Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (2024)

The step function is one of most useful functions in MATLAB for control design. Given a system representation, the response to a step input can be immediately plotted, without need to actually solve for the time response analytically. A step input can be described as a change in the input from zero to a finite value at time t = 0. By default, the step command performs a unit step (i.e. the input goes from zero to one at time t = 0). The basic syntax for calling the step function is the following, where sys is a defined LTI object.



  • Changing the magnitude of the step
  • Specifying the time scale
  • Saving the response
  • Step response of discrete-time systems

This command will produce a series of step response plots, all on the same figure. A plot will be made for each input and output combination. Most systems you will come across in the beginning will be SISO or Single-Input, Single-Output. In this case, there will be only one plot generated. However, the step command can also accept MIMO, Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output, systems.

For example, suppose you want to model a mechanical system consisting of a mass, spring, and damper, with an applied force. You can derive the transfer function shown below. You wish to see what the system response to unit step input is (an applied force of 1N). To model this, enter the following code into a new m-file. Running this script in the MATLAB command window will generate a plot like the one shown below.

 M = 1; % units of kg K = 10; % units of N/m B = 2; % units of N-s/m num = 1; den = [M B K]; sys = tf(num,den) step(sys);
sys = 1 -------------- s^2 + 2 s + 10 Continuous-time transfer function.

Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (1)

This figure shows the output response, which is the position of the mass. You can see that in steady-state the mass has moved 0.1 meters (the spring force balances the applied force). The system is underdamped and has overshoot.

Further details regarding the use of the step command for more advanced situations are given below.

Changing the magnitude of the step

So far, we have only dealt with unit step inputs. Suppose the input to our system was not 1 Newton, but in fact 100 Newtons. The step command can accommodate this by multiplying the system by 100 (since we are only dealing with linear systems). For the example above, this is achieved with the following code, which generates the plot shown below.


Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (2)

The plot looks similar to the one above it except that it has been scaled vertically by a factor of 100.

Specifying the time scale

The step response for any LTI object can be plotted with a user-supplied time vector. This vector will specify the time interval over which the step response will be calculated. If the vector is spaced at small time intervals, the plot will look smoother. Specifcally, a specified time vector can be supplied via the second input to the function as shown below.


In the above two plots, only the first 6 seconds of the response are shown. Suppose that the first 10 seconds need to be displayed. A time vector can be created to compute the step response over this range. Adding the following commands to your m-file and running will generate the figure shown below.


Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (3)

As you can see, the plot goes for 10 seconds.

Saving the response

The final note about the step command is that all of the above variations can be used with lefthand arguments. There are two ways to invoke the lefthand arguments, depending on whether or not the time vector was supplied to the step command.

[y,t] = step(sys);


[y,t] = step(sys,t);

If the system is in state-space form, then the time histories of the internal states can also be returned.

[y,t,x] = step(sys);

The y vector contains the output response. It has as many columns as outputs and as many rows as elements in the time vector, t. The x vector contains the state response. It has as many columns as states and as many rows as elements in the time vector, t. When used with lefthand arguments, no plot is drawn when the step function is called. You will usually want to put a semicolon after the step command when you invoke it with lefthand arguments; otherwise, MATLAB will print out the entire output, state, and time vectors to the command window. You can plot the output response using plot(t,y) and the state response using plot(t,x).

Step response of discrete-time systems

If the system under consideration is a discrete-time system, step will plot the output as piecewise constant. If the sampling time is unspecified, the output time scale will be in samples. If the sampling time is specified, the time scale will be in seconds. Consider the following example.

num = 1;den = [1 0.5];Ts = 0.1;sys = tf(num,den,Ts)step(sys)
sys = 1 ------- z + 0.5 Sample time: 0.1 secondsDiscrete-time transfer function.

Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (4)

Published with MATLAB® 9.2

Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink (2024)


Is MATLAB Simulink hard to learn? ›

Although Matlab is not considered to be a programming language, it really is easy to learn. When you write code on Matlab you actually don't care about declaring data types, allocating memories e.t.c like you do in other programming languages.

Which engineers use MATLAB the most? ›

Mechanical engineers of Design and manufacturing field use MATLAB and Simulink heavily.

How much time does it take to learn MATLAB? ›

If you're a novice programmer, you can expect it to take like 4 weeks than if you were a more seasoned programmer. Someone who can afford to devote all their time to MATLAB can finish learning the language in two weeks. If you have a lot of other responsibilities, however, it will take you longer to complete.

Does anyone still use MATLAB? ›

As of May 2022, LinkedIn searches return about 7.6 million Python users and 4.1 million MATLAB users. People who do not work in engineering or science are often surprised to learn how widespread MATLAB is adopted, including: Millions of users in colleges and universities. Thousands of startups.

Is MATLAB harder than Python? ›

Learning curve: Python is significantly simpler than Matlab and doesn't require as much background knowledge. Matlab is structured in a very logical and comprehensible way but is aimed at users with a deep knowledge of math.

What is the salary of MATLAB Simulink engineer? ›

Average Annual Salary
Engineering - Software & QA Matlab Simulink Developer Salary 1 - 4 years exp.₹4.3 Lakhs ₹2.9 L/yr - ₹8.1 L/yr
Project & Program Management Matlab Simulink Developer Salary 3 years exp.₹6.8 Lakhs ₹6.1 L/yr - ₹7.8 L/yr
3 more rows
Jun 28, 2024

Does NASA use MATLAB? ›

Scientists use a MATLAB and Simulink based simulator maintained by NASA's Ames Research Center to verify algorithms before testing them aboard the space station. They visualize the results of SPHERES experiments using Simulink 3D Animation™.

Is MATLAB or Python better for mechanical engineering? ›

While MATLAB has Simulink for graphical programming and simulation, Python offers libraries such as SimPy for event-based simulation and Modelica (via PyModelica) for modeling and simulation of complex systems. The functionality might not be as integrated as Simulink, but Python provides powerful alternatives.

Why do engineers use MATLAB instead of Python? ›

MATLAB is platform independent and its roots lie in numerical computing. Like Python it is intuitive and easy to use, and its Simulink toolbox provides a rich visual platform to manipulate data graphically and model and visualize block diagrams easily.

Is MATLAB enough for a job? ›

Conclusion. The industry has some familiar buzz that learning MATLAB will not be a good opportunity for a better career. But this is not fully true. Yes, it is an acceptable reason that salary or company structure will never be able to touch available popular jobs on other programming technologies.

Is MATLAB in high demand? ›

It is an essential tool for engineers, data analysts, scientists, and researchers who work with large amounts of data. In today's job market, the demand for professionals with MATLAB skills is on the rise, and many employers prefer candidates who have experience working with MATLAB.

Can I learn MATLAB on my own? ›

MATLAB's official website provides comprehensive resources, including documentation, tutorials, and examples. The MATLAB documentation covers all aspects of the language and its various toolboxes. It's an excellent starting point for learning MATLAB from scratch.

Is there anything better than MATLAB? ›

GNU Octave

If you are looking for anything closer to Matlab in terms of compatibility and computational ability, then Octave is the best Matlab alternative. Most of the projects developed for Matlab run on Octave too.

Can Python fully replace MATLAB? ›

For all of these reasons, and many more, Python is an excellent choice to replace MATLAB as your programming language of choice. Now that you're convinced to try out Python, read on to find out how to get it on your computer and how to switch from MATLAB! Note: GNU Octave is a free and open-source clone of MATLAB.

Is MATLAB useful in 2024? ›

Mathematical Power

MATLAB excels in matrices and array manipulation and handles complex data structures easily. It also allows you to create 2D & 3D models with good graphics. Plus, it helps you seamlessly sail through linear algebra, from algebraic equations to statistics.

Is Simulink better than MATLAB? ›

Simulink blocks provide a visual representation of your system, which can help you to verify its logic and behavior. On the other hand, MATLAB code requires you to write and edit text commands, which can be more complex and error-prone.

Is MATLAB easy for beginners? ›

MATLAB® is not hard to learn if you go for any professional course. It is ideal for engineering graduates and IT professionals willing to develop MATLAB® skills in their related fields.

Is MATLAB Simulink useful? ›

Simulink is particularly helpful in two stages of our development process. Early on, it helps us try new ideas and visualize how they will work. After generating code and conducting in-vehicle tests, we can run multiple simulations, refine the design, and regenerate code for the next iteration.”

Is MATLAB coding hard? ›

if someones struggling the only response is to get good at it then lol, instead of facing the fact that matlab is the hardest language I've ever learned and incredibly different from most other languages that picking it up from zero expirience to alot of expirience can be hard especially when its not formally taught in ...


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