Precision Co., Ltd. Lite-On Technology Corp. Mediatek, Inc. Mega Financial Holding Co., Ltd. Merida Industry Co., Ltd. Nan Ya Plastics Corp. Nanya Technology Corp. Nien Made Enterprise Co., Ltd. Novatek Microelectronics Corp. OBI Pharma, Inc. Pegatron Corp. Phison Electronics Corp. Pou Chen Powertech Technology, Inc. President Chain Store Corp. Promos Technologies, Inc. Quanta Computer, Inc. Realtek Semiconductor Corp. Ruentex Development Co., Ltd. Ruentex Industries Ltd. Shin Kong Financial Holding Silergy Corp. Siliconware Precision Industries Simplo Technology Co., Ltd. Sinopac Financial Holdings Standard Foods Corp. Synnex Technology International Corp. TaiMed Biologics, Inc. Taishin Financial Holding Taiwan Business Bank Taiwan Cement Taiwan Cooperative Financial Taiwan Fertilizer Co., Ltd. Taiwan Mobile Co., Ltd. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing TECO Electric & Machinery Transcend Information, Inc. Uni-President Enterprises Corp. United Microelectronics Corp. Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp. Voltronic Power Technology Wistron Corp. WPG Holdings Ltd. Yuanta Financial Holding Co. Yulon Motor Co. Zhen Ding Technology Holding Thailand Advanced Info Service - foreign Advanced Info Service - NVDR Airports of Thailand PCL - foreign Airports of Thailand PCL - NVDR AP Thailand PCL - foreign Bangkok Bank PCL - foreign
Shares/Par Value 222,000 360,890 1,415,566 39,537 823,509 50,182 10,000 494,375 7,801,000 3,000 7,000 2,308 4,517,933 3,000 8,559 79,822 6,605,777 697,813 3,026,000 57,749 843,531 864,815 4,801,032 1,750 58,292 7,000 2,000 532,000 1,000 374,000 1,000 3,309,000 1,747,000 755,000 2,375,168 844,000 466,530 10,396 5,229 103,522 326,844 358,310 3,000 120,086 4,276 17,000 2,000 98,820 26,418 41,000 88,910 491,000 1,995,000 10,238,712 2,763,000 2,000 1,102,472 149,000 1,710,000 202,470 1,579,297 16,000 109,990 11,000 264,300
Base Market Value 536,092 1,487,906 741,594 99,275 2,233,703 121,025 9,625 1,155,519 9,104,673 18,599 11,501 10,625 11,554,279 29,294 27,461 41,323 2,211,550 542,953 2,143,405 5,272,042 1,153,158 6,541,271 3,616,513 7,351 110,227 8,550 18,165 1,970,737 15,810 786,050 8,587 4,415,898 3,872,113 5,874,485 0 1,595,958 1,444,755 12,069 7,845 20,249 3,829,847 543,702 10,462 35,402 10,458 18,313 13,361 37,985 6,699 40,734 39,137 652,201 6,957,361 51,576,016 2,321,129 6,051 2,170,153 58,198 2,798,847 2,818,098 1,096,632 18,575 35,460 9,309 472,740
9,700 3,100 310,800 1,900 8,412,900 3,200
43,614 13,939 3,449,402 21,087 1,759,670 14,752
International Common Stock Bangkok Bank PCL - NVDR Bangkok Dusit Medical Services - foreign Bangkok Expressway and Metro PCL Banpu PCL - foreign BEC World PCL - NVDR BTS Group Holdings PCL - NVDR Bumrungrad Hospital PCL - NVDR Central Pattana PCL - NVDR Charoen Pokphand Foods - foreign Charoen Pokphand Foods - NVDR CP All PCL - foreign CP All PCL - NVDR Delta Electronics (Thailand) PCL - NVDR Electricity Generating PCL - NVDR Energy Absoloute PCL - NVDR Fabrinet Glow Energy PCL - foreign Home Product Center PCL - foreign Home Product Center PCL - NVDR Indorama Ventures - foreign IRPC PCL - foreign IRPC PCL - NVDR Kasikornbank PCL - foreign Kasikornbank PCL - NVDR KCE Electroncis PCL - foreign Krung Thai Bank - NVDR Minor International PCL - foreign Minor International PCL - NVDR PTT Exploration & Production PCL - NVDR PTT Global Chemical PCL - foreign PTT Global Chemical PCL - NVDR PTT PCL - foreign PTT PCL - NVDR Robinson Department Store - NVDR Siam Cement PCL - foreign Siam Cement PCL - NVDR Siam Commercial Bank PCL - foreign Siam Commercial Bank PCL - NVDR Star Petroleum Refining PCL Thai Oil PCL - NVDR Thai Union Group PCL - foreign Thai Union Group PCL - NVDR Thai Vegetable Oil PCL - foreign Thanachart Capital - foreign TMB Bank PCL - NVDR True Corp. PCL - NVDR Turkey Akbank T.A.S. Anadolu Efes Biracilik Ve Malt Sanayi AS Arcelik AS BIM Birlesik Magazalar AS Coca-Cola Icecek AS Emlak Konut Gayrimenkul Yati Eregli Demir ve Celik Fabrik Ford Otomotiv Sanayi AS Haci Omer Sabanci Holding Kardemir Karabuk Demir - D KOC Holding AS Petkim Petrokimya Holding AS Soda Sanayii Tav Havalimanlari Holding AS Tofas Turk Otomobil Fabrikasi AS TUPRAS - Turkiye Petrol Rafinerileri AS Turk Hava Yollari A.O. Turk Telekomunikasyon AS Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS Turkiye Garanti Bankasi AS Turkiye Halk Bankasi AS Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. Turkiye Sise ve Cam Fabrikalari AS Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO Ulker Biskuvi Sanayi A.S.
Shares/Par Value 309,600 3,233,100 79,700 14,500 11,200 74,100 36,597 15,900 9,889,800 1,610,600 34,000 24,600 6,400 1,300 14,900 41,450 6,000 11,932,800 52,089 16,500 71,090,200 3,987,500 1,234,200 2,178,400 3,506,850 44,000 5,946,958 27,220 696,600 4,800 2,114,700 1,228,200 12,200 5,400 3,700 1,200 9,800 9,300 822,000 1,027,200 7,693,900 5,714,200 2,565,400 2,188,700 171,200 103,602
Base Market Value 1,396,460 2,198,950 15,650 6,066 7,267 20,244 190,067 27,035 8,091,399 1,317,722 48,620 35,178 12,430 6,937 9,032 1,538,624 14,641 3,361,830 14,675 13,617 9,629,748 540,139 6,058,608 10,538,645 8,308,061 20,410 6,769,446 31,178 1,660,223 8,093 3,565,623 10,939,858 108,668 10,411 50,120 16,255 38,765 36,787 223,395 1,753,899 4,816,898 3,577,473 2,336,164 2,179,980 10,523 21,228
26,956 2,654 336,540 124,321 1,001 2,564,693 1,034,625 932 11,413 2,175,700 946,062 1,108,578 160,966 329,874 150,585 34,330 7,031 1,042,905 10,896 1,591,048 1,016,386 19,615 238,796 9,763 2,008
77,147 17,951 2,215,396 2,423,171 12,225 2,550,735 1,460,740 9,917 37,386 968,441 4,316,358 1,480,340 254,689 1,414,409 1,237,922 761,058 13,985 2,194,139 40,050 4,193,884 3,018,426 31,104 294,795 15,312 14,664
International Common Stock Yapi Ve Kredi Bankasi
Shares/Par Value 11,243
Base Market Value 15,561
United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank Aldar Properties PJSC Arabtec Holding Co. PJSC DP World Ltd. Dubai Financial Market PJSC Dubai Islamic Bank Emaar Malls Group PJSC Emaar Properties PJSC Emirates Telecom Group Co. First Gulf Bank National Bank of Abu Dhabi
24,224 35,113 20,009 2,053 17,751 15,697 20,829 3,156,311 21,209 725,505 8,622
39,900 25,715 7,409 34,059 6,089 21,838 15,991 5,327,687 109,420 2,488,732 22,675
United Kingdom 3i Group PLC 888 Holdings PLC Abcam PLC Aberdeen Asset Management PLC Acacia Mining PLC Acal PLC Admiral Group PLC ADR ARM Holdings PLC ADR BHP Billiton PLC ADR GlaxoSmithKline PLC ADR Royal Dutch Shell PLC Afren PLC Aggreko PLC Aldermore Group PLC Amec Foster Wheeler PLC Anglo American PLC Anglo Eastern Plantations Anglo Pacific Group PLC Antofa*gasta PLC AON PLC ARM Holdings PLC Arris International PLC Ashtead Group PLC ASOS PLC Associated British Foods PLC AstraZeneca PLC Atlantic Yield PLC Atlassian Corp. PLC Auto Trader Group PLC Aveva Group PLC Aviva PLC Babco*ck International Group PLC BAE Systems PLC Balfour Beatty PLC Barclays PLC Barratt Developments PLC BBA Aviation PLC Beazley PLC Bellway PLC Berendsen PLC Berkeley Group Holdings BGEO Group PLC BHP Billiton PLC Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Bodycote PLC Booker Group PLC Bovis Homes Group PLC BP PLC Braemar Shipping Services PLC Brammer PLC British American Tobacco PLC British Land Co. PLC Britvic PLC BT Group PLC Bunzl PLC Burberry Group PLC Cape PLC
1,237,419 93,000 973,361 685,032 94,363 23,684 41,416 7,971 37,536 41,400 18,563 557,681 42,277 145,216 1,639,282 196,771 2,833 35,477 52,602 90,106 188,723 3,479 72,175 95,199 88,230 272,421 910 460 947,891 172,521 779,440 36,352 2,053,044 54,693 3,726,557 1,069,840 188,553 583,401 195,687 25,709 202,026 24,253 625,782 28,068 317,221 220,747 130,350 8,902,867 6,741 850,514 601,498 154,869 24,183 4,430,023 163,876 62,390 29,345
9,056,646 254,550 10,019,156 2,558,608 569,038 71,712 1,123,908 362,760 952,664 1,794,276 1,039,528 224 722,273 230,814 10,737,822 1,912,063 14,997 38,415 327,402 9,842,278 2,853,343 72,920 1,026,585 5,073,937 3,206,948 16,267,582 16,908 11,914 4,478,076 3,906,806 4,104,263 439,545 14,381,229 157,194 6,904,583 5,797,878 556,543 2,838,801 4,965,062 418,600 6,813,825 850,089 7,886,950 60,128 2,183,914 511,694 1,270,296 52,145,780 36,947 682,180 38,941,720 1,256,665 189,118 24,280,426 5,042,979 967,474 75,711
International Common Stock Capita PLC Carclo PLC Carillion PLC Carnival PLC Carr's Group PLC Centamin PLC Centrica PLC Chemring Group PLC Chesnara PLC Clarkson PLC Close Brothers Group PLC CNH Industrial NV CNH Industrial NV Cobham PLC Coca-Cola European Partners Communisis PLC Compass Group PLC Computacenter PLC Countrywide PLC Cranswick PLC Crest Nicholson Holdings Creston PLC Croda International PLC Dairy Crest Group PLC Debenhams PLC Diageo PLC Diploma PLC Direct Line Insurance Group Dixons Carphone PLC Drax Group PLC DS Smith PLC easyJet PLC Elementis PLC EMIS Group PLC EnQuest PLC Ensco PLC Enterprise Inns PLC Epwin Group PLC Evraz PLC Experian PLC Fenner PLC Ferrexpo PLC Ferroglobe PLC Findel PLC FirstGroup PLC Flybe Group PLC Fresnillo PLC Fuller Smith & Turner G4S PLC Galliford Try PLC GDR Commercial International Bank Gem Diamonds Ltd. GKN PLC GlaxoSmithKline PLC Golar LNG Ltd. Greene King PLC Greggs PLC GVC Holdings PLC Halfords Group PLC Halma PLC Hammerson PLC Hargreaves Lansdown PLC Harvey Nash Group PLC Headlam Group PLC Helical Bar PLC Henry Boot PLC Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC Hiscox Ltd. Hochschild Mining PLC Home Retail Group Howden Joinery Group PLC HSBC Bank PLC - warrants HSBC Holdings PLC
Shares/Par Value 90,126 23,205 1,169,526 26,405 1,890 910,439 2,026,910 155,163 58,275 2,043 72,960 135,859 (374,134) 246,558 30,102 66,222 244,266 10,785 35,619 7,307 330,091 33,478 317,644 17,135 4,172,426 800,716 537,893 195,711 186,561 208,718 102,390 148,167 1,190,619 348,674 342,752 54,785 373,586 121,362 156,845 563,765 58,876 95,509 1,670 3,801 1,668,222 27,865 28,284 2,064 4,101,840 50,940 830,987 73,384 235,895 3,260,860 1,610 887,647 5,411 66,519 14,840 847,675 112,416 38,864 8,454 5,680 74,935 55,829 19,409 189,506 115,922 280,120 172,712 469,210 4,325,280
Base Market Value 1,159,022 47,229 3,655,282 1,168,371 3,550 1,605,322 6,110,088 263,426 214,231 60,275 1,105,048 978,042 (2,675,058) 518,459 1,079,836 30,984 4,643,325 106,328 116,944 203,858 1,570,906 38,712 13,329,027 123,120 3,084,468 22,333,838 5,993,327 902,088 798,063 903,169 528,748 2,151,037 3,178,464 4,299,841 146,621 531,962 402,025 176,838 287,668 10,641,412 123,568 41,495 14,379 8,943 2,236,770 14,807 621,597 25,660 10,029,029 621,381 2,955,821 123,606 850,484 69,942,048 24,955 9,255,531 70,164 500,634 63,780 11,524,360 808,494 645,781 6,512 32,726 284,993 142,548 639,568 2,614,383 278,936 572,556 886,816 4,997,415 26,938,500
International Common Stock Hunting PLC Huntsworth PLC ICAP PLC IMI PLC Imperial Brands PLC Inchcape PLC Indivior PLC Informa PLC Inmarsat PLC Intercontinental Hotels Group Intermediate Capital Group International Game Technology Interserve PLC Intertek Group PLC Intu Properties PLC Investec PLC IP Group PLC ITV PLC J. Sainsbury PLC John Laing Group PLC John Wood Group PLC Johnson Matthey PLC JRP Group PLC KAZ Minerals PLC Keller Group PLC Kier Group PLC Kingfisher PLC Laird PLC Lamprell PLC Lancashire Holdings Ltd. Land Securities Group PLC Lavendon Group PLC Legal & General Group PLC Liberty Global PLC - C Liberty Global PLC Lilac Lloyds Banking Group PLC London Stock Exchange Group Lookers PLC Low & Bonar PLC LyondellBasell Industries Man Group PLC Management Consulting Group Marks & Spencer Group PLC Marshalls PLC Marston's PLC McBride PLC McColl's Retail Group PLC Mears Group PLC MediClinic International PLC Medusa Mining Ltd. Meggitt PLC Melrose Industries PLC Merlin Entertainment Metro Bank PLC Michael Kors Holdings Ltd. Micro Focus International Millennium & Copthorne Hotel Mitchells & Butlers PLC MJ Gleeson PLC Mondi PLC Morgan Sindall Group PLC N. Brown Group PLC. National Express Group PLC National Grid PLC NCC Group PLC Next PLC Nielsen Holdings PLC Noble Corp PLC Norcros PLC Northgate PLC Novae Group PLC Old Mutual PLC OM Asset Management PLC
Shares/Par Value 58,341 73,706 78,935 37,619 367,410 212,684 69,491 80,644 467,018 25,180 47,822 1,740 1,052,660 23,052 132,938 77,788 51,728 1,262,748 2,701,531 13,827 1,156,201 34,776 10,626 115,086 38,941 4,468 3,931,488 1,445,690 85,678 131,755 125,725 109,208 797,779 272,280 135,015 34,055,501 42,865 94,392 212,799 295,281 926,825 112,615 783,164 56,226 456,029 14,567 5,542 11,112 45,398 106,994 1,288,569 91,985 104,145 85,194 170,463 29,101 91,643 163,863 8,405 322,007 10,614 28,451 306,046 2,079,212 898,101 19,394 40,685 172,383 4,617 91,546 36,407 2,444,891 640
Base Market Value 374,353 38,427 442,869 486,295 19,908,916 1,785,504 233,261 785,359 5,022,572 926,677 313,441 32,608 3,662,228 1,072,086 515,541 481,564 98,193 3,033,411 8,389,298 41,589 10,633,794 1,302,145 15,625 204,001 471,110 62,894 16,949,354 6,350,519 81,606 1,033,884 1,746,239 162,413 2,033,760 7,800,822 4,386,649 24,611,030 1,450,312 135,016 167,837 21,974,812 1,433,500 24,087 3,336,578 178,737 821,158 30,329 9,631 58,490 664,534 50,987 6,991,868 523,526 612,990 2,059,083 8,434,509 627,493 490,401 507,325 47,190 6,004,903 93,220 66,254 1,207,320 30,463,219 3,167,134 1,278,147 2,114,399 1,420,436 10,492 399,261 365,260 6,546,466 8,544
International Common Stock Ophir Energy PLC Oxford Immunotec Global PLC Oxford Instruments PLC Patisserie Holdings PLC Pearson PLC Pendragon PLC Persimmon PLC Petra Diamonds Ltd. Petrofac Ltd. Petropavlovsk PLC Pets at Home Group PLC Phoenix Group Holdings Premier Foods PLC Premier Oil PLC Provident Financial PLC Prudential PLC Punch Taverns PLC Qinetiq Group PLC Randgold Resources Ltd. Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC Redrow PLC Regus PLC RELX PLC Rentokil Initial PLC Rightmove PLC Rio Tinto PLC Rolls Royce Holdings PLC Rotork PLC Rowan Companies PLC Royal Bank of Scotland Group Royal Dutch Shell PLC - B shares Royal Mail PLC RPS Group PLC RSA Insurance Group PLC SABMiller PLC Safestore Holdings PLC Saga PLC Sage Group PLC Savills PLC Schroders PLC SDL PLC Seadrill LTD Secure Trust Bank PLC Segro PLC Senior PLC Severfield PLC Severn Trent PLC Shanks Group PLC Shire PLC SIG PLC SKY PLC Smith & Nephew PLC Smiths Group PLC SOCO International PLC Spectris PLC Speedy Hire PLC Spirax Sarco Engineering PLC Spire Healthcare Group PLC Spirent Communications PLC Sportech PLC SSE PLC St. Ives PLC St. James's Place plc St. Modwen Properties PLC Standard Chartered PLC Standard Life PLC Stobart Group Ltd. Stock Spirits Group PLC SVG Ccapital PLC Tate & Lyle PLC Taylor Wimpey PLC Ted Baker PLC Tesco PLC
Shares/Par Value 37,676 360 192,176 555,243 851,371 704,415 318,966 27,526 32,229 1,225,998 32,505 119,979 565,646 267,088 21,038 815,800 6,816 224,358 12,477 286,913 598,932 1,101,787 1,129,135 128,215 133,160 167,515 908,141 1,342,429 139,148 492,012 2,002,281 557,406 136,686 144,467 133,250 194,524 40,747 137,355 34,517 18,609 41,198 6,930 79,807 92,286 26,933 14,004 33,124 285,533 122,438 469,532 153,779 649,868 57,895 93,467 127,682 362,880 194,944 26,088 127,790 88,426 133,850 71,545 75,133 130,186 1,882,187 280,302 22,569 19,533 81,629 61,170 2,063,208 60,095 8,926,359
Base Market Value 39,663 3,240 1,826,565 2,133,966 11,005,551 262,441 6,169,918 42,684 334,330 120,296 101,245 1,285,509 311,914 271,353 646,843 13,708,358 8,428 667,026 1,402,725 28,727,545 2,517,251 4,256,591 20,769,726 331,141 6,493,743 5,137,048 8,637,631 3,885,221 2,457,354 1,128,650 55,192,512 3,733,153 317,936 964,652 7,784,220 960,067 104,910 1,185,242 282,852 586,091 212,584 22,453 2,182,796 511,607 73,988 9,220 1,078,222 307,269 7,596,163 706,129 1,743,249 11,006,982 892,353 177,737 3,115,007 161,295 9,746,483 116,481 138,799 69,743 2,780,583 78,665 788,437 467,104 14,205,944 1,100,142 48,272 42,105 564,159 546,646 3,648,962 1,952,141 20,870,393
International Common Stock Travelport Worldwide Ltd. Travis Perkins PLC Trifast PLC Trinity Mirror PLC TT Electronics PLC Tullett Prebon PLC Tyman PLC U and I Group PLC UDG Healthcare PLC Ultra Electronics Holdings PLC Unilever PLC United Utilities Group PLC Vectura Group PLC Vedanta Resources PLC Vesuvius PLC Victrex PLC Virgin Money Holdings UK plc Vodafone Group PLC VP PLC Weir Group PLC Whitbread PLC William Hill PLC Wireless Group PLC Wizz Air Holdings PLC WM Morrison Supermarkets Wolseley PLC Worldpay Group PLC WPP PLC Total International Common Stock
Shares/Par Value 1,950 87,245 13,392 235,854 138,945 146,836 11,002 67,678 11,688 159,000 593,204 95,725 109,691 36,227 199,831 256,721 25,069 9,777,109 163 279,386 174,534 127,388 4,995 1,032 2,697,136 34,116 198,492 284,643
International Preferred Stock AmorePacific Corp. Banco Bradesco SA Bancolombia SA Bayerische Motoren Wereke AG (BMW) Bradespar SA Braskem S.A. Buzzi Unicem S.p.A. Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras SA Companhia Brasileira de Distribuicao Companhia Energetica de Sao Paulo Companhia Energetica Minas Gerais Copel - Companhia Paranaense de Energia Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche Spa Dragerwerk AG Embotelladora Andina Fuchs Petrolub SE Gerdau SA Grupo Aval Acciones y Valores SA Grupo de Inversiones Suramericana Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Hyundai Motor Co. Ltd. Hyundai Motor Co. Ltd. Intesa Sanpaolo Itau Unibanco Holding Itausa Investimentos Itau SA LG Chem Ltd. LG Household & Health Care Lojas Americanas S.A. Petrobras - Petroleo Brasileiro S.A. Porsche Automobil Holding SE Rolls-Royce Group plc Samsung Electroncis Schaeffler AG Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile Sto SE & Co. KGaA Surgutneftegaz Suzano Papel e Celulose Telecom Italia Telefonica Brasil SA Transneft PJSC Vale SA
Shares/Par Value 113 32,626 5,317 124,744 39,324 1,160,169 101,945 316,600 83,500 117,332 8,049 1,243 90,189 2,259 3,484 9,059 665,993 44,513 1,245 112,346 465 203 127,342 957,409 513,825 97 28 7,320 641,280 21,969 18,543,496 22,808 23,373 1,216 545 42,507 1,512,840 861,308 5,348 19 23,759
Base Market Value 25,136 1,719,113 24,705 275,878 239,607 597,115 36,769 142,946 92,497 3,698,391 28,381,297 1,324,440 236,815 201,801 766,408 5,185,520 84,116 29,753,947 1,373 5,381,893 8,147,432 438,503 20,716 22,142 6,756,766 1,764,963 720,940 5,905,527 8,529,299,626 Base Market Value 24,231 256,425 46,572 7,910,390 108,628 6,894,926 1,019,302 1,740,250 1,217,412 435,818 18,290 11,337 1,251,441 137,403 12,268 355,111 1,224,409 18,056 16,084 13,673,015 38,876 16,655 226,211 9,054,855 1,217,302 16,085 16,044 36,740 1,885,558 1,008,841 24,789 23,424,807 307,700 30,107 62,363 25,553 5,350,129 552,114 73,449 49,376 96,630
International Preferred Stock Volkswagen AG Total International Preferred Stock
Shares/Par Value 46,054
Absolute Return 1818 I, L.P. Alphadyne Global Rates Fund II AlphaTerra Fund, L.P. Bluegill Liquidating Fund LLC Bluegill Liquidating Fund Series B Brevan Howard Systematic Trading Fund L.P. Bridgewater Pure Alpha Fund I Grosvenor Monarch Fund, LLC Grosvenor Monarch Fund Series B ISAM Systematic Trend Fund PDT Mosaic Offshore Holdings, LLC Penso Fund Platform SPC Quadratic Capital Management LLC Robeco Transtrend Diversified Fund LLC Tourbillon Global Equities, LLC Varadero International, Ltd. Varadero International, Ltd. -- cash awaiting investment Total Absolute Return Private Equity Advent International GPE VI Limited Partnership Advent International GPE VII-C Limited Partnership Apollo Investment Fund V, L.P. Apollo Investment Fund VI, L.P. Apollo Investment Fund VII, L.P. Apollo Investment Fund VII Annex A Apollo Investment Fund VIII, L.P. Apollo Investment Fund VIII Annex A Apollo Lincoln Private Credit Fund, L.P. Banc Fund VI, L.P. Battery Ventures XI-A, L.P. Battery Ventures XI-A Side Fund, L.P. Black River Capital Partners Fund (Food) LP Black River Food Fund 2 LP Blackstone Capital Partners VI, L.P. Blackstone Capital Partners VI Annex A Blackstone/GSO Capital Solutions Fund, L.P. Carlyle Japan International Partners III Annex A Carlyle Japan International Partners III, L.P. Carlyle Partners IV, L.P. Carlyle Partners V, L.P. Carlyle Partners VI, L.P. Carlyle Partners VI Annex A Carlyle U.S. Growth Fund III, L.P. Carlyle Venture Partners II, L.P. Carlyle/Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund II, L.P. Carlyle/Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund III, L.P. Clearlake Capital Partners II, L.P. Clearlake Capital Partners III, L.P. Clearlake Capital Partners IV, L.P. Clearlake Opportunities Partners (P), L.P. DLJ Merchant Banking Partners II, L.P. Edgewater Growth Capital Partners, L.P. Edgewater Growth Capital Partners II, L.P. Edgewater Growth Capital Partners III, L.P. EIF United States Power Fund IV, L.P. Energy Capital Partners I, L.P. Energy Capital Partners II Annex A Energy Capital Partners II-A, L.P. EnerVest Energy Institutional Fund XII-A, L.P. EQT VI, L.P. EQT VII, L.P. Evercore Capital Partners II, L.P. (distributed securities) Gamma LP GI Partners Fund III, L.P. GI Partners Fund IV, L.P. Granite Ventures II, L.P. Great Point Partners II, L.P. Green Equity Investors V, L.P.
Base Market Value 5,541,025 85,426,575
Market Value 80,485,489 285,218,360 105,998,214 86,258,079 54,122,191 154,142,898 310,995,253 294,264,911 730,195,333 156,959,102 177,118,728 94,669,786 97,005,662 163,584,247 188,146,089 167,601,854 50,000,000 3,196,766,195 Market Value 45,518,676 89,798,734 4,849,155 45,140,761 89,583,437 9,478,514 115,278,282 30,475,319 38,099,218 6,934,677 595,688 392,657 79,863,566 16,410,008 144,332,841 42,153,715 47,772,807 27,289,034 17,715,407 8,527,673 94,972,672 137,364,402 18,122,700 7,186,690 34,333,772 10,092,296 21,997,401 21,624,459 57,600,441 30,263,667 11,051,297 1,913 1,839,984 5,540,983 48,625,894 62,699,935 15,308,467 33,494,084 24,041,770 7,160,872 99,544,083 18,584,009 557,591 1,200,827 22,412,169 41,913,072 22,589,475 10,631,286 67,839,221
Private Equity Green Equity Investors VI, L.P. Green Equity Investors VI, Annex A GTCR Fund VIII, L.P. HealthpointCapital Partners, LP Hopewell Ventures, L.P. ICV Partners II, L.P. ICV Partners III, L.P. IL Asia Investors, L.P. Illinois Emerging Technologies Fund, L.P. Institutional Venture Partners XV, L.P. J.C. Flowers II, L.P. JMI Equity Fund VII, L.P. JMI Equity Fund VIII-A, L.P. Lightspeed Venture Partners Select, L.P. Lightspeed Venture Partners Select II, L.P. Lightspeed Ventures Partners IX, L.P. Lightspeed Ventures Partners X, L.P. Lightspeed Venture Partners XI, L.P. Littlejohn Fund IV, L.P. LiveOak Venture Partners I, L.P. Longitude Venture Partners, L.P. Longitude Venture Partners II, L.P. Madison Dearborn Capital Partners V, L.P. Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VI, Annex A Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VII, L.P. Maranon Mezzanine Fund, L.P. MBK Partners Fund II, L.P. MBK Partners Fund III, L.P. MBK Partners Fund III Annex A MBK Partners Fund III Annex B Morgan Creek Partners Asia, L.P. Morgan Creek Partners Venture Access Fund, L.P. New Enterprise Associates 15, L.P. New Mountain Partners III, L.P. New Mountain Partners IV, L.P. NGP Natural Resources IX, Annex A NGP Natural Resources X, L.P. NGP Natural Resources XI, L.P. Oaktree European Principal Fund III, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIII, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund VIIIb, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX, L.P. Oaktree Opportunities Fund IX Annex A Oaktree Real Estate Opportunities Fund VI, L.P. OCM European Principal Opportunities Fund II, L.P. OCM Opportunities Fund V, L.P. OCM Opportunities Fund VIIb, L.P. Onex Partners III, L.P. PAI Europe V, L.P. Palladium Equity Partners IV, L.P. Parthenon Investors IV, L.P. Parthenon Investors IV Annex A Pine Brook Capital Partners, L.P. Prism Mezzanine Fund, L.P. Providence Equity Partners VI, L.P. Providence Equity Partners VI Annex A Providence Equity Partners VII, L.P. Rhone Partners IV, L.P. Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund V, L.P. Riverstone Global Energy and Power Fund V Annex A Riverstone/Carlyle Global Energy and Power Fund IV, L.P. RRJ Capital Master Fund III, L.P. Scale Venture Partners V, L.P. SCP Private Equity Partners, L.P. SCP Private Equity Partners II, L.P. Shasta Ventures, L.P. Shasta Ventures IV, L.P. Silver Lake Partners III, L.P. Silver Lake Partners IV, L.P. Siris Partners II, L.P. Siris Partners III, L.P. Siris Partners III Annex A Sofinnova Venture Partners VIII, L.P.
Market Value 169,181,532 30,034,444 2,463,240 8,813,683 2,632,828 5,392,318 14,389,142 32,912,728 710,908 9,662,926 9,607,644 20,656,728 6,254,177 13,163,453 948,784 72,251,428 7,675,803 197,694 67,593,870 10,621,001 14,376,116 25,128,761 32,261,311 4,311,355 6,145,349 4,474,789 20,410,363 80,862,563 56,977,322 39,278,148 107,017,151 102,875,871 13,140,274 84,710,982 54,115,595 149,136 65,593,509 22,208,805 58,017,714 38,281,572 35,873,533 95,738,192 96,023 79,853,346 22,085,303 780,594 9,437,089 41,752,354 18,725,300 6,575,622 35,837,047 31,974,352 29,139,858 7,344,483 68,416,812 46,386,522 131,624,462 48,008,589 171,655,142 19,624,936 49,516,800 2,500,208 4,196,805 36,366 20,945,595 22,593,890 4,210,526 61,775,124 91,193,983 30,835,401 13,540,287 16,700,000 22,299,344
Private Equity Sofinnova Venture Partners IX, L.P. StarVest Partners II, L.P. Sunstone Partners I, LP SW Pelham Fund II, L.P. TA XII-A, L.P. The Baring Asia Private Equity Fund V, L.P. The Baring Asia Private Equity Fund VI, L.P.1 Trident V, L.P. Trident V Annex A Trident VI, L.P. Trident VI Annex A Trustbridge Partners IV, L.P. Union Grove Partners Direct Venture Fund, L.P. Union Grove Partners Venture Access Fund, L.P. Union Grove Partners Venture Access Fund II, LP Union Grove Partners Venture Access Fund II-B, LP VantagePoint Venture Partners 2006 (Q), L.P. VantagePoint Venture Partners IV, L.P. Veritas Capital Fund IV, L.P. Veritas Capital Fund IV Annex A Veritas Capital Fund V, L.P. Vicente Capital Partners Growth Equity Fund, L.P. Vista Equity Partners Fund III, L.P. Vista Equity Partners Fund IV, L.P. Vista Equity Partners Fund V, L.P. Vista Equity Partners Fund VI, L.P. VSS Communications Partners IV, L.P. Warburg Pincus Private Equity X, L.P. William Blair Mezzanine Capital Fund III, L.P. Total Private Equity
Real Estate Beacon Capital Strategic Partners V, L.P. BlackRock Asia Property Fund III L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners Asia L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners VI, L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners VII, L.P. Blackstone Real Estate Partners VIII.TE.2 L.P. Capri Capital Advisors Apartment Fund III, L.P. Capri Select Income II, LLC Capri/Capital Advisors, L.L.C. Carlyle Europe Real Estate Partners III, L.P. Carlyle Realty Partners IV, L.P. Carlyle Realty Partners VII, L.P. CB Richard Ellis Strategic Partners Europe Fund III, L.P. CB Richard Ellis Strategic Partners UK Fund III, L.P. Cornerstone Hotel Income & Equity Fund II, L.P. Cornerstone II S/A Cornerstone III S/A Cornerstone Real Estate Advisors, L.L.C. Fortress Japan Opportunity Fund III (Dollar A) L.P. Gateway Real Estate Fund IV, L.P. Heitman Capital Management, L.L.C. Hines U.S. Core Office Fund, L.P. Hines U.S. Core Office Fund, L.P. - POB IC Hospitality Fund II, L.P. Invesco Institutional (N.A.), Inc. JER Real Estate Qualified Partners III, L.P. JER Real Estate Qualified Partners III, L.P. - POB LaSalle Asia Opportunity Fund III, L.P. LaSalle Asia Opportunity Fund IV, L.P. Lion Industrial Trust Lion Industrial Trust - POB Lone Star Real Estate Fund III (U.S.), L.P. Lone Star Real Estate Fund IV (U.S.), L.P. LPC Realty Advisors I, Ltd. LPC Realty Advisors I, Ltd. - Core LPC Realty Advisors I, Ltd. - Transition Madison International Real Estate Liquidity Fund VI (TE), LP Niam Nordic V, L.P. Oak Street Real Estate Capital Fund III, LP Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC Rockpoint Real Estate Fund V, L.P.
Market Value 13,747,832 13,170,529 859,204 60,028 8,071,108 87,572,839 26,221,208 77,673,925 44,513,262 54,349,925 21,196,013 51,919,570 11,728,382 31,507,811 1,189,461 1,275,217 27,734,227 10,386,049 87,545,228 13,569,045 67,797,076 13,563,977 23,249,555 126,898,560 157,026,897 18,171,551 974,717 127,100,946 516,864 5,465,171,512 Market Value 7,753,683 51,555,702 64,632,506 28,955,819 206,405,188 124,263,357 243,905 52,169 1,019,397,397 16,866,284 53,412,100 39,567,835 1,017,931 421,956 3,296,923 11,257,352 17,543 542,052,939 23,172,287 53,062,863 1,653,734,331 22,449,265 25,661,050 6,915,227 573,383,064 581,430 242,261 7,854,800 51,858,461 179,255,285 128,903,974 42,157,920 67,637,147 622,346,009 275,516,055 257,385,178 14,421,955 21,396,617 20,827,133 148,385,972 11,481,355
Real Estate Southwest Multifamily Partners, L.P. Starwood Distressed Opportunity Fund IX, L.P. Starwood IX Annex A Starwood Opportunity Fund X Global, L.P. Starwood X Annex A Starwood X Annex B Thayer Hotel Investors IV, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund IV, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund IV, L.P. - POB Walton Street Real Estate Fund VI, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund VI, L.P. - POB Walton Street Real Estate Fund VII, L.P. Walton Street Real Estate Fund VII, L.P. - POB Total Real Estate
Real Return Strategies Global Macro Strategies AQR Multi-Strategy Fund XIV, L.P. Bridgewater All Weather Portfolio Limited Bridgewater Optimal Portfolio, LLC PIMCO Multi-Asset Volatility Onshore Fund LLC Standard Life Global Absolute Return Strategies Offshore Feeder Fund Ltd. Total Global Macro Strategies
Shares/Par Value 829,895,119 277,316 400,000 40,453,211 623,213
Targeted Real Return AQR Real Return Offshore Fund, L.P. Black River Agriculture Fund 2 LP Sheridan Production Partners III-B, L.P. Taurus Mining Finance Fund L.P. WSIP III, L.P Total Targeted Real Return
Shares/Par Value 385,327,192 26,852,017 3,000,001 11,686,410 22,500,000
Derivatives Futures Commodity Futures Brent Crude Future - Nov. 2016 Brent Crude Future - Sept. 2016 Coffee 'C' Future - Dec. 2016 Copper Future - Sept. 2016 Gold 100 oz. Future - Dec. 2016 Gold 100 oz. Future - Oct. 2016 LME Copper Future - Oct. 2016 LME Lead Future - Oct. 2016 LME Nickel Future - Oct. 2016 LME Price Aluminum Future - Oct. 2016 LME Zinc Future - Oct. 2016 Low Sulphur Gasoil Future - Oct. 2016 Natural Gas Future - Oct. 2016 Natural Gas Swap Future - Dec. 2016 Natural Gas Swap Future - Nov. 2016 NY Harbor ULSD Future - Oct. 2016 Platinum Future - Oct. 2016 Silver Future - Dec. 2016 Soybean Future - Nov. 2016 Sugar 11 (World) Future - Oct. 2016 Wheat Future (CBT) - Dec. 2016 WTI Crude Future - Nov. 2016
Contracts/Par Value
U.S. Equity Index Futures Mini MSCI Emerging Market Futures - Sept. 2016 International Equity Index Futures BIST 30 Future - Aug. 2016 Euro Stoxx50 Future - Sept. 2016 FTSE 100 Index Future - Sept. 2016 FTSE KLCI Future - July 2016 FTSE/JSE Top 40 Future - Sept. 2016 Hang Seng Index Future - July 2016 H-Shares Index Future - July 2016 KOSPI2 Index Future - Sept. 2016 Mexican Bolsa Index Future - Sept. 2016 MSCI Singapore IX ETS Future - July 2016 MSCI Taiwan Index Future - July 2016
Market Value 30,265,226 131,154,996 27,335,146 175,507,598 28,300,989 16,641,590 263,248 7,939,891 2,646,630 40,649,082 13,549,694 66,863,928 22,287,976 6,943,206,220
Base Market Value 889,489,887 461,866,633 401,708,412 43,062,821 762,379,862 2,558,507,616
Base Market Value 248,973,062 41,361,930 2,674,000 14,563,265 23,080,000 330,652,257 Base Market Value
(1) (76) (6) (33) (4) (116) 10 16 10 (49) 8 (19) (37) 1 2 (11) 232 (7) 50 42 (79) (8)
693 398 76 87 (868) 7 478 263 25 71 (35)
Derivatives S&P/TSX 60 Index Future - Sept. 2016 SET50 Futures - Sept. 2016 SGX Nifty 50 Future - July 2016 SPI 200 Futures - Sept. 2016 Topix Index Future - Sept. 2016
Contracts/Par Value 22 848 (1,091) 27 61
U.S. Fixed Income Futures (cash equivalents) 90-day Euro Future - Sept. 2016 90-day Euro Future - Dec. 2016 90-day Euro Future - Dec. 2016 90-day Euro Future - Dec. 2017 90-day Euro Future - June 2017 90-day Euro Future - June 2017 90-day Euro Future - Sept. 2017 90-day Euro Future - Sept. 2017 90-day Euro Future - June 2018
Base Market Value -
(2) 459 (1,306) (459) (75) (764) (270) (764) (67)
International Fixed Income Index Futures Australia 10-year bond future - Sept. 2016 Canada 10-year bond future - Sept. 2016 Euro-BOBL Future - Sept. 2016 Euro-BTP Future - Sept. 2016 Euro-Bund Future - Sept. 2016 Euro-Bund Future - Sept. 2016 Euro-Bund Future - Sept. 2016 Euro-Bund Future - Sept. 2016 Euro-OAT Future - Sept. 2016 Japan 10-year Bond (OSE) Future - Sept. 2016
8 41 (120) (30) (14) (91) 106 (107) (11) (3)
U.S. Fixed Income Index Futures U.S. 10-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 10-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 10-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 10-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 10-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 2-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 2-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 5-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 5-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 5-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. 5-year note (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Long Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Long Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Long Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Long Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Long Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Ultra Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016 U.S. Ultra Bond (CBT) - Sept. 2016
377 683 (26) (216) (221) 75 (664) 64 (254) 293 232 106 (293) (143) 23 41 90 (3)
Options International Fixed Income Options on Futures - call options EUX ACAL EUR-BUND 08/26/[emailprotected] EUX ACAL EUR-BUND 07/22/16@168 EUX ACAL EUR-BUND 07/22/16@168 EUX ACAL EUR-BUND 08/26/16@167 EUX ACAL EUR-BUND 08/26/16@169 EUX ACAL EUR-BUND 08/26/16@170
52 (33) (39) (52) (52) (38)
International Fixed Income Options on Futures - put options ICE APUT UK 90DAY LIB 06/21/17 @ 98 ICE APUT UK 90DAY LIB 06/21/17 @ 98.5 ICE APUT UK 90DAY LIB 12/21/2016 @ 98.5 EUX APUT EUR-BUND 08/26/16 @ 162 EUX APUT EUR-BUND 08/26/16 @ 164 EUX APUT EUR-BUND 08/26/16 @ 165.5
(207) 207 1,433 (52) (52) 52
U.S. Commodity Options on Futures - call options OTC ECAL Platinum Gold - July 2016 Currency Forward Call Options OTC ECAL USD vs RUB OTC ECAL AUD vs USD OTC ECAL AUD vs USD
(3,000,000) (2,100,000) (700,000)
(10,914) (7,886) (2,456)
Contracts/Par Value (4,600,000) (6,020,000) 1,470,000 4,040,000 (9,230,000) (1,000,000) (2,800,000) (5,700,000) 5,700,000 10,000,000 9,430,000
Base Market Value (20,329) (79,452) (5,541) (7,812) (43,252) 108,488 30 271,961
10,840,000 2,440,000 6,435,000 6,435,000 6,050,000 15,350,000 9,530,000 17,500,000 14,090,000 1,400,000 4,600,000 (1,400,000) (15,500,000) (2,490,000) (100,000) (1,470,000) (4,040,000) (1,500,000) (2,300,000) (1,300,000) (1,400,000) 2,800,000 3,000,000 17,800,000 16,250,000 3,995,000 28,430,000 2,440,000 2,440,000 2,440,000 2,440,000
174,505 119,401 23,188 12,449 89,463 222,218 557,343 13,388 45,268 (596) (202,332) (11,203) (2,099) (23,936) (65,783) (2,279) (10,378) (400) (77) 359,142 345,390 249,912 196,788 164,474 270,085 31,142 35,351 46,816 1,832
(123,600,000) (64,800,000) (500,000) (5,900,000) (2,200,000) (5,800,000)
(978,665) (513,086) (153) (1,705) (12,967) (36,254)
61,800,000 32,400,000
Written Inflation Put Options 317512KA8 INF FLOOR USD CPURNS 317513RF8 INF FLOOR USD CPURNS 317513DG1 INF FLR USD 216.687 317513DG1 INF FLR USD 216.687 317526CE9 INF FLOOR USD CPURNS 317526CE9 INF FLOOR USD CPURNS 3175265P2 INF FLOOR USD CPURNS 3175RWOP7 INF FLR US 317526192 INF FLR US 3175BB530 INF FLR FWD US YOY Purchased Call Swaptions (USD) 317U158K8 IRO USD 2Y C 0.70000 317U348L7 IRO USD 2Y C 1.00000 317U350L2 IRO USD 2Y C 1.00000
1,019,020 534,244
(1,000,000) (3,200,000) (5,500,000) (7,400,000) (2,300,000) (700,000) (3,000,000) (10,800,000) (2,200,000) (1,300,000)
(85) (272) (561) (755) (359) (109) (6,087) (103,248) (59) (15,207)
31,000,000 31,300,000 27,600,000
45,338 181,897 160,395
Derivatives 317U796L4 IRO USD 30Y C 2.1500 317U799L1 IRO USD 30Y C 2.1500 317U846L4 IRO USD 2Y2Y C 1.100 317U860L5 IRO USD 5Y C MYC 317U873L0 IRO USD 5Y C CBK 317U873L0 IRO USD 5Y C CBK 317U873L0 IRO USD 5Y C CBK
Contracts/Par Value 2,800,000 4,600,000 45,700,000 14,600,000 8,100,000 11,000,000 23,600,000
Base Market Value 344,688 566,274 143,498 114,041 66,420 90,200 189,375
Written Call Swaptions (USD) 317U160K4 IRO USD 10Y C 1.5000 317U349L6 IRO USD 10Y C 1.5650 317U351L1 IRO USD 10Y C 1.5650 317U396L8 IRO USD 10Y C 1.5550 317U397L7 IRO USD 10Y C 1.5550 317U457K6 IRO USD 5Y5Y C 2.400 317U539L6 IRO USD 5Y5Y C 317U697L4 IRO USD 5Y5Y C 2.050 317U817L9 IRO USD 5Y5Y C 1.850 317U847L3 IRO USD 2Y2Y C 0.890 317U861L4 IRO USD 5Y C MYC 317U874L9 IRO USD 5Y C CBK 317U874L9 IRO USD 5Y C CBK 317U874L9 IRO USD 5Y C CBK 317U963J6 IRO USD 30Y C 2.2500
(6,600,000) (4,400,000) (4,500,000) (1,300,000) (2,200,000) (27,900,000) (27,600,000) (12,000,000) (11,200,000) (91,400,000) (29,200,000) (16,200,000) (22,000,000) (47,200,000) (5,400,000)
(117,920) (130,965) (133,941) (38,020) (64,341) (754,835) (108,220) (149,124) (51,106) (141,579) (112,537) (66,420) (90,200) (194,938) (514,975)
Purchased Put Swaptions (USD) 317U168L4 IRO USD 30Y P 317U179L1 IRO USD 30Y P 317U191L5 IRO USD 30Y P 317U212L0 IRO USD 30Y P 317U336L1 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U337L0 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U339L8 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U447L7 IRO USD 30Y P 2.6000 317U458K5 IRO USD 5Y5Y P 3.400 317U797L3 IRO USD 30Y P 2.1500 317U798L2 IRO USD 30Y P 2.1500 317U802K8 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U803K7 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U806K4 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U806K4 IRO USD 1Y P 1.25000 317U841J4 IRO USD 30Y P 2.9050 317U857J5 IRO USD 30Y P 2.9400 317U943K8 IRO USD 30Y P 2.6050 317U959K9 IRO USD 30Y P 2.5900 317U964J5 IRO USD 30Y P 3.3500 317U971K3 IRO USD 30Y P 2.6075 317U979K5 IRO USD 1Y GLM 317U979K5 IRO USD 1Y GLM 317U981K1 IRO USD 1Y P
11,800,000 11,100,000 5,600,000 3,050,000 3,600,000 193,700,000 9,700,000 4,500,000 27,900,000 2,800,000 4,600,000 55,400,000 222,300,000 88,000,000 161,300,000 1,900,000 600,000 8,100,000 2,500,000 5,400,000 2,500,000 36,000,000 176,800,000 36,700,000
424,434 310,165 156,480 86,020 273,713 4,241 228,710 375,737 57,908 17,333 412,865 137,985 15 131,393 0
Written Put Swaptions (USD) 3175C2463 CDX.O P 1.20 IG26 5Y 317U167L5 IRO USD 5Y P 317U180L8 IRO USD 5Y P 317U190L6 IRO USD 5Y P 317U211L1 IRO USD 5Y P 2.70000 317U448L6 IRO USD 5Y P 2.30000 317U816L0 IRO USD 5Y5Y P 2.250 317U840J5 IRO USD 5Y P 2.8000 317U856J6 IRO USD 5Y P 2.8000 317U942K9 IRO USD 5Y P 2.25000 317U955K3 IRO USD 5Y P 2.25000 317U970K4 IRO USD 5Y P 2.25000
(6,000,000) (59,000,000) (55,300,000) (27,600,000) (15,200,000) (21,300,000) (11,200,000) (8,400,000) (2,700,000) (37,600,000) (11,600,000) (11,600,000)
(4,134) (388,397) (297,694) (148,578) (86,299) (241,585) (1,870) (30,778) (9,893) (337,535) (115,432) (110,548)
Purchased Put Swaptions - International (non-USD) 317U634L0 IRO JPY 10Y P
Written Put Swaptions - International (non-USD) 317U468L1 IRO GBP 10Y P 1.6800 317U469L0 IRO GBP 10Y P 1.6800 317544DI2 ITRAXX.O P 1.00 EU25 317544PR9 ITRAXX.O P 1.25 EU25
(3,000,000) (3,500,000) (12,000,000) (11,200,000)
(0) (0) (8,711) (17,052)
Derivatives 317544X74 ITRAXX.O P 1.25 EU25 317U431L5 IRO GBP 10Y P 1.7500
Contracts/Par Value (6,000,000) (3,500,000)
Base Market Value (6,379) (70)
Swaps Commodity Index Swaps SWU0AM701 TRS USD R E SWU0AM701 TRS USD P E SWU0BB514 TRS USD R E SWU0BB514 TRS USD P E
Maturity Date 12/31/2016 12/31/2016 12/31/2016 12/31/2016
Contracts/Par Value 54,000 (54,000) 12,000 (12,000)
Base Market Value 17,380 (54,000) 12,000 (6,258)
12/31/2016 12/31/2016 1/6/2017 1/6/2017 1/6/2017 1/6/2017 12/31/2016 12/31/2016 12/31/2017 12/31/2017
144,000 (144,000) 400 (400) 400 (400) 132,000 (132,000) 48,000 (48,000)
39,159 (144,000) 72,721 (400) 400 (94,450) 132,000 (300,588) 11,329 (48,000)
8/31/2016 8/31/2016 9/21/2016 9/21/2016 7/28/2016 7/28/2016 7/28/2016 7/28/2016 7/28/2016 7/28/2016 9/8/2016 9/8/2016 9/8/2016 9/8/2016 9/21/2016 9/21/2016 7/29/2016 7/29/2016 7/20/2016 7/20/2016 9/16/2016 9/16/2016 9/21/2016 9/21/2016
2,900 (278,503) 8,896,237 (16,215) 5,700 (47,541,425) 12,650 (105,271,148) 1,978,443 (242) 66,000,000 (16,384,754,105) 2,500,000 (621,975,000) 8,807 (1,291,886) 26,600 (37,889,958) 50,273,345 (6,000) 1,340 (2,334,750) 29,262,835 (33,321)
96,989 (96,849) 2,776,820 (2,931,530) 6,785,233 (6,128,091) 15,058,456 (13,569,454) 1,978,443 (2,017,191) 13,995,312 (14,224,729) 530,125 (539,979) 327,927 (326,123) 9,655,805 (9,838,736) 1,558,429 (1,584,488) 590,955 (589,382) 1,998,145 (2,049,361)
9/9/2020 9/9/2020 7/24/2020 7/24/2020 7/29/2020 7/29/2020 5/7/2020 5/7/2020 7/13/2016 7/13/2016
357,143 (357,143) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 4,905,660 (4,905,660) 3,892,216 (3,892,216) 3,000 (3,000)
363,418 (357,143) 2,059,634 (2,000,000) 5,016,429 (4,905,660) 4,099,383 (3,892,216) 13,000 (3,000)
6/20/2017 6/20/2017 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 12/20/2021 12/20/2021
1,500,000 (1,500,000) 700,000 (700,000) 1,100,000 (1,100,000) 1,500,000 (1,500,000) 1,600,000 (1,600,000) 2,400,000 (2,400,000)
1,549,779 (1,500,000) 704,739 (700,000) 1,241,162 (1,222,044) 1,516,411 (1,500,000) 1,616,936 (1,600,000) 2,386,529 (2,400,000)
.00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000 .00000
Credit Default Swaps Selling Protection Argentine Republic SWPC0D4Q8 CDS USD RF 5.00 Argentine Republic SWPC0D4Q8 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT AT&T, Inc. SWPC0CL73 CDS USD RF 1.00 AT&T, Inc. SWPC0CL73 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft SWPC0B4H2 CDS EUR RF 1.00 Bayerische Motoren Wereke Aktiengesellschaft SWPC0B4H2 CDS EUR PV 03M EVENT Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. SWPC05DP7 CDS USD RF 1.00 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. SWPC05DP7 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. SWPC02L34 CDS USD RF 1.00 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. SWPC02L34 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. SWPC06YD9 CDS USD RF 1.00 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. SWPC06YD9 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT
Derivatives Citigroup, Inc. SWPC02YK2 CDS USD RF 1.00 Citigroup, Inc. SWPC02YK2 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC220N1 CDS USD RF 1.00 Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC220N1 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AZ31 CDS USD RF 1.00 Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AZ31 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AXK5 CDS USD RF 1.00 Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AXK5 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AZ64 CDS USD RF 1.00 Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AZ64 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AXM1 CDS USD RF 1.00 Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC0AXM1 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC06OF5 CDS USD RF 1.00 Federative Republic of Brazil SWPC06OF5 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Ford Motor Co. SWPC02P71 CDS USD RF 1.00 Ford Motor Co. SWPC02P71 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT MetLife, Inc. SWPC06CR2 CDS USD RF 1.00 MetLife, Inc. SWPC06CR2 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT MetLife, Inc. SWPC05TY1 CDS USD RF 1.00 MetLife, Inc. SWPC05TY1 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT MetLife, Inc. SWPC02L18 CDS USD RF 1.00 MetLife, Inc. SWPC02L18 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT People's Republic of China SWPC06TO1 CDS USD RF 1.00 People's Republic of China SWPC06TO1 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Colombia SWPC02RK0 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Colombia SWPC02RK0 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Colombia SWPC02RR5 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Colombia SWPC02RR5 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Indonesia SWPC03G79 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Indonesia SWPC03G79 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Indonesia SWPC03NO4 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Indoneia SWPC03NO4 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Indonesia SWPC03RE2 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Indonesia SWPC03RE2 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Indonesia SWPC04MX3 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Indonesia SWPC04MX3 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Indonesia SWPC218N5 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Indonesia SWPC218N5 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT Republic of Turkey SWPC526P7 CDS USD RF 1.00 Republic of Turkey SWPC526P7 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT State of California SWPC05IK3 CDS USD R 1.00 State of California SWPC05IK3 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT State of California SWPC05IJ6 CDS USD RF 1.00 State of California SWPC05IJ6 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT State of Qatar SWPC03VH0 CDS USD RF 1.00 State of Qatar SWPC03VH0 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT United Mexican States SWPC390N5 CDS USD RF 1.00 United Mexican States SWPC390N5 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT United Mexican States SWPC0B6L1 CDS USD RF 1.00 United Mexican States SWPC0B6L1 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT United Mexican States SWPC0B5N8 CDS USD RF 1.00 United Mexican States SWPC0B5N8 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT United States of America SWPC983Z1 CDS EUR RF 0.25 United States of America SWPC983Z1 CDS EUR PV 03M EVENT Wells Fargo & Co. SWPC05M44 CDS USD RF 1.00 Wells Fargo & Co. SWPC05M44 CDS USD PV 03M EVENT
Maturity Date 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 9/20/2016 9/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2019 12/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 12/20/2019 12/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 9/20/2016 9/20/2016 12/20/2016 12/20/2016 9/20/2024 9/20/2024 9/20/2019 9/20/2019 6/20/2019 6/20/2019 9/20/2016 9/20/2016 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/20/2018 12/20/2018 9/20/2017 9/20/2017
Contracts/Par Value 500,000 (500,000) 100,000 (100,000) 200,000 (200,000) 200,000 (200,000) 300,000 (300,000) 500,000 (500,000) 900,000 (900,000) 200,000 (200,000) 500,000 (500,000) 900,000 (900,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 6,300,000 (6,300,000) 600,000 (600,000) 2,400,000 (2,400,000) 300,000 (300,000) 100,000 (100,000) 100,000 (100,000) 100,000 (100,000) 8,800,000 (8,800,000) 1,400,000 (1,400,000) 200,000 (200,000) 300,000 (300,000) 1,500,000 (1,500,000) 100,000 (100,000) 500,000 (500,000) 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 26,100,000 (26,100,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000)
Base Market Value 505,103 (500,000) 100,100 (100,000) 200,350 (200,000) 200,350 (200,000) 300,525 (300,000) 500,876 (500,000) 860,812 (900,000) 222,278 (200,000) 502,963 (500,000) 905,333 (900,000) 2,017,104 (2,000,000) 6,329,408 (6,300,000) 595,808 (600,000) 2,383,230 (2,400,000) 299,976 (300,000) 99,992 (100,000) 99,695 (100,000) 99,695 (100,000) 8,811,211 (8,800,000) 1,404,846 (1,400,000) 195,518 (200,000) 303,658 (300,000) 1,514,454 (1,500,000) 100,169 (100,000) 490,888 (500,000) 1,669,019 (1,700,000) 29,050,635 (28,995,780) 2,019,923 (2,000,000)
Basket / Sector / Volatility / Floor / Cap Credit Default Swaps Buying Protection - USD CDX.NA.HY.26 BWPC0CKW9 CDS USD RV 03M EVENT CDX.NA.HY.26 BWPC0CKW9 CDS USD PF 5.00
6/20/2021 6/20/2021
12,500,000 (12,500,000)
12,500,000 (12,901,413)
Basket / Sector / Volatility / Floor / Cap Credit Default Swaps Selling Protection - USD ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J52 CDS USD RF 0.11 ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J52 CDS USD PV 01M EVENT ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J52 CDS USD RF 0.11 ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J52 CDS USD PV 01M EVENT ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J45 CDS USD RF 0.11 ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J45 CDS USD PV 01M EVENT ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J45 CDS USD RF 0.11 ABX.HE.AAA Indices SWPC02J45 CDS USD PV 01M EVENT
5/25/2046 5/25/2046 5/25/2046 5/25/2046 5/25/2046 5/25/2046 5/25/2046 5/25/2046
918,433 (918,433) 1,252,409 (1,252,409) 4,341,683 (4,341,683) 4,842,646 (4,842,646)
753,976 (918,433) 1,028,149 (1,252,409) 3,564,250 (4,341,683) 3,975,510 (4,842,646)
Maturity Date 12/20/2019 12/20/2019 12/20/2019 12/20/2019 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 12/20/2017 12/20/2017 12/20/2017 12/20/2017 12/20/2019 12/20/2019 6/20/2020 6/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 12/20/2020 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 9/17/2058 9/17/2058 5/11/2063 5/11/2063 9/17/2058 9/17/2058 9/17/2058 9/17/2058 10/17/2057 10/17/2057 10/17/2057 10/17/2057 10/17/2057 10/17/2057 12/13/2049 12/13/2049 1/17/2047 1/17/2047 1/17/2047 1/17/2047 1/17/2047 1/17/2047 5/11/2063 5/11/2063 5/11/2063 5/11/2063 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 6/20/2021 6/20/2021
Contracts/Par Value 300,000 (300,000) 400,000 (400,000) 3,613,500 (3,613,500) 3,900,000 (3,900,000) 1,060,949 (1,060,949) 482,249 (482,249) 10,800,000 (10,800,000) 17,800,000 (17,800,000) 5,400,000 (5,400,000) 35,300,000 (35,300,000) 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 30,100,000 (30,100,000) 700,000 (700,000) 3,500,000 (3,500,000) 3,800,000 (3,800,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 4,200,000 (4,200,000) 3,500,000 (3,500,000) 500,000 (500,000) 1,504,071 (1,504,071) 2,600,000 (2,600,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 2,500,000 (2,500,000) 1,300,000 (1,300,000) 800,000 (800,000) 4,100,000 (4,100,000) 8,800,000 (8,800,000)
Base Market Value 337,449 (300,000) 449,932 (400,000) 3,763,168 (3,613,500) 4,025,241 (3,900,000) 1,068,651 (1,060,949) 485,715 (482,249) 10,892,275 (10,800,000) 17,960,414 (17,800,000) 5,442,719 (5,400,000) 35,579,258 (35,300,000) 1,010,946 (1,000,000) 30,429,475 (30,100,000) 664,169 (700,000) 3,444,585 (3,500,000) 3,605,489 (3,800,000) 1,992,507 (2,100,000) 4,044,862 (4,200,000) 3,370,718 (3,500,000) 481,531 (500,000) 1,502,191 (1,504,071) 2,532,565 (2,600,000) 1,886,330 (2,100,000) 2,245,631 (2,500,000) 1,202,713 (1,300,000) 740,131 (800,000) 4,110,751 (4,100,000) 8,823,075 (8,800,000)
Interest Rate Swaps Receive Fixed / Pay Floating - USD Interes Rate Swap SWU00D7N2 IRS USD RF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap SWU00D7N2 IRS USD PV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap SWU00IF02 IRS USD RF 2.10 Interest Rate Swap SWU00IF02 IRS USD PV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap SWU00FL35 IRS USD RF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap SWU00FL35 IRS USD PV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap SWU00E6O9 IRS USD RF 2.81 Interest Rate Swap SWU00E6O9 IRS USD PV 03M LIBOR
12/16/2020 12/16/2020 5/20/2026 5/20/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 9/14/2046 9/14/2046
63,000,000 (63,000,000) 300,000 (300,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 2,700,000 (2,700,000)
65,903,223 (63,000,000) 303,926 (300,000) 2,269,522 (2,100,000) 3,304,149 (2,700,000)
Receive Floating / Pay Fixed Interest Rate Swap B16030091 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16030091 IRS USD PF 0.9255 Interest Rate Swap BWU00HNN5 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00HNN5 IRS USD PF 0.99625 Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAQ1 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAQ1 IRS USD PF 1.75
10/17/2017 10/17/2017 4/5/2018 4/5/2018 12/16/2018 12/16/2018
41,860,000 (41,860,000) 26,400,000 (26,400,000) 80,500,000 (80,500,000)
41,860,000 (41,986,802) 26,400,000 (26,460,449) 80,500,000 (82,418,953)
Derivatives Interest Rate Swap BWU00D8Q4 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00D8Q4 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap BWU00H8N2 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00H8N2 IRS USD PF 1.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAF5 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAF5 IRS USD PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAP3 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAP3 IRS USD PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00D7N2 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00D7N2 IRS USD PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00DB23 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00DB23 IRS USD PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00D7N2 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00D7N2 IRS USD PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00ISZ1 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00ISZ1 IRS USD PF 1.45 Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAD0 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00DAD0 IRS USD PF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAA1 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAA1 IRS USD PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00IN86 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00IN86 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap BWU00IN94 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00IN94 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap B15225058 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B15225058 IRS USD PF 2.7875 Interest Rate Swap B15626705 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B15626705 IRS USD PF 2.7305 Interest Rate Swap B16395332 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16395332 IRS USD PF 1.91422 Interest Rate Swap B16402500 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16402500 IRS USD PF 1.96953 Interest Rate Swap B16415216 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16415216 IRS USD PF 1.973 Interest Rate Swap B16424068 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16424068 IRS USD PF 1.9367 Interest Rate Swap B16428913 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16428913 IRS USD PF 1.94152 Interest Rate Swap B16440134 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B16440134 IRS USD PF 1.81667 Interest Rate Swap B6656752 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B6656752 IRS USD PF 1.9777 Interest Rate swap B6656828 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B6656828 IRS USD PF 1.985 Interest Rate swap B7023075 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Inerest Rate Swap B7023075 IRS USD PF 2.449 Interest Rate Swap BWU00DW46 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00DW46 IRS USD PF 2.33 Interest Rate Swap BWU00EVN3 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00EVN3 IRS USD PF 2.80 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FDQ3 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FDQ3 IRS USD PF 2.15 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FDK6 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FDK6 IRS USD PF 2.30 Interest Rate Swap BWU00HB08 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00HB08 IRS USD PF 2.40 Interest Rate Swap BWU00HXK0 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00HXK0 IRS USD PF 2.30 Interest Rate Swap BWU00I172 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00I172 IRS USD PF 2.30 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAB9 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAB9 IRS USD PF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FL35 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FL35 IRS USD PF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAB9 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAB9 IRS USD PF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FL35 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FL35 IRS USD PF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap BWU00INA1 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00INA1 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap BWU00INB9 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00INB9 IRS USD PF 1.75
Maturity Date 12/16/2018 12/16/2018 6/15/2019 6/15/2019 12/16/2019 12/16/2019 12/16/2019 12/16/2019 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 12/16/2020 6/28/2021 6/28/2021 12/16/2022 12/16/2022 6/15/2023 6/15/2023 12/21/2023 12/21/2023 12/21/2023 12/21/2023 3/31/2024 3/31/2024 7/7/2024 7/7/2024 1/22/2025 1/22/2025 1/23/2025 1/23/2025 1/27/2025 1/27/2025 1/29/2025 1/29/2025 1/30/2025 1/30/2025 2/3/2025 2/3/2025 3/27/2025 3/27/2025 3/27/2025 3/27/2025 7/2/2025 7/2/2025 8/19/2025 8/19/2025 10/28/2025 10/28/2025 12/3/2025 12/3/2025 12/3/2025 12/3/2025 3/16/2026 3/16/2026 4/21/2026 4/21/2026 4/27/2026 4/27/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026
Contracts/Par Value 92,600,000 (92,600,000) 143,000,000 (143,000,000) 100,000 (100,000) 9,600,000 (9,600,000) 500,000 (500,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 20,900,000 (20,900,000) 12,900,000 (12,900,000) 55,000,000 (55,000,000) 25,100,000 (25,100,000) 27,400,000 (27,400,000) 43,800,000 (43,800,000) 39,970,000 (39,970,000) 32,860,000 (32,860,000) 13,890,000 (13,890,000) 17,360,000 (17,360,000) 10,240,000 (10,240,000) 2,560,000 (2,560,000) 2,170,000 (2,170,000) 3,420,000 (3,420,000) 7,050,000 (7,050,000) 7,050,000 (7,050,000) 7,760,000 (7,760,000) 6,800,000 (6,800,000) 69,100,000 (69,100,000) 4,700,000 (4,700,000) 7,000,000 (7,000,000) 58,850,000 (58,850,000) 17,600,000 (17,600,000) 20,100,000 (20,100,000) 700,000 (700,000) 900,000 (900,000) 1,900,000 (1,900,000) 4,500,000 (4,500,000) 1,700,000 (1,700,000) 6,400,000 (6,400,000)
Base Market Value 92,600,000 (94,800,494) 143,000,000 (143,967,817) 100,000 (103,901) 9,600,000 (9,975,638) 500,000 (523,041) 2,100,000 (2,198,088) 20,900,000 (21,863,133) 12,900,000 (12,942,792) 55,000,000 (58,930,427) 25,100,000 (26,532,013) 27,400,000 (28,306,681) 43,800,000 (45,332,566) 39,970,000 (44,698,243) 32,860,000 (36,680,708) 13,890,000 (14,622,536) 17,360,000 (18,354,931) 10,240,000 (10,829,859) 2,560,000 (2,699,854) 2,170,000 (2,289,308) 3,420,000 (3,572,282) 7,050,000 (7,460,835) 7,050,000 (7,465,188) 7,760,000 (8,530,620) 6,800,000 (7,386,877) 69,100,000 (72,524,305) 4,700,000 (5,032,146) 7,000,000 (7,589,855) 58,850,000 (60,509,758) 17,600,000 (18,003,186) 20,100,000 (20,558,445) 700,000 (758,402) 900,000 (972,652) 1,900,000 (2,058,520) 4,500,000 (4,863,262) 1,700,000 (1,744,605) 6,400,000 (6,586,057)
Derivatives Interest Rate Swap BWU00INB9 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00INB9 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap BWU00INA1 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00INA1 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap BWU00INA1 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00INA1 IRS USD PF 1.75 Interest Rate Swap B15226128 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap B15226128 IRS USD PF 3.4885 Interest Rate Swap BWU00D7P7 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00D7P7 IRS USD PF 2.75 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAL7 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAL7 IRS USD PF 2.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FLJ0 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FLJ0 IRS USD PF 2.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAL7 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FAL7 IRS USD PF 2.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00FLJ0 IRS USD RV 03M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00FLJ0 IRS USD PF 2.50
Maturity Date 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 12/21/2026 3/31/2044 3/31/2044 12/16/2045 12/16/2045 6/15/2046 6/15/2046 6/15/2046 6/15/2046 6/15/2046 6/15/2046 6/15/2046 6/15/2046
Contracts/Par Value 16,200,000 (16,200,000) 20,770,000 (20,770,000) 54,570,000 (54,570,000) 19,030,000 (19,030,000) 25,600,000 (25,600,000) 700,000 (700,000) 1,300,000 (1,300,000) 7,800,000 (7,800,000) 64,150,000 (64,150,000)
Base Market Value 16,200,000 (16,670,957) 20,770,000 (21,314,967) 54,570,000 (56,001,817) 19,030,000 (26,354,171) 25,600,000 (30,982,701) 700,000 (812,282) 1,300,000 (1,496,172) 7,800,000 (9,051,139) 64,150,000 (73,830,318)
Receive Fixed / Pay Floating - International Interest Rate Swap SWU00AZF4 IRS BRL RF 12.36 Interest Rate Swap SWU00AZF4 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU00BJZ6 IRS BRL RF 12.36 Interest Rate Swap SWU00BJZ6 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU00HNM7 IRS CAD RF 0.90 Interest Rate Swap SWU00HNM7 IRS CAD PV 03M CDOR Interest Rate Swap SWU007IP8 IRS MXN RF 5.70 Interest Rate Swap SWU007IP8 IRS MXN PV 01M TIIE Interest Rate Swap SWU006ZZ9 IRS MXN RF 5.70 Interest Rate Swap SWU006ZZ9 IRS MXN PV 01M TIIE Interest Rate Swap SWU008OY0 IRS BRL RF 12.23 Interest Rate Swap SWU008OY0 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU00AMG6 IRS BRL RF 11.16 Interest Rate Swap SWU00AMG6 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU00DS33 IRS BRL RF 12.56 Interest Rate Swap SWU00DS33 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU008OS3 IRS BRL RF 12.23 Interest Rate Swap SWU008OS3 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU008OX2 IRS BRL RF 12.23 Interest Rate Swap SWU008OX2 IRS BRL PV 00M BRCDI Interest Rate Swap SWU00B2N1 IRS MXN RF 5.66 Interest Rate Swap SWU00B2N1 IRS MXN PV 01M TIIE Interest Rate Swap SWU00EMF0 IRS MXN RF 5.78 Interest Rate Swap SWU00EMF0 IRS MXN PV 01M TIIE Interest Rate Swap SWU00H3F4 IRS EUR RF 0.75 Interest Rate Swap SWU00H3F4 IRS EUR PV 06M EURIB Interest Rate Swap SWU00H5D7 IRS GBP RF 1.50 Interest Rate Swap SWU00H5D7 IRS GBP PV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap SWU00IGB7 IRS AUD RF 2.75 Interest Rate Swap SWU00IGB7 IRS AUD PV 06M BBSW Interest Rate Swap SWU00IF10 IRS CAD RF 2.25 Interest Rate Swap SWU00IF10 IRS CAD PV 03M CDOR
1/2/2018 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 1/2/2018 4/17/2018 4/17/2018 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 1/18/2019 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 11/9/2021 11/9/2021 9/29/2022 9/29/2022 9/21/2026 9/21/2026 9/21/2026 9/21/2026 6/17/2026 6/17/2026 6/16/2026 6/16/2026
2,800,000 (2,800,000) 22,500,000 (22,500,000) 34,400,000 (34,400,000) 20,000,000 (20,000,000) 50,000,000 (50,000,000) 1,800,000 (1,800,000) 8,500,000 (8,500,000) 11,400,000 (11,400,000) 16,600,000 (16,600,000) 18,000,000 (18,000,000) 73,400,000 (73,400,000) 8,600,000 (8,600,000) 250,000 (250,000) 260,000 (260,000) 4,200,000 (4,200,000) 9,340,000 (9,340,000)
868,778 (873,976) 6,894,805 (7,023,020) 26,502,457 (26,488,026) 1,098,871 (1,084,055) 2,747,230 (2,710,137) 566,705 (561,842) 2,535,800 (2,653,141) 3,622,086 (3,558,330) 5,226,276 (5,181,428) 5,633,153 (5,618,416) 3,992,688 (3,978,482) 467,982 (466,144) 287,813 (277,737) 363,730 (347,568) 3,177,674 (3,127,320) 7,389,251 (7,191,807)
Receive Floating / Pay Fixed - International Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5C9 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5C9 IRS GBP PF 1.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00AHO5 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00AHO5 IRS GBP PF 2.05 Interest Rate Swap BWU00BBJ0 IRS EUR RV 06M EURIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00BBJ0 IRS EUR PF 0.43 Interest Rate Swap BWU00GF71 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00GF71 IRS GBP PF 1.25 Interest Rate Swap BWU00B9P9 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00B9P9 IRS GBP PF 2.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00BC91 IRS EUR RV 06M EURIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00BC91 IRS EUR PF 1.00 Interest Rate Swap BWU00C4G2 IRS EUR RV 06M EURIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00C4G2 IRS EUR PF 0.95 Interest Rate Swap BWU00CZV5 IRS CAD RV 03M CDOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00CZV5 IRS CAD PF 2.30 Interest Rate Swap BWU00G1C5 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00G1C5 IRS GBP PF 2.34
9/21/2018 9/21/2018 9/23/2019 9/23/2019 12/11/2019 12/11/2019 9/21/2021 9/21/2021 3/18/2022 3/18/2022 12/15/2024 12/15/2024 3/25/2025 3/25/2025 12/15/2025 12/15/2025 1/13/2026 1/13/2026
21,920,000 (21,920,000) 10,500,000 (10,500,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 3,100,000 (3,100,000) 5,900,000 (5,900,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 1,400,000 (1,400,000) 6,600,000 (6,600,000) 14,660,000 (14,660,000)
29,302,658 (29,596,868) 14,036,401 (14,721,874) 2,174,978 (2,221,899) 4,144,080 (4,269,979) 7,887,121 (8,478,387) 2,221,899 (2,370,990) 1,555,329 (1,652,555) 5,082,005 (5,573,100) 19,597,489 (20,556,320)
Derivatives Interest Rate Swap BWU00FP15 IRS JPY RV 06M LIBOR Interset Rate Swap BWU00FP15 IRS JPY PF 0.30 Interest Rate Swap BWU00IF28 IRS EUR RV 06M EURIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00IF28 IRS EUR PF 1.10 Interest Rate Swap BWU00IF36 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00IF36 IRS GBP PF 1.90 Interest Rate Swap BWU00IGE1 IRS JPY RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00IGE1 IRS JPY PF 0.30 Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5D7 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5D7 IRS GBP PF 1.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5D7 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5D7 IRS GBP PF 1.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00F0Z7 IRS JPY RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00F0Z7 IRS JPY PF 1.50 Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5E5 IRS GBP RV 06M LIBOR Interest Rate Swap BWU00H5E5 IRS GBP PF 1.75 Inflation Linked Receive Floating / Pay Fixed Inflation Linked Swap SWU015W83 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU015W83 IRS EUR PF 0.27 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09TX90 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09TX90 IRS EUR PF 0.305 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0ILSF9 IRS USD RV 00M CPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0ILSF9 IRS USD PF 1.56 Inflation Linked Swap SWU023R26 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU023R26 IRS USD PF 2.415 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0GC848 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0GC848 IRS USD PF 1.70 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0GC830 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0GC830 IRS USD PF 1.715 Inflation Linked Swap SWU023GK8 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU023GK8 IRS USD PF 2.25 Inflation Linked Swap SWU023GF9 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU023GF9 IRS USD PF 2.25 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PX80 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PX80 IRS EUR PF 0.29 Inflation Linked Swap SWU023D70 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU023D70 IRS USD PF 2.085 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FV35 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FV35 IRS EUR PF 0.57 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZH11 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZH11 IRS EUR PF 0.55 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FV27 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FV27 IRS EUR PF 0.58 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZE14 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZE14 IRS EUR PF 0.54 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FV19 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FV19 IRS EUR PF 0.58 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZE22 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZE22 IRS EUR PF 0.525 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0B0708 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0B0708 IRS USD PF 1.58 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0C2018 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0C2018 IRS USD PF 1.565 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WZ83 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WZ83 IRS EUR PF 0.655 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09BR13 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09BR13 IRS EUR PF 0.44 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KA86 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KA86 IRS EUR PF 0.42 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WR58 IRS EUR R V 12MCPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WR58 IRS EUR PF 0.47 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KT78 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KT78 IRS EUR PF 0.64 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KH97 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KH97 IRS EUR PF 0.61 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZG12 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZG12 IRS EUR PF 0.6225 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZD23 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09ZD23 IRS EUR PF 0.625 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09JN10 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09JN10 IRS EUR PF 0.65
Maturity Date 3/18/2026 3/18/2026 5/20/2026 5/20/2026 5/18/2026 5/18/2026 5/25/2026 5/25/2026 9/21/2026 9/21/2026 9/21/2026 9/21/2026 12/21/2045 12/21/2045 3/15/2047 3/15/2047
Contracts/Par Value 1,490,000,000 (1,490,000,000) 430,000 (430,000) 5,700,000 (5,700,000) 190,000,000 (190,000,000) 2,400,000 (2,400,000) 2,800,000 (2,800,000) 140,000,000 (140,000,000) 1,800,000 (1,800,000)
Base Market Value 14,523,833 (15,034,186) 477,708 (484,919) 7,619,761 (7,811,683) 1,852,032 (1,875,413) 3,208,320 (3,357,506) 3,743,040 (3,917,090) 1,364,655 (1,912,162) 2,406,240 (2,736,327)
8/15/2016 8/15/2016 9/15/2016 9/15/2016 11/5/2016 11/5/2016 2/12/2017 2/12/2017 4/15/2017 4/15/2017 4/15/2017 4/15/2017 7/15/2017 7/15/2017 7/15/2017 7/15/2017 8/15/2017 8/15/2017 10/11/2017 10/11/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 10/15/2017 5/23/2018 5/23/2018 6/7/2018 6/7/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 8/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 9/15/2018
15,700,000 (15,700,000) 13,100,000 (13,100,000) 10,300,000 (10,300,000) 500,000 (500,000) 10,000 (10,000) 190,000 (190,000) 5,500,000 (5,500,000) 19,900,000 (19,900,000) 11,300,000 (11,300,000) 3,800,000 (3,800,000) 100,000 (100,000) 400,000 (400,000) 600,000 (600,000) 600,000 (600,000) 800,000 (800,000) 1,100,000 (1,100,000) 1,900,000 (1,900,000) 1,000,000 (1,000,000) 400,000 (400,000) 2,600,000 (2,600,000) 6,900,000 (6,900,000) 12,600,000 (12,600,000) 300,000 (300,000) 400,000 (400,000) 500,000 (500,000) 500,000 (500,000) 600,000 (600,000)
17,367,051 (17,441,906) 14,513,868 (14,553,437) 10,133,348 (10,300,000) 474,217 (500,000) 10,036 (10,000) 190,654 (190,000) 5,191,919 (5,500,000) 18,785,308 (19,900,000) 12,546,310 (12,553,728) 3,655,689 (3,800,000) 110,469 (111,095) 442,055 (444,380) 662,679 (666,570) 663,218 (666,570) 883,571 (888,760) 1,216,270 (1,222,044) 1,898,638 (1,900,000) 999,530 (1,000,000) 440,829 (444,380) 2,884,413 (2,888,468) 7,659,474 (7,665,551) 13,965,467 (13,997,963) 330,790 (333,285) 441,463 (444,380) 551,615 (555,475) 551,573 (555,475) 661,376 (666,570)
Derivatives Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KH71 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09KH71 IRS EUR PF 0.605 Inflation Linked Swap SWU023D05 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU023D05 IRS USD PF 2.205 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09VH69 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09VH69 IRS EUR PF 0.68 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09XT13 IRS EUR RV 12MC PTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09XT13 IRS EUR PF 0.65 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09VH85 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09VH85 IRS EUR PF 0.65 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR12 IRS EUR RV 00M HICP Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR12 IRS EUR PF 0.74 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR38 IRS EUR RV 00M HICP Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR38 IRS EUR PF 0.71 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR61 IRS EUR RV 00M HICP Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR61 IRS EUR PF 0.70 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR87 IRS EUR RV 00M HICP Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PR87 IRS EUR PF 0.66 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0IS007 IRS EUR RV 00M HICP Inflation Linked Swap SWU0IS007 IRS EUR PF 0.9925 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0BN674 IRS EUR RV 00M HICP Inflation Linked Swap SWU0BN674 IRS EUR PF 0.99 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09Z159 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09Z159 IRS EUR PF 0.80625 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PT51 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PT51 IRS EUR PF 0.875 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PZ13 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09PZ13 IRS EUR PF 0.875 Inflation Linked Swap SWU029865 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU029865 IRS USD PF 1.4925 Inflation Linked Swap SWU036XW5 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU036XW5 IRS USD PF 2.50 Inflation Linked Swap SWU036XX3 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU036XX3 IRS USD PF 2.50 Inflation Linked Swap SWU036VE7 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU036VE7 IRS USD PF 2.50 Inflation Linked Swap SWU028859 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU028859 IRS USD PF 2.56 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0AM446 IRS USD RV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0AM446 IRS USD PF 1.73 Inflation Linked Swap SWU091FG5 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU091FG5 IRS EUR PF 1.09 Inflation Linked Swap SWU092FK4 IRS EUR RV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU092FK4 IRS EUR PF 1.09 Inflation Linked - Receive Fixed / Pay Floating Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FT12 IRS EUR RF 0.83 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09FT12 IRS EUR PV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU058W91 IRS EUR RF 0.83 Inflation Linked Swap SWU058W91 IRS EUR PV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU00IQ00 IRS BRL RF 12.60 Inflation Linked Swap SWU00IQ00 IRS BRL PV 01M CETIP Inflation Linked Swap SWU0KB092 IRS USD RF 2.0625 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0KB092 IRS USD PV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0GG088 IRS USD RF 2.06 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0GG088 IRS USD PV 12M USCPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU095X92 IRS EUR RF 1.675 Inflation Linked Swap SWU095X92 IRS EUR PV 12M FRCPX Inflation Linked Swap SWU059Z13 IRS EUR RF 1.1775 Inflation Linked Swap SWU059Z13 IRS EUR PV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU058W83 IRS EUR RF 1.1775 Inflation Linked Swap SWU058W83 IRS EUR PV 12M CPTFE Inflation Linked Swap SWU09RT08 IRS GBP RF 3.14 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09RT08 IRS GBP PV 00M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09RT08 IRS GBP RF 3.14 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09RT08 IRS GBP PV 00M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU018X03 IRS GBP RF 3.32 Inflation Linked Swap SWU018X03 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU028X93 IRS GBP RF 3.35 Inflation Linked Swap SWU028X93 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU095X68 IRS GBP RF 3.40 Inflation Linked Swap SWU095X68 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI
Maturity Date 9/15/2018 9/15/2018 10/11/2018 10/11/2018 10/15/2018 10/15/2018 10/15/2018 10/15/2018 10/15/2018 10/15/2018 1/26/2020 1/26/2020 1/29/2020 1/29/2020 1/30/2020 1/30/2020 1/30/2020 1/30/2020 3/30/2020 3/30/2020 3/31/2020 3/31/2020 4/15/2021 4/15/2021 5/15/2021 5/15/2021 5/15/2021 5/15/2021 6/30/2021 6/30/2021 7/15/2022 7/15/2022 7/15/2022 7/15/2022 7/15/2022 7/15/2022 5/8/2023 5/8/2023 8/26/2025 8/26/2025 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026 6/15/2026
Contracts/Par Value 900,000 (900,000) 3,000,000 (3,000,000) 500,000 (500,000) 600,000 (600,000) 1,600,000 (1,600,000) 5,000,000 (5,000,000) 4,900,000 (4,900,000) 4,500,000 (4,500,000) 11,000,000 (11,000,000) 20,200,000 (20,200,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 3,200,000 (3,200,000) 2,400,000 (2,400,000) 2,800,000 (2,800,000) 7,000,000 (7,000,000) 2,000,000 (2,000,000) 4,900,000 (4,900,000) 11,300,000 (11,300,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 600,000 (600,000) 500,000 (500,000)
Base Market Value 993,445 (999,854) 2,845,076 (3,000,000) 550,986 (555,475) 661,798 (666,570) 1,764,795 (1,777,519) 5,470,260 (5,554,747) 5,369,402 (5,443,652) 4,933,698 (4,999,272) 12,085,693 (12,220,443) 21,899,137 (22,441,178) 2,168,525 (2,221,899) 3,546,273 (3,555,038) 2,654,570 (2,666,279) 3,096,998 (3,110,658) 7,032,961 (7,000,000) 1,740,490 (2,000,000) 4,264,201 (4,900,000) 9,833,770 (11,300,000) 1,813,071 (2,100,000) 2,066,030 (2,100,000) 662,274 (666,570) 551,895 (555,475)
5/15/2018 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 5/15/2018 1/4/2021 1/4/2021 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 5/12/2025 6/15/2025 6/15/2025 5/15/2026 5/15/2026 5/15/2026 5/15/2026 1/14/2030 1/14/2030 1/14/2030 1/14/2030 5/15/2030 5/15/2030 5/15/2030 5/15/2030 6/15/2030 6/15/2030
3,200,000 (3,200,000) 3,700,000 (3,700,000) 6,200,000 (6,200,000) 5,600,000 (5,600,000) 10,100,000 (10,100,000) 11,900,000 (11,900,000) 600,000 (600,000) 700,000 (700,000) 1,930,000 (1,930,000) 2,120,000 (2,120,000) 800,000 (800,000) 2,100,000 (2,100,000) 100,000 (100,000)
3,552,283 (3,555,038) 4,107,327 (4,110,513) 1,977,186 (1,935,232) 5,874,383 (5,600,000) 10,592,084 (10,100,000) 14,310,661 (13,220,298) 676,066 (666,570) 788,744 (777,665) 2,717,735 (2,580,024) 2,985,284 (2,834,016) 1,151,579 (1,069,440) 3,040,571 (2,807,280) 145,557 (133,680)
Derivatives Inflation Linked Swap SWU095X76 IRS GBP RF 3.40 Inflation Linked Swap SWU095X76 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU019G18 IRS GBP RF 3.40 Inflation Linked Swap SWU019G18 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WX44 IRS GBP RF 3.325 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WX44 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WZ75 IRS GBP RF 3.3625 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WZ75 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WX51 IRS GBP RF 3.325 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09WX51 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0NC261 IRS GBP RF 3.30 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0NC261 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0NC212 IRS GBP RF 3.30 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0NC212 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU0NC220 IRS GBP RF 3.30 Inflation Linked Swap SWU0NC220 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09NN37 IRS GBP RF 3.30 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09NN37 IRS GBP PV 12M UKRPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU018W12 IRS GBP RF 3.306 Inflation Linked Swap SWU018W12 IRS GBP PV 00M RPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU019E10 IRS GBP RF 3.335 Inflation Linked Swap SWU019E10 IRS GBP PV 00M CPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09OBQ7 IRS GBP RF 3.53 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09OBQ7 IRS GBP PV 00M RPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09OBP9 IRS GBP RF 3.53 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09OBP9 IRS GBP PV 00M RPI Inflation Linked Swap SWU09OCM5 IRS GBP RF 3.45 Inflation Linked Swap SWU09OCM5 IRS GBP PV 00M RPI Total Derivatives
Maturity Date 6/15/2030 6/15/2030 6/15/2030 6/15/2030 8/15/2030 8/15/2030 8/15/2030 8/15/2030 8/15/2030 8/15/2030 11/15/2030 11/15/2030 11/15/2030 11/15/2030 11/15/2030 11/15/2030 12/15/2030 12/15/2030 4/8/2035 4/8/2035 4/15/2035 4/15/2035 12/15/2044 12/15/2044 12/15/2044 12/15/2044 12/15/2044 12/15/2044
Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash/Cash collateral Australia and New Zealand Banking Group - fx collateral Bank of America - futures collateral Bank of America - futures collateral Bank of America - swap COC Bank of America - swap COC Bank of America - swap COC Bank of America Merrill Lynch - swap COC Barclays Bank - swap COC Barclays Bank - swap COC Barclays Capital, Inc. - collateral BNP Paribas - swap BOC BNP Paribas - swap BOC BNP Paribas - swap BOC CCBOSHUS6 BANK OF AMERICA CCPC CCBPSDUS2 FWBC BNP CCMSCZUS2 CCPC COC EQUITY CCPC CCFOBHUS0 COC CCPC CCFOBHUS0 COC CCPC CSFB CCFOBCUS1 CCPC CSFB CCFOBCUS1 Citibank - swap BOC Citibank - swap BOC Citibank - swap BOC Citibank - swap BOC Citibank - swap COC Citibank - swap COC Citibank - swap COC Citigroup - swap COC Credit Suisse - swap COC Credit Suisse SEC (USD) LLC Credit Suisse SEC (USD) LLC Deutsche Bank - swap BOC Deutsche Bank - swap BOC Deutsche Bank - swap BOC Deutsche Bank - swap BOC Deutsche Bank - swap BOC Deutsche Bank - swap COC Deutsche Bank - swap COC Deutsche Bank - swap COC Deutsche Bank - swap COC Deutsche Bank - swap COC
Contracts/Par Value 110,000 (110,000) 6,500,000 (6,500,000) 100,000 (100,000) 1,800,000 (1,800,000) 3,300,000 (3,300,000) 210,000 (210,000) 760,000 (760,000) 1,199,000 (1,199,000) 1,900,000 (1,900,000) 4,600,000 (4,600,000) 500,000 (500,000) 100,000 (100,000) 100,000 (100,000) 100,000 (100,000)
Base Market Value 160,113 (147,048) 9,461,208 (8,689,201) 142,988 (133,680) 2,592,676 (2,406,240) 4,718,607 (4,411,440) 296,675 (280,728) 1,073,681 (1,015,968) 1,693,873 (1,602,823) 2,679,641 (2,539,920) 6,643,652 (6,149,280) 728,087 (668,400) 171,885 (133,680) 171,885 (133,680) 165,410 (133,680) (62,716,360) Base Market Value (420,000) 1,679,000 822,000 580,000 1,010,000 1,552,000 330,000 320,000 280,000 (260,000) (290,000) (690,000) 2,930,000 552,000 (4,910,000) 502,000 1,602,000 226,000 742,000 7,000 (2,000,000) 840,000 (3,250,000) (800,000) 3,960,000 (320,000) 410,000 1,320,000 770,000 (270,000) (370,000) (620,000) 3,424,437 (5,765,895) (130,000) (500,000) 7,913,872 (89,166) 4,360,000 (680,000) 820,000
Cash and Cash Equivalents Forwards - USD COC Forwards Standard Charter Bank Futures - USD Citi Cash Goldman Sachs - swap COC Goldman Sachs Bank USA - COC Goldman Sachs Bank USA - COC Goldman Sachs Bank USA - COC HSBC - swap COC HSBC - swap COC HSBC - swap COC ILTRS Custom Cash Adjustment J.P. Morgan - swap COC J.P. Morgan - swap COC J.P. Morgan - swap COC Morgan Stanley - cash BOC Morgan Stanley - cash BOC Morgan Stanley - cash BOC Morgan Stanley - for MSF cash collateral Morgan Stanley - MSF cash collateral Morgan Stanley - MSF cash collateral Morgan Stanley - swap BOC Morgan Stanley - swap COC Morgan Stanley - swap COC Morgan Stanley - swap COC Morgan Stanley Capital Services - BOC Morgan Stanley Capital Services - BOC Morgan Stanley Capital Services - BOC Morgan Stanley Capital Services - BOC Morgan Stanley Co. International - swap collateral National Australian Bank - cash National Australian Bank - cash Nomura - BOC FWBC Nomura Global - BOC RBS - TBA cash collateral BOCC RBS - TBA cash collateral COCC SLH Open Position Net Asset Societe Generale - swap BOC Societe Genrale - COC Standard Charter - BOC Standard Charter Bank - swap Standard Charter Bank - swap Standard Charter Bank - swap BOCOC Standard Charter Bank - swap BOCOC State Street Bank & Trust Co. Short Term Investment Fund SWCC CCSCXIUS6 COC TD Bank - COC U.S. dollar UBS - swap BOC UBS - swap BOC UBS Securities - MSF cash collateral
Base Market Value 250,000 670,000 155,000 560,000 3,010,000 360,000 460,000 1,720,000 680,000 1,230,000 1,295,216 2,174,000 1,950,000 2,100,000 560,000 320,000 (10,000) (390,000) (320,000) (250,000) (330,000) 1,233,000 370,000 30,000 (970,000) (130,000) 60,000 280,000 980,000 (610,000) (1,250,000) (290,000) (580,000) (20,000) 360,000 23,523 (480,000) 310,000 330,000 1,010,000 (470,000) 550,000 (600,000) 935,274,279 370,000 260,000 84,240,519 (270,000) (360,000) (250,000) Moody's Quality Rating Aa3
Rate 0.9339
Commercial Paper Bank of Tokyo - MTBSHI L National Securities Clearing Corp. Nationwide Life Insurance Co. Nationwide Life Insurance Co. Pfizer, Inc. Power Authority of the State of New York Power Authority of the State of New York W.W. Grainger, Inc.
P-1 P-1 P-1 P-1 P-1 P-1 P-1 P-1
Discount Notes Federal Home Loan discount note Federal Home Loan discount note
CD Bank of Nova Scotia
Repurchase Agreement Repurchase agreement - BC Repo Repurchase agreement - BC Repo Total Cash and Cash Equivalents
Maturity Date 2/23/2017
Par Value 10,000,000
Market Value 9,999,920
0.39 1 0.01 0.01 0.45 1 1 0.01
7/5/2016 7/7/2016 7/13/2016 7/13/2016 7/25/2016 7/11/2016 7/11/2016 7/18/2016
3,500,000 18,170,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 1,500,000 3,200,000 21,000,000
3,500,000 18,168,789 3,998,400 5,999,000 4,996,165 1,499,700 3,199,600 20,996,133
P-1 P-1
0.33 0.1
8/15/2016 7/1/2016
800,000 1,600,000
799,655 1,599,996
Aaa Aaa
0.75 0.75
7/1/2016 7/1/2016
500,000 1,000,000
500,000 1,000,000 1,127,440,142
Foreign Currency Australian dollar Brazilian real Canadian dollar Chilean peso Colombian peso Czech koruna Danish krone Egyptian pound Euro Ghana cedi Hong Kong dollar Hungarian forint Indian rupee Indonesian rupiah Japanese yen Malaysian ringgit Mexican peso Moroccan dirham New Israeli sheqel New Taiwan dollar New Zealand dollar Norwegian krone Philippine peso Polish zloty Pound sterling Qatari rial Serbian dinar Singapore dollar South African rand South Korean won Sri Lanka rupee Swedish krona Swiss franc Thailand baht Turkish lira Ukrainian hryvna United Arab Emirates dirham Yuan renminbi Total Foreign Currency
Total Investments at June 30, 2016
Base Market Value 4,132,773 1,346,206 3,599,362 261,336 707,919 1,815 1,612,466 330,126 25,035,699 12,880 1,101,305 116,355 1,355,970 234,519 20,028,327 725,997 1,316,241 506 376,405 4,738,550 266,715 1,903,949 90,432 107,158 11,542,003 2,759 449,995 1,025,398 3,014,466 2,589,647 1,716 823,957 4,396,219 8,323,119 1,736,964 (93,991) 4,208 0 103,219,472